Through the Grapevine [ BRIDG...

By littlemissmalfoyy

39.7K 684 65

" it has been heard through the grapevine that he adores you. Burns for you even." - Cassandra Bridgerton is... More

Introduction to the Characters
Unofficial Welcome to the Season
Darling Debutantes
All Eyes on Her
Whistle Who?
Dancing the Night Away
Well, This is Interesting
A/N... Again
Mess of It
Season 2- Thoughts?
Wait, What?
Two Can Play
New Book Idea!
To the Rescue

Ruses and Right Hooks

2.1K 43 1
By littlemissmalfoyy

       A few days later, the night before the ball
     Dinner at the Bridgerton household is anything but "normal" all nine of the children are seated at the table, with their mother at one head and Anthony at the other. Unknowingly to all the siblings, the Duke of Hastings was coming to dinner that very night. Violet and Lady Danbury had concocted a plan to have the Duke over for dinner the night of the opera. Both women believe that the Duke and Daphne can make an excellent match, to prove to dear Lady Whistledown that Simon isn't simply a rake and that Daphne isn't ' a diamond that has lost its luster'.

Over the course of the few days both of the eldest Bridgerton girls had entertained callers, Daphne more so than Cassandra. Although Cassandra was the 'crown jewel' she was older than Daphne, and the gentleman preferred their debutantes to be a bit younger in age. And besides, the men Cassandra had entertained was nothing compared to George. He came by on occasion as a caller to Cassandra, but also to be with Colin. The pair of men seemed to enjoy going to White's with Benedict and Anthony, and would spend a good amount of time there.

   Although Daphne had entertained some rather interesting callers, some were shooed away by Anthony's extremely overbearing and entirely overprotective personality; but others seemed to gravitate towards the Featherington house as they called upon Miss. Thompson. But one caller that seemed to be there was of course, bumbling idiotic Nigel Berbrooke. Daphne thought entertaining him for a short while was dreadful, apparently so was the dinner.

  Daphne and the Duke were seated to Cassandra's left, with Colin on her right and Benedict across from her. The Bridgerton dining table was always abuzz with laughter, chatter, and the occasional bickering; and the eldest five seated so close to each other contributed to most of the chatter. Benedict always engaged Cassandra in the topic of art, the pair would always sit outside  in the back of the house; Benedict would sit on the tree swing and sketch while Cassandra would sit on a stool to paint. Both siblings had raw talent, and they knew it. They itched to become better artists, and have become each other's teachers.

Life with Colin has never been boring. He has always found a way to make Cassandra smile, as twins they have been so empathetic towards one another and have known just what the other needs; and Colin truly genuinely loves Cassandra just as much as she loves him. They always have stuck together, they've played together, have eating contests together, sing together, and even annoy Anthony together. Cassandra truly could not have asked for a better brother to grow up with.

   Anthony, oh dear Anthony. Easy to annoy, but also easy to debate with. Anthony and Cassandra get into plenty of heated debates, both individuals so hot headed that none of them do not like to back down. The spats could be about horse racing or even the weather, neither of them like to admit defeat. Looking out at the rest of the table, the rest of the siblings were engaged in conversation except Anthony, who was attempting to hone in on the conversation between Daphne and the Duke. Sweet Daphne, the sister closest in age to Cassandra, the two girls enjoyed discussing dresses and loved to play the pianoforte together. The sweet and timid Daphne Cassandra knew was not sitting at the dinner table tonight.

   Daphne and the Duke had been at odds throughout the evening,which of course Cassandra took notice of. Without attempting to eavesdrop, Cassandra picked up the words 'chaste' and ' rake' from the mouths of Daphne and the Duke, Daphne's voice slightly escalating as she continued to talk intensely. Tuning out the conversation of her younger sister, Cassandra looked around the table at the rest of her siblings and smiled contently; thankful to have such a family such as hers.

The next evening

Tonight's ball at Vauxhall is all the ton could discuss during the day. Rumors of fire, dancers, all the pomp and circumstance swirled about the city. Everyone in the Bridgerton household looked forward to the event, especially Cassandra— as she was able to don a beautiful shade of red for tonight's fete. Her beautiful gown was accompanied by all of the "necessary" accessories a girl might want, all of them gold with rubies that matched beautifully. Her attire was completely outside of the family colors, but would definitely put her in favor with Lady Danbury Cassandra rather thought.

As the family arrived and boarded the boat that would take them to Vauxhall, Daphne looked quite nervous during the short trip across the water. ' What is the matter dear sister?' Cassandra inquired. Daphne looked up at her sister with doe like eyes, fear dancing across her pale blue eyes. She could only manage a hushed whisper. ' Nigel.' Cassandra raised a brow at her little sister, rubbing the small of Daphne's back and holds Daphne to her side protectively.

' I promise I will not let that man near you, or bother you for that matter. Alright? Stay by mine or Colin's side tonight if you must, or mama's if that would make you feel better.' Cassandra smiled warmly hoping to reassure her sister, which seemed to work as Daphne's pursed lips slowly curved into a smile. She nodded softly and took the arm of Benedict while Cassandra took Colin's arm, and Anthony took their mother's, and the Bridgerton women were escorted into the party.

   Couples enjoyed the lively music on the dance floor, and those that were on the sidelines were chatting away, the overall vibe of the party from what Cassandra can initially gather was lively and fun. As she and Colin walked further into the party, Colin seemed to spot Penelope Featherington before Cassandra and dragged his twin sister over to the young girl.

   Penelope was like a younger sister to Cassandra, and was also a childhood friend of Colin and Eloise; overtime becoming an honorary Bridgerton as she frequented their house so often over the years. Cassandra loved Penelope because she was so witty and very smart, she knew more than she led people to believe. When the young Featherington spotted the Bridgerton twins, she smiled widely and curtsied as she came face to face with them; and Colin bowed while Cassandra curtsied. The twins also shared the same happy expression in seeing Penelope, and Cassandra grinned as she looked between Colin and Penelope as they began to talk.

  It was so obvious that Penelope adored Colin, and Cassandra could see in Colin's  eyes that he liked her too; he just didn't show it or realize it even. He has flirted with just about with every girl in the city and all of them have swooned over Colin's emerald eyes and cheeky smile. But Penelope, she admires, she hangs on to every word as if each of his syllabus is one of his lasts. Those two would be a beautiful pair, and Cass would do just about anything to see her 'little sister' and brother happy. While the two talked, Cassandra surveyed the party to see Daphne and Anthony nearby promenading, however she was snapped from her surveillance as Cressida Cowper came swiftly up to the trio.

    Miss. Cowper had smiled her muzzle at Colin, extending her wrist which held her dance card. ' Mr. Bridgerton, I have a vacant dance on my card at present. Would you please fill that space?' She smiled demurely, a glint of hope behind her eyes. Just as Colin was about to say yes, Cressida slightly looks back behind her and intentionally spills the drink she had in her other hand onto Penelope's dress; which earned a yelp from Penelope.

' I am sorry dear Penelope, I did not see you there.' Cressida attempted to say honestly, not even attending to Penelope but kept her attention on Colin.

  Poor Penelope on the verge of tears, Cassandra takes Penelope's hand and protectively pulls her behind her, and faced the direction of the dance floor with Penelope's hand still in hers and began to walk, stepping on Cressida's slippered foot.

' Oh pardon me, I am so sorry I did not see you there' Cassandra smiled fakely while Penelope attempted to stifle a laugh, even Colin tried to suppress a smile. With a nod to Miss. Cowper, Colin followed the girls to the dance floor and took Penelope's hand from Cassandra's and smiled down at Penelope; his eyes not leaving hers as he spoke to his sister.

' Sister I believe I owe Miss. Featherington a dance. I shall see you a bit later perhaps?' Colin spoke, seeming to be slightly dazed. Penelope reflected the same daze in her eyes, no doubt containing her excitement. Cassandra laughed and nodded, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

' I will see you both soon, for now I will be on a walk, maybe run in to mother perhaps. Maybe even treat myself to a drink.' And Cassandra left the pair to their own devices, and walked over to a section of the party where twinkling lights were strewn up in the trees, twinkling above the party guests and illuminating their faces more than the torches around the party.  It was marvelous, absolutely the most bizarre. Cassandra did not even need the lights to pinpoint where Daphne and Anthony were, as  Cassandra  could easily pinpoint their voices amongst the crowd. If she did not have such a method, she would have went searching through the crowd or would have just studied the lights in awe. It was when Daphne walked past her in a hurry is when she knew something was wrong.

   Horrified, Cassandra approached Anthony quickly as a lady shall in this instance, and pulled him aside away from people.

' Anthony, what did you do? Why did Daphne hastily leave your presence?'

  Biting his lip, his eyes look into his sister's and sighs.

' She is to marry Nigel Berbrooke. His barony is over 200 years old and is legitimate, he is a decent shot, a good man. Strictly speaking there is nothing wrong with him.'

In a frustrated huff, Cassandra discreetly swatted her brother on the arm. ' Are you unaware to how your sister behaves around this man? He is not a good match for her, it does not matter whether or not he is a true suitor as of late. How could you be so careless Anthony?' With a shake of her head she hurried off on a path where she saw Daphne last, and the path led into a small intimate garden, Daphne and Berbrooke's voices becoming completely audible as Cassandra arrived.  In view, Berbrooke was holding onto Daphne's shoulders, Daphne utterly too shocked to even speak or even move.

' Take your leave, Nigel! Now! Leave my sister alone!' Cassandra somewhat hissed and as he did not heed her warning, she groaned frustratedly.

  In a swift action, Cassandra yanked Berbrooke from her sister and gave him a right hook, knocking him to the ground. Meanwhile Daphne was trying to regain her senses, and comes to immediately after what Cassandra had done sets in. The sisters stared at each other in awe at the fact Cassandra had the capability of having that forceful of a punch but the fact that she was able to hit a gentleman. But Berbrooke was not part of that group, as his actions towards Daphne displays anything but.
' We speak none of this to our brothers or mama, understood?' Cassandra sternly mumbles to Daphne, which earned a quick nod in response.

As they just stood and pondered and watched as Berbrooke groggily grovels for Daphne's hand in marriage, the Duke of Hastings came into view; he had heard Cassandra while passing by on the dark walk. It did not even set in Cassandra's mind that she alongside her sister could be compromised as the dark walk is a few steps away, anyone could pass by and get the wrong assumption. This society thrives on gossip, and Cassandra wished to not be the subject of a Lady Whistledown issue.

Both Daphne and the Duke had wished to speak alone, and respecting their wishes Cassandra slipped out onto the dark walk, and as she attempted to rejoin the party she heard a familiar voice.

' The epitome of passion, lust, and love in that color, don't you think?'

On high alert, she swiftly turns around to see a figure appear into the faint glow of the torches, even in low light she knew the mysterious figure.


Immediately Cassandra broke out into a smile, gently biting her lip at the compliment. ' Why thank you, but me, the epitome of love in this dress? If only you knew what I have endured tonight.' Laughing softly, she shakes her head.
' However it does not matter. What are you doing here?' She inquired.

He walked a circle around her surveying her, shrugging earnestly. ' I needed to clear my head, but I also went to find you. I have seen glimpses of you all night, and I had to know who the beautiful lady in red was. I expected nothing less.' Coming face to face with Cassandra he smiles cheekily and extends a hand. ' May I have this dance, my lady?' Pretending to ponder, she smiles.

'Of course.' Taking his hand, George escorts her back into the party and towards the dance floor, and as they were walking it appeared that everyone's eyes were on them. Or so they thought, until getting onto the dance floor Cassandra realized everyone's eyes were not on them, but on them.

Daphne and the Duke.

  Elated, surprised, and confused, Cassandra bows to George as the music commences and assumes her position to start the dance. As the music continues to play, fireworks erupt and illuminate the already starry night sky; and Cassandra couldn't help but look at the sky with a grin. Coming to a complete halt, George studies Cassandra; finding her just as beautiful as the night sky. As she focuses her eyes back on him, her grin remains on her lips as he asks the question.

' Perfect night, don't you think?'

' Absolutely perfect.'

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It definitely was a longer chapter and was especially well deserved as I took a longer break than expected.

💜 Jenn

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