Clementine! ||A BTS Family St...

By ArmyPopKulture

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A BTS family AU!!! Just another weird story! Parents: Namjoon and Jin Eldest son: Yoongi (13) Second oldest:... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Six

997 29 5
By ArmyPopKulture

Since the big decision of the Kim family moving to America, there was a lot to be done.

"OH MY GOD!!! My baby brother's finally moving to America!!!"

Namjoon holds the phone away from his ear, and even winces at hearing his older sister's loud and enthusiastic voice. "Yeah noona, I think it's time we take the kids somewhere where they're more accepted. It's not even about Jin and I anymore."

"Those poor kids." Geongnim sighs. "You let them know that auntie will take very good care of them!"

  Hearing this makes Namjoon smile and his heart flutter. He knew his sister would help him out, she always had. "Have you let Matthew-hyung know yet? Is he okay with the seven of us moving in with you two?" He asks, not forgetting that it took his brother-in-law's approval as well, not just his sister's.

   Geongnim hums. "He was really ecstatic too. You know he loves you and Jin. He's very excited to finally meet the kids too." Namjoon can practically hear the smile Geongnim must have while she said that. "He's been referring to himself as 'uncle Matthew', it's pretty amusing."

   Namjoon's conscious was now at ease knowing that his sister and brother-in-law were okay with his plan. However, he did make sure to let them know that his family would be contributing to their house in exchange for their hospitality, that way there was no corrosion between the two families. He knows this will make Jin feel better about the whole situation too.

   "Alright then. I'm not sure exactly when we'll be ready to move over there, but I'm glad we're on the same page." Namjoon tells Geongnim. "I'll keep you posted, okay noona?"

   "Yes, yes! And anything else you need, just give us a call okay little brother? Tell the kids that auntie says hi and I love them very much and give them a biiiiig hug for me!"

   "I'll do that noona, goodbye. Tell Matthew-hyung we said hello." They bid their goodbyes and hang up.

Then, Namjoon decides to message his husband at home.

Hi doll, how are things
at home?

Good afternoon my love^.^
Things are going well. Jungkook
is scribbling in his coloring
book, the twins are back from
school already and in a bit
we're off to pick up Sunshine
and Yoongi.

How's work? Nothing too
serious I hope.

No, love, nothing that would
put me in danger. Although
we did have to answer a
domestic violence call...

It wasn't a very pretty sight
Jinnie. I had to go get a coffee
again afterwards cause of how
shaken up I was.

Oh Namjoon... People
are just horrible... is the
person safe now?

Yeah, we got EMS to come
and take the victim to the
hospital. She didn't want me
to leave her, but I still had
to take her boyfriend into
custody so Kayee went with her.

Poor girl... no one deserves
that kind of treatment...

Yes I know doll, but
unfortunately, some people
aren't emotionally intact.
They feel the need to harm
others and take control of
whatever relationship
they have.

Thankfully, this girl was
able to call for help. This
guy isn't getting off the hook
so easily. She was also pregnant.

How horrible!! I'm
so glad you were there to
make sure that girl is safe!

I didn't expect the situation
to be so intense like this, but I'm
happy to have separated those two.
That girl deserves a lot better.

Do you feel okay, though?
Is this still bothering you?

I feel a lot better now that I
actually got to talk about it
with someone. You know the
guys down here at the station,
none of them are sensitive enough
to have a conversation like this.

Sure, Mark is really good with
talking about emotions, but
not when Kayee is always bothering
him lol.

Are those two still playing
cat and mouse with each other?
Haha good lord

Mark is oblivious, Kayee is
trying too hard, what more
could you expect from them? Lol.

Well, I'm gonna be getting back
to work now doll, chief is back
from lunch. Time to make a
million reports about this case

Okay sweetheart, the babies and
I are gonna go pick up the
boys. Anything specific for
dinner tonight?

Hmmm KFC? Ask the boys
if that's what they'd like to eat

Will do my love. I'll see you at
home, I love you❤️

I love you too snookums 😘

   Jin smiles and puts his phone down on the counter. He ponders on what Namjoon was telling him; about the girl being abused by her boyfriend. The thought made his own skin crawl and he thanked whatever force their was in the universe that Namjoon and his relationship was far from toxic like that. Their only real issue right now, was the discrimination towards their children for having them as parents.

   Letting out a sigh, Jin shakes his head, hoping those thoughts would fall to the recesses of his mind. He then looks towards the twins, who are helping Jungkook off the couch. Or at least Jimin was, Taehyung was busy crashing his toy cars into each other and speaking his little dialect he came up with.

   "Alright boys, how bout a snack and then we go pick up your brothers." He calls out.

   Taehyung immediately stops what he's doing and stands to run towards his dad, a toy car still in hand. "Daddy, daddy, can I has some juice too?"

   Jin smiles and leads the child into the kitchen. "Okay so how does cheese and apple juice sound?"

   "CHEESE, CHEESE, CHEESE!!!" Taehyung shouts.

   Jimin slowly enters into the kitchen, holding the small paw of Jungkook. But eventually, the toddler squirms out of Jimin's grasp and begins to walk on his own. "Mmmm!!!" Jungkook grunts, pointing to the fridge. He then tries to reach for the handle.

   This makes Jin chuckle. "Alright Jungkook, alright, you get a snack too." He picks up the toddler and places him in his high chair. "You're getting really good at walking honey! Appa will be so proud to see that!"

[Hobi's elementary]

   This weekend was Mother's Day, and Hoseok's school made it an effort to encourage their students to show their appreciation towards their mothers. Because of this, Hoseok's homeroom teacher passed out an activity so the students may give it to their mothers for Mother's Day.

   The paper was printed with a really big flower with seven petals, each one used to describe what their mothers were like. And while his classmates' flowers read "All about my mom," his flower read "All about my Dad", the part where "mom" was supposed to be being whited out and written over with permanent marker. 

   Regardless of his flower being different, Hoseok smiled as he pulled out his markers and began filling in the blanks. As if on cue, Hoseok's neighbor noticed that his flower was different.

"How come yours says 'dad'? It's Mother's Day, not Father's Day!" She lets out a little too loudly, causing for other students to look at him.

At this Hoseok immediately feels embarrassed. He can feel his heart beating fast and the heat in his face rising with his blush. "I-I don't have a mom..."

"Yeah he has two dads!" Another kid shouts.

"His dads are gay!"

"Children!!" Hoseok's homeroom teacher, Ms. Seungwan, sternly catches the attention of the class. "What have I said before? All of our families are different. This does not give us the right to judge each other because of it. Hoseok-ssi is no different from any of you because of his parents." She says. "Hoseok loves his parents very much, just like the rest of you and he wouldn't be here had they not adopted him. So please, leave Hoseok alone and focus on your own paper for Mother's Day."

The students do as told, but Hoseok still feels embarrassed—almost ashamed. He catches Chaerin staring at him and he looks away. Suddenly, he doesn't feel like completing the hand out anymore.

Chaerin comes up to Hoseok, her chair in hand and sits on the side of his desk. She places her own hand out down and smiles. "Can I do mine with you?" She asks, only receiving a small nod from Hoseok. "I hope you're not sad about this Hobi-ah. I don't think you're different because you don't have a mom."

Somehow this makes Hoseok feel a lot better. "Really...?" He asks bashfully.

The girl hums. "Ms. Seungwan is right. If your parents wouldn't have adopted you, we wouldn't have become friends."

   Little did the two know, Ms. Seungwan was listening in on the two students. There was a sense of relief in her chest for Hoseok. Still, she worried about the years to come for the boy, as not everyone was as understanding and accepting of this kind of thing as she was. She made a mental note to try and contact Hoseok's parents, just to let them know of what's going on, as it so obviously effects her student.


   The school bell rings a lot sooner than expected and the students were out for the weekend. Hoseok tucked his things into his backpack and grabbed his lunch box, waiting for his friend to gather her things.

   "Hey Hoseok!" One of the students calls out. "Which one of your two dads is picking you up today?" She asks, so obviously making fun of the boy. "Are you gay too because your dads are gay? So gross!" This causes for the small group of children to start making grossed out noises and laugh.

   But before Hoseok could react, Chaerin walks up to the girl, stepping on her foot hard and pushing her back into the desk. "Leave him alone! My mom knows your mom, I'll tell her you're bullying my friend!!" She threatens, her brows furrowing.

   The girl begins to cry and runs to look for a teacher, causing for the other to run after her. Hoseok gulps and looks at an obviously angry Chaerin. "Chaerin-ah... why did you do that? You'll get in trouble with the teacher."

   Chaerin straightens herself and fixes her brown short hair. "It's okay Hoseok, I'll tell the teacher what she was saying to you, I know she'll understand." She smiles. "Let's go already."

   The two walk out into the hallway together. Hoseok hugs his lunchbox and occasionally glances at Chaerin, who's walking at an angle ahead of him. He can feel heat on his face again, but not the same feeling he had in class earlier. Chaerin is so cool, he thought.

   Once at the pickup area, the two wait together. Eventually, Jin pulls up in his mom van and waits for Hoseok. Meanwhile, Chaerin bids the other goodbye as she walks home today.

   "Do you want my dad to take you home?" Asks Hoseok, secretly hoping she'll say yes.

   But Chaerin shakes her head. "It's okay Hobi-ah, I can walk home. Your dad still needs to pick up your other brother." She tells him. "I also don't think my mom would let me go, since she doesn't know your parents."

   Hoseok hums. "Maybe we can tell our parents to let us hang out! That way they can get to know each other and we can take you home."

   The girl's smile gets ever wider. "That sounds like a good idea!! I'll tell my mom!"

   Jin honks and Hoseok looks towards the van. "Uhm, well, I have to go. I'll see you Monday Chaerin-ah. Tell your mom I said Happy Mother's Day."

   "Thank you, Hoseokie, tell your dad he's still great even though it's Mother's Day." She waves goodbye before leaving Hoseok behind.

   Hoseok quickly makes his way to the van and opens the door. He climbs in, the door automatically closing behind him.

   "How was school Sunshine?" Asks Jin while he puts his seatbelt on.

   Hoseok remembers everything that had happened today in class and remembers how brave Chaerin was. He smiles with a dust of pink on the small apples of his perky cheekbones. "It was great!" He answers.

   Jin couldn't have asked for a better answer.

Sooooo I've been gone for like ever lol

I know I keep disappearing but this time I swear I had a valid reason

That reason being I got a new phone and didn't remember the password to my Wattpad 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But I somehow logged in and got all my books back so I promise I'll try to be consistent with them

I kind of liked writing this chapter, it somewhat had a cute ending to it

But it's only the beginning *suspense suspense*

Thanks for your patience!

Love ya!


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