Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!

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By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren finally began his long-awaited battle with Frieza! At first, both fighters appeared to be on an even field. Suddenly Frieza demonstrated more of his telekinetic powers on Oren. Meanwhile in Otherworld, Oren's friends were confident that their friend would use the Kaio-Ken times ten on the Galactic Emperor. But King Kai revealed that Oren had already been using the Kaio-Ken times ten the whole time! Left out of options, Oren decided now or never, and fired a Kamehameha with the added boost of the Kaio-Ken times twenty! Unfortunately, Oren's attack did little to Frieza. Will Oren's efforts be for nothing?


Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!


Ruby and the others looked on in shock at the sight of Frieza. They couldn't believe that he could survive a full powered Kamehameha powered with the Kaio-Ken.

"Th-This is madness!" Weiss cried out.

"This man is a monster...!" Pyrrha muttered.

Piccolo growled in anger.

"Damn," Piccolo cursed. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but King Kai was right. We never should've gotten involved with Frieza!" Piccolo growled.

Oren looked up at Frieza with both arms extended from his previous attack. Shocked at the fact that Frieza managed to block a Kaio-Ken infused Kamehameha.


Oren then began to slowly float towards the ground as he felt that he barely had any energy left. Frieza looked at Oren with a look combined with pain and fury. Glancing down at his right hand, he saw that it was scorched and burnt.

'No one, has EVER pushed my own body to this extremity before!' Frieza thought.

Frieza then began to shake violently in anger as he clenched his hands and looked at Oren.

"Grr! Filthy Saiyan!" Frieza growled, before flying down to the ground.

Oren tried his best to get into a fighting stance, but with his energy nearly drained, he felt as though he would pass out any minute. Frieza landed onto the ground with a thud and glared hatefully in Oren's direction.

"That hurt!" Frieza growled. "THAT REALLY HURT!!" Frieza shrieked with rage, dashing towards Oren.

Oren hunched forward, nearing the edge of collapse. As Frieza neared, Oren's vision began to fade. However. Just as Frieza threw a kick, Oren felt his body move on its own volition! Almost as if it moved instinctively on its own. Frieza's eyes widened in shock as Oren quickly dodged Frieza's attack.

"WHAT?!" Frieza exclaimed.

Oren then turned around and attempted to roundhouse kick Frieza, who dodged and jumped into the air. Oren then jumped after Frieza and both fighters began to unleash a flurry of punches and kicks at rapid speeds. During their bout, Frieza felt himself getting angrier and angrier.

"Filthy! Inferior! MONKEY!" Frieza growled with each syllable. After his last word, Frieza raised both arms upwards and brought them onto Oren's head, sending him crashing to the ground.

Getting up from the rubble, Oren saw Frieza slowly descending back onto the ground with both arms crossed.

"That rather caught me off guard," Frieza remarked. "Is it safe to assume that you have your fight back?" Frieza mockingly asked.

Oren groaned in pain as he got up to his feet.

"Too bad there's still the Saiyan thing working against you," Frieza smirked, watching Oren struggle to stand up. "Inferior life forms such as yourself are so easy to anticipate. Right down to their last desperate breath of life." Frieza smiled.

Frieza then brought up his right index finger and fired a thin beam into Oren's left shoulder. Despite the thinness of the beam, it still pushed Oren back with a force of a truck. Oren groaned and placed a hand onto his shoulder, only for Frieza to fire another blast at Oren. Frieza began to fire multiple small Ki blasts at Oren, similar to the attack he did to Piccolo. After one last Ki blast, Oren was knocked back a few feet.

"Oho ho ho! Are you ready to throw in the towel, Saiyan?" Frieza mocked. "Would death be a welcome reprieve? I could arrange that, if you like?" Frieza smirked.

Oren said nothing as he stood up. Oren hunched over as his arms dangled at his sides, his breaths long and labored. Clenching his right fist, he concentrated his Ki into an energy ball and flung it towards Frieza. The Galactic Tyrant effortlessly swatted his attack away towards nearby mountains, causing a massive explosion. Oren groaned.

'Damn. That really wasn't the greatest idea,' Oren thought. 'Matter of fact, that Kaio-Ken times twenty seriously drained my energy!'

Frieza began to slowly approach Oren.

"Heh! What modest powers the Saiyan race does, or rather, did possess, was utterly wasted on them," Frieza chuckled. "My wholesale slaughter of the lot was a mercy in the grand scheme of things. Wouldn't you agree?" Frieza asked.

Oren slowly bowed his head and closed his eyes.

'I-I. I'm done for, I'm afraid,' Oren thought, giving up his will to fight.

Oren prepared himself for his inevitable fate. When all of a sudden, Oren heard a disembodied voice call out to him, trying to get his attention.

"Tato! How DARE you give up!" The voice yelled. "You're a Saiyan Prince! Take some pride in your heritage!" The voice said, attempting to give Oren the will to fight.

Oren's eyes opened. He recognized that voice, it was Vegeta! Oren didn't dare look behind him, but he spoke up as though Vegeta were next to him.

"I-I'm NOT a Saiyan like you Vegeta," Oren replied.

"Please. Stop trying to convince yourself otherwise!" Vegeta scoffed. "You personify our race!"

Oren shook his head in irritation.

"Just stop," Oren interrupted. "Even together we..."

At that moment, Oren's eyes widened. Vegeta was dead, he buried him himself. Turning around to look in the direction of Vegeta's grave, Oren found that he was no longer on Namek, but in an endless purple void. Turning back, Oren saw Vegeta standing before him.

"The blood in your veins. That perfect instinct for battle," Vegeta started. "There's no denying what you are. Reach down deep. Feel the pain of those of us who fell little brother. Your kinsmen were all decimated; your home world lost. Does it not enrage you, to stand before the man responsible for driving our race into extinction!"

Oren stood in silence.

"Our father, our family. Both gone," Vegeta said. Turning around, Vegeta's visage turned into that of when he was a child. "Dead. Killed by him, lord Frieza!" The young Vegeta spoke.

Flashes of King Vegeta's death, and the death of the other Saiyan's of Planet Vegeta flashed within Oren's mind.

"You and Fasha are the last of our kind Tato," Vegeta spoke. "Our royal bloodline, and everything we are now survives only in YOU." Vegeta said.

Vegeta then changed back into his previous appearance.

"And he won't stop until every trace of that has vanished. Because he's been haunted every day and night by a single overriding fear," Vegeta said, before his visage turned into his Oozaru form. "THAT THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN WILL RISE UP FROM THE ASHES TO OBLITERATE HIM!" Vegeta's Oozaru form boomed.

Oren then saw Vegeta turn back to his original appearance, then a man who looked exactly like Vegeta appeared next to him. Soon, every Saiyan man, women, and child appeared before him.

"I dreamt. I yearned to be the one to avenge us!" Everyone spoke in perfect unison. "Yet he battered and broke me just as he did the others. You cannot know the torment I died in!"

Vegeta then walked next to him, placing his hand upon Oren's shoulder.

"Unless you're the one to finish this. Then we'll be lost. Lost to the memory of time." Vegeta said, before disappearing.

(End Song)

Oren stood silent and felt tears streaming down his face. Wiping his face, Oren looked at his fist, then back at Frieza before him.

"I Will," Oren said. His will to fight fully restored. "For the sake of all the Saiyan's he killed, and everyone else he made suffer! I'll avenge them all!" Oren said to himself.

Frieza continued to walk towards Oren yet stopped when he saw him do something unexpected. He saw Oren raise both his arms up to the sky. Raising an eyebrow, Frieza asked: "What...are you doing exactly?"

Oren said nothing, as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

'All things living on Planet Namek,' Oren said to himself. 'And any surrounding planets that can hear me! Lend me as much energy as you can... Give me the strength I need to make a Spirit Bomb!'

From afar, Jaune's eyes widened.

"W-Wait, I know what he's doing!" Jaune exclaimed.

Everyone turned to look at Jaune and asked what he meant.

"It's the Spirit Bomb!" Jaune explained. "The attack that me and Ruby helped used on Vegeta!"

Frieza was getting more irritated by Oren doing nothing.

"Is this another of your tricks?" Frieza asked. "What could you possible accomplish by just standing there!"

Meanwhile, on the nearby planets, small speckles of blue energy were being sent out by every last foreign plant and creature. All of the energy gathered, has been formed into a growing blue orb outside of Planet Namek's surface. Oren continued to keep his arms raised whilst in deep concentration. All the while, Frieza stood in front of Oren with an annoyed scowl on his face. Meanwhile, Oren's friends felt a tremendous foreign power radiating from an unknown location.

"W-What IS that?" Piccolo wondered. "What the Hell are we sensing?"

Ruby felt this power too and found that it was originating from the sky. Upon looking up, her eyes shrunk.

"G-Guy's..." Ruby trembled, gaining everyone's attention. "Look up th-there!" Ruby said, pointing up.

Looking into the sky, everyone stood wide eyed at the spectacle before them. Floating in the sky was a large blue ball of Ki the size of a small moon!

"TH-THAT'S the Spirit Bomb!" Weiss exclaimed.

"It's massive!" Pyrrha replied back.

"B-But It was tiny back on Remnant," Jaune said. "Is this the power of the nearby planets?" Jaune wondered.

An idea came to Fasha in that moment.

"Wait," Fasha spoke. "Frieza can't sense energy, which means Tato has the element of surprise!" Fasha explained.

Frieza felt his patience slipping with each passing minute.

"Grr! This is beyond preposterous!" Frieza scowled. "How long do you intend to just stand there and do nothing!"

Oren nervously chuckled: "Y'know, that a good question."

Irritated; Frieza extended his hand forward and shot a Ki blast into Oren's chest, sending him flying back into a nearby lake. Emerging from the water, Oren gasped for breath as he clung onto the shore. Before he could climb out, he saw Frieza land right in front of him. Frieza looked down upon Oren and smirked, but soon he saw a blue light shimmering on the water's surface.

"That's no sun. What the?" Frieza said, before looking up into the sky. "W-What is that?!" Frieza exclaimed.

Fasha growled.

"D-Damn it," Fasha cursed. "He saw it!"

Frieza looked at the forming Spirit Bomb, then back to Oren.

"You were going to use that on me, weren't you?" Frieza said, pointing his finger at Oren. "How unfortunate. You hate it when a plan falls apart? I know I certainly do." Frieza smirked.

Growling, Oren jumped out of the water in an attempt to punch Frieza. Frieza however, caught Oren's fist with little effort.

"Oho ho ho! Nice try." Frieza said, charging a death beam from his fingertip.

Beads of sweat began to pour down Oren's face.

"Oh crap!"

Fasha quickly spoke to the others.

"Everyone," Fasha exclaimed. "Stay here! No matter what happens, do not leave this spot!" Fasha ordered before flying towards Oren and Frieza.

Frieza smirked.

"Good night, sweet prince." Frieza said, preparing to fire a death beam.

Before Frieza could fire his Death Beam, a powerful force kicked him in the face, sending him crashing into the lake. Oren climbed out of the water's edge and saw that his rescuer was Fasha!


"Don't thank me just yet. Just hurry and finish the Spirit Bomb!" Fasha said.

Oren nodded and stood back up and raised both his arms back into the air. Frieza emerged from the water with an enraged look etched upon his face. Looking to see who struck him, he saw Fasha standing protectively in front of Oren.

"Tch! You! Little! Saiyan! WHORE!" Frieza shrieked with fury. "How dare you interfere!"

Fasha said nothing as she flew up into the air. Frieza's furious glare slowly began to curve into a smile.

"Oho ho ho! Too pesky to live. Yet too stubborn to die." Frieza chuckled.

Fasha invertedly cupped her hands together and brought them back.

"SUPER! GALLIC! GUN!!" Fasha screamed, before launching a massive purple beam towards Frieza.

Frieza stood there with both arms crossed and waited for the blast to hit him. After a minute, the smoke from the blast began to fade, revealing that Frieza was untouched by Fasha's attack. Shocked, Fasha began to throw a volley of Ki blasts in Frieza's direction in a desperate attempt to slow him down. Again, the smoke faded to reveal that Frieza was unharmed by her attacks. Scowling, Frieza disappeared from Fasha's view, and reappeared right behind her. Before Fasha could have a chance to look behind her, Frieza grabbed her left shoulder, and gripped down hard. Fasha screamed in pain before Frieza brought his knee and rammed it into Fasha's gut. Doubling over, Fasha felt Frieza slam his left elbow onto her back in combination with his knee. Saliva flew out of her mouth as she felt the wind get knocked out of her. After releasing her, Fasha brought both arms into the air with the intention of bringing them both down on Frieza. Before Fasha could finish her attack, Frieza teleported behind her and slammed his tail into her. From there, Frieza began to brutally pulverize Fasha, before finally knocking her back onto the ground in front of Oren.

Fasha dug her fingers into the ground and looked up at her ward.

"Th-That's all I had Tato," Fasha said weakly. "Please tell me you're finished with the Spirit Bomb!"

Oren nervously began to sweat.

"N-No," Oren stuttered. "It isn't finished yet!"

Both Saiyan's then saw Frieza land in between them. Frieza looked at Oren, then gave him a cruel taunting smirk. If he was too busy charging up his attack, then there was no way for him to save his friend. Oren knew what Frieza had in mind and clenched his teeth in rage. He desperately wanted to step in to save Fasha, but if he moved, then the Spirit Bomb will be interrupted.

"Oho ho ho!" Frieza laughed. "Try as I might, I can't think of any reason to spare you." Frieza smiled, before pointing his finger at Fasha.


Turning around, Frieza saw a drill like beam nearing his direction. Frieza blocked the attack, but the force sent him back a few feet so that he was floating above the water. Frieza looked in the direction of where the attack came from and saw Piccolo with both his right index and middle fingers extended. Then, four more Ki blasts were shot from multiple directions. Surveying the landscape, Frieza saw Ruby, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Weiss in separate locations with their palms extended outwards. Frieza's eyes narrowed, and slowly began to twitch in annoyance. A slight smirk crept onto his face.

"So," Frieza said calmly, with a slight hint of anger hidden in his voice. "The little insects choose to intervene from the sidelines. They just won't rest until I've been pushed to the very limits of my patience...!" Frieza giggled.

However, his insane giggling was mixed with furious growls.

"Oho ho ho!" Frieza laughed, nearing on the edge of insanity. "Y-YOU... YOU MEDDILING BRATS! I HOPE YOU'LL ALL ENJOY SUFFERING THE SAME FATE AS THIS PLANET!!" Frieza roared.

Frieza raised his right index finger into the air and formed an energy ball the size of a basketball. It was dark red with blood red electricity crackling around it. Frieza began giggling uncontrollably, as a wide smile stretched across his face, before slowly floating up into the air. Fasha stood up and stepped next to Oren.

"W-What are you waiting for? Do it!" Fasha exclaimed.

Oren held his arms up for twenty more seconds before his eyes widened.

"I-It's done!"

"Do it! Do it now!"

With a mighty yell, Oren brought both arms down. In the upper atmosphere of Planet Namek, the Spirit Bomb slowly began to move forward. Frieza continued to charge his attack yet stopped as he heard the distinct sound of humming coming from behind him. Oren's friends looked up slack jawed as they saw the massive orb of Ki nearing Frieza. Frieza stopped his attack, when the intensity of the humming became too much to bear. His back felt as though someone had run through it with static electricity. Turning around, his eyes widened as he saw the Spirit Bomb close in.


Oren and Fasha immediately dove to the ground, bracing for impact.

"Get down!" Fasha yelled.

Piccolo grabbed Ruby, and both fell to the ground with the Namekian laying atop her in a protective manner. Pyrrha did the same with both Jaune and Weiss. Frieza looked in terror as the Spirit Bomb continued to come closer. Frieza then extended both arms forward in an attempt to stop the attack.

"I-I... Will...!" Frieza grunted, whilst being pushed back by the Spirit Bomb.

Try as he might, Frieza couldn't push the Spirit Bomb back. The intensity of the heat of the Spirit Bomb made Frieza felt as though he stuck both hands in a raging furnace! The winds were blowing harder than the strongest tornado, and the waves of the oceans and lakes were raging like a furious hurricane! Oren and his friends were trying there hardest to remain on the ground whilst the intensity of the winds nearly blew them away. The ocean's waters were parting due to the immense power of the Spirit Bomb. Despite the odds, Frieza still attempted to push the Spirit Bomb back.

"I-I... W-Will...!" Frieza growled.

Frieza found that he was nearing closer, and closer to the newly opened seabed beneath him.

"I-I... W-W-Will...!" Frieza grunted.

Frieza was nearly one yard away from touching the seabed.

"I-I... W-WILL NOT... BE... DEFEATED!!!" Frieza screamed.

At that Very moment, the Spirit Bomb detonated. A bright blinding light lit up the entire sky, before a loud deafening boom shook the planet to its core. From outer space, a bright light could be seen. From Otherworld, King Kai's antennae drooped forward, causing the ruler of the Northern universe to see what was happening.

"I-Incredible...!" King Kai gasped.

Cardin raised an eyebrow.

"Did something happen," Cardin asked. "What's going on?"

"H-He did it...!" King Kai trembled with excitement. "Oren REALLY did it! He defeated Frieza!" King Kai exclaimed.

Cardin in the others couldn't help but celebrate.

"He did it! Oren defeated Frieza!" Velvet happily exclaimed before hugging Cardin.

Cardin hugged her back and gently rubbed the top of her head.

"Of course, he won; this is Oren we're talking about." Cardin replied.

During their celebrating, King Kai's happy demeanor dropped, and fell to his knees.

"N-No, it can't be..." King Kai gasped.

The others stopped celebrating to check up on King Kai.

"Hey, King Kai," Neptune said. "What's wrong?"

"D-Damn it!" King Kai cursed. " This isn't even fair!"

Back on Planet Namek, Piccolo stood up, helping Ruby do the same. Pyrrha, Jaune, and Weiss stood up as well. All five fighters were shocked to see a large swirling whirlpool in place where the Spirit Bomb detonated.

"W-Where's Oren and Fasha," Ruby asked. "I can't sense their energy!"

Piccolo placed his hand upon Ruby's shoulder.

"That's because they used much of their power already," Piccolo explained. "How can you sense their energy if they have none to spare."

Pyrrha looked at the whirlpool in front of them.

"It's going to be difficult to find both Oren and Fasha in the middle of this." Pyrrha said.

Then, Weiss noticed something in the far distance. It was hard to see, but it looked like a gloved hand reaching out of the rapid currents.

"Everyone, look," Weiss said, getting everyone's attention.

Everyone saw the hand reaching out of the water. The gloved hand grabbed onto the shore, and a moment later, Fasha emerged from the water gasping for breath. Upon seeing Fasha, everyone began to fly to her location. Fasha climbed onto the shore and reached back into the water and pulled out Oren! Water spewed from Oren's mouth as he took deep gasps of breath. Both Saiyan's breathed heavily, glad that the battle was over.

"Y-You did it, Tato." Fasha said.

Oren smiled weakly.

"Y-Yeah. I guess I did." Oren softly chuckled.

Fasha wrapped both arms around Oren and pulled him into a deep embrace.

"Thank you, Tato." Fasha said warmly.

Oren wrapped his arms around Fasha and embraced her as well.


Looking up, Oren saw his friends flying over towards them.

"You did it Oren," Jaune cheered. "You actually did it!"

Oren looked at his friends and gave a thumbs up. Pyrrha walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Pyrrha asked.

Oren chuckled: "I feel like hammered shit."

Everyone began to laugh happily. Oren then felt himself being helped up by both Jaune and Fasha.

"Whitely got your message about your ship being destroyed Weiss," Oren said. "The ship your brother made for me should be able to hold all of us. And if I'm right, it should get us back to Remnant in four days." Oren explained.

Ruby smiled and began jumping for joy.

"I get to see Yang again!" Ruby happily cheered.

Fasha looked at Oren.

"I'm sure both she and Blake will be happy to see you again, eh Tato?" Fasha smirked.

Oren blushed.

"Heh! Yeah, there's no doubt about that." Oren chuckled.

Piccolo looked at the surrounding area and saw the damage of Oren's fight with Frieza.

"It's a shame that such a peaceful planet had to be caught up in the crossfire of some tyrannical bastard's lust for power," Piccolo expressed somberly. "But at least the Grand Elder and my kinsman have been avenged."

Jaune raised an eyebrow.

"Wait," Jaune wondered. "How do YOU know of the Grand Elder?" Jaune asked.

"I fused with his protector, Nail." Piccolo explained.

At that moment, Jaune thought he saw something in his peripheral vision. Something that wasn't there before. Jaune looked up at a nearby hill; his eyes shrunk, and his face went pale. Oren looked at his friend and tilted his head.

"Jaune," Oren said. "What's wrong?"

Ruby looked at the hill as well, and like Jaune, a look of fear and panic spread across her face. Soon, one by one, each looked up at the sight before them.

Standing upon the hill, covered in water, was Frieza. Anger was etched upon the emperor's face as his haggard appearance gave him a more horrifying look. Oren and his friends stared on in horror at the sight.

"I-IT'S FRIEZA!!" Everyone screamed in unison.

In Otherworld, Cardin and the others were just as flabbergasted as King Kai.

"W-What?!" Neptune exclaimed.

"How the Hell can that bastard survive the Fucking Spirit Bomb!" Cardin yelled.

King Kai held his head low.

Frieza held his right index finger out and shot a Death Beam right into Piccolo's chest! Piccolo's eyes widened from the shock, before he limply fell face first onto the ground. Ruby ran to her friend's side.

"P-Piccolo, n-no. it can't be," Ruby whimpered. Tears pouring down her face, she clenched her fists. "NOOO!!" Ruby screamed.

Frieza quickly turned his gaze towards Oren and fired another Death Beam in his direction. Fasha saw the beam nearing her ward and pushed both Oren and Jaune out of the way. Fasha felt a sting of pain shoot into her chest, causing her eyes to widen. Then like Piccolo, she too fell limp onto the ground.

"F-Fasha!" Oren yelled.

From atop the hill, Frieza smirked in cruel satisfaction. Oren stood up and clenched his teeth.

"F-Frie-za...!" Oren angrily muttered.

Pyrrha ran up to Fasha and checked her pulse. A wave of relief washed over her face.

"Thank the brothers," Pyrrha sighed. "She's alive."

Oren however kept his sight on Frieza.

(End Song)

"All of you," Oren said, gaining their attention. "Run, get out of here, now!" Oren ordered. Everyone turned to look at him. "My ship shouldn't be too far from here. Get in and set a course for Remnant. I won't be coming with you, so don't get any ideas of waiting." Oren quietly demanded.

Oren's friends were surprised at his demand, except for Ruby, who was still left in shock at what has happened to Piccolo.

Oren growled and looked back.

"SNAP OUT OF IT RUBY!" Oren yelled.

Snapping out of her trance, she turned towards Oren.

"No, I won't! "Ruby Snapped back. "I owe it to Piccolo to stay and fight!" Ruby yelled.

"WITH WHAT?" Oren yelled back. "None of you have any strength left! The least you'll all do is get in my way!" Oren growled.

Ruby and the rest were taken aback at Oren's tone.

"B-But Oren..." Ruby said quietly.

Frieza smirked while looking down at them.

"I advise against placing too much stock in your escape," Frieza said. "But if you'd like, I can bring you closer to home!" Frieza exclaimed, before firing an invisible blast towards the group.

Whilst the blast was invisible, Pyrrha saw to trail of dust it left behind. And her eyes widened when she saw that it was heading straight for Jaune.

"Jaune, Lookout!" Pyrrha cried out.

Pyrrha's warning came too late, as he felt himself get pushed back with an invisible force. To his surprise, Jaune saw that he was dangling one foot off the ground.

"I do hope you're not afraid of heights." Frieza chuckled.

Jaune was flailing his arms and legs, hoping to break free of whatever Frieza had him trapped in. Frieza then raised his arm up, and Jaune was flown straight up into the air.

"J-Jaune!" Oren yelled.

"J-Jaune, No!" Ruby cried out.

Tears flowed down Pyrrha's face.

"Frieza, please! Stop this!" Pyrrha begged.

Oren turned around to look at Frieza.

"Stop it Frieza, don't do it!" Oren yelled.

Frieza didn't listen, as he brought his hand up, and closed it into a fist.

In the air, Jaune felt a burning sensation coming from within him.

"OREEEEEEN!!" Jaune screamed.

*BOOM! *

And like that, Jaune blew up in a cloud of blood and gore. Back in Otherworld, King Kai fell to his knees.

"N-No, not him..." King Kai muttered.

Velvet shivered.

"W-Who was it this time?" Velvet reluctantly asked.

King Kai looked down.

"J-Jaune." King Kai replied.

(End Song)

Back on Namek, Pyrrha fell to her knees.

"N-No," Pyrrha said quietly, as tears fully fell down her face. "He's already been wished back once, n-now nothing can bring him back...!" Pyrrha cried, as she placed both hands to her face and began to weep.

Frieza looked down at their suffering, and began to cackle, before turning his sight to Ruby.

"Hmm, how about the Akulari girl next?" Frieza said.

Ruby backed away in fear, before looking at Oren, who was clenching his fists in anger. Ruby looked at Oren's face, and his look of seething anger caused Ruby to shiver.

"Y-You... You... B-Bastard!" Oren growled. "Y-You... Ruthless... TORT LESS... BASTARD! How dare you! How... DARE YOU!!" Oren seethed.

Frieza's only response was to chuckle.

The sky darkened, as lightning cracked across the sky. Oren was violently shaking in Fury. Pure, unadulterated, fury. Oren felt as though there was a wild beast trying to claw its way out from the inside of his body, and no matter how hard he tried to hold it back, it would push itself forward. Oren jerked his head upwards and clenched his fists hard enough they began to bleed. Lightning then struck the ground behind Oren, giving him a monstrous visage. Even Frieza felt himself flinch. The surrounding water around them began to boil, and the ground began to quake, as rocks and stones from the ground began to slowly rise in the air. Oren's hair that was slicked back, began to rise upwards.

"I... Will... Make... You... SUFFER!" Oren growled in a voice not belonging to him.

Ruby noticed that Oren's muscle mass began to expand, and that he slowly began to grow! Every now and again, Oren's hair and tail would flicker from its original Onyx color to a golden lime green. The ground beneath Oren began to crack and break. Until finally, Oren let out a mighty roar; a roar that should belong to an Oozaru, not a person.


Everyone closed their eyes as Oren was surrounded by a blinding light. When they opened their eyes, they were shocked to see what Oren had become. Oren's muscles had tripled in size, and he grew to the size of a giant! His hair had spiked up and was now a golden lime green. Oren said nothing, except letting out inhuman grunts. Oren's body was surrounded by a lime green aura.

Ruby looked up, and tried to get Oren's attention.

"O-Oren, is that you?" Ruby asked.

Oren growled as he turned around, causing Ruby to back away in fear. Oren's face was contorted in anger, and his eyes were pure white without any pupil in sight. Ruby fell to the ground and cowered in fear. Oren looked at her intently, before turning his gaze towards a terrified Pyrrha and Weiss. He then saw both Piccolo and Fasha lying motionless on the ground. In an instant, Oren's face softened, before he knelt to the ground. Everyone saw Oren began to shrink down in size. Oren then shrunk down close to his original size but was still slightly taller than the others. Oren's pupils reappeared, revealing that instead of their midnight black color, they were now a light green. Oren then turned to look at Ruby.

"Go, get out of here now!" Oren demanded. "Take Piccolo and Fasha back to the spaceship and go!"

Ruby stood there in shock. Was this Oren? Was this her friend who she'd known when she first started Beacon? Seeing Ruby do nothing only seemed to anger Oren further.


Ruby flinched at his tone, before quickly grabbing Piccolo, whilst Pyrrha and Weiss grabbed Fasha. Oren then turned his furious glare over towards Frieza.

"You... you keep murdering innocent people. One. After. Another. Even Jaune," Oren growled. "NOW, I'M TRULY ANGERY! FRIEZAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Oren roared, as his lime green aura erupted from his body.

(End Chapter)


Oren: Hey, it's me Oren! Frieza, I'm going to make you pay!

Ruby: I understand now, the legend Vegeta spoke about. The Super Saiyan.

Frieza: What is this? I thought Saiyan's only transformed into giant apes! What's going on?!

Oren: Don't think I haven't got the strength to avenge my friend you bastard!

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!

Frieza: What are you? JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!

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