
By adamabyss12

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(This story is not a part of the Alphatale Story) Blueprint, the son of Ink and Underswap Sans, had been put... More

An Unknown Voice
Ink becomes an Enemy
Escaping to the Omega Timeline
Blueprint's Soul of the Unnameable
Info: Hollowprint
Alternate Glitchtale Preservation
Dust Brothers
Moku Found
Finding 2 other Seraphims

2 Years Later

186 2 0
By adamabyss12

2 has been 2 full years, since the evacuation of the denizens of the Multiverse, in order to preserve the Universes that had been consumed/been destroyed. It has been 2 years since Ink had made a deal with an Unnameable, and became a destroyer all on his own, and it has been 2 years, since Blueprint has taken the deal of his Unnameable, and became similar to what his father had become.

These couple of days, it had became a very depressing thing for Blueprint. First, he had to abandoned his own universe, along with his friends and family, in order to be kept safe from Ink Sans, as well as the newer, or rather, older, since they existed for a very long time in secret, and stronger versions of Sans, versions that are said they be so powerful that no one can really defeat them. And unfortunately, Ink Sans had became one of those such categories, because of the fact that Ink Sans having made a deal with an Unnameable. And when he made a deal with the Unnameable, there was no going back into the person that he once was. He had now became something else. He is now no longer a being of sentient will of his own. Now he is simply just a vessel for a being that he can not comprehend in any sort of way. He is now a chaotic being that follows the command of the Unnameable, it's will, and no matter how crazy and genocidal and insane that it's order is, Ink will follow it no matter what, while at the exact same time, forever being able to feel emotions from the new soul that has been given to him. And it has even consumed the different universes in order to make himself much more stronger than ever before. Because of this, he is forever forced and cursed to hear the voice of the Unnameable inside of his head, no matter if he wants to shut it up inside of his mind or not.

But Ink is not the only one that has made himself stronger. Blueprint has also made himself much more stronger, by doing the exact same thing that his own father, Ink, had done, and that is by taking a piece of the Unnameable's soul, and put it inside of himself. But unlike with Ink, the Unnameable's soul is covering the Artificial Soul. And thanks to that? He still maintains his sense of will, while at the exact same time, also being able to hear the voice of the Unnameable inside of his head, though much more clearer. But unlike with Ink's Unnameable, this one genuinely cares for Blueprint and gives him advice and reassurance, as well as comfort in order to keep him from stopping with what he needs to do.

Blueprint, when he gained the soul of the Unnameable, he manage to gain powers that are similar to Ink Sans' own powers, or rather the same as Ink's new powers. But because he has much more abilities than Ink Sans, he is surprisingly much more dangerous compared to him despite being as strong as him. Like Ink Sans, he can manipulate his body, had incredible creativity, gained extremely immense godlike strength in order to overpower anyone else and fight against his own father, and can absorb and devour different people and AUs in order to make himself more stronger, though the thing is that Blueprint only absorbs and debtors AUs that have no life inside, and the only time that he ever eats people is when they are not redeemable and never leave the Omega Timeline alone, or that they are the cause of a genocide and refuses to stop. Because of this, he only devours the genocide kids, such as the genocide versions of Frisk/Chara, if he encounters them. While he admits that he does not like it, if he is going to stand a single chance against Ink Sans, his own father, than he needs to find a way to make sure that he can fight against him on even grounds. Even if it means having to use this set of monstrous abilities that he had obtained from doing the exact same thing that Ink had done.

But since half of Blueprint's heritage is also the one from Underswap, his new soul also made his other attacks much more stronger than ever before. His Blue Magic is now extremely dangerous, being able to kill a Level 20 human in just 3 movements, slamming them everywhere 3 times without effort, and can cause immense pain to those that are stronger than him. The Bone attacks that Blueprint has are now very pointy and extremely sharp, so much that they are even more damaging than the True Knife that Seraphim Chara has, and is able to damage beings that are stronger than him immensely badly. And for those that are weaker than him, it is instant death. His Blueprint Blasters are also monstrously powerful as well, now being able to fire an energy blast that contains a tiny amount of the Unnameable's Power. With this energy blast, he can destroy anything that gets in the firing range of the Blueprint Blaster, and even if they are somehow able to avoid getting hit, the blast has a black home effect that can suck anyone in, and will try to bring them into the blast in order to try and destroy them.

But even those are nothing compared to a transformation that Blueprint had gained, called the Printstrosity, which is the being-like form of Blueprint. The appearance of this powerful transformation is pretty similar to the Inkmation, Ink's being-like form. The only difference between the both of them is that the Printstrosity's skin color is Prussian Blue, and it has 2 Blue Diamond eyes, though the left eye does have a red circle in it's center, which can have an effect on the eye that is very similar to Dust Sans' eye, meaning that when it glows, it is a purple color. And like Ink, his only attack is the strongest attack, which is the Sphere of Pure Annihilation. And it is the only attack that can match the Orb of Utter Destruction. But the way their effect is are very different from each other. The Orb of Utter Destruction has the power to make a powerful singularity in order to suck the Alternate Universes into a point of Non-Existence, in which they will never return to, which is limited to Hundreds. The Sphere of Pure Annihilation is the same thing in its black hole effect, but the difference is that the attack does not send an Alternate Universe to a point of Non-Existence. And instead, it is actually able to destroy the Alternate Universes, very similar to how Error destroys Universes, but the power is a lot more destructive. And while, Like Ink, he does suffer a similar problem to the mental effects of the transformation, he has far more control over it, due to still maintaining his will, and thankfully for Blueprint, he only used this transformation a couple of times. And that is only when he encounters a large group of Alternate Universes that are trying to go into the Omega Timeline to try and take over it, and he had to use the Sphere of Pure Annihilation in order to destroy the Alternate Universes that are attacking the Omega Timeline, even though the Omega Timeline is supposed to be no longer connected ti the Multiverse. So how they are able to get close to accessing it, he does not know. And luckily, he did not kill a single innocent Alternate Universe with his powers, and always tries to avoid getting them involved with his attack, which would be a very shameful and sickening action if he had allowed some innocent Alternate Universes to be caught into the gravitational field of the Sphere of Pure Annihilation.

But like Ink, he gained a new weapon for him to use, which is a new Pen, which works exactly like Ink's new Paintbrush, meaning that he can change the weight and the length of the Pen. But there is one object that he has kept with him at all times, and that is when it involves Ink's Old Paintbrush. When he and his family fired a triple blaster attack at Ink, he dropped his Old Paintbrush to the ground, which Blueprint decided to keep in order remember his father by. The Old Paintbrush contains Ink's powers over creativity, meaning that anyone that has Ink's Level of Creativity and Skill can fight like Ink. But the problem is that Blueprint is not as skilled as Ink when he uses his Old Paintbrush, but can still do some stuff that Ink Sans can do, such as making paint walls, and doing Black Paint slashes, as well as making an Ink Blaster in order to non-fatally attack people, in case he simply wants to incapacitate them and not kill them. But he also used it for some other stuff, which became very important to him in his later, and now current life. Since the Paintbrush can still access the Omega Timeline, even when it is now disconnected from the Multiverse, he can now make Paint Portals in order to travel in and out of the Omega Timeline, and can even return to it along with some survivors of a Genocide Run. Examples of being when he went to the Dusttrust Timeline, and got Dusttrust Sans, which is a crazed version of his father, and brought him to the Omega Timeline, when Ink himself can no longer do it with his New Paintbrush. Of course, Blueprint has no idea why Ink's Old Paintbrush can access the Omega Timeline when his New Paintbrush can't, even though the New Paintbrush is supposed to be stronger than the Old Paintbrush that Ink had when he was still his usia self, and when he became under the control of the Unnameable. Though he guesses that because Ink had been visiting the Omega Timeline and lived inside it in some cases, the Magical Atmosphere of the Omega Timeline became infused with the Paintbrush's power, allowing anyone that uses it to go in and out of the Omega Timeline, even when disconnected. Of course, he has no idea how true that belief is, but it seems to fit, considering that he could not think of anything else that would explain as to why only Ink's Old Paintbrush can still access the Omega Timeline.

But by far the most important use of his Old Paintbrush, is when he used it's power, along with the broke Old Pen that he has, and used what remains of the Broken Pen's magic in order to create a Pocket Dimension just like Ink, called the Construct-Dome. And it is thanks to what he had done that he is able to use it for a variety of stuff, such as making Construction Papers of the Inventions that he wants to make, the Machines/Inventions that he has been able to make, and, believe it or not, the Papers of the Alternate Universes. He got those papers by stealing them from the Doodle Sphere when Ink's back is turned, usually by the universes that he is about to consume, in which that Blueprint will use some kind of distraction in order save it, such as attacking from behind through a small paint portal, only to quickly destroy that Paint Portal in order make another small one to grab the AU and bring it to the Construct-Dome in order to keep the AUs Safe. This includes some of the most well known AUs that are known across the Multiverse, such as the original Undertale, the one that started this whole Multiverse, Underfell, Underswap, his home, Outertale, Aftertale, Storyshift, and Epictale. And this is just to name a few of the Alternate Universes that Blueprint has rescued, as there are much more than what was mentioned. He is able to know what AU that Ink is about to consume thanks to CORE Frisk, who is able to use their powers to show him a screen of what Ink is about to do. And it is thanks to this that it has became a very useful asset in helping CORE Frisk, who is doing all. That they can in order to preserve the Alternate Universes and get as many survivors as they possibly can.

But even though he had accomplished a lot in his life, there are still some downsides. Which is that, Blueprint never asked for this sort of life at all. And in fact, he hates the life that he is living in. In fact, the only reason he is here is because of the fact that he has people that are depending on him, people that need his help and people that cannot go to the Omega Timeline, since CORE Frisk can no longer go to the Alternate Universes on their own, and instead, they have to rely on Blueprint in order to get the survivors of the Genocide, or the Survivors of the Alternate Universes that are about to be fully consumed, in an effort to try and make sure that it can still be preserved as much as it could be.

But even after all of that, Blueprint, he is still a kid in a way, and because of all that has been happening, Blueprint feels very depressed and sad, because his own father is no longer the same as he once was, and instead had became a very monstrous being, which Blueprint had became as well. And because of the fact that he is forced to fight against him, in that it really pains Blueprint very, very badly. But he knows that this is something that he has to do. And if he does not do this task, whether it hurts him or not...than the Omega Timeline will be in danger, his family, friends, and half-brothers will be killed, and CORE Frisk's hope at keeping the Alternate Universes safe will be all in vain. And because of this, Blueprint Sans, even though it hurts him, has to take it upon himself in order to try and make sure that the Omega Timeline, as well as the denizens of the Alternate Universes that they lived in, will live in order to come and see another day, again.


Blueprint is now inside of the Construct-Dome, as he sees the Papers of the AUs surrounding him and floating inside of this new dimension that he has made.  This dimension, which Blueprint should say, is his most proudest accomplishment.

Blueprint is now in the Construct-Dome, as he is shown to be making a machine, or at least a construction of a machine on his scarf, before he than used his powers to bring it into existence. It was a portal device that he has made, though he has not tested the effectiveness of this power yet. He places it in a random space, and he than flies upwards to look at the pages that house the Alternate AUs inside of them. He grabs onto one, and holds onto it very gently. It is as if he is holding onto a dear old friend that he had long since left for so long, and is now desperately holding onto it in order to keep it safe. It is as if he is afraid of the fact that it will leave his hand and never return. But thankfully, that is not how he is feeling, and instead, simply let's go of it, before he then lowers himself to the ground. He than turns around, and looks at another piece of paper, this one showing an axe with a bone for a handle. This is the Alternate Timeline of Axetale, and he actually went to this horrifying Alternate Universe once.

Luckily, the Unnameable's Soul was resistant against the Hunger Virus, but he ended up getting caught by the Axetale version of Sans.

And needless to say, the encounter was a very scary one, as Axetale Sans threatened him. Luckily, he believed in Alternate Universes, and was surprised to learn of the Omega Timeline, and wants to come here along with his brother and daughter, Aliza. Blueprint was glad to bring him there, but was requested to stay away for a month or so, in case they accidentally spread the infection. Luckily, they were fine, and so was Aliza, though the mutations of the Hunger still remained, and they cannot get rid of it. But it doesn't bother them anyway. The point is that they are now able to get out of the Hungering Underground, and are now able to catch a break, though they will have to return after they have recovered their strength, with Sans luckily having his soul heal from the infected spots, though the crack in his soul will not heal, from when his soulmate, Frisk, died. However, now he can use his magic at their full potential again. He is still going to be effected by that forever. But luckily, Papyrus is now no longer in his delusional self, and is acting like his real self, though he is still shaken up about what had just happened to him.

Aliza, the daughter of Axe Sans, on the other hand, is now very happy, and even said a thank you to Blueprint. Though to Blueprint's embarrassment, she kissed him. He swears that he can feel Axetale Sans' menacing glare. He clearly does not want to get on his bad side, even though he is just outright strong enough to kill him if he desires to. But the fact is that he is too kind to even consider trying to fight back. He just hopes that Axetale Sans does not go ballistic on Blueprint badly. Especially since he has an axe wrapped by his claws.

Blueprint sighed, as he than looks around the Construct-Dome, clearly unhappy about the situation that he is in. He clearly did not want to get involved in this, but now, thanks to some very powerful beings, he is now forced into a situation that he cannot get out of. He decides that he needs to get his head cleared up a little bit. Maybe some beautiful scenery will help him.

Flying backwards for a little bit, he gripped onto his father's old paintbrush, before he than swung it and made a portal of paint, before he flies through it. He than went into the other side, and he is now in Outertale. His father and Blueprint went there a bunch of times, and it was beautiful to be there, not to mention fun, due to the fact that he and Ink could float in space, almost as if they are inside of the Doddle Sphere, but with larger islands, and no paper surrounding the area. Besides, it looks a lot more beautiful than the Doodle Sphere by a very wide margin.

Blueprint than looks around for a little bit, and as he did, than looked and saw someone in the Outertale version of Snowdin. Or, more specifically, 3 people there. It is none other than the Outertale version of Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk.

He watches as Outer Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk are looking up into the night sky, as they saw a lot of stars all over the place. And needless to say, it was a very beautiful sight to behold in his eyes, as he really liked Outertale, due to his immensely pretty it looked, especially with how the stars above and around the place look incredibly awe-inspiring.

Blueprint goes out of sight, as he than watches to see what the skeleton brothers and Outertale Frisk are gonna do. Outer Papyrus began it talk about spaghetti, or at least, what type does Frisk want, and Sans began to make spaghetti puns, which made Sans receive a lot of annoyance from Papyrus, but made Frisk giggle a little bit. Needless to say, Blueprint giggled a little bit at the pun as well, before he than teleported to a private spot that he found in Outertale. And luckily, no one has found it. This is a private spot that he had chosen, and one that he had wanted to be in.

As Blueprint looked up at the stars, he began to have some thoughts enter his mind, he began to wonder to himself, what would have happened if Ink had not taken the soul of the Unnameable. And more importantly, he began to wonder if he will ever be able to see his father's original self again, even if it is gonna take years. But as he looked up, he than heard a voice behind him.

"There you are, Blueprint. I've been looking for you."

Blueprint turns around saw Abyss Sans standing behind him. Abyss Sans, unlike the other Out-Codes, but similar to Blueprint, is able to ender the Omega Timeline, but he had to go to the Abyss first, as the Omega Timeline still has access to it. Besides the Construct-Dome, the is the only place that CORE Frisk's Omnipresence can extend to. And we'll, needless to say, this made Blueprint a little bit annoyed, but he stood up, as Abyss spoke out.

"CORE Frisk wants you to comeback to the Omega Timeline. She wants you for something important."

Blueprint nodded, as he spoke out.

"Lead the way."

Abyss nodded, as he grabbed Blueprint by the shoulder, before teleporting himself and Blueprint into the Abyss, before he than teleported to the Omega Timeline. Basically, this is the story of Blueprint's new life, which he cannot back away from. This is what he has became ever since the incident with Ink Sans. This is the story, if how he has turned into the person he became now. This is how he had became...Hollowprint.

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