JUNGKOOK FF - Prince from The...

By Mi_YuYuinie

44.1K 1.7K 283

Just a young girl living her normal life when suddenly, BAM! She encounters a man that will change her life f... More

#Flashback (Y/n2)
#Flashback (y/n2) pt.2
#Flashback (Y/n2) pt.3
- Author


2.1K 91 4
By Mi_YuYuinie

- Returning home? -

- "Is Jungkook really from the past??" Will y/n ever found out the truth about Jungkook?? -

"Prince Jungkook!!"

Taehyung just barged into her house right after y/n opens the door. Her sleep was disturbed, she's looking like a mess right now and Jimin has to witness that part of her first thing in the morning.


"Next time, warn him not to do that again especially when I'm sleeping."

Her dark eyes send shivers down Jimin's spine as he quickly nods in fear. Jimin went in and y/n heads to her room to change her clothes.

"I've read about time travel!! There's someone who knows about time traveling!!"

Jungkook sits up from his seat and drops the remote that he has been inspecting.

"Tell me now!!"

Taehyung slams a big book on the table and dust comes out. They fan the dust away and Taehyung opens the book.

"Here!! This person, George Harrison!! He's the first person to ever encountered time traveling!! He even met someone who time travels like you, your highness!!"

"This is marvelous!! We shall meet him now!!" Jungkook feels hope and quickly demands for departure.

"Well, the problem is he's already dead."

Jungkook's smile drops.

"b-but!!" Taehyung quickly said. "He has a pupil who's still alive!!"

Jungkook sighs. "Okay? Tell me more."

At that time y/n comes out of her room and heads to the living room where the boys are.

"He has the knowledge of time traveling!! We can ask for his help!!"

She gets closer to them and bends down to look at the picture Taehyung is showing.

"He lives in Canada though..." he grins.

"I don't see any problem. We will go there asap!!"

Jungkook turns to y/n and already sees her blank expression.


Jungkook frowns in disbelief.


He stands up furiously.

"Obviously I'm not doing this. This is ridiculous already. I'm not gonna waste my money on doing this futile things. And I'm not going out of the country for nothing."

"This is to return me back to my timeline!!"

"I'm not doing it. And you can't make me."

Her eyes stares at him coldly. Jungkook clenches his fist tightly.

"You... I hate you... You always want to ruin everything!! You always wanted get in my way to go home!! I hate you!!!"

He storms out of the living room and slam the door of his room. Y/n looks down, feeling two pair of eyes on her.

"I wasn't trying to ruin anything... To be honest I want him out of this house immediately." She said to defend herself.

"I wish I can help but I can't, not when I'm not in a good financial support. And I am also still doubting this whole time travel, past things.."

They both nod, understanding y/n's side.

"But we can help him." Taehyung reassures but y/n shakes her head.

"Don't... What if it turns out to be a fraud?? A scam??"

"You're right... And we also don't have enough money to book a flight."

"Wdym??" Taehyung turns to Jimin. "Yes we do."

Y/n and Jimin both look at Taehyung.

"Well, my father does."

"But you said you'll stop using his money."

"This is for prince Jungkook." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders.

"Why're you so desperate to help him??"

"Aside from bekeing him, I can see he really misses his home."

I look at Taehyung as if he's crazy. He can't be really serious about Jungkook's past life... Well, I may have believe him a little bit but not to this extend.

"When I look into his eyes, I can see he's not lying. Beside, he really looks like the Busan prince from 1897."

He showed us another picture of a man. When I look at it I was a little shock because it's really a cardboard version of him. It does looks like Jungkook.

Could it be... He's really not lying at all...?





"Let's go!!!"

Jungkook happily and jolly, cheering as both of us walk to the door where Taehyung and Jimin are waiting with their luggages.

"Have a safe trip guys!!"

Jungkook's smile drops as he turns to y/n, perplexed.

"Wait, you're not coming along??"

"Oh no. I'm staying here." He frowns.

"What nonsense!! You're coming with us!!"

He said and y/n sighs, rolling her eyes afterwards in annoyance at his commanding tone.

"We have to go or we're gonna be late for the flight." Jimin said, looking at his watch. However, Jungkook protest.


He shoves Jimin's hand away and grabs y/n's shoulders, taking her by surprise.

"Why're you not coming with us?!!"

"I'm not going that's why." She pushes his hands away.

"You have to go!!"

"Jungkook you're gonna miss the flight. I'm not going because I can't. Just go, Jimin and Taehyung will be there with you."


"Prince Jungkook, let's go!"

Jimin and Taehyung grab Jungkook and pull him out of the house.

"Wait!! Unhand me!!" He squirms around, trying to free himself from getting further away from the doorsteps.


He stops yelling and looks at y/n. She smiles at him and waves at him before saying.

"Just come back here okay?? I hope you get your help. Have a save trip!!"

Time suddenly went slow as Jungkook stare at her smile. It look... Sweet. Her face suddenly looks so radiant under the sunlight.

"ah- y/n!"


He jolts up from his seat and looks around realizing he's in an unfamiliar place.

"Where am I??"

"You're awake!"

Jungkook turns and saw Taehyung and Jimin on their seats.

"Where am I??" He asked once again and Jimin answers.

"We're on the plane."

He looks out of the window and widen his eyes as he saw himself above the clouds. His body jumps back from the window and grips his seat tightly.

"Am I in heaven?!!! I'm dead!!!" He starts touching his face and body, checking if there's wings a ring floating on his head.

"You're not dead. We're on a plane. It's a vehicle in the sky."

Jungkook looks around and suddenly feels suffocated. Jimin and Taehyung panic seeing his eyes bawling back.

"Taehyung gives him the oxygen mask!!"

Taehyung pulls the oxygen mask down and slams it to Jungkook's face. Jungkook breath in and out until he regain his consciousness again.

"Thank goodness..."

Jimin notices Jungkook is looking around again.

"Looking for y/n-shii perhaps??"

"What?! No!!"

He jolts at the question and looks away in denial.

"... where is she??" He murmured the question and Taehyung laughs silently.

"Y/n-shii is not here. She already told you she's not coming remember?"

Jungkook frowns and looks down.

"So she's really not coming??"

"By the way your highness, she asked me to give you this."

Taehyung hands him a piece of paper. Jungkook looks at it and quickly snatch it to read.

[Here's my number xxx-xx-xxx. Use Taehyung's phone if you need to.]

"What is this number??"

Taehyung peeks and nods with an "oh".

"She gave you her number to contact her."


"Like this."

He takes out his phone and dials the number. He gives the phone to Jungkook.

"What are you doing?? What is this??"

"Put it near your ear."

Taehyung helping him out and Jungkook was startled by the weird sound from the phone. Few seconds later, the noise suddenly stops. Jungkook frowns.

"what is this-"


A familiar voice makes Jungkook's eyes widen. He looks at the phone shock.


"Owh my ear!!! Jungkook??"

"What're you doing- are you in this tiny machine?!!"

Jungkook started to panic and scans the phone in a rush.

"No you silly!! Taehyung will explain it to you later. So, is there something wrong??"

"No answer my question!! Why are you inside this small device?!!"

"Jungkook I'm just communicating with you through this. We can talk together even if we're at a very far distance."

"like... magic??"

"Yes yes magic. Btw are you guys on the plane now??"

"Plane??" He looks around the place. "You mean this giant flying metallic monster I'm in??"

He hears a chuckle from her.

"Yeah that one... You've got eaten aren't you??"

"I am?!! But I'm not dead!!"

"Don't worry, the monster will release you once he lands on the ground-"


Out of nowhere he suddenly shouts again and y/n screams.

"aaah my ear!!"

"How dare you to not coming with us!!! This is unforgivable!!!"

"Jungkook-ah..." Y/n calls his name lowly. "Have a good day."

Jungkook then hears the same noise from earlier.

"Ah- yah!! YAH!!! What's this noise?!!"

He aggressively shakes his phone and Taehyung grabs the phone from him.

"oh she ended the call."

"What?!! Tell her to call back!!"

Taehyung got a message from y/n.

Y/n :
Tell him to calm down and call me later... And by later I mean after you guys found a place to stay.

"umm... I can't anymore."

"What?! Why?!!"

"Cause uuh... My phone is almost out of battery. Yeah, once we land and I'll charge my phone, you can use it again."

Jungkook groans in frustration and rustles his hair. He flops himself on his seat and looks out of the window.

His eyes softens as he muttered her name...



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