Trouble Is... // Jalex

By hothoneydrizzle

963 54 0

JB1988: If we had a competition for whose roommate is worse I'd definitely win. Earthtolex: I somehow doubt t... More

Don't Hate Me
Practice Makes Perfect
Say Anything (Else)
When I Found You
I Love You So
A Little Respect
Dear Jack
Do You Realize??
The Way We Talk
Something's Gotta Give


69 5 0
By hothoneydrizzle

Jack goes back to their dorm and curls up in the corner of his bed, completely ignoring Alex as he sits there and his heart is pounding out of his chest.

JB1988: we could for sure maybe daily grind on thames? It's one of my favorites you can't go wrong.

He looks up at Alex, his anxiety making him hypersensitive.
"Oh my god could you breathe any louder." He shouts, not sure himself where that came from.

Alex jumps as he hears Jack chewing him out.
He glares at him, "I'm sorry? I can't really help the fact that I have to breathe...jeez. I'll try to be quieter? Or I have earplugs if you want." He offers.

Earthtolex: of course! That would be great. I'll meet you there Saturday at noon?

He smiles to himself, cheeks blushing just a little, so excited and nervous, butterflies in his stomach.

Jack scoffs at Alex. "Whatever." He mutters and pulls out a bag of sweets from his drawer to stress eat. He pops taffy's in his mouth, tossing the wrappers on his nightstand and making a pile of trash.

JB1988: yeah, for sure I'll definitely need that after the first week of school :p

He writes back, playing it cool but inside he's nervous as all hell.

Alex glances at Jack's mess and shakes his head. He gets up and brings the room's little wastebasket that was by the desk to his bedside table, putting the wrappers in there.

"Can we keep it clean at least? Please? If you're going to yell at me about breathing and yell at me about having someone over, because in your own words, this is my space too. I'd just feel better if trash went where it belongs, please."

Earthtolex: I feel that. Anyway JB, I think I'm gonna go to bed. I've had a rough day, despite the fact that nothing really even happened. Just a draining day. Talk to you tomorrow! Excited to meet up with you next week.

Alex goes back to his bed and puts Netflix on his laptop, grabs his headphones, gets himself all set up and puts on the walking dead.

Jack looks over at Alex and laughs. "Dude chill I was going to clean it up the second I stood up. Thanks for the free maid service though." He rolls his eyes but keeps them on his phone.

JB1988: Understandable sweet dreams! Looking forward to it aaand I'll talk to you tomorrow

He turns over on his side, facing away from Alex and texts Zack.

Jack: what are you up to? I'm bored.

Zack: it's only your first day and you're already so needy 🙄 I'm just chilling in my room my roommate is out so I got the place to myself

Jack: must be nice..

Zack: .... Are you trying to invite yourself over?

Jack: maybeeeeee

Jack goes to two Monday classes, music industry 101, and intro to music theory. it's all mind numbing syllabus review but thankfully it goes by quick and he can go bug Zack in his dorm.

Zack's roommate is out again and he doesn't want to go back to Alex especially after the tension of last night so he goes there instead.

"One for me and one for you." Zack says, handing him a beer and popping open one for himself.
"How was class?" He asks and starts chugging it.

"Alright, all intro shit but last night was tense with Alex so I still need more than just this." He says and pours them both a shot.

"What happened?" Zack asks and takes it from him.

"Stupid little shit like him thinking i'm messy and whatever else." Jack shrugs and pours another.

"Jesus dude slow down." Zack laughs as Jack takes it.

"What are you my dad? No light drinking for Jacky I want to be fifty shades of fucked up."

And that's exactly what he does. He get's enough in his system that he loses control of himself. It starts with him and Zack listening to music and laughing about old high school memories. That is until Zack hits a tired drunk state and falls asleep.

Jack get's time to himself and in his intoxicated haze his mind goes wild and all he can do is think about Lex. He sits on Zack's floor and looks at his phone. He still hadn't replied to Lex although now is the worst time to do it he does.

Earthtolex: I'm an ass but I just basically dumped my boyfriend in a text. He sent me a photo of him having a threesome.

JB1988: that totally sucks but I think you'll be a lot happier.

He writes and bites his lip, not wanting to say more but he's stupid enough right now that he does.

JB1988: okay, this is going to sound totally insane because I still have yet to meet you in person but I think about you a lot. Like a LOT and I think I've started developing serious feelings for you. I'd understand if you didn't feel the same because again you only know me online but god you just get me like nobody else ever has. I feel so comfortable and safe with you and I can't help but to find myself thinking of you every day. I hope this doesn't scare you.. I just had to say it.

Earthtolex: it doesn't sound insane...I really like you too. I feel like you're safe to talk to, and you never put me on the back burner. You've made time for me and I'm so grateful that you do that. I honestly wait up for you to message me and I get so happy when you do. I really can't wait to meet you J. Face to face. I hope you like me as much then as you do now.

JB1988: you really feel that way? That's such great news! I have no reason to dislike you when we meet if anything I'll probably like you more. This is really a big relief for me wow.. He curls up on the floor, stealing an extra pillow and blanket and texts him one more time before completely falling asleep. 

 JB1988: I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed now but I'm really really happy you feel like that. I love you

Earthtolex: of course, I'm so excited. It's going to be really fun talking to you and getting to know you face to face. Goodnight J <3 Love you. 

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