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Shinsou woke up that morning enveloped in Denki's legs and Hanta's arms. Denki's thighs were wrapped around his waist and his arms looped around his forearms. Hanta's was behind him, arms around his ribs and legs curled around his. He could feel all three of their cats lumped together at their feet. He smiled as Denki wiggled closer to him in his unconscious state. He could feel Hanta's hair brush against the back of his neck. Hanta had cut his hair a year or so back and it was now an undercut, kind of like Hitoshi's, but he left the top part of his hair as it had been. Hitoshi had decided he liked how Mirio styled his hair and stole the idea from him. Denki liked how his hair was and just let it be. After a few minutes of admiring his boyfriends, Hanta's eyes opened. He groaned quietly with tiredness. Hitoshi turned his head to look at the beautiful man, who grinned at the sight of one of his boyfriends being awake. He kisses the nape of Shinsou's neck with a cheeky grin. Shinsou rolled his eyes and twisted in a way so they could kiss each other's lips. Hanta made a happy little chirpy noise before nuzzling his nose into the crook of Hitoshi's neck. His little smile was so adorable. After many minutes of cuddling, Hanta whispered in Hitoshi's ear; "I gotta go make breakfast. Denks'll get cranky if he gets too hungry." He kissed Hitoshi's jawline before worming his way out of the bed. He stopped by the closet to grab a shirt before heading to the kitchen. 

Part of Hitoshi wanted to follow him, give him more kisses and attention after being gone for so long. But the other, larger part of him told him to stay with Denki so he wouldn't wake up cold and lonely. That same part of him told himself what a pain it would be to get out of Denki's hold. So, he wrapped his arms around Denki's waist and pulled him closer, into his chest. Denki, still sleeping made a content hum with a sleepy smile. Shinsou nuzzled his nose into the curve of Denki's neck, humming right back. They stayed like that for a while, while Hitoshi fell back asleep. 

ˢᵉʳᵒ ᴾᴼⱽ

Hanta walked in with a large trey of an American-style breakfast, three plates on it, and three breakfast in bed tables. He smiles at the sight of his boyfriends all huddled together. 'So adorable.' He smiled. He began to hum a tune, setting the trey of food on the dresser. He crawls onto the bed, nuzzling his nose into Hitoshi's cheek. He leans over enough to kiss the corner of Denki's mouth. "Good morning~" He sings, kissing Denki's nose and leaning back to kiss Shinsou's eyelid. Denki groaned, his eyes opened a bit. "I made you guys breakfast." His voice was soft as he kissed the two of them again. And again. Maybe another time or three. "But Hantaaa~" Denki whined quietly. "I don't wanna get up." He wrapped his arms around Hitoshi and pulled him closer to his chest, pouting. "Well, lucky for you~" Hanta goes to grab the food he'd made. "You don't have to." He smiled when Denki's eyes lit up. "I would kiss you, but I dont wanna spill the food." Denki admitted, looking at the platter in front of him. Hanta maneuvered so he could place the bed trey over Denki's lap and set his plate of food down without squashing Hitoshi. Denki looked up at him with stars in his eyes, carefully wrapping his arms around Hanta's neck to bring him down to a place where he could kiss him. "Love you." He mumbled before pressing their lips together again. 

Only when they hear Hitoshi chuckle two minutes later do they stop kissing. "Not that this isn't a wonderful sight to wake up to, but I'm getting kind of hungry, so can we eat before the food gets cold?" He joked, raising an eyebrow slightly. Hanta and Denki laugh nervously, turned back towards each other to exchange one last kiss before pulling away. Denki kissed Hitoshi and went to his food. Hanta served Hitoshi his serving of food before making himself comfortable on the bed to eat alongside his lovers. They ate in comfortable silence, the sounds of forks and knives clinking against plates and the occasional purr of a kitty filling the room. Once they were finished, Denki nominated himself to do the dishes since Hanta did the cooking and Hitoshi just got back from a long mission. The kitties follow. Hanta takes that time to hog Hitoshi, giving him kisses all over and showers of praise. Once Denki comes back, Hitoshi is bright red in his flustered state.

The three of them sat together in an entanglement of limbs and cats on their laps. "Hey... Denki?" Hitoshi says quietly, not wanting to disturb the mood that had been set. Denki hummed, looking into Hitoshi's wonderfully cosmic eyes. "You know what you said last night?" Denki blinked twice. "Y'know... about wishing we could all spend more time together?" He clarified. Denki nodded. "Well, how would you feel if we all arranged to go on a vacation in a few weeks?" Denki's eyes shine at the idea. He nods. "That sounds great! Where would we go?" He asks, looking between Hitoshi and Hanta. Hanta clears his throat. "Well, my grandparents owned a beach house, and I could talk to my dad about borrowing the property for a couple weeks?" Denki gasped. "That sounds great!" He latched onto Hitoshi's bicep. "I'm so happy you're back. You two come up with the best ideas together, I swear!" He rubs his cheek against the muscle, much like one of their cats. The taller two laugh, Hitoshi leaning down to kiss Denki's forehead. 

Now all they had to do was brave the next few weeks of hero work before they could treat themselves to a wonderful stay at the Sero family's beach house.

|word count: 1011|

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