Baggy T-Shirts and Swim Shorts


809 19 5

Sero, Shinsou, and Kaminari decide to go on a road trip to blow off some steam from all of the hero work they... More

*Author's Note*


138 3 0

ᴷᵃᵐⁱⁿᵃʳⁱ ᴾᴼⱽ

"You're going on vacation?" Ashido asked, straitening her paperwork. Denki nodded, a smile forming on his face as he modeled the same motions Ashido had, tapping his stack of paper on his desk. "It was Hanta's and Hitoshi's idea though. I talked to the boss yesterday about getting me a week or two off." "A week or two?!" Another voice butted in, three friends peeking their head around a stall. One had brunette hair, another with violet, and the final jet-black. "You're getting a week or two off? Whatever for?" Yao-Momo asked. She clutched a stack of paper in her arms. "Hanta and Hitoshi had a bright idea to go on a vacation together." Denki swooned, bringing his hand to his cheek and his papers to his chest. "Haha. Gay." Jirou scoffed. Yao-Momo hip-checked her, one perfectly kept eyebrow quirked upwards slightly. Jirou looked away, a blush on her face. "It's a joke, babe." "I know darling." Mina and Ochako giggle a bit. "I wish Izuku would have ideas like that every once and a while. But you know how he is." Uraraka sighed dreamily, beginning to walk towards the boss' office to turn her paperwork in. The others followed. 

Everyone had changed in the slightest over the years, mostly in hero costumes and hair styles with a few added scars here and there. Yaoyorozu, for example, decided to alter her hero costume into a more modest version. She had a triangular cutout at her clavicle and a rectangle cutout in the back to get the best out of her quirk, paired with pants with pockets to carry medical supplies in case she was tired after a battle to create them with her quirk and snacks to fuel up with. She also had a stylish belt with a 'C' for her hero name with fingerless gloves with a type of screen implanted in them so she could easily look up molecular structures of objects if she needed to. Ashido had switched the one-piece to a two-piece with black leggings and a sleeveless top with a pattern similar to her hero costume in high school. She too had fingerless gloves because she thought they were fashionable, a pair of pretty goggles to protect her eyes, a belt with many pockets for whatever she wanted, and her hair had seemed to get a bit curlier and a tad longer, as well as her horns. Uraraka's hairstyle was just about the same, if not a bit longer, her eyes seemed to slim a bit and her eyelashes got a little longer. Her suit was pretty much the same, but the design changed a bit and her boots got a bit less clunky. Jirou's hair got shorter, along with her shirt, which now ended above her belly button, and she'd ditched the jacket and gotten an upgrade on her boots. She also now had a scar that began just under her ear, dragged across her right cheek and ended a centimeter or two away from her nose that she had gotten from a nasty cut a from a fight a few years back. Denki changed his loose track pants to tight leather and got a new pair of boots, but other than that, his suit was the same. 

"I'll miss you when you go though!" Mina whined, pressing her cheek to Denki's shoulder on their walk to the boss' office. "I'm not going for another week and a half Meens, you'll still see plenty of me." Kaminari swatted her away with a smile. A bright-eyed intern ran up to Uraraka to tell her something, something about a bank robbery in the downtown. Uraraka nodded, smiled, and patted the girl on her head, handed her her paperwork and instructed her to turn it in to the boss for her before waving to her friends and flying off. The intern had sparkles in her eyes as the rest of the pros Uravity has been walking with smiled and waved at her, Momo giving her a little head pat as well. Out of the group of them, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka accepted the most interns. They simply loved helping bright-eyed hero hopefuls get closer to their dreams of helping the innocent lives be saved. 

The rest of the group turned their papers in, talking about random things. Denki went out on patrol afterwards. 

"CHARGEBOLT! Oh my gosh, c-can I have a picture?" A girl emerged from a group, brandishing her phone. The others behind her, seeming to be a mix of other girls, gender-non conforming, and a boy or two. Denki smiled his iconic grin and nodded. "Of course!" The girl brightened, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She unlocked her phone and floated her phone in the air. She must have a gravity manipulating quirk. Denki copied her stance and threw peace signs with both his hands, a big grin on his face. She thanked him and asked for a hug, which he happily accepted. He waved them off with a little salute and continued his patrol. The day was rather tame, he stopped by a local ramen shop for lunch and they let him have the meal for free, since it was 'the least they could do for a hero'. The food was absolutely delicious, so he would definitely be coming back when he was hungry. The day ended after four hours of nothing except patrolling the streets, a few pictures, an autograph, and a lame (albeit tiring) store robbery. 


Denki opened the door to his apartment, yawning. He toed off his boots, dropped his bag at the door, and set his sun glasses on the table by the door. He peeled off his jacket and began to yank his shirt off when he heard a sudden cough from the kitchen. He opened one eye sleepily to find both of his boyfriends at the kitchen table, eating some udon with rosy blush on their faces. "Hey guys." He smiled sweetly, dropping his shirt to cover his abdomen again. Hitoshi coughed again. Must have gotten something caught in his throat. "Welcome home baby. Are you hungry?" Sero asked, a blush still staining his cheeks. Denki shook his head. "'M really tired though..." He yawned again. "Gonna go take a bath." He announced, beginning to trudge back to the bedroom. He ran into a wall on the way there. 

ˢᵉʳᵒ ᴾᴼⱽ

Sero had gotten home to find Shinsou preparing instant udon in the kitchen. He turned his head to see Hanta and smiled softly. "Want some udon?" He asked, going to grab another package. "Yes please. I'm starving." He patted his tummy as he pulled off his boots. Hitoshi chuckled. "Alright, go change. I'll prepare your dish." He said, dropping the block of hardened noodles into the already boiling pot of water. Hanta nodded and waddled back to their room to change into more comfortable clothing. He chose a big t-shirt, baggy shorts, and fuzzy socks. He slid down the hallway to enter the kitchen in a dramatic manner. He slipped (and nearly fell) as he grabbed onto the counter and leaned forward. He exaggerated placing a hand on his hip and winked with a sly smile. "Hey beautiful. Come here often?" Hitoshi snorted and rolled his eyes. He then leaned on his elbows with his cat-like smirk. "You're a dork, Han." He kissed the tip of Hanta's nose sweetly. Hanta snickered, his expression gooey. He moved his arms so his elbows were propped up on the counter and his chin rested on his palms. "I love you 'Toshi." He swooned, watching as Hitoshi stirred up their noodles. Hitoshi smiled and blushed a bit. "Love you too, Hanta." He mumbled. 

Hitoshi plated the noodles and grabbed two sets of chopsticks, bringing the bowls to the table. Hanta followed him happily. They sit across from each other at their small table. They periodically fed each other small servings of their own noodles. When they heard the door open, they both looked over excitedly to see their pretty blond boyfriend yawning and taking off his boots and coat. They could see his eyes were closed and he looked really tired. When he began to pull up his shirt to reveal his flat, toned stomach is when Hitoshi choked on his food. The blondie looked over, one canary yellow eye peeked open in the slightest. He dropped his shirt to cover his abs and waved cutely with a sleepy smile. His eyes dropped closed again. "Hey guys." Hitoshi coughed again, patting his chest. "Welcome home baby. You hungry?" Hanta stepped in, his face still a bit pink. Denki shook his head, scratching at his cheek absent-mindedly. "'M really tired though..." He yawned again. "Gonna go take a bath." He wobbled towards the hall, running into a wall on his way. Hitoshi chuckled, slurping up some more of his noodles. "After we're finished, we should join him. Make sure he doesn't drown and whatnot." He suggested, blowing on another bite of food. Hanta nodded, a blush still feint over his cheekbones and a small smile on his face. 

They finish their food and place the dishes in the sink, claiming one of them would do it later. They go into the bathroom to find Denki, half-asleep in a very bubbly bath with one of their cats in a ball at the corner of the tub. It looked like Denki hadn't even gotten his hair wet before he nodded off. The two of them looked to each other and smiled before stripping down to join Denki in the tub. Sero wiggled so he could be behind Denki and Shinsou was stuck by the faucet. They had purchased an apartment with a big bathtub, of course, so the two fully grown men, a twink, and a few rubber duckies could fit in it. 

Hanta kissed Denki's jawline and delicately ran his fingers up his stomach, causing Denki's eyes to flutter open. He hummed sleepily, waking to see his boyfriends surrounding him. He blushed and mumbled, "When did you guys get in here?" He sleepily rubbed one of his eyes with a hand that had been hanging out of the tub. "Just a bit ago. But it seems you fell asleep before you could wash your hair." Hanta whispered, kissing the shell of Denki's ear, accepting a small pitcher of water from Hitoshi. He shielded Denki's eyes from the falling water as he poured it over his hair. He then grabbed Denki's (two-in-one orange scented) shampoo and conditioner and began giving Denki a head rub while massaging the soap into his dirty hair. Hitoshi began doing the same with his own hair, scrubbing his lavender-scented soaps into his mauve curls. After Denki had gone limp against Hanta's chest, the black haired man laughed and began washing his own hair. "Did Denki shave his legs last time he showered?" Hitoshi asked, looking over Denki's legs. Hanta nodded. "Yeah, he was wearing leggings the other day, remember. Wouldn't have worn 'em if he hadn't." Hanta replied. Denki shaved his legs every other time he showered or bathed, and usually wore more tighter-fitting pants and showy skirts and dresses afterwards. "When was the last time he did his skin-care routine?" Hitoshi asked again, hands cupping Denki's jaw. Hanta thought for a minute. "T...wo nights ago?" There was an uncertain peak in Hanta's voice. Hitoshi grunted. "Here, give him to me." Hitoshi made an attempt to wrap his arms around Denki's torso, only succeeding when Hanta nudged the man in his direction. "Pass me his skin cream?" He made grabby hands at the container of cream behind Sero. Hanta tossed it to him. Hitoshi squirted a nickle-sized amount of the cream onto two of his fingers and began massaging it onto Denki's cheeks. 

The two taller step out of the tub and grabbed one towel each. They here a small groan and then a squeak followed by a bit of water sloshing around. Hanta and Hitoshi turn to see Denki bright red, legs curled into his chest, and hands over his eyes. The two dark-haired men exchange amused glances and laughs, wrapping their towels around their waists. Denki peeked through his fingers to look back at his lovers, his face bright pink. His bottom lip was jutted out slightly. Hanta giggled once more, leaning over to kiss the pout away. Denki whined and covered his eyes again. Hitoshi grunted a laugh, his eyes rolling. He spat out the toothpaste into the sink and wiped any excess off on a towel. "I'm gonna go make the bed real quick." Hanta smiled cutely, kissing Hitoshi's forehead and scurrying off, holding his towel up at the front. 

Hitoshi, after washing his face turned back to Denki, who was sitting awkwardly with his arms between his thighs and a pink tint on his cheeks. Hitoshi's expression turned soft, a little smile slipping out. He walked over to the tub, catching Denki's attention. The blond blinked adorably a few times before getting flustered and averting his gaze, biting down on a nail. Hitoshi breathed another laugh. "Babe, you've seen us naked plenty of times before, why are you so flustered?" He asked, grabbing a fresh towel from the counter. "Cuz I just woke up and you guys were butt-ass naked in front of me. Didn't expect it..." He pouted, nibbling at his nail. Hitoshi rolled his eyes and tossed the towel over his shoulder, then grabbed Denki by his armpits, placing him in front of the tub. He put the towel over Denki's waist before leaning down to drain the bath. "Brush your teeth, love." He instructed, wiping his hands on his towel and grabbing the kitty that was miraculously still sleeping at the corner of the tub. Denki nodded and began to go through the steps of the task. A minute later, Shinsou's leading Denki to the bedroom, cat climbing on his shoulders. 

Hanta was now dressed in spiderman-print pj pants and a loose crop-top that ended just about at the bottom of his ribs. Shinsou pulled on a pair of loose black sweats and a tank top with the sides cut out (and also pulling his hair back with a headband) while Denki slipped on a his favorite pair of little sleeping shorts that just barely made it to mid-thigh and one of Shinsou's hoodies and fuzzy socks. Hanta wiggled into the middle of the bed with a goofy grin, his hands behind his head. Denki jumped in after him, giggling and caressing Hanta's exposed tummy, and Hitoshi got in on the opposite side of Hanta, tucking himself and the cat that was still attached to his shoulder into the big, comfy bed. Another kitty was wiggling his way between Hanta and Denki, purring as he was caught in Denki's arms. Denki kissed Hanta, then the cat. "Han-Han, can you kiss 'Toshi for me?" He asked, looking at Hanta with puppy eyes. Hanta grinned wider and nodded, turning his head to Hitoshi and smooching him twice. One from Denki, the other from him. Hitoshi kissed him back. "Give Denks a kiss, will 'ya?" He smiled sweetly. Hanta nods again and turned to Denki, then kissed him twice, for the same reason he kissed Hitoshi a couple times. "Mmh... g'night babes." Denki hummed. "Night." Hanta wrapped an arm around each boyfriend's shoulder. "G'night." Hitoshi mumbled, half-asleep already. They all drift off, happy to be together for another night. 

|word count: 2582|

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