Their Surrogate

By FlyingApsara

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Mew Gulf were happy in their life until Gulf suggested to be fathers of their twins. Though he opposed but u... More

Their Surrogate 2
Their Surrogate. 3

Their Surrogate 1

801 46 57
By FlyingApsara

Their Surrogate

They were happily married. But then they wanted a child. Their own baby. And none of them could get pregnant so they opted for a Surrogate.

They got it positive but what they didnt know was falling for her.

Its a Threesome. Boy-Girl-Boy. Dont start if you are not interested in it.


Its for you Ammu0211


Mew jolted this time. The pen he was holding fell off his fingers.

"Didnt mean to startle you. But what happned"? Tae took a seat on the other side of the big table.

He was the 50 - 50 partner of Mew in this company, hence the Joint CEO slash Mew's childhood friend.

Mew racked his hair in pure distress. A clear indication of how upset he was. The crease on his forehead was the cherry on the top.

"I may or may not be able to sort out the problem, but i am a good listener". Tae encouraged him. He knew Mew was always tight-lipped. It would need extra probbing with patience to get him talking. Well, Tae was like him. But he was less complicated. The reason they were best friends for more than two decades.

"I.....". Mew started but he was upset. So upset that he couldnt form a sentence.

"Mew. What is it buddy"? This time Tae was genuinely worried. Mew was always calm and focused. Why was he so contemplating. "Is Gulf okay"? Suddenly it clicked Tae. Nothing could make Mew worried other than Gulf. His husband.

Mew sighed this time. Holding his head with both hands. Tae took a deep breath before standing up. He took Mew to the couch and called their PA not to disturb them.

"Gulf..  He.. He wants a baby". Mew said after a long silence. Tae was...confused.


"Yeah. He wants a baby". Mew said in a tired tone.

"Then. You can go for adopting one. Or as many as you want". Tae said as he got the obvious solution and option.

"Its not that Tae. Its... Why cant you understand". Mew shook his arm like a little baby himself.

"Mew. How would i if you wont tell me buddy. Look, as far as i know none of you can get pregnant. Adoption is a procedure that you both can afford and approve. Whats the issue"? Tae asked this time.

"He.. He... He is.. Asking for Surrogacy. Twins. One with my sperm and other with his". Finally. The cat was out of the box.

"Ooohhhh". Tae fell silent. He didnt know what to say.

"You know Tae i cannot imagine anyone between us. But Gulf, he is falling under depressions. I met Thanitt too, he said if Gulf didnt come out of his depression, it can be harmful for his health". Mew said biting his lips. Tae sighed looking at the tears lingering in his eyes. There was not even a single percent doubt in how much Mew loved Gulf and vice versa, but this was something no one could help them with.

"I dont know buddy what to say. I wish i could help you. Or if you say i can look for surrogates. One who is trustworthy and no strings attached. I can see for someone who wont bother you with the children and your personal life after handing over the babies". Tae suggested but  he knew it would take time for Mew to understand it.

"I dont know Tae. I cannot get a hold on this thought. Let me try to talk to Gulf first".

"But Mew. Where did it come from? I mean last time we met and Gulf didnt say anything about it. Did someone say anything"? Tae asked him and Mew looked at him with wide eyes.

"Dang.. Why didnt i think of it. Am sure Mom Dad wouldnt have said anything stupid like it. Because you know they love him more than me like he is their son or Gulf has two set of parents. Dotting and loving. But last weekend we had to attend a family dinner. And now i notice, Gulf strated to behave like this after that. That means....".

"That means someone rile him up". Tae patted his shoulder in sympathy. He knew and he was well aware of how Mew's relatives, not all, but some of them tried to provoke his parents against same sex marriage. Only if his parents didnt love them both, they wont be married for almost a year.

"Thank you Tae. Can you handle the office. I need to rush home". Mew stood up getting his things from the table and rushed out of the office as soon as Tae nodded his head. They were free anyway.

"Gulf!!! Baby. Where are you"? Mew entered their cute cottage like home. He called for Gulf but no reply. Gulf wasnt in the kitchen. Or in the sitting area. He wasnt at the backyard too, his favorite place. Mew opened the door to their bedroom and sighed heavily. Gulf was laying on the bed, back to the door. But he knew he wasnt sleeping.

"Baby. Am home love. I ditched my work and left everything to Tae and rushed home to spend time with my baby". Mew spoke in a fresh tone to cheer up Gulf as he sat on the bed besides him.

Gulf opened his eyes to look at him before he turned to other side. Mew closed his eyes for a moment and slipped in the bed too, behind Gulf. He gently rolled Gulf to his side and gathered him to his chest.

"Baby i know what you are feeling. I am not disagreeing with you for having a baby. But tell me how would it happen? We can always opt for Adoption baby. Hmmm"? He was rubbing circles on Gulf's back and he knew Gulf was silently crying.

"I want my baby Mew. My own. Yours and Mine. Is it too much to ask"? He asked between muffled sobs.

"No baby it isnt. I would give you the whole world Gulf if you ask. And you know this. But did something happen at the gathering? We are together for long and not once i felt you this desperate. What happened. Tell me". Mew lifted his face and as he assumed, there was surely something that happened.

"Who said anything"? He asked in a bit stern tone.

"Mrs Keith". Gulf said in between tears. He didnt want to create any misunderstanding in Mew's family, especially when his parents loved him so much. But mrs Keith was his mom's second cousin and she never approved Gulf. Though no one pay any mind to her.

Mew gritt his teeth in annoyance.

"That fucking woman...". He spat in anger. She was always a fuss for the family. Never missing any chance to feed Mew about divorcing Gulf and marrying a girl, most likely her daughter, to give the family a heir. Someone to proceed their name.

"Please Mew.. I beg of you. Please". Mew closed his eyes pulling Gulf into his chest as he was crying again.

"Calm down baby. Relax. No more tears okay. Lets have dinner and then rest. I will be home tomorrow. We will talk about it. Now relax". Mew forcefully took Gulf to get fresh and then dinner. 

With lots of sweet nothings, cuddlings and sniff kissing, Mew managed to feed an exhausted Gulf and put him to bed. His heart filled with the pain as he saw Gulf instantly fell asleep indicating how upset he was.

He messaged his mother and mother in law in their combined chat if they had time to talk. Obviously they were worried as it was past dinnet time, but as Mew expected his mother was fuming in anger as soon as she got the name.

"Mew. Spend time with Gulf. You know we dont have any issue with heir or no heir. For us he means more than anything. And dont let any negativity consume your relationship.". His mother said and Mew could only agree. He was not able to explain how deeply it had already affected Gulf. But he knew he had to do something as soon as possible.

As Mew said, he didnt go to Office the next day and Gulf didnt go to his showroom too. He was dealing with all kinds of Sports and Exercise Equipment. And taking a leave once in a blue moon was not a big deal.

Mew didnt bring in the topic again, instead he took him to sea view. They spent the whole day collecting shells and building sand castles. Mew took him to lunch of his choice and then dinner. It was around 9 when they reached home. Tired but relaxed. A day out was surely a good idea.

Just then Gulf received a call from his mother in law, calling them for weekend.

"Mom.. I .. It.. It would be only us.. Right". He asked in an unsure tone, that caught Mew's attention. He signalled Gulf to put on speaker.

"Yes baby, only us, your mom dad and you guys. What happened baby? You know you can always talk to mom". She asked in her signature loving tone.

"Mom... Its..". He couldnt hold his tears as he remembered all hateful words he heard that day. Mew went to sit with him on the couch. He engulfed him in his arms.

"Gulf. Baby. What happened sweety. Talk to Mom". She was restless too. She knew Gulf was strong and he could not be bothered by anything. It must have been something massive to shake his resolve.

"Mom.. I... I am sorry Mom. I am sorry". He broke down in tears.

"Sorry for what baby"?

"I. I cant give you a baby. A grandchild to take your name. Am sorry Mom. May be if i havent married Mew. You...".

"Gulff". Mew and his mom said at the same time. Not angry, not disappointed, but worried.

"Mew. Bring him over now". Mew's mom said and hung up the call. She was worried about Gulf and she knew it wasnt convenient to talk on phone.

Mew sighed but agreed anyway. He was planning the same.

They reached home in no time and Mew saw his Mom Dad at the door waiting for them. Gulf almost ran to hug her and just then they heard another car entering the driveway. As expected, Gulf's parents had arrived too.

Mew took Gulf inside, encaged in his arms and gave him water to calm down.

"What happened Gulf. Tell Mom hmmm"?  Sarah, Mew's mom asked. Lia, Gulf's mother was sitting on the other side holding his hand.

"I came to know about the party we held last weekend. Aunt Keith, she actually riled him up saying he is not worth our family. That he cannot give us a child and all that.

You know she never accepted him in the family. And that disturbed him. He wants to go for kids but... Surrogate". Mew told them all. They all were shocked.

"Baby, why dont you go for adoption or anything. Why surrogacy. You know its complicated. There are cases when the surrogates dont give the children back. Money is not a problem to say. We can pay as much as they ask. But what if they breach the contract.

How would you live if the surrogate give you hope and at the end you leave empty handed"? Lia said trying to make Gulf understand. But Gulf was not in a state to listen or understand anything..

"I dont know anything. I need my babies. My own babies. Mew, you say you love me, and you cannot fulfil my wish? All fake and false promises you made". Gulf was screaming in his tears.

He was about to fall down on his knees when Mew pulled him in his arms. He kept him steady letting him calm down.

"I can do anything for you Gulf Kanawut Joongcheeveevat. I can even die for you baby. I will do it for you. Calm down my love. Calm down". Mew was peppering kisses on his head, murmuring assurities that could calm Gulf down. And finally he stopped crying.

"Lets go home hmmm? Are we good baby"? Mew wiped his tears strained cheeks and smiled to see Gulf smiling too. He glanced at his parents and took Gulf to go back home.


Tae was observing Mew, silent in the office. He wanted to talk to him but those meetings held him back.

"Mew. Everything okay"? Finally Tae got a chance after lunch.

"Hmmm. Yeah. Seems like". Mew said leaning back in the chair. He racked his hair with ten fingers.

"Seems like"?

"Gulf was stuck at surrogacy. So i agreed". Mew said with a deep sigh. Tae looked at him like an alien.

"Agreed? Like you are allowing someone to enter in your life? Would you let Gulf sleep with anyone Mew"? Tae was shocked to core.

"No shit Tae. Its not about sleeping with anyone. No one will sleep with anyone. We will contact a girl for surrogacy, donate sperms and thats it. It will be a contract that she will not contact us or the babies after she gives birth to them. So. Yeah". Mew told him and finally Tae let out a sigh of relief.

"And how will you find a Surrogate"? Tae asked.

"I dont know. I dont fucking know. Its not eady to find anyone trust worthy. So many complications". Mew aais in a deep thought.

"We can put legal clauses. Penalty and all that to keep her stuck to the contract. What say"? Tae said after a while and it piqued Mew's interest. It was indeed a good idea.

"Hmmm its a good idea Tae. Seems like you getting laid frequently". Mew winked at Tae and laughed out loud looking at the Mighty Tae blushing hard.

Mew was relieved to see a relaxed Gulf these days. But yes, he was worried because Gulf was constantly looking for a surrogate. Every night he would bring the topic again and Mew would keep listening to him until Gulf fall asleep. So far they didnt succeed.

It was just a lazy noon for Mew. He was waiting for Gulf who had an important customer to deal so he had to go out to his outlet.

Mew was almost dozed off when he heard the door opening and Gulf screaming his name. It was a certain pull of excitement in his voice that surprised Mew.

"Babyyyyy. Honeyyyy. Darlingggggggg". He dragged Mew off the couch and pulled him for a dance. He was giggling laughing kissing Mew like crazy and that swelled Mew's heart with joy too.

"Wait wait Gulf. Am dizzy baby". Mew laughed trying to stop Gulf because he was getting dizzy due to all spinnings.

"Yayyy. Am so happy. Am so happy". Gulf was still dancing and chanting when Mew held him to stop.

"Baby. What is it. Wont you share"? Mew asked wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Gulf didnt say anything but cupped Mew's cheeks to kiss him hard on lips that was equally reciprocated.

"Baby. We got our dream come true baby". Gulf said attaching his forehead with Mew.

"Dream? What dream Gulf"? Mew was confused for a while.

"Our twins baby. Our own babies". Gulf said with a tearfilled smile. Mew raised his eyebrow asking him.

"Come sit". Gulf took him to the couch making him sit and then slid in his right arm leaning his head on Mew's firm chest.

"Today, when i was about to exit the outlet after the customer left, i met Jenice". Gulf told.

"Jenice? Who"? Mew didnt remember her. And Gulf knew it.

"Our high school friend. Jenice Isaiac". Gulf reminded him.

"Uhmm. I dont get her. Anyway so whats with her"? Mew didnt remember her still.

"Well. We had a little talk over coffee. She works in a cafe as part time waiter and one of the shops in malls as other job. Her parents dont support her and she is in bad state. Bad, as in financially.

She asked me if i could hire her or get her a better job for a decent earning. Well. I.. I..". Gulf, started with a confidence but ended up stuttering. It wasnt as easy as he thought to talk to Mew.

"You offered her for Surrogacy". Mew took a deep breath to settle the anxiety creeping inside him. Yeah he did agree for surrogacy, but still the thought of a third person    invading their personal life was not an appealing idea for him.

"Uhm... I... I just told her. And she agreed..". Gulf said lowering his gaze.


"She. She need 10 Million". Gulf finally spit it. "She wants to settle in States. So". He said biting his lips..

"Baby. Look at me". Mew sat side ways facing Gulf. He held his hands. "I can give her a 100 Million for your happiness love. But are you sure she wont interfere in our lives? See, i cannot trust anyone just like that when its you and my family is concerned.

Talk to her in detail. I dont want her name for my kids. I dont want her to ever turn back and claim to be her mother. The moment she will give birth to our children, there would be no record of Jenice Isaiac in my kids life. She would need to sign a contract of consent. And if she ever breached it, i will sue her and you know i am capable of everything". Mew said in a stern tone.

Money wasnt a problem but yes he could not compromise on the safety and security of his family.

"Boo, i talked to her about everything. You can meet her too. She doesnt want to live here actually. So she need money. She agreed she will go with us to get her examined and compatibility to hold twins in her womb. She agreed she wont meddle in the life of the children. She wont claim them and she doesnt want any relationship with us or them.

But about contract, yes we can always go for it. If you say i can arrange another meeting for you to meet her too". Gulf said in his assuring warm tone.

"Ok. I will meet her. And once she gets examined properly, we will go for contract sign okay". Mew said with a smile although he had reservations, but for him Gulf mattered the most.


Gulf had told Mew that they would go meet her on Thursday as Mew had no meeting and Gulf could spare time too.

Mew had discussed everything with his lawyer and he had all the documents ready to sign once she gets examined.

She was good looking woman in her mid twenties. Nice personality and looks too. She was polite and mannered. But nothing mattered to Mew at the moment. Honestly he didnt feel anything towards her.

He let Gulf make her comfortable around them while he was just observing them.

"Umm so. Gulf told me you wanted to talk about some terms and conditions". She said once they had their lunch and took coffee.

"Yes i do have few. But i would like you to state first". He said in a reserve yet polite tone.

"I.. I need 10 Million since i am planning to settle in the States after all this. I will not claim the kids once i hand over them to you. I will expect any of you to accompany me to the hospital visits, because i cannot and will not proceed it alone since its mutually consented.

I am a virgin, no boyfriends nothing. Hooked up once or twice may be. Because my job routine doesnt allow me to have time for myself.

I am willing to be your Surrogate, but i would need 50% in advance to proceed with my immigration". She said straight out.

Mew and Gulf nodder at her. It was fair enough for her to secure her future.

"Fair Enough". Mew said sitting straight in his chair. "10 Millions. Hmmm. I will give you 50. And i will arrange for your immigration in the States, or London. We have our apartments there, fully furnished, with a car, that i will transfer to you once you decide your destination.

The money i give you will be for your savings, you wont need to pay for your immigration or your livings there. You can work in one of my offices there too. But....

There are few conditions". Mew paused to sip his coffee. Gulf was relaxed since Mew had obviously discussed it with him, so he smiled assuring at the Girl too.

She nodded her head that she was listening. Because why not. The offer was good so far.

"One. No one will know your relationship with us. For me no one matters more than Gulf. I love him so much that i can give him the whole world in a blink of an eye.

You will not visit the doctor alone as Gulf already told me he would like to pass the journey. So yes i have no objection, but, no physical relationship. I respect and am really grateful to you for agreeing to be the Surrogate, but, i would expect that during the whole process, you will not be physical with anyone. Us or any stranger, its a straight no. If i found any, i will nullify the contract.

And yes, once the kids are born, they will always be Kanawut Joongcheeveevat. No medical record of Jenice Isaiac. Deal"? Mew said in a serious, professional tone.

She fell silent. Gulf was silent too. Not that he didnt trust Mew, but yes he wasnt sure of Jenice.

While Jenice was in deep thoughts. 50 Million. That too all for herself. An apartment, car, job. She would get everything and once she settles down she could marry anyone she wanted. Besides who fucks up in pregnancy. And yes, why would she needs kids in her life. How would she manage them being a single mother and she knew no one would marry her or in relationship with her  if they know she was a mother. It was a win win anyway.

"Deal". She stretched her hand that Gulf accepted happily and Mew, with a knowing look.

Mew had requested Thanitt to arrange his team for the thorough checkup. The best in their fields. But yes he was considerate enough to ask Jenice if she had any preference in male or female doctors, well she opted for a female. Understood already.

They were scheduled for the next week Tuesday, 10 am sharp. Mew and Gulf had talked to their parents and well they had their doubts, but Mew subtly nodded them not to say anything. 

Jenivce was nervous to see the whole panel of doctors dressed up for her. He looked at Gulf with horror expressions and he simply nodded his head. It was nothing to worry about as he knew Thanitt and trusted his team.

Mew filled all the forms necessary before they took Jenice in.

It was a long 3 hours procedure. They were waiting in the waiting area of the floor, especially for the VVIP patients and their guardians.

Gulf was tapping his foot restlessly looking at the closed doors. Mew gently held his hand.

"Calm down baby. Its nothing to be worried about. Everything will be fine". He kissed his hand.

"What. What if she isnt compatible"? Gulf said biting his nails.

"Baby. The world doesnt end at her. We will find someone else. But for now lets hope everything goes well hmmm"? Mew allowed him to snuggle into him to calm down.

Finally Thanitt came out with the Gyneacologist.

"Doctor? Thanitt"? Gulf rushed to them.

"Everything is fine as far as Physical condition is concerned. She is healthy and fit. No sign of any illness. We are waiting for some blood tests that we run on her. Once we get the results we will check on her fertility". The gynea explained in detail.

Mew and Gulf sighed. Atleast she was physically okay to say.

"She is still under observations for her vitals, come we can wait in my office". Thanitt took them both to his office and called for coffee and snacks.

"Thanitt"? Gulf asked Thanitt.

"Everything is fine Gulf. She is fine dont worry". He smiled assuring Gulf who sighed in relief. Mew was more concerned about Gulf actually. Call him selfish or whatever. But he still couldnt get a hold on the fact of surrogate.

They spent some time discussing about it when finally they saw the Gynea entering the office.

"Well Mr Joongcheeveevat, Mr Kanawut, its a good news. She can bear your kids. I have completly analyzed and she is healthy. So yes we can schedule and proceed according to her menstrual cycle". The doctor explained with a smile. Gulf hug Mew tight as few tears slip passed his eyes.

"Did you hear Mew. We will be fathers. We will have our babies". Gulf was sobbing in his chest.

"I heard it baby. Yeah we will have our babies. Hmmm.  Am happy for you" . Mew hug him tight too.

Now he has to talk to Jenice and his lawyer to prepare for the contract.

They all. Went to their respective homes after treating lunch to Jenice and then Mew went home with Gulf to meet their parents.

They were happy to say. Atleast Gulf was happy. And Mew was too because Gulf was happy.

"Baby. I have talked to the lawyer. They have prepared the documents. I will get the signed as soon as our sperms are implanted in her body. I want to keep the procedure smooth at both ends". Mew told once they settled in the bed.



"Are you happy"? Gulf asked moving his fingers on Mew's chest.

"I am". Mew held his hand kissing his fingers.

"But.. Why are you holding yourself back"? Gulf looked up to him. Mew smiled kissing his nose.

"Am not holding back myself. I am doing it all for the security and saftey of the kids. I dont want everything to end up in drain due to our carelessness". Mew explained.

"That wont change anything between us. Yeah"?

"Where did it come from Gulf. I love you. I love you more than anyone anything in the world. I dont need anyone if i have you. For me, you matter the most. And i can pull all ends in the world for you". Mew gently gathered him in his arms.

"I will make sure to provide all comfort for her, but, i wont tolerate her interfering in our life". Mew said in a serious tone.

"I wont tolerate it too Mew. I know you are not happy with all. I know you are doing it all for me. And i love you so much for that. I can do anything for you Mew". Gulf cupped his cheeks and Mew knew no one could love him more than Gulf.

"Anything"? Mew asked.

"Anything husband". Gulf said in the same tone.

"Lets see it then". Mew smirked pushing Gulf on the bed hovering him.

"Mew. Noooo nooooo. Mewwwwwwww. Mmmmpphhh". And all his fake protests were silenced by a pair of lips, and long digits that soon introduced him to the heaven of pleasure.


With everything under controlled and monitored environment, Jenice was able to conduct two fertilised Eggs in her womb. It was performed under the best team of the doctors. 

She was advised for a 24 hours bedrest to observe her condition. Gulf insisted to stay so Mew arranged another room for them. Luckily Jenice's parents didnt bug her much about her absence.

As promised, Mew made sure to provide everything for her in the hospital. And she was grateful for that.

She was allowed to go the next day once the doctors made sure that the fertilised eggs are attached securely to her womb. They were about to drop her home, when she herself asked for the contract.

Mew and Gulf took her to his office with the lawyer.

She read all clauses and signed at the end of the document followed by Mew and Gulf. They were now the legal guardians and parents of the kids.

As Mew committed, he gave her cash, 50 Million as he told. And also, a blank cheque to fill tbe amount she wanted. She looked at him and then at the cheque.

"Are you crazy or what"? She couldnt stop herself to ask. Was the man insane to give her a blank cheque. He had already gave everything as per demand, and now this.

"Its not about being crazy Jenice. Or you may say i am. I am crazy for the man sitting in my arms and i am doing it all to see his smile.

You can use this cheque now or whenever you want i have no issues.

Once you deliver the babies, we will help with your immigration process. During the whole pregnancy, you will be provided with everything you need. The best hospitals, the best medical. You have our numbers. We will be a call away.

Just, dont meddle in between us, because that, i wont tolerate. Rest you may kill the world and i wont ask you a word. And yes, i believe you read the term when i said about privacy.

No one should know a word about it, or i will make sure you will pay for it". His expressions scares her for a while.

Since high school, Gulf was soft than Mew. He had that intimidating aura to keep everyone step away. She gulped and nodded a yes. She had no one to tell about it anyway.

"So. See you then. Let us drop you home". Mew stood up followed by Gulf and they dropped her around the corner with food from take away.

Everything was going good so far. Until...

Mew was having his video meeting as he took an off because Gulf was at home too. And he had no mood to leave his all so sexy husband alone.

Gulf was in the kitchen when they heard someone knocking at the door repeatedly. They both looked at each other and Gulf ran to open the door.

He was surprised to see Jenice with 3 big bags and crying buckets.

He step aside to let her in where Mew was standing hands in pocket. His sixth sense screamed trouble. He stood there looking at Gulf now consoling a crying Jenice.

"My.. My parents threw.. Threw me out". She said sobbing and sniffing her nose for the nth time. Mew raised her eyebrows at her. He was about to say anything but Gulf begged him no. He knew Mew didnt like anyone living with them. Their parents would tease him for not letting them live with them and Mew would shamelessly admit about his love time with Gulf.

"I dont have any place to go. I dont know what to do". She was still crying.

"I can arrange a place for you". Mew said but that only made her cry harder..

"How could you do it to me. I am carrying your children, i have been thrown out of my house because of my pregnancy. I have no place to go, no job, and you are asking me to live alone. Meanie". She was sobbing again.

Mew pressed his temples. He could feel a headache coming.

"Mew. Come with me please". Gulf excused and took Mew inside the bedroom..

"What?? Dont Gulf. I cannot bear anyone living here. You know that. I told you i wont tolerate anyone interfering our privacy". Mew started before Gulf could say anything.

"But baby... How can she live alone"? Gulf tried to reason out. Mew looked at him with uncertain eyes.

"I can arrange maids for her. But...".

"Mew. Baby. Listen to me love. Calm down first". Gulf took him to the couch. He held both of his hands. Mew sighed, it was his signature pose to ask for something.

"I know baby you can arrange maids for her, but what if she isnt feeling good, as they say, morning sickness and all. What if she fainted, who would attend her. Her medicines, food. What if she called us and we could not reach her..

Here atleast one of us can attend her if she needs anything. Please Mew..please. For me, for our kids". Gulf asked holding his hand with both of his hands.

Mew sighed deep. Sooner or later, he knew it was coming. He pinched his nose in distress and stood up to go to the lounge.

His forehead creased to see her chomping on the food Gulf just prepared. His anger rose again to the sky only if Gulf had not held him. He looked at Gulf and then Jenice. He pulled his car keys, wallet and mobile and stormed out of the house.

Jenice saw him and his expressions told her everything. She dropped the spoon and sat there hands in her lap.

Gulf rubbed his face. He knew it was just the beginning. He was well aware of Mew. And he knew he didnt like her at all.

"I will go somewhere else. I am sorry for bothering you. I am sorry. I know he doesnt like me". She was crying silently. Gulf felt bad for her. She was doing everything for them and she had to suffer a lot.

"Come finish the food first. Its not good to leave in the middle". He pushed the plate towards her. "Mew... When we were dating since then he built this place. He doenst like even our parents to live here.

Moms tease him a lot, but they respect him. Even our friends are not alowed for a stay over. He has marked every inch of this place with our love.

He is angry, but he isnt cold hearted. He will make it sure that everything goes smooth. He is really thankful for you, for whatever you are doing for us. Its just that.. He is possessive. You will get to know how amazing person he is hmm.. Dont worry.

Finish the food then i will help you arrange the guest room okay". Gulf said assuring her. And finally she got relaxed.

Mew got almost at dinner time. He saw Gulf sitting in the lounge waiting for him. A wave of guilt passed through his eyes.

"Hey....". Gulf walked upto him and hug him tightly.

"Am sorry baby". Mew held him close. He was really sorry to see Gulf all worried about him. It was the first to be honest.

"Dont you dare leave like this ever Mew". Gulf said in a hoarse voice. He was blinking his eyes to push the tears that were threatening to fall on his chubby cheeks.

"Am so sorry baby. I was...angry. You know i dont like someone invading our privacy. Am sorry honey". He cupped Gulf's cheeks for a deep kiss.

Gulf responded him equally, clinging to him, he wrapped his hand at Mew's nape, pulling the little hair. Mew gasped and that was enough for Gulf to take his chance. He knew it would be once in a blue moon to dominate the Wolf, but why not.

Mew encaged him at his waist, holding him impossibly close, while dancing their tongues together. They were so lost into each other that they forgot everything.

Mew hurrily opened the buttons of Gulf's shirt and was about to pull it down when he heard a loud gasp. It effectively broke their bubble, pushing them to the reality that they were not alone.

Mew looked at Gulf, not even bothering to see who it was. Gulf lowered his gaze buttoning up his shirt. He had no explanation to it.

Mew went to his bedroom and slammed the door shut. Gulf closed his eyes tightly before turning to see Jenice standing with an empty jug. 

"You need water"? He took a deep breath before taking the jug from her as she nodded a yes.

Once she went back to the guest room, Gulf slumped down on one of the chairs in the kitchen before going to his bedroom. He could see a storm coming.

Mew was standing in the window with a chilled can in his hand. He was dressed in his night suit. Gulf went to him and backhug him.

"Why you wearing your shirt handsome. You dont sleep like this". Gulf asked in a soft tone. Because no matter how cold, Mew would always sleep bare chest.

"Who knows i can sleep shirtless anymore in my own home". Mew said before he gulped the remaining bear and slipped in the duvet.

Gulf just saw him laying on his side, backfacing Gulf. He was really upset. And that was making difficult for Gulf. He couldnt bear Mew distancing himself. He didnt blame Mew for his behaviour because he knew Mew since ages.

But he couldnt leave Jenice alone too. She was sacrificing so much for them. Even if paid on her terms. He knew Mew would accept it all eventually, but it would be a hell journey he knew.

Mew wasnt sleeping. He couldnt sleep. Not when he was upset and his baby was crying silently. He sighed and turned to see Gulf laying, facing the other side. He scooted closer and turned him to Gulf in his arms.

"Ssssshhhhh. Its okay. Am not angry. Am not mad. Calm down". He was rubbing circles on Gulf's back as he snuggled into his neck.

"I.. I..".

"Ssshhh. Its okay baby. We will go through this. Calm down". Mew kept whispering love words in his ears. 

"She has no place Mew. She is doing so much for us. I.. I thought if we could help her". Gulf said between sobs.

"Baby. I can do anything for you. You know that. Dont cry. I cant bear it. I love you baby. I love you so much".  Mew kissed his eyes and tucked him in the duvet. He knew it will be a tough journey.

And the coming days proved it.

Mew who was not used to keep his hands off Gulf, had to be bound to act civilized in his own fucking home. And it was driving him mad.

The morning kisses were long forgotten. The subtle tease while Gulf cooking in the kitchen in his tank tops and shorts just to tempt Mew, were a memory now. Their love moments in the kitchen or lounge. Snuggled into each other. Everything was like a faint history now.

Mew sighed as he gulped his coffee and left for his office. Just another morning. Jenice saw him and lowered her head. She would try to stay in her room as much as she could but it was Gulf who forced her to join on meals.

Tae saw Mew in the worst mood. He kept on spating anger on every employee. Even in the meeting for their final project, he kept harsh for no reason..

Tae saw his team manager sweating nervously. Apparently the plan was all set to launch but since Boss was in a bad mood...

Tae dismissed the meeting and postponed it to some other time as he saw Mew rubbing his temples.

"May, send coffee with snacks. And no one disturbs us". Tae said to Mew's PA and closed the doors.

"Fuck". Mew slammed everything on the table to the floor. He threw every file, every book on the shelf.

"Mew. Calm down buddy". Tae held him by shoulders. His eyes were bloodshedding.

"Fuck. Damn it". He struggled to get himself free but Tae just pulled him hard in his embrace.

"Calm down tiger. Calm down". He kept rubbing his broad back until Mew calmed down.

"What happened Buddy"?

"She is getting on my nerves. I cant walk in my own home the way i want. And Gulf. He is whipped. I told i can arrange her a place close to ours, appoint maids and cook and everything. But no. He wants her close and i am fucking out of my own comfort zone.

You know i dont like someone invading our privacy. I dont even like you guys to stay over. And she walks over like she is the owner.

Okay, i know i am overacting. I dont mind her eating or using anything she wants. But there is one thing called personal space. I cant hold Gulf, i cant stand with him. I cant touch her. And kissing. Pffftttt. Dont even ask. I dont even remember the last time i kissed him.

I have to sleep with my room locked. Can you believe it Tae"? Mew was ranting and Tae was just listening.

He knew it was such a serious issue for Mew. Its been more than a decade he was with Gulf. Boyfriends and then marriage. And since then they had an invisble circle around them.

He knew Mew was handsy with Gulf. He couldnt sit without keeping Gulf in his lap. Or making out. Kissing Gulf was like breathing oxygen for him. Thats how much he was crazy about him and so was Gulf.

Tae understood what Gulf was doing was right too. As per he knew Jenice was disowned by her parents and she couldnt live alone, pregnant with twins. But Mew...

He sighed calming him down.. He thought of calling him over for beer but an incoming call on Mew's mobile stopped him.

Mew looked at the screen and took deep breaths to calm himself before answering the call.

"Yes Gulf. Yeah am fine. Yeah love. Am perfectly fine. Just conference meetings and all.

No i am not free at the moment to say, but what is it"? Mew asked Gulf and his expressions turned bored again to listen to what Gulf was saying.

"Really Gulf? Okay. I will be there in 15". He sighed and ended the call.

"What happened"? Tae asked carefully.

"Its her monthly routine checkup, and Gulf wants me to accompany". Mew said rubbing his forehead but picked up his phone and wallet anyway. He could never say No to Gulf, and it was yet proved again.


Everything was fine with Jenice. Her physical state and health and the twins inside her. The doctor changed a few diet plan and advised them to keep her happy as much as they could. It was almost 1 month down of her pregnancy and they were scheduled for the next after a month.

"Mew". Gulf called Mew who was carefully driving on the highway.


"Can we go ice cream"? He asked trying to sound casual, but the man behind the wheel wasnt naive. He looked at him behind his sunglasses and then in the backview mirror.

Jenice was nervously biting her nails.

He didnt say anything but turned to the next left to their favorite parlour.

He ordered coffee for himself and ice cream for Gulf and Jenice. He was just observing that for past few days, Jenice was more comfortable around Gulf. May be they were spending more time together.

She was laughing more with Gulf. And Gulf was trying to make her as comfortable as he could. Mew noticed, the menu had changed at his home too. Not much if anyone would see, but Mew knew every single stone of his home.

Not that Gulf was ignoring him. Or didnt prioritized him, but the additional spices on the table were a clear indication.

Even now, Mew saw how Gulf ordered her favorite ice cream without her speaking a word. And his eyes were shinning at how happily  she was munching.

Gulf turned to Mew but flinched at his quiet expressions. He was looking back at Gulf but Gulf couldnt find any color in his warm eyes. He was stoic, expressionlessly sipping in his coffee, waiting for them to finish.

"I am going to use restroom and will be waiting outside". He stood up and left in long strides. Gulf looked at his broad back going away from him and he felt someone snatched half of his heart away.

Unconsciously he rubbed his chest to shake away all the negative feelings. But the uneasiness wont go away. He thought to talk to Mew at home. This should not happen, not when they were about to welcome new addition in their life..


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