By namelessjamie

36 8 0

In which a young adventurous girl from Sweden and an ambitious funny boy from South Korea decide to work on a... More



4 1 0
By namelessjamie

Ana's POV

Crystal Harmony on Dry Dock in Curaçao: 11th May 1989

Scared, Anxious and a little overwhelmed, these were my first reactions while standing in front of the Crystal Harmony for the first time. Am I really about to do this? Am I really leaving the little village in sweden that I grew up in where mom and dad still live with my two sisters? Yes, I'm doing it! I would have certainly took the next plane back to Sweden, if it wasn't for Ida my best friend. She had already applied to work on this cruise ship and I have seen so much advertising for this dream cruise ship that I had to apply too. Now I am about to be a cabin stewardess and I can finally see the world together with her.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sweden, it's my home. But it somehow felt like it wasn't enough for me. I needed an adventure. I have always been the adventurous type. I've been the black sheep in our family since forever. The daughter that quit working as a nurse to do the weirdest jobs. Like I was a barkeeper once, or a roady for a metal band and now I am a stewardess on a five star cruise ship. Sure my parents weren't that excited that a young girl like me goes on a cruise ship around half the globe alone, but I convinced them that I'm okay by myself. And I wasn't even by myself, Ida was with me. Ida. Ida? Where the hell is Ida?

"Ida? Where are yo-" i shouted. "Ana I'm right here, you were daydreaming so I just decided to go ahead and board the ship." she shouted back from the railing of this 170 feet high cruise ship. Oh well now I have to go through security and board alone. What a friend I have.
As I approached the grumpy looking tall security man and I instantly took out my ID and staff card that was sent to me.

"First day on deck?" he said not so grumpy anymore after noticing me. "Yes actually, is it that noticable?" I said looking up at him. He was in fact really tall, but to me a lot of people are tall, i guess I'm just a small person. Taking a better look at him, he actually was pretty handsome.

"Yes it was quite noticable, only new people show their ID and staff card instantly without me asking. And I bet I would've remember someone as cute as you." he said. "Oh my thank you, we will certainly see each other around. I'm Ana by the way!" I said, though slightly irritated by his straight forwardness and he answered with his name, Johnny. He was handsome, but he seems a little off.

As I was about to approach the gate as he spoke up again. "Newby? Let me give you one advice...Avoid Park and Jeon. They'll ruin your life. Wouldn't won't a pretty girl like you to get ruined." he said a little too cocky for my taste. I just nodded, smiling awkwardly and jogged up the steps onto the ship. Let's start this adventure now.

A few hours later I got my uniform and settled into my room, that I share with Ida. Now to my luck I had the chance to get a briefing on my tasks and how to them, because on dry doch there are no passengers yet. Next up was a big conference with all the staff members in a huge room that looked so luxurious. I was in awe while exploring the ship. It really looked like a dream, with its lounges and the pool and the delicious looking dishes that are being served.

Ida and I took our places in the conference room waiting for the big briefing conference to start. The captain of the ship was about to speak to us. Ida and I were giddy and excited. But to be honest I was a little tired too.
It was an overwhelming feeling and my anxiety was getting the best of me. How will I find friends on this huge ship? Will I even have time to enjoyit here? In moments like this I always miss home. I miss our little cabin in the woods in sweden. Ida was a person that makes friends really easily, for me it always took a while to warm up. People don't seem to notice me sometimes. I've never been loud or overly confident, even though I wanted to be. But I want to change that now and I will.

Just then and there my thoughts were interrupted. The presentation of our captain was about to start and everybody had found their seats as the doors of the conference room flew open with a bang and two boys sprinted in. Unlucky for them the last seats open were right at the front. I had a mid-for corridor seat so I could observe this spectacle at an mediocre angle. The first guy literally sprinted towards the seat, he seemed slightly embarrassed about this incident. He was rather thin and had brownish black hair. My thought process about the first guy was interrupted rather fast just as the other guy strutted along the corridor laughing and saluting to the other staff members while they all seemed to either laugh with him or role their eyes.

Mesmerizing was an understatement. This man wasn't like any other men I have ever seen before. He had stars in his eyes, while mine were probably filled with hearts. It was literally as if he was my handsome prince on a white charger. As if he was the only man in the world.

I was head over heels for someone, for the first time in my life. I could've never planned that.

He kept on prancing towards his seat, obviously not noticing me drooling over him just now. I mean, how would he have noticed? There are over 600 people here. It was impossible and it must be impossible for us to really meet, that's why I gave up this idea the moment it got to me. Forget this man Ana, he won't notice you and you don't even know his name. What a bummer.

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