
By 0_167_12z

642 55 10

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Part 1: idk but fuck me gregory
Part 2: got fucked, thanks gregory
Part 3: ghost
Part 4: crocuses
Part 5: Gregory,
Part 6: guilty
Part 7: the fear within
Part 8: okay here we go again
Part 10: fuck you
Part 11: kurwa ola coś ty odpierdoliła
Part 12: im taking the control
Part 13: well
Congrats, you reached the Hell
Part 14: skin
New Year
will i ever finish this original story? idk
i hate it all

things are happening

5 2 0
By 0_167_12z

Things are happening
Water flowing
Hearts breaking
Flowers blooming, here comes the spring

Her neck is swollen
He passes out
I close myself in a box of my room

Because things are happening,
The water stops flowing
The hearts heal and flowers die.

Because i'm back to be locked in my head
Maditating my way through this hell
Turning it into heaven with my thought

Oh how sweet it is, to live in this world

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