By castlepartridge

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"I don't think that's a good idea" I said pointing my gun straight at his face 🗡💰🔫 you're going through fa... More

1| MR. LP
18| Princess Twat


46 4 0
By castlepartridge







"Miss me London!" I heard Louis congratulate himself as we entered the border of London, which woke me up from my slumber on the narrow couch with my phone still playing little noises on my stomach. I caressed my head and yawned deeply, struggling to get up from my position and headed to the passenger seat to view the success of escaping once again.

"Alrighty," he started "disguises, mostly me but we're gonna need something to cover ourselves'

"Aren't we going our separate ways? Don't tell me you still want me around you, do you?" I mocked him, making him exhale deeply in irritation.

"Don't tell me you don't remember me saying I'll get rid of you a couple hours ago" I chuckled

He smirks "I do, but I know you'll come running back to me when you get caught begging for help"

"No, no that won't happen" I scrunch my face as his statement

"Just you wait, and when it does happen, don't expect me to help you"

"Oh I won't, you can count on that" I nodded my head



"Oh for fucks sake!" Louis cussed as he examined his messed up house that he suspected the SIS trashed up and searched upon.

He rubbed his forehead anxiously, pacing back and forth in his messy living room. He then proceeded to inform me that they had no right searching through his own house, the place he should feel safe in, not a place to be to be searched upon to find things that he shouldnt have.

"You're a top listed criminal, people are obviously gonna search your home, don't be surprised" I informed him

"But this is my home!"

"But they have a right to break in, you git!" I rolled my eyes harshly

"So you agree they broke in" he smiled desperately

I sighed in frustration "bloody dumbass" I murmured

He flopped down on his couch that had one cushion on it left from what I assume throwing them around to look around (which I had gotten that thought from the cushions being lazily placed on the other side of the room).

"Well, we'll stay the night and tomorrow we will set off again just in case" I said, starting to pick up the things thrown around the room and put them back in place (where I thought the where originally).

"Are you crazy? They searched this place, they're gonna know we went here when the don't find me in Keighley"

"Even if they did it would take them well over a day to come back here, and they don't know you're as dumb as a blind bat, to be a top criminal you have to be sharp and cunning, something... unexpected, for example, they're going to think you're too smart to stay in your own house, so they won't check here cause it's the obvious choice but they will anyway, they're going to go for somewhere they wouldn't think of and will go to all measures to get there"

"And how do you know this, exactly?" he squinted his eyes

"Because unlike someone (which I mean the person in front of me if that didn't come off as obvious as I thought) I have wit, they don't have the right mindset to keep up with criminals, that's why there's still the most wanted list" I stated matter-of-factly.

His position on the couch slightly broke, and his anxious expression (which could easily be mistaken for malice) faltered into a hard look of distaste. He stood up slowly and took a few steps forward, closer to my stance where I held a stare full of amusement.

Dont be disrespectful he said lowly

A slight smirk spread across my face Sometimes you have to show that youre DISRESPECTFUL to show that you were respectful the entire time

You don't wanna mess with me he spat

"You have such a short temper, you must know it's very amusing" I smiled cheekily. I noticed his nostrils flaring and his left eye slightly twitch, he's mad, hes really mad.

"Anger is power, Partridge. Use it wisely"

"Don't call me dumb!" he growled

"Woah, woah, woah! When did that leave my mouth?" I hid the sarcasm

"You didn't say it but you meant it"

My lips pressed into a thin line "You're being delusional, it's understandable, but unnecessary'

"If I'm really as dumb as you say then how come I haven't been caught yet? How come I'm on the cart as one of the most wanted, huh?" he gritted

"You're smart in a dumb way"

"So you ARE calling me dumb?" his lips pressed in a thin line as he stopped his body to the side of mine to where his breath was felt on my ear as he whispered almost seductively to me

I closed my eyes disappointedly "No, I'm saying you're unpredictable"





I'm just an average man with an average life, I work 9 to 5. All I want is to be left alone in my average home.

I sat at my desk for the first time in over a week, drinking a cup of coffee anxiously waiting for my brain to click and get an idea about the criminals I let slide out of my grasp.

A knock came from my open door of my office "Agent Miller?"

I looked up to see my bosss assistant, Missy who always wore tight clothes stood there, files in her hand with her white blonde hair curled to just over her shoulders and her piercing blue eyes blinked impatiently even though it had been less than half a minute. My eyebrows raised in order to get and explanation as to why shes staring daggers through my soul

"Mr. Williams would like to see you in his office" she proclaimed, her lips pushed into a thin line.

I got up from my chair quickly, fixing my suit and walking to my door. Mr. Percival Williams. The boss of my boss's boss (better known as the head of the agency) he's not around much but when he is, let's just say you better wish luck from god that it isn't you he fires (which he barely does) he usually just yells at you and if you flinch even the tiniest bit, he gives you a lecture as to why you're here and asks you (rhetorically) as to why we have our badges. I don't really find him scary or intimidating, I just find him strict, VERY strict. One mistake and you're gone, and right now. My job is on the line. Although I can't make assumptions, never think the best but never think the worst, you don't want to get cocky nor get dissatisfied with the result.

"For what does he need me, Exactly?" I questioned

"Business" she said and walked away. Well that was a great answer (hint the sarcasm)

I shut my door behind me as I get prepared for my future, that being I lose my job and then end up working at McDonald's getting minimum wage or he lets my mishap slide and gives me another chance (which he would reluctantly give).

I got to his office with his name on the door reading 'Mr. Percival Williams' I took a deep breath and adjusted my tie

"Come in agent Miller" he called from the other side of the door before I could get a chance to knock. I straightened my posture and opened the door, shutting it closed behind me

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, I assume you already know the reason as to why I called you these circumstances," he said from standing at the other side of the room, looking out of his window wall. Hands stuffed in his pockets lazily. He turned around and looked at me with the same cold hard stare that doesn't leave his face unless he is VERY satisfied (which only happens on rare occasions).

He gestured for me to take a seat but I formally declined

"Thank you, Mr Williams, but I prefer to stand"

"Bold choice,"

I raised my head high as I took a deep breath

"Now. Can you tell me why you are here?" he asked


YOU recently let two criminals loose, correct?" he finally turned around to face me, letting me see a faint scar on his left cheek (which he makes another lecture as to why and how he got it).


"And how did that happen, exactly?" he glared at me bitterly

"I lo-"

He cut me off again "You didn't listen to the instructions that agent Stubbins (my boss) gave you. You thought you could do it your own way instead of the easy way"

I didn't respond, I knew if I did he would just cut me off so I shouldn't bother

"Where are they, Miller!?" he yelled. His yells could be heard from the other side of the office

(each level of the building was like ranks, the bottom floor was for trainees, the 2nd are for the people who just got their badges, the 3rd floor are for the tacticals, the people that help the real agents who go on missions. The 4th floor was for agents who got their right to go on missions and you get the picture. Im located on the 5th floor, my boss on the 6th but Mr Williams is on the 10th, the top floor. Only the best of the best can earn an office up there thats why theres only four people up there, 5 counting Mr Williams but no one knows them, we only know Williams because he's the head of department. I made him sound bad but he wasn't as bad as our former head. Agent bowman, he was the worst but luckily he retired 2 years ago. That why I'm not really scared of the man in front of me, he's not as bad as bowman)

"How can you let them go! Tell me" he demanded

"I thought I could get a double shot, get them at the same time" I spoke

"Pardon? I can't hear you"

"I said I thought I could get them at the same time" I repeated myself

he clenched his jaw "And you let the girl go, why?"

"I didn't think she would leave" I said, not exactly answering his question

"She's a goddamn criminal, Miller! She's not your mate, she's a law breaker. You can't trust her. You should know this. You're not here to make friends with them, you are here to put them behind bars. Give me one reason to let you keep your badge he asked


He slammed his fist against his desk "Errrr. Too late"

"Where are they?" he seemed to calm himself down

"I don-"


"I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled back at him subconsciously. Fuck that's not good

"You're on thin ice. Miller. Thin ice!" he pointed to me, staring daggers through my soul

"One more slip and you're done. You hear me?" his nose flared

"Yes, sir" I said with a stone hard face, showing no emotion. That was something we learnt as trainees. Never show emotions, especially towards your opponent. they're a waste of time (that being emotions and people are a waste of time).

"You're going to find them, even if it's the last thing you do. Now go before I change my mind and take your badge" he points to the door with his eyes lazily. I nod my head and walk out, closing the door behind me. I stay in place outside the door and take a deep breath. That went well.

I went to the elevator and stepped in. seeing a man that was probably on the roof floor (which isn't really a floor, it's used for training and some other things for legal reasons I can't tell you)

'Got fired?' he chuckled, I tuned my head slowly with a scowl on my face

"yes" I fake smiled

"Fucking twat" I mumbled


I got back to my office and slammed the door shut, violently closing the blinds, ignoring the some-what worried stares from my colleagues through the glass. I pinch the bridge of my nose and rummage through my draws full of files looking for the file labeled 'Mr. LP'

I pull it out from the draw and look through it briskly.

'Name: Louis Partridge

Age: 22

D/O/B: 3rd of June, 1998. Wandsworth, London

Sex: male

Nationality: British

Race/Ethnicity: white

Height: 5ft9-6ft


Eye colour: Dark brown

Current Hair colour: brown

Figure: lanky frame

Tousled hair

Affable smile

Clean-shaved look

Then I started reading on his behaviour (his crimes)

I got some stuff I think could be useful and started to do some hacking (legally) as I don't have anything about Y/n cause she's unidentified. But I doubt they would be together at this point in time. They would've gone their separate ways so that being said Partridge is my main worry. Once I get him I'll catch her and prove myself that I earn my spot in this agency.

A/n. I'm so sorry it's taken so long for an update, I've been so busy lately

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