Tend To My Heart

By BingingsAnonymous

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She takes care of everyone. He just wants to take care of her. Evangeline vowed to always make sure her broth... More



13.3K 325 5
By BingingsAnonymous


"A...a diner?" Tristan asked as soon as he put the car in park.

"Best diner in the city, come on" I shrugged and got out of the car, excited to get some of Pete's food in my system. Tristan hesitated to follow me but did anyway and we walked in to find that there were only a few people eating.

"Vangie!" Margaret beamed as soon as we walked in.

"It's been too long! We aren't good enough for you anymore?" She playfully scolded.

"If anything, you're too good for me" I told her and she looked behind me, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Table for two?" She asked and I turned to glance at Tristan who was looking around, taking in the sight.

"Please" I beamed and we followed the older woman to a booth that was in the corner. We slid into our seats and I looked up at Margaret with an innocent grin.

"Margie..." I cooed and she put a hand on her hip, glaring at me, already knowing what I was about to ask her.

"How many have you had already?" She asked and I let out a nervous chuckle. Tristan raised his eyebrows as he watched the both of us.

"Just the one, I swear" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Listen you little caffeine freak, anymore coffee for you and you'll drink this city dry of it" she scolded before walking off to grab the fresh pot and two coffee mugs, leaving a couple of menus.

"Wow, the customer service in this city is truly an art" Tristan let out a laugh, scanning the menu.

"Anything on the menu is good, anything Pete makes is good really" I told him, as if I were trying to convince him. Something told me he didn't eat at places like this, considering he tried having breakfast at a restaurant that had valet parking.

"I'll hold you to that Carter" he smirked at me and my cheeks grew warm so I picked my menu up and hid behind it as if I didn't already know Pete would surprise me with any meal.

"Alright, here's your dosage, ready to order sweetie?" Margaret asked Tristan after glaring at me while I happily sipped the hot drink.

"Oh, um...Ladies first, Evangeline" he smiled at the older woman before gesturing to me.

"Ooh, so formal, but um, she's taken care of, Pete is probably cooking up the whole menu for this girl" Margaret chuckled making me blush in embarrassment.

"O-okay, I'll have...the breakfast combo then" Tristan ordered making Margaret grin.

"Coming right up" she beamed, collecting our things and heading to the back.

"You're quite popular here" Tristan pointed out, an amused look in his eye.

"No, it's not that" I denied, scratching my head and grabbing a lock of hair to twirl.

"What is it then?" He asked, leaning over the table and keeping his eyes on me at all times.

"This was my first job" I admitted, smiling at the memory of my first day in here.

"I wasn't old enough to have a real job so I did little things to help out here until I was. Pete had no clue what a 15 year old girl was going to do to help him out here but he found ridiculous tasks for me anyway" I laughed.

"15?" Tristan asked and my eyes met his.

He was fascinated and sympathetic all at once. It was a look I was all too familiar with.

"Yeah, we needed...the money" I cleared my throat and took a sip of coffee. I always felt uncomfortable talking about money or when we were in a rough spot. It just didn't sit right with me burdening others with my own burdens.

"Alright, no, you keep trapping me and I'm left with nothing" I scolded, changing the subject and pointing a finger at him.

"What are you talking about?" He laughed.

"It's my turn to ask you questions, I'm- I'm putting my foot down. I know nothing about you Fuller and since you won't allow me to go about my way, I'm going to find out!" I rambled on.

"Okay, okay, I'm an open book, ask away" he smirked, leaning back with his arms folded. I glared and leaned back as well, trying to form a question.

That amused look continued to grow in his eyes, I couldn't tell if he liked seeing me flustered or he just wasn't taking me seriously. Or...all of the above?

"Are you really trying to be my friend or is this some weird thing you do for fun?" I blurted without a second of hesitation and felt my cheeks burn as soon as the words fell out of my mouth.

I had to take everything Maya said into consideration and I was more than determined to figure something out, whether it be his intentions or my own.

"Oh, I thought it was very clear Evangeline" he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and took a sip of the coffee Margaret just poured for me.

"I'm trying to get into your pants" he shrugged and I practically choked on the coffee, almost spitting it out.

"W-wha-" I stopped and grabbed my bag from beside me, getting ready to slide out of the booth, ignoring the sharp pain in my chest.

"And that's enough of that" I scoffed but Tristan grabbed my wrist from across the table, bursting into a fit of laughter.

"I-I'm kidding! I'm joking, I swear!" He admitted in between laughs. It was a laughter I've never heard or seen coming from Tristan. The corners of his eyes crinkled and it was like that one dimple got deeper. His smile was huge and as shocked as I was, I smiled at the sight.

It was a real laugh.

"Oh wow, now, you walked into that one all on your own" he said as soon as he calmed down and I just glared at him, hiding the fact that I was just smiling.

"Asshole" I grumbled, folding my arms and looking out the window. I faced him again and he just stared at me, making me nervous.

I didn't do well under analysis.

"Come on...answer the question" I cleared my throat, raising the cup to my lips again.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that I am just trying to be friendly?" He challenged, leaning over the table with the most serious look.

"To be fair, the start of...whatever this is, was far from us sharing a meal together. I'm just...confused" I admitted.

"I wasn't lying when I said you don't take any of my shit. Call me arrogant all you want, but I find you very refreshing Evangeline, who wouldn't want to be friends with someone like you?" He shrugged, adding a cheeky smirk at the end.

There goes that warm feeling in my cheeks again.

"And I find you to be very strange, friends with a person because they don't treat you like everyone else, you're crazy" I mumbled and sunk into my seat.

"Ah, so we are friends?" He grinned and I straightened my posture again.

"You're way too good at that" I groaned.

"My turn" he beamed and I tilted my head.

"For what?"

"To ask you a question"

"Oh...alright..." I agreed and grew nervous, once again, at the idea of us going back and forth. At this point, I'm sure there's no escaping him and I was afraid for what was in store, even more so after today.

"Are you in school?" He asked and I was completely thrown. I don't know what I expected him to ask, but that wasn't even remotely close to what I would've expected.

"Um...no, god if I was in school I'd never have the time for anything" I answered, letting out a breathy laugh.

"Why not?"

"Never felt the need to, you know. I had higher priorities and even if I had decided on it, I'm not so sure I'd even be able to afford it" I shrugged. Again, his eyes were searching mine and I received that familiar look of sympathy and fascination.

I often earned that look after telling people I didn't go to college or that I worked multiple jobs. It used to bother me until I got older and realized people just live different lives.

"Hey! That was two questions!" I glared and he chuckled.

"Sorry, I was very curious" he smirked making me roll my eyes.

"Alright! One breakfast combo and a Pete's surprise" Margaret beamed as soon as she approached the table. She set our things down and I gave her the most thankful smile.

"You spoil me Margie" I told her and she waved her hand.

"Rotten, but I never mind" she winked and told us to let her know if we needed anything to call her over.

"I'll give you an extra question" Tristan said, cutting into his pancakes and picking a piece up with his fork. I waited for him to take a bite but he stopped and looked at me. Ignoring the little game of 21 questions we had, I was eager to watch him enjoy his food.

If there was anything that excites me, it would be introducing the world to Pete's food. An absolute legend works in that kitchen back there and as many times as I tell him he's too good for a diner, he'll never leave this place. So, I vowed to bring a new person in every time I come here, hoping he gets the right exposure.

"Don't stop on my account, have a taste!" I nodded and I could've sworn his cheeks grew red. He took a bite and his eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Oh my-"

"I know!" I beamed and started cutting up the biscuits and gravy I had, my mouth watering at the sight. I took a bite and leaned back in satisfaction, mentally praising the chef in the kitchen.

"That man never disappoints...ever" I praised, sitting up again to continue eating. I cut another piece and held it in front of Tristan, nodding my head.

"Try this" I grinned and he looked shocked while I eagerly gestured for him to take the bite.

"I don't have cooties, I promise" I joked and his eyes flickered between me and the fork I held in front of him, his cheeks burning red now. Slowly but surely, he leaned down and accepted the bite, his eyes immediately meeting mine as he did so.

"Good?" I asked him and his face lit up.

"I have to meet this Pete, the prices here should be through the roof" he shook his head in disbelief. I smiled and looked down at my food, more than satisfied that I've gained this place a new admirer.

"Out of questions?" Tristan asked and my head snapped back up.

"Oh...right....ummm" I tried to think of a question but it wasn't coming to me at the moment. As curious as I was, I couldn't form the words, no matter how hard I tried. I was more frustrated with myself for throwing a fit about wanting to ask him questions then I was when he asked all of his with ease.

"What is...your...favorite color?" I asked, unable to hide my childish grin and giving up on trying to form a serious question.

"God, you are so lame" he shook his head and laughed.

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