Love Is Hard - Karma X Reader...

By clingyAURA

1.5K 38 126

A karma x reader fanfiction, Contains lemon A little angst here and there but not much to damage your heart... More

Chapter- 2
chapter- 4

chapter- 5

121 5 21
By clingyAURA

Your eyes snapped open when you heard the alarm going off. You groaned and rubbed your tired eyes as that reluntless screaming of the stupid divice continued untill you slammed it shut and smiled.

'Man, I always wanted to do that'

You had woken up at 5 in the morning just because of what karma had said last night.

You slowly sat up yawning, and very reluctantly peeled yourself off of the bed. With your groggy steps, you made your way to the wardrobe and snatched out the spare uniform you also found earlier.

Moving on to the other basic morning things....brushing teeth, bathing and dressing up. It all took nearly 30 minutes. After getting done with that, you made yourself two quick veg sandwiches with a glass of juice.

While eating, you couldn't help but think back to last night's events.

What did she mean by me being still alive...and if it was really cyanide, shouldn't I be...

That thought made you frown. You were not sure if you should feel relieved or tense about the whole thing. At least it's nice of them to not spread the word or people might think that you are a freak.

There's a chance that their assumption is wrong. Maybe it was just anaesthesia but then again according to Rio, it was Okuda who claimed it.

More importantly, whoever did that, may or may not want to kill you. Then again there is a great chance they did, 'cause seriously, who knows someone can be immune to that level of deadly poison.

"How can such dangerous poison just be merely able to make me unconscious", you thought outloud out of utter confusion.

It was now 5:46 and you were already done with everything needed, including putting some books and a blank notebook into the small shoulder bag.

You were pacing back and forth in the living room anxiously

What if he didn't mean it like what I am thinking he did?

What if he just told me that just to get a reaction out of me?

What if-

The sound of the doorbell interrupted your thoughts and you quickly rushed to open the door.

"Good morn-", you stopped mid greeting to what you saw.

Upon opening the door, you were greeted by the refreshing morning chilly air but what made you shiver was the fact that there was no one around.

"What the...hello? Karma?", You looked around but there was no one in sight, even the streets were empty.

If there is no one then, who rang the bell? Is this something of a prank?

As you were about to step out the door to check, all the unexplained matter came to your head since you got here.

Slowly you took your step back and closed the door, leaning your back on it and sighed heavily with a pounding heart.

First the spider which was the devil's fault. You sighed at the thought.

Next that needle which was intentional, in hopes to kill you as per what you know so far.

A well prepared and stocked apartment and its mysterious payments.

The uniform and ID card and everything was sitting right there in the middle of the forest in the middle of the day just for you who didn't even belong in this world.

Those pictures on your wall showcase. You glared at them from where you were standing.

Why the hell were the people blurred, why were you in them all clear alone. Heck! Why Were those pictures even there in the first place?

This whole thing smelled disaster from the very starting second.

Without thinking twice you rushed to your room, threw on a hoodie and joggers. You went to the door , keys in hand, wore a pair or comfortable shoes and quickly turned around and got out of the apartment, locking the door behind you. You hurriedly got on the streets and started speed walking on the sidewalk. The main streets were mostly empty as it was still early.

You forgot to take your phone with you but it wouldn't be of any use anyways. You didn't remember the way to the class E hill but it's a hill and pretty nicely visible from the distance, so you just turned any left or right which might get you closer to it.


Karma was bored out of his mind at his house. He was laying on the bed in his room with his DS and PlayStation spread out, already used and forgotten by the redhead. He closed his eyes and sat up, mumbling "cyanide huh..."

Without a word he went out of his room making a B-line to the kitchen, not bothering to spare a glance to his father who was in the living room going through some files and documents.

Opening the refrigerator door, karma's eyes narrowed and closed it a little harshly, clicking his tongue. The only thing he likes the most and was craving for right now was not there. "Seriously, now I have to go out just for that".

He went to the main door and started putting on his shoes to head to a nearby convenient store. His dad finally looked up, are you going somewhere lad?"

Karma groaned, "I've told you not to call me that, makes me sound like a kid"

"But you are a kid for me my boy", said his father sipping his coffee.

Grumbling under his breath, karma left announcing that he will return late, leaving his father lightly chuckling to himself followed by loud coughs. Poor guy forgot he was drinking something and choked on it. "Dear oh my that boy, as mother as son", he chuckled soon regretting it as a fit of coughs followed...again.

"Seriously that old man" karma sighed as he walked.

He was up all night coming up with theories about you with no sleep. You were different, that much was clear in his mind. Moreover, no matter how old he gets for some reason his father refused to treat him like grown up. That alone annoyed him to no extent. Because of him he couldn't let anyone meet him. Thankfully just a week more and he will leave for one of the many business trips.

His mother was away visiting her parents now that she had some free time. At Least his mother had a sense of responsibility unlike someone he knew.

"Akhoo '', a sneeze echoed in the large empty hall, "aww my boy must be thinking about me, so caring", the old man sighed with a smile and continued with his work.

Entering the store, he went straight to the beverage section and picked out some packed strawberry milk and strawberry pastry and went to the cashier. It was a young girl, maybe working part time, as soon as their eyes met pink dusted her cheeks and she shyly tugged a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Noticing her behaviour Karma just rolled his eyes, "I am in a hurry here, so why don't you do what you're supposed to do faster", he spoke in a cold and stirn tone. The cashier quickly scanned the products and gave the contents in a carry bag with the bill. Done with the payment he left the store and just wanted to laze the day off in his room.

That mind set of his quickly changed when he saw you walking down the streets a bit faster than normal pace.

He raised an eyebrow and decided to tail you. Like a switch flick in his head, all his boredom turned into curiosity and mischief and less than a second.

You were biting down your thumbnail in worry. You had come out in this vaguely memorised route from that night, being so confident.

'Well so much for my brilliant plan. ', you mumbled frustration and disappointment.

Your feet were killing you. You were out walking for straight two whole hours now, if it wasn't for your comfortable shoes you would've collapsed by now. It was already past 8 a.m. and you had started feeling hungry as well, considering you ate so early this morning.

You halted in your tracks when a thought occurred to you.

'waif...why did i ate so early and more over, woke up so damn early on Sunday no less'

Your heart rate quickened. What the hell, were you starting to forget your recent memories now. Even the thought of it scared you, you knew how inconvenient and dangerous it could be if your predicament happened to turn out to be true.

Suddenly your eyes widened a little as you noticed a pair of shoes stopping in front of you. You jolted up right, not realising you had been hanging your head for the past few minutes.

Your cheeks started burning when you saw who it was. Karma was standing just a foot away from you. He was smirking with his head tilted to the side a bit, one hand in the pocket and one holding a polybag.

"Uh! K-karma!" You exclaimed, stumbling back a little "what are you doing here!" Your statement sounded more like a surprised squeak than a real question.

Seeing how caught off guard you were, his smirk grew wider,"aww how rude~ and here I thought you would be glad to see me" he pouted.

"Huh?" , You quickly cleared your throat feeling embarrassed. "Oh no i was just not expecting to run into you"

"So you would've preferred if I snuck up on you from behind like yesterda-".

"That won't be necessary!" He chuckled at your quick and flustered response. "And besides, why would I be 'glad' to bump into you anyway?" You countered, hoping to calm your nerves from all the blood pumping because of him.

"Well you are lost aren't you." He straight up stated as a matter of fact and you were speechless how right he was, "It's funny how i found you just when you are lost for the second time.", He stepped a little closer and leaned his face down to your level, "or maybe your subconscious is just craving for my escort~", he said in a low voice and smug grin.

Your face burned and as much as you wanted to push him away or at least step back you couldn't. It was as if you were anchored on your spot with red cheeks. "Wha-what are you talking about", you managed to choke out while quickly turning your head to the side in hopes of hiding your expression from him. You felt him leaning in a little more with a hum. You shut your eyes tightly.

You flinched when you heard a loud laughter from the front. When you turned your head back slowly, you saw Karma laughing mockingly at you."Man, you are so easy".

You should've known what he was up to. What were you even expecting? A kiss?

Even so, who could blame you for losing your cool in front of him? He has been your one and only romantic interest after what happened back then.

You quickly shook your head and glared at him. "Ha ha very funny. If you are here just to make fun of me then by all means go ahead. Just do you know I don't have any plans of becoming a laughing stock for a walking tomato in the middle of the street.", You stepped aside, ready to walk past him, "and here I thought I had help. Thanks for nothing...", you huffed angrily and started walking off.

You must've gotten a few feet further when you heard a quick footsteps and a hand on your shoulder, stopping you. "Hey, I was just messing with ya. Sheesh"

You sighed, and turned around to face him trying to ignore all the butterflies you were feeling just by a simple touch on your shoulder from him, "what?"

"You need help in navigation right? Let me help you with that.", He gave you a small smile which made your heart jump.

"W-why do you wanna help me now.", You asked, maintaining a poker face.

"Because something tells me that you are not gonna ask for directions from anybody here", he reasoned.

"And what makes you think that"

"Experience Missy, yesterday too you didn't ask for any help knowing that you were lost"

You gasped, "you were stalking me!"

He smirked, "curiosity"

You deadpanned

"Anyways, where are you going?"he asked, getting a little serious.

"I was wondering if i could visit the mountain again", you responded, pointing in the direction of the scenery.

"And why do you wanna go there?", He asked in a rather oddly suspicious way like he was looking for something specific with the question.

"Well because i-", you got cut off by a really loud noise of stomach growling. Your eyes grew wide and you quickly wrapped both your arms around your stomach in embarrassment looking down.

Karma choked and started laughing out loud and this time you joined him with giggles.

"Hungry?", He didn't wait for your reply and took out a strawberry milk carton from the bag and handed it to you, "it's not much but it will provide you some support for the time being."

You were seriously shocked by his offer. Karma loves his drink and he was offering it to you? He really has changed.

With a little smile, slowly you reached your hand out to take it from his hands, grateful for his offer. But as your fingers touched the box, he quickly retrieved it back and held it out of your reach, "not so fast"

You gave him a puzzled look.

He smirked mischievously, "answer my questions and the drink is all yours"

Or maybe you weren't that grateful after all.

You sighed, not having any room to argue. You couldn't buy something yourself as your irrational and hasty self didn't bother to take some money before leaving, "alright ask and make it quick"

"Aww what's the rush, let's have a seat in the park over there", he pointed at a barely occupied block of ground..

You mentally slapped yourself for agreeing to him because you knew you were in for a long chat.

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