Dystopian zombie era

By CatFroste

7.1K 259 59

Darcy's life was finally getting good. She felt like personally thanking the universe for her luck, really. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 2

559 19 2
By CatFroste

The house smells like pizza when I enter. I walk through the living room and peek inside the kitchen. My dad is standing at the counter with a open pizza box on front of him and a pizza slice in one hand.

"Hi." I say. He looks up at me. "Mom won't be home until five so I bought pizza for now. How was school?"

"It was good. I'm actually going out at six thirty." He nods. "Alright." I walk down the hallway and to my room. I never had a close relationship with either of my parents. It's like living with roommates. They don't really care what I do as long as I don't do anything bad.

The lack of communication between us never really bothered me.

I close my door behind me and put my bag down next to my desk. I take my phone out and scroll through social media looking for outfit inspo. Usually I'd start with my homework but I'm too excited.

In moments like these, I wish I had a sister so I could tell her everything that happened today and get some advice of some sort. I'm going to tell my parents about the musical but they'd forget about it by tomorrow. After a while of searching, I play music and sing along to a couple of songs while I do my homework.

Soon there's a knock on my door and my mom pokes her head in. "Dad says you're going out. Do you still want supper?" I shake my head. "No thanks." She leaves and I gather my books before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

I hope Jay will be taking me someplace to eat. I wonder why he asked me out. There must be a reason. Maybe because I sing and he likes music.

After the shower, I change into ripped jeans, an off the shoulder top with sneakers. I slip a couple of rings on my fingers and put on some lipgloss. By the time I'm done styling my hair it's twenty five minutes past six and I hear a car hoot outside.

I grab my small white bag with my phone in and put some perfume on before I walk out of my room and past the living room where my parents are seated watching TV.

Jay gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side before opening the door for me. I smile at him. "You look gorgeous." He compliments once we're both in the car.

"Thanks." He doesn't look too bad himself. His hair which is usually in a low ponytail, is now loose. He's wearing a neon green shirt and black trousers with sneakers. I look at the way his lip rings gleam whenever he speaks.

"Have you been to Dynamite before?" He asks as we drive to wherever. "What's that?" I ask. "The club I work at."

"Oh. No." I definitely want to go but I have no one to go with.

"You should. I think you'll like it. You'll like the music at least." I chuckle. "Really? Or are you saying I should go just so I can see you?" He laughs and butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Maybe." Soon we stop at a diner. "I've heard about this one. It opened last month right?" I ask as he parks the car.

"Yeah. Their burgers are great." He tells me as we get out. I straighten my top and he comes to my side, grabbing my hand and locking the door.

My heart races at the gesture.

I think I'm beginning to develop feelings for Jay. I shake the thought from my head and he leads me into the diner. It's warm inside and very cozy. It's not too full and Jay takes us to a seat next to the window at the back.

A waiter comes up and hands us a menu. I look through it.  It's as normal as any menu and I choose a bacon and cheese burger with coke.

"I'll have a cheese burger with the spicy sauce and a coke as well." Says Jay and I raise an eyebrow. "I never knew you liked spicy things." I say when the waiter leaves. He smirks. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

I smile. "Like what?" He leans forward and I do the same. My hands are under the table but I bet if they were on top then he'd hold my hands. The thought makes me smile even wider. "You're really amazing you know?"

"I never knew you took a liking to me." I say honestly. The air between us is charged with chemistry. If I didn't feel something for him before, I definitely do now.

"I always liked you. I never got the chance to talk to you. You were always busy with the choir." He breathes and I smell his scent. He smells sweet, like a pack of gummy bears.

We're inches away from each other's face and he looks at me with his gorgeous eyes. He leans in and places his soft, plump lips on mine. All the air is knocked out of me and my cheeks heat up. He even tastes sweet and I find myself wanting more.

My skin flames with want. I seem to remember we're in public and I reluctantly pull away.

I've had my fair share of kisses before. Once in eighth grade, my clumsy self tripped and fell on top of a really good looking boy and our lips touched for a second. Then in ninth I kissed the same boy twice but he moved away before anything could happen.

But, none of it felt as good as it did in this moment. I look down at the table and hear him chuckle. "Sorry about that."

"No." I say way too quickly. "I mean, don't be. I liked it." He smiles and his teeth mess with one of his lip rings. I remember the way his lip rings felt against my lips and I blush.

As if on cue, the waiter comes and places our drinks and food in front of us, making me sit back in my chair. "Wow it looks good." I say eyeing the big juicy burger. Jay lifts up his knife and fork and I laugh at him for a good amount of minutes while he brushes me off and starts cutting his burger.

"You're crazy." I tell him after I've calmed down. "Crazy for you." He winks at me and I laugh softly. I take a sip of my coke and start eating all the fries first before I move onto a burger. There's no way I can eat a burger without finishing all the fries. Jay laughs at me. "You're the crazy one." He says.

We finish our drinks and Jay tells me jokes as we eat and I have to try not to choke. I'm having the best time of my life really. I reapply my lipgloss after the waiter takes our empty plates and glasses away. Jay asks for the bill.

"The food was lovely." I say looking around the diner. There are posters of cartoon burgers and milkshakes together on the wall. There's a small TV near the kitchen and it's playing a sports channel.

The bill arrives. "I'm going to pay. I asked you out on this date so I get to pay." Says Jay before I can say anything. I just nod. "Alright go ahead. I won't say no." After that we get up and go outside. I rub my stomach, feeling nice and full.

"There's one more place I wanna take you." He tells me as we get in the car. "Where?" I ask curiously. "You'll see." He says starting the car. The radio comes on and one of my favourite songs play.

I gasp and clasp my hands together. "I love this song." I say and he turns to volume up. I start to sing as we drive.

"I summoned you, please come to me. Don't bury thoughts that you really want."

Jay puts his hand on my thigh and I stop singing to look at him. He's smiling while driving and I continue singing. This moment feels so right and if we weren't in the car, I'd kiss him nonstop.

I place my hand over his and let the wind blow through my hair as I lean out the window. I have no idea where we're going, I've never really been in this part of town and I notice we pass more trees than buildings. We must be on the outskirts by now.

Soon we stop on the sidewalk and I look around. There's a pathway between trees leading somewhere down. "Come on." He says and I get out. The song is still stuck in my head as he takes my hand and leads me to wherever.

"Just call on me, ah, just call my name. Lie with me in."

We walk in silence for a while and I see something up ahead. When we get closer I see a blanket and a boombox. There are little lanterns hung in the tree to provide light and when I look down I can see the sea.

"Wow." I breathe as I take in the beautiful sight. "I hope you like it." He says sheepishly and my heart swells at the sight of him being shy. "I love it." I wrap my arms around his neck, nearly knocking him off balance and he laughs.

His laugh is music to my ears.

"Sorry." I say laughing as well. He wraps his arms around my waist and we lock eyes before we both lean in and kiss again. The kiss is so soft and gentle and soon he nibbles on my bottom lip and I open my mouth, letting him in.

He tastes like the coke he just had.

We're both breathless by the time we pull away. "Gosh, I don't want this night to end. I want to stay here with you." I say before I can stop myself and think about it. He chuckles. "It doesn't have to end. You can come over? My parents aren't actually home tonight. We can stay together until tomorrow unless, your parents..." He trails off.

"My parents won't even notice. But, what about school?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Ever skipped school?"

I shake my head. "No but you only live once so yeah. I'll stay with you." We sit on the blanket and he plays a few slow and romantic songs while we stargaze.

I wonder what will happen after this though. Will he ask me to be his girlfriend? Will we go on more dates? Or is this just a one time thing?

Being on this date, I realise I'm practically in love with him and I'm willing to get to know him more. I wonder if he'll feel the same.

Soon we get up and he gathers the blanket in his hands while I hold the boombox. We make our way back to his car. "This was great." I tell him. "I really enjoyed it." He smiles. "I enjoyed it too."

His house is really nice. It's a peach double storey with a lovely garden. I see roses, lavender and a few dandelions. "We keep all the vegetables in the backyard." He tells me when we get out of the car and I stop to admire the flowers.

When we get inside, he hands me a sweatpants and a vest. "These are mine. I don't know if they'll fit but I doubt you want to sleep in jeans." I chuckle and nod. He shows me the way to the bathroom and I splash my face with water before changing into the clothes.

The clothes are a bit baggy on me but they smell like him. That same sweet scent and a bit of cologne. I fold my clothes up and walk back to his room. The door is half closed and I push it open and spot a shirtless Jay. His back is toward me though but wow.

His sweatpants are low and his boxers peek out. His back muscles move with every movement he makes and I'm rooted on the spot as I stare.

He eventually turns around and I suck in air at the sight of his toned chest and abs. "Come on." He says, beckoning me forward with one hand.

I walk in and close the door behind me. He takes my clothes and places it on a desk. "I'm gonna get more pillows and blankets." I look at the bed. It's a double bed with a blue comforter on and four pillows. "But there's enough on the bed."

"Yeah for you. I'm sleeping on the floor." I shake my head. "No way. There's space for both of us. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor." He grins widely. "You sure?" I nod. I get into the bed first and press my back against the wall. He gets in and faces me. His hand rests on my waist and I lean into him. "Thank you again. This day was lovely." I say with a smile. "Thank you for agreeing to go out with me."

My eyelids start to feel heavy. I haven't checked the time but I bet it's late. He turns around and switches off the lamplight leaving us in the dark. "Night Darcy." He says. "Night Jay." I say as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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