Whistle Who?

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  Hyacinth and Gregory were running amok downstairs as children do, Hyacinth stopping as Humboldt arrives from outside the door carrying a small platter of mail. Being naturally inquisitive, Hyacinth notices a piece of mail that is larger than the rest and takes it from the platter with a smile and begins to read. After skimming through its contents she yells for her sisters.

   Naturally being the eldest Cassandra answered immediately to what she believed to be the distress of her little sister, and glided swiftly and urgently down the stairs to assess the issue. ' Hyacinth, what is the matter?' Cassandra asked  urgently as she checked her sister for any possible injuries. Hyacinth shrugged her eldest sister away and held up the mail like a trophy.

  ' It's all here! In Lady Whistledown!'

   ' Lady Whistledown? I don't think I've heard of a lady by that name.' Cassandra took the paper and was about to scan the contents as Francesca came down the stairs and shook her head. ' I don't believe that I've heard of such a lady either.' Both sisters read the contents of the gossip sheet.

    Tuesday April 16th, 1813

   It has been said that "Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine." If that should be true, this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady Whistledown. You do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall. But be forewarned, dear reader, I certainly know you.

   The rest of the sheet discussed it's victims in full, full name and their families. It certainly had quite a bit to say about the Bridgerton's, as well as Cass and Daphne's debut. Apparently this Whistledown finds banality in the way all of the children are named. Cassandra huffed at the sheet and she handed it to Hyacinth. ' Go give this to Eloise, would you please? I'm sure she'd find the contents of this sheet quite comical.'

    Unbeknownst to the siblings congregated and hovering over the gossip sheet, they were unaware that Eloise had made her way down the stairs and was relaxing against the doorframe of Anthony's study. Usually being quite vocal any time of day, her silence was quite unusual. ' Read that paper today, running round town without charge. Such a profession, don't you think? I'd like to be like her, to not stay in the nest of society. I want to fly!'

   Francesca couldn't help but laugh at her older sister and smiled at Eloise. This type of response from Eloise was typical, she despised anything and everything that the ton engaged in and stood for.  Gregory looked Eloise dead in the face, unaware that her statement was not literal. ' You realize people can not and will not fly, right Eloise? It is simply not possible. But if we were to, you would look like a famished chicken.'  He unsuccessfully tried to hide his smile, and Eloise rolled her eyes and silently huffed ' do YOU wish to know what you truly look like?' before hearing dead silence from the outspoken young lady.

  Cassandra ventured to find the rest of the mail, and she had seen a small envelope with her name written across it, however the sender's name was no where to be found. She took the envelope and opened it, reading an intriguing note.

     Dear Miss. Bridgerton,

    Like this anonymous scribbler Whistledown states in her column as of late, I know you but you do not know me. I have heard much about you, and I have only written to you as of late because I found the courage to do so. I have seen you from a far, especially at your debut into our society the day prior-- nothing short of exquisite. Your sister may be known as the Diamond of the Season, but you my lady are the crown jewel. Being anonymous has its advantage, and it is one I would like to keep for now. At the ball in a day's time, it will require my presence and we may become face to face unbeknownst to you. And what I would enjoy considerably is you in purple. I will also be in the same color for tomorrow's event. I would like to correspond with you for a time before we officially become acquainted. Your missives can be sent to the Church of Saint James, under the fourth pew. If you try to hide and figure out my identity, it will be of no use to you or me for that matter. May I hear from you soon.



Cassandra stared aimlessly at the letter. Who was watching her? What did they know? Should she write back? Yes. No. Yes. Maybe. Her brain frantically tried to come up with an answer. She searched her brain for any possible gentleman that she knew of that favored her with that beginning letter. Not only was she terrified, but intrigued. This secret was absolutely one that had to be hidden between her and her alone. Possibly Eloise, but Eloise would find a way to somehow reveal to the rest of the family the secret admirer and future missives. Her brothers would be beside themselves-- especially Colin. Being his twin sister, Cassandra knew his rage better than anyone. It takes a lot for Colin to be genuinely upset, but when you mess with his sisters and his twin sister no less... hell hath no fury like Colin Bridgerton.

But, it was decided. The season had just begun, the meeting of the countless gentleman were to begin at tomorrow night's ball. Although this situation was slightly worrisome, it was thrilling. Somewhat romantic in an odd sense. Cassandra was a fan of thrill and romance, and she hurried up the stairs to her room to sit at her writing desk. With a nervously excited smile plastered upon her face, she began to scribble a letter back to her mysterious admirer.
Next chapter is the ball, and I wonder if Cassandra is going to find her admirer? Who's going to approach Cassandra? May we find out next...

I would also love some feedback if you'd like me to incorporate more quotes from the show or to keep it original! So far I will try my best to do both, but until next chapter!💜

~~ Jenn

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