Missing piece

By overthinkerexpress

10.6K 106 4

You never realise somethings missing until you've lost it. ' if you love someone you tell em' More

~ welcome to missing piece ~
~the carousel keeps turning~
~life changes in a heartbeat~
~tape and glue~
~back to normality~
~blood is thicker than water or is it?~
A mystery will find its way to stay that way
Returning home or is it really home?
Settling back in or getting ready to leave again?
Put em in coach
It's been six months...
Fixing yourself or the things around you?
Maybe fixing yourself isn't the answer
Because you were fixed all along
getting better isn't a one size fits all
Recovery is a long road
should I stay or should I go?
the interview
the silent treatment
the night before
it all comes down to this
a new beginning?
going going gone
luna shepherd
the return
the new normal
how bad is it if you don't talk about it?
a new start?
this is me trying
authors update

~gut feelings~

236 2 0
By overthinkerexpress

Lunas POV

You know that feeling you get when you wake up and know that today is gonna be the absolute worst day? That's what I felt today, not even a normal feeling like a weird one. Like something bad was gonna happen that I felt that.

"What's going on here?" I asked the residents if they were all standing in a group laughing outside an ICU room. When looking in Lexie was patient and looked like she was gonna throw up.

"When did you lose your virginity? You know how old and where?" Karev asked me.

"I'm not joining in with this stupid game," I said leaning against the nurse's station.

"Why still a virgin? or was it bad?" Christina piped up and said.

"Not a virgin just don't want to share it with you immature people" I said walking around the desk to answer the phone that was ringing.

"What about you Kepner?" Karev asked her.

"umm no don't want to talk about it" She said quite embarrassingly.

"Ha, you're a virgin" He shouted in her face.

"No it was um on a beach at sunset very beautiful" She answered cringing at what she was saying.

"Virgin, you are a virgin," Christina said.

"Yep, definitely, a virgin" Jackson then joined in as well.

"Oh my god leave her alone it doesn't matter if she is. Just leave it alone you immature people" I said putting the phone down.

"April there's an emergency in the pit we need to go," I said getting her out of there.

" Thank you for um getting me out of there. Thank you" She said with a sound of relief in her tone.

"It's alright, they were being rude and some people aren't proud of how they lost it or if they haven't so. And April stop saying thank you. You're my friend" I said grabbing a trauma gown.

General POV

For the last few weeks, since Luna saw her Dad, she had been avoiding everyone. Like everyone. She was kind of living at the hospital to avoid people. Also, she had heard from Alex that Jackson and Lexie were extremely loud during the night. But part of living at the hospital was she would go to Joe's the bar across the stress every night so she was getting to Alex a lot more which had its pros and cons but overall he had been a friend which she liked about them.

Luna's POV

"Hey, Joe can I get a tequila please?" I said walking up to the bar. 

"Yeah, it'll be right up!" Joe the bartender said. 

"Wow, shepherd nearly every night this week you've been here? Trouble in paradise?"Alex asked me while sitting down next to me.

"Trouble in paradise would mean I'd have someone which I don't so" The words fell out of my mouth quite desperately.

"What about Sloan heard you two came out of an on-call room together a few weeks ago?"Alex muttered beside me. 

"Nope we just had a weird sort of anniversary that week...so Karev you got anyone waiting for you? like since Lexie?" I say in a jokey way tapping his leg.

I looked up at his face after he quickly moved his leg away from me. Like he was flinching at any sort of touch. 

"Ha, you're funny. No, she's with Avery so currently just you know screwing nurses!" He said laughing. We both got talking about our first years at hospitals and doing shots. There was something about Karev that made me feel safe. 

"Well, Karev where are you staying tonight? because I'm fed up with staying in the hospital to avoid people at home and now April has my room so.." I say down the rest of my drink.

"You know the same room I've always stayed in!" He said also downing the rest of his drink.

"Do you want to go?" I say, handing over a 20-dollar bill to Joe before winking at Karev and walking out.

The cold Brisk air of Seattle hit me before I could even process the fact I was outside.

"So Luna? Can I call you Luna?" He said putting his arm around me. Wow, that was smooth.

"Yeah you can, only my friends call me that and I'd say we are," I say before pulling him into a kiss. Can I say Karev may be a womaniser but he knows what he's doing?

"Wow, you umm..."He said pulling away.

"What! Have I got something on my mouth or something" I say wiping around it.

"No, no, no umm!" he coughs. "I've not felt like this with someone in a long time" 

"Oh yeah, I get that," I say pulling him into another kiss. It was either the alcohol or the lack of sleep that made me think getting with Karev was a good idea. 

Jacksons POV

"Jesus, when are they gonna stop?"I  say turning over to hug Lexie.

"He has to bring a new skank back every week I swear?" She replies.

"Umm Lex, didn't you sleep with Karev?" I ask in a jokey way.


Dammit. The alarm has gone off already and I've got no sleep.

"Hey, April" I said walking into the kitchen I saw her making coffee.

'He kept you up to too?" She asks.

"Yeah, me and Lexie were joking about how many rounds they had Ahah." wow too early to make jokes.

"Yeah, why does our roommate have to be Karev" She states.

"Oh here she comes, time to rank the skank time" She says quickly.

"Wow, April that was quick for you," I said laughing. 

"Yeah well when you get no sleep because of this every night you start to come up with jokes" She says.

"Hey, guys," Luna says walking into the kitchen.

When did Luna get her room back? I looked at April who had the same look. 

"Oh hey Luna you moved back in that's cool" Jesus she looked good. She had this glow about her. I hadn't taken notice of her since she moved out, but just seeing her made me miss her. 

"Um no not exactly." She says with a very confusing tone.

"Oh, April you got coffee on?" Karev says walking in.

"Um yeah I did but I doubt you need it because you've been up all night" She says before walking over to the fridge.

"Luna, do you want some?" She offers to Luna who is looking through the cupboards.

"No thank you I'm not that tired, also Alex can you remember where I put my phone I can't find it and I'm meant to get a call from Addison today" She says standing up and walking over to the table looking through the laundry.

"Ha, why would Alex know? he's been with a skank all night did you not hear them?" I say before taking a swing of the coffee April made me.

Before I see the look they gave each other.

"Wait wait wait, you two?" I say looking between the two before Lexie walks in.

"Them two what?" She said just as confused.

"Um, I'm gonna go get dressed," Luna says rushing out of the kitchen.

"Alex it was her?" April says looking between us all.

"What we aren't seeing anyone, we didn't break any rules."He said staring at me.

"Why are you so annoyed about it, You've been sleeping with Lexie and I've had no problem with that so why are you annoyed?" Alex says with a slight tone of anger.

"wait why are you all annoyed ?... Alex?" Meredith says walking in with Derek.

"He umm slept with Luna. That's who was making all that noise." Lexie says not taking her eyes off of me.

Okay, I'm leaving this situation before something happens. I could tell Lexie was gonna get annoyed at me for being annoyed. 

Ouch. Damn, that hurt. And my coffee all over me. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Luna said looking at me. 

"It's fine I wasn't looking where I was going so" Looking into her eyes I could some sort of pain in her eyes that she didn't want to talk about.

"Luna?... I know I'm in no place to ask this but why Karev?" The question just fell out of my mouth. 

"I could ask you the same, Why lexie?" She quickly snapped back. 

"Woah is this what this is about? Luna, it's Karev he sleeps around" I say back.

"Hey, you don't get to tell me who I can and can't have sex with Jackson. You are with Lexie why do you care?" Wow, that hurt. 

"Luna your still my friend!" I say back. 

"No, you lost that right the moment you got with my best friend and didn't tell me about it. It took you a ten-hour surgery for you to find another girl. So I would say you're worse than Karev. I've heard nothing from any of you since I moved out. Not even from Mark. Why? Have you all formed an I hate Luna club? Cos if there's one can I join? I know how this looks but please just stop acting like I've committed the absolute sin of sleeping with someone who isn't you! You know that feeling of knowing something wrong. I didn't feel that for the first time last night. So you can keep flaunting your relationship around the hospital while I sit back and isolate myself"  She said before going quiet. 

"I've um got to go to the hospital!" pushing past me.

Before I realised that the whole of the house had been stood behind me. And they were all pissed off. 

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