writing for dummies


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writing 101 with yours truly ;) idea from @ConnieSpringersWifey More

getting started [1]
motivation [2]
ideas [3]
characters [4]
grammar [5]
plot [6]
point of view [8]
sentence structure [9]
music [10]
language [11]
intros and prologues [12]
smut [13]
humor [14]
pacing [15]

quotation marks [7]

84 8 1

anddddd, we're back.

let's start off with an example on how you're supposed to use dialogue.

"I dislike carrots."

you see that? these "" are called quotation marks. they're used when you want to add dialogue to your story or when you're quoting someone. notice how i didn't use anything BESIDES quotation marks. y'know, BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE?

here are some examples on what you're not supposed to use as quotation marks:

** ' '(although those are a special set i'll get into shortly) -- <> {} [] ~~ •• »«

or any other variation you can come up with. use "". they're made exactly for that. and in case your wondering, no, italicizing or underlining or making it bold does not make it any better. USE THE FUCKING QUOTATION MARKS.

now, about the special set i was talking about.

these ' ' are meant when you're referring back to somebody saying something while another character is talking. example:

"I specifically remember you saying that you 'don't wanna go because it's too loud'," she was bold with her response.

those are a bit more confusing. i won't really get annoyed if those are misused because it took me a good few weeks to grasp that concept. but the quotation marks? yeah, that's an ick.

i will really drop a fanfic if they don't know how to use dialogue properly. but i've given you a small lesson. so i expect all of you to use quotation marks and not some other weird thing.

do not disappoint me.

from: your favorite author ;)

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