The Hidden Depths of a Magica...

By FwoofyFwuffy

279 10 4

After a meeting with a sobbing woman in the park, who actually turned out to be a fairy from another world, R... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

72 2 0
By FwoofyFwuffy

Aisha fled into the woods of Gardenia Central Park as Musa, Flora, and Raz followed behind. "Just leave me be!" Aisha cried, travelling deeper into the woodlands.

"What's up with her?" Raz asked once he caught up to Flora and Musa. "We don't know! She woke up from some sort of a nightmare and then she just ran away!" Flora replied.

"Hey, I don't think we've met you before. Do you know Aisha?" Musa asked. "Well, I've met your friend. Saw her in the park this morning sobbing her eyes out." Raz replied.

"You mean you saw Aisha earlier here!?" Flora replied. "Yeah, she was crying about someone leaving her." Raz answered.

"She was probably mourning Nabu! Since we've been so busy with our fairy missions, she didn't have any time to mourn him!" Musa exclaimed. "Oh how blind we've been to Aisha's suffering!" Flora replied.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'fairy missions'? You guys are like fairies or something?" Raz asked. This was something utterly bizarre for Raz to hear. Fairies living amongst humanity saving the world? How come they had stayed hidden for so long? How exactly long have they been hiding?

"Yeah! Haven't you heard of us? We're the Winx!" Musa replied in a bewildered manner. "Nope, never heard of you or fairies. Never even knew they existed." Raz replied.

"Well know you know we do exist! Also, could you please leave this situation to us, this is serious business." Flora said.

"Well, I wanna help! I specialize in helping people with their problems" Raz hesitated. Musa shook her head, "I'm sorry but you need to go. Your simply just too young to understand.".

"Too young to do this?" Raz then used his levitation to lift himself, Flora and Musa into the air. "Wooah! I didn't know you could do that!" Flora exclaimed. "Yeah, and could you please put us down now!?" Musa cried.

"Relax, I thought you guys would be used to being up in the air since you're fairies." Raz teased with a small chuckle as he then spotted Aisha near a group of trees.

"Hey! There's Aisha!" Raz exclaimed while pointing over to the trees. "Land us over to her then Mr. Floatypants!" Musa replied. "Alright then Miss Fairypants!" Raz then levitated the three of them over towards Aisha before dropping them down.

Raz landed on the ground with a somersault. Raz smiled cheekily while holding his arms out "Ta-daaa!".

Aisha turned around to face Raz "Razputin? What are you doing here?". "Well your friends and I just wanted to help you out, so we followed you here." Raz replied. Aisha sighed "Look, I understand you want to help but--What the..?". Aisha and Raz looked up to see Musa and Flora screaming in the air as they fell to the ground.

"Aaaaaah--Oof!" Musa landed on her bottom behind Raz. "Thanks for the smooth landing..." Musa groaned while rubbing her backside. "Look out below!" Flora then landed on top of Musa, knocking her onto the ground. "Sorry Musa." Flora apologized while she helped up Musa to her feet. Aisha shook her head "Look, I appreciate you guys coming to help me, but I just need some time alone...". "Aisha, you've been spending almost every day alone." Musa replied. "When we're not on our missions you retreat to your bedroom and stay there for hours. We hardly get to see you anymore..." Flora added. "I know, I know. I'm just so stressed..." Aisha sat on the ground and covered her face with her hands as she began to weep.

"Shhhh....Hey now, it'll be alright." Musa hummed while hugging her distressed friend. "I haven't gotten a break from all this. A break to process these past few months." Aisha wept. "Nabu's death, being betrayed and captured by my own cousin, I just feel so helpless and weak!" Aisha then broke into incoherent sobbing. Flora and Musa embraced their depressed friend as she weaped. "Hey, I know this'll probably sound crazy, but I've got an idea." Raz interrupted. 

"Sorry kid, don't think your levitation will help lift Aisha's mood." Musa replied. "No, its not that. You see, I'm a psychonaut, well a junior psychonaut." Raz began. "A psycho-what?" Aisha repeated as she wiped away her tears. "A psychonaut. I'm part of an organization dedicated to solving people's inner demons." Raz explained. "So you're like a therapist?" Flora asked. "Basically, but cooler." Raz replied. "Wait, wait, wait. So how exactly are you going to solve Aisha's problems? You gonna jump into her head or something?" Musa replied. 

Raz chuckled "Sure thing, as long as your friend gives me her consent.". "Uhh, alright then. Show us what you can do Razputin." Aisha replied. Raz smiled as he lifted his goggles down onto his eyes and opened a psy-portal on Aisha's forehead. Flora and Musa jumped back "Woah! I didn't know he was serious!" Musa exclaimed. 

Small turquoise butterflies emerged from the portal alongside small magenta bubbles. The door had a large pair of wings on it with a brain in the center of it. "Please be careful!" Flora warned as Raz's astral projection entered the portal. "Yeah and don't fry Aisha's brain!" Musa called from behind. The psy-portal closed behind the young psychic, as he was now left alone to deal with Aisha's inner demons...

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