Prank War

By LastFantasy

2.9M 60.7K 8.2K

One million dollars. That’s the prize for this year’s annual prank war at Kainler High. When sixteen year ol... More

Prank War [1]
Prank War [2]
Prank War [3]
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Prank War [6]
Prank War [7]
Prank War [8]
Prank War [9]
Prank War [10]
Prank War [11]
Prank War [Who's Who]
Prank War [13]
Prank War [14]
Prank War [15]
Prank War [16]
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Prank War [19]
Prank War [20]
Prank War [21]
Prank War [22]
Prank War [23]
Prank War [24]
Prank War [25]
Prank War [26]
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Prank War [12]

86K 1.9K 166
By LastFantasy

    The first thing I thought of was that I never even wrote my will. It wasn’t like I had much, but I was going to miss out on picking favorites, like those elderly grandmothers do. But then, who would I leave my things to? I was practically alone in this stupid world.


    I felt a scary feeling of sudden rush, like riding on a roller coaster. Not that I would ever know, since I had always been scared of roller coasters.

    But I was never going to tell anyone that.

    I felt myself land in a pair of strong arms. Opening my eyes, I found myself face-to-face with …


    Unlike everyone else who was crowded around us, he wasn’t dressed in his gym uniform. I was suddenly very aware that he was still holding me in his arms. Like in those princess movies, where the guy sweeps the girl off her feet. But he wasn’t the guy I wanted to catch me.

    I looked around and immediately found Caden. He was just standing there, frozen to his spot. He had a grim expression on his face, and when our eyes met, he looked away.

    How unromantic. Well, at least I understood now. He really didn’t like me. He would have just watched me fall to my death.

    “Are you ok?” Cameron asked, with a worried tone to his voice.

    “Maybe she lost her hearing when she almost fell on me,” an angry voice snapped, “Not to mention dump this disgusting thing on me. It’s going to take forever to wash this off.”

    I turned to find Bree glaring at me, her blond hair covered in the light blue slime. I laughed in spite of the circumstance I was in.

    She was probably going to kill me.

    “Are you ok?” Cameron repeated again. I suddenly remembered that I was still in his arms, and quickly got on my feet.

    “I’m fine,” I told him, pretending to wipe the dust off of my jeans. Which didn’t make sense cause the air vent was perfectly clean.

    “Are you ok?” Max’s voice called out from above. Everyone looked up to see his head appear, probably checking to see if I was bleeding to death.

    “I almost died, you know,” I yelled back, “What do you have to stay about this?”

    “I didn’t know you were so clumsy,” Max replied, “No one has ever fallen down from the air vent.”

    Then I suddenly thought of something. I looked down at my bracelet, and breathed out in relief when I found the red light flashing back at me.

    “Falling down doesn’t count as being pranked, right?” I wanted to make sure.

    “Well since it was because of your own stupid-ness,” Cameron said, “It doesn’t count. Are you sure you’re ok? I’ll take you to the nurse.”

    “I’m fine,” I told him, “You caught me remember?”

    I glanced back to where Caden had been standing earlier, to see his expression. He had better be sorry he didn’t even attempt to try and save me. What a stupid hero.

    But he was gone. He wasn’t there anymore.

    Which just got me even more irritated.

    “I caught you, but I’m not exactly the perfect landing net,” Cameron was saying, “I’ll take you to the nurse.”

    I was about to protest, but then caught sight of what Bree was doing. She was taking the slime off of her, and seemed to be gathering it up. I had a feeling she was going to throw it at me.

    Max seemed to have realized what she was about to do too, and yelled, “Run!”

    “Ok, take me to the nurse’s office,” I quickly told Cameron, and ran out of the gym, dragging him away by his arm.

    Once we were a safe distance away, we slowed down to a walk.

    “Nice escape, but you do know we’re heading in the wrong direction, right?” Cameron noted casually.

    “Of course. Me and my awesome sense of direction,” I rolled my eyes. I stuffed my hands in my jeans pockets.

    “You shouldn’t be doing these kind of things, you know,” Cameron said in a softer voice, “You could have died.”

    “But I didn’t,” I replied, “Because you caught me. Thanks, by the way.”

    “No problem. It was pretty scary, watching you fall down. You’re lucky it was a pretty short fall. You probably wouldn’t have died. I think.”

    “What were you doing in the gym, anyways?” I asked, “You’re not in your gym uniform. And you’re in my first period, which as I remembered, is not gym.”

    “Oh,” Cameron seemed to look a little embarrassed, “I was just .. passing by. And lucky for you, right there when you fell down.”

    We walked in silence for the next three steps.

    “What were you doing?” I was too curious not to ask.

    “Just passing by,” he replied, more firmly this time.

    “No really, tell me. I’m your friend, right? You can trust me.”

    “After your fall? I wouldn’t trust you if you ever asked me to go somewhere with you,” Cameron answered with a smirk.

    “Are you really going to hold that against me? I fell, I didn’t die, end of the story!”

    “But because of that, the whole school’s going to know about your embarrassing little stunt. By lunch, everyone would have heard about this.”

    “Maybe I should just stay in my room and never show my face again,” I commented. But it wasn’t for the same reason. I didn’t care if the whole school laughed at me. But Caden was a different story.

    Stupid Caden.

    “We’re almost there,” he said, referring to the nurse’s office, “Does anything hurt?”

    “Umm, not really,” I said, “My arms a little sore though. Not a big deal.”

    “But that little soreness is going to multiply by ten times tomorrow,” he informed me.

    “And how do you know?”

    “Since there are stupid people in the world, there has to be smart people, you know,” Cameron said jokingly.

    “Are you saying I’m stupid?” I pretend to be offended. The main office came into view. We walked in and found the nurse.

    Cameron was about to explain what happened when the nurse said, “Oh yes, you’re Ariane Laker, aren’t you?”

    “How did you know that?” I asked, confused.

    “I heard about the little … accident in the gym,” I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh. Cameron, being the gentleman he is, laughed out loud.

    “I told you word gets around fast,” he said.

    “Does it hurt anywhere?” the nurse asked.

    “Well, not really. My arm’s a little sore though,” I told her, making sure Cameron knew I was ignoring him. I resisted the temptation of stomping on his foot, like an angry little child.

    “It’s going to feel ten times worse tomorrow morning,” the nurse informed me. I caught sight of Cameron flashing me a smirk.


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