An angelic gift (k/da X Male...

By FunkyGuy11

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(*ON HOLD*) Y/n L/n is a young college student who carries on his back a family curse... Or blessing, The yo... More

Chapter 1: Job 38:16
Chapter 2: Corinthians 5:17
Chapter 3: Isaiah 6:2
Chapter 4: Matthew 7:2
Chapter 5: Jeremiah 22:3
Chapter 6: John: 3:18
Chapter 7: Fever...
Chapter 8: Romans 12:9
Chapter 9: John 8:24
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: John 15:18
Chapter 14: Proverbs 10:1
Chapter 15: Psalm 34:18
Chapter 16: Corinthians 13:4
Chapter 17: Peter 1:10
Chapter 18: Psalm 7:11
Chapter 19: "you Don't Deserve What you Have"
Chapter 20: "If Loose It All"
Chapter 21: "have I Broke My Glass Balloon?"
Chapter 22: "wedding Day"
Chapter 23: "I Will Give It All! "
Chapter 25: The Price Of Pushing Limits
Chapter 26: Deep Regrets
Chapter 27: You Just Might See A Ghost Tonight
Chapter 28: Hidden From The Media
Chapter 29: Foreign Visitors
Chapter 30: Proverbs 15:1
Chapter 31: Livin' On A Prayer
Chapter 32: A New Dawn
Chapter 33: John 8:44
Chapter 34: Hebrews 10:26
Chapter 35: John 4:15
Chapter 36: Song of Songs 6:4

Chapter 24: "what Do You Mean Unreachable?!"

3.9K 103 38
By FunkyGuy11

Evelynn's PoV

Demacia's grand coliseum, one of the things Demacia Is well recognized for. I've been here in this coliseum like once or twice at the very least but I never watched a full fight is I grew bored.

We arrived some minutes before the fight and after excusing ourselves from the boys we began looking for y/n. We figured that where ever the matriarch of the Lauren family is hell be near.

After not a quick search we found the matriarch, she was with another personality well known in Demacia and in runaterra in general Xin Zhao. I walked close to the matriarch and tapped her shoulder?

Fiora: speak. I don't have time to answer more than 3 questions.

Evelynn: have you seen y/n castiel? We have something of extreme importance to discuss with him...

Fiora signaled the battle ground as the narrator Draven began to speak... No... He can't fight?! This is a death fight!

After Draven explained that it was a KO based fight we calmed down and returned to the boys... It's probably just a wooden equipment then...


Akali began sobbing quietly.... That's not possible...its not fake weapons... As the fight began to get more heated and y/n fought more and more and he kept getting hurt we couldn't help but to feel guilty... Impotent....

Yone: all of you.... Touch my bag NOW! You're missing an incredible light show!

We touched his back and saw what he saw... Like if y/n was blending flames with every sword movement he did... He's an incredible boy... An incredible man...

Kayn: akali... You're crying?

Akali: of course I am! Our assistant is fighting for his survival in a coliseum!

Aphelios: just get a new one or idk.

Ahri: we can't get a new one if he dies Aphelios!

Yone: why not? There's thousands of angels if anything he's nothing but a pawn.

Evelynn: Shut it. All of you, I'm tired of pretending... We're tired of pretending. Y/n is not only our asistant! He's our boyfriend.

Aphelios: kinda saw it coming lmao.

Kayn: then I'll enjoy seeing how Jarvan tears him apart.

Yone: this boy has a low fighting spirit if you compare it with Jarvan... He's going to get crushed.

Ahri: He won't. If there's something Ive noticed from him is that he always finds a way...

Then we all shivered as both fighters got in stance... We saw their fighting spirit without the need of touching yone... Everyone in the crowd gasped...

Their fighting spirit.... His fighting spirit! Those flames! It makes the whole ambient more hot with just noticing it!

They dashed towards each other.... Please y/n don't die... You already have a crushed eye... The whole attack was covered in dust so we couldn't see... Until it was clear...

Jarvan fainted and was now currently laying on the floor with his spear broken... And y/n kneeling down with half of the spear inside of him.... I can feel my heart break... He fought until his body collapsed... He's going to die...

The medics hurried up as the whole coliseum remained on shock......

Yone kneeled down to what just happened...

Kayn: what are you doing yone?

Yone: this guy has all my respect... In my opinion and under my philosophy.... He's the first one under the sun... *sob* smooth and perfect sword techniques while being stylish *sob* I've never seen such beautiful fight before!

Kayn look angry as he walked away...

Felix: it's good to see that y'all are in good hands, I like the guy he's nice and caring for you. So Imma support that relationship!

Aphelios: me too, he bakes really good. And those vanilla-coconut cookies where amazing.

Yone: he is dangerous... But if he makes you four happy then I'm alright with it.

Ahri: we really really appreciate your support but we gotta look for him!

Yone: I'm afraid it won't be possible for the next 4-5 days... The Laurent medics have fame of being assholes to medical visits... Give them a call and if the matriarch approves they'll file you a visit.

Somedays later....

Y/n's PoV:

I gently opened my eyes... I'm in a hospital room... I saw that I no longer had the oracullum bracelet...

Nurse: I see you're finally awake. I'll inform your mother as fast as possible, but first allow me to check your numbness...

She tapped around the areas Jarvan attacked and I felt in every part... Expect the cut over my legs.... Apparently he managed to hit me on the legs deep enough...

Nurse: numbness on the legs... Il be right over Mr Laurent.

The nurse walked away.... TaTir are you there?

TT: of course I am. It's not like I can do jack shit without you either way.

Why can I heal fully? I can't feel my right leg...

TT: Jarvan had a blessed weapon, good news for you because the blessing was some decades old because if it actually was a new blessing I wouldn't had been able to heal it... Blessed weapons do divine damage which in my opinion is the hardest one... I can heal it over time but I'll take me around 3-6 months to fully heal you... Specially on the part where he landed the stab...

Shit.... I closed my eyes as I could feel my breath again... I was close to dying and I barely made it out...

Fiora: look who's awake.

Y/n: ms fiora! How did I do it?

Fiora: There's some parts of your defense that need to be polished and your attacks along with reaction times are slow.... But you still berated Jarvan breaking his streak and totally making us win millions over the casino bets.

Y/n: how's Jarvan?

Fiora: he's on rehab exercises.... I received a visit file from four ladies claiming to be your girlfriends so I denied it because your current state is not good enough.

Y/n: I see....

One month later

I'm finally back in piltover... I have to use a Crutch to walk properly since my left leg isn't working properly... I still have some bandages around my eye and face and also in my chest...

I asked rakan if he could pick me up and he accessed... So here am I barely being able to walk by myself walking through migration.... And now this long ass corridor to international arrivals....

As soon as I exited I saw rakan holding a big ass sheet of paper saying "Winged asshole"

I walked myself close to them as they looked at me with pity.

Xayah: dude what the fuck happened to you?

Rakan: can we actually ask for details?

Y/n: any chance you both saw the coliseum fight of Jarvan the IVth?

Rakan: we just saw the last part...

Y/n: well I was the one fighting Jarvan lmao....

Xayah helped me to walk while rakan helped me with my bag... This two mother fuckers are real friends...

Rakan: dude like why did you have to fight against him? I mean he was the invict warrior of the Demacian coliseum?!

Y/n: we're childhood best friends actually and he wanted me to go down to his wedding... And the coliseum fight was something just for fun...

Xayah: do you still have the sword you used? I wanna see it in person...

Y/n: it's on my bag I couldn't take it in a 8 hour flight over in the cabin....

We reached over to rakan's truck... As I opened the bag and revealed the sword... Both xayah and rakan looked so exited.... I unfounded it showing the bright red color...

Rakan: it's even more beautiful in person!

Y/n: wanna hold it?

Rakan: I can?!

Y/n: of course man, just be careful not to cut yourself.

I passed the sword to rakan and he looked like a small kid with a new toy, then he passed it to xayah who also looked like a small kid...

Xayah: and this went inside Jarvan?

Y/n: well I have 3 broken ribs, a crushed arm and a walking incapacity that says yes.

After that they gave me the sword back and I placed it back inside the bag. And while they drove me they told me some stuff that happened through their summer. Like they went to Disneyland and the Universal studios and even visited the old temples in Zaun.

After that they just dropped me off at the penthouse... I thanked them and walked inside the lobby and of course that bastard security guard. He scoffed to the side when he saw me so I middle fingered him.

I got in the elevator and made my way towards the penthouse... I just want to sleep so bad right now... The doors opened and I saw something hideous... All the lights were off and there was trash everywhere... And the smell I want to throw up

Y/n: what in the seven days?

I tried to walk through the garbage...

Y/n: eugh I'll have to clean lat-

I felt a hand gripped my neck and I was quickly slammed into the wall.. I dropped my crutch and now I'm gasping for air while someone's choking me....

I struggled as I tried to reach the light switch and I was successful after 5 tries... I turn on the light and it was akali.... Her eyes looked red and plain... Like if she had been crying for days... I hit her hand two times as she released me and looked at me in shock.... I couldn't stand up... Gasping for air and coughing...

Akali: y/n? Is it really you? Is this not another dream?

Y/n: you know akali if you hate me just tell me, it's bad to beat a harmed guy-

She began sobbing as I got picked up from the floor.... She kept repeating the same "I'm sorry".... Sorry for what?

Akali: y/n please forgive me! I'll never denie you as my couple again!

Y/n: uh.... I don't get it...

Akali: you where mad at us because we denied you as our couple in front if our friends! And you got jealous because we spend time with them and not with you! *sob* I'm such a horrible girlfriend *sob*

Y/n: was I mad? Imma be dead honest to you i hardly remember anything...

Ahri: what's all this fuz about-

Ahri stood there... In shock, like if she had seen a ghost... Watching the scene... Akali held me tighter in her arms...

Ahri: y/n?

Y/n: yes ahri? What's up with you two it's almost like you saw a ghost?

Ahri in a quick moment pulled me out of Akali's arms and locked her lips with mine... She began tearing up while she kissed me... What did I miss? Why do I feel like I hardly can remember something before the fight... Must be mental tiredness... I pushed myself far beyond my limits and not only my body was affected...

She broke the kiss and hugged me...

Ahri: what were you thinking!? Just disappearing from our reach and when we finally hear something from you you're in a death fight in a coliseum!

Y/n: ms ahri i-

Ahri: YOU HAVE AN IDEA HOW WORRIED We.... I'm sorry y/n...

Y/n: OK how about we stop apologizing and you explain me why you're apologizing...

Akali: you don't remember?

Y/n: I'm mentally tired and I can't look back further than the coliseum...

Ahri: we denied you as our couple in front of our friends who happen to be real attractive... You got jealous and then you just left us alone... No calls... No messages...

Y/n: that's weird... Huh I guess stuff happens... Now why is this penthouse a trash pit?

Ahri: we didn't look after the trash we made in desesperation... And our maid hasn't comed yet...

Y/n: ahri I want to walk to my room can I have my crutch back?

Akali grabbed the crutch and gave it to me. I could barely stand after the slam on the wall... I walked towards my room and opened the door... I saw kai'sa being asleep on my bed.... God now I don't have a bed here...

I turned around as I was ready to leave as I heard mumbling... And sobbing, are they really have this emotional dependance on me? I decided to step inside the room and close the door behind, somehow I managed to sit on one side of the bed as I heard kai'sa sob while being asleep...

Should I... Try to smooth her out?

I began running my hands through the mess she had in her hair....

Kai'sa: y/n... Please... Don't... Leave....

She mumbled as she slept...

Y/n: *shhhh* I'm not going anywhere my dear...

As she heard it was like a lighting strike to her... She woke up alarmed and saw me.... I can tell she's either surprised because I'm there or actually surprised on how I looked...

Before I could saw anything kai'sa pulled me inside the covers with her... I have the feeling she wants to continue sleeping.... She buried her face on my chest and sobbed... I began patting her head softly.... I remember I felt horrible but I don't quite remember if it was a big deal....

Y/n: hush now kai'sa... I think you deserve some rest...

As she fell asleep on my arms I could help but to think what could possibly lead to this... Not because I almost died but mostly what happend before going to demacia...

I felt my eyes get heavy too... Kai'sa had her arms around my wounded chest..

I woke up by a sound a enraged scream, I inmediatly found out who was the one screaming.


I saw how kai'sa was still asleep, so I carefully stood up from my bed with the help of my crutch... She kept screaming at the phone... I gently opened the door and saw her scream with my only good eye...


Y/n: *cleans throat*

She looked towards me... Our beautiful yellow eyes met once again, she stared deep inside my soul as I also returned the same glare... She hanged up her phone and placed her hands on her hips... She looks pissed.

Evelynn: look who just decided to show up.

Y/n: I perceive a lot of hostility from you right now eve.

Evelynn: Don't you "Eve" me.

And she just walked away. I guess she's mad at me for something "they did" according to ahri. I scoffed and returned back to sleep. Again its like 6 pm but I need to rest a lot.

As I layed down again with kai'sa I noticed her silent mumbling, she really sleep talks huh?

A night later

I groaned as I woke up still being held by kai'sa I need to take a shower maybe after eating something because I slept almost for a day and the only thing that woke me up where evelynn's hysterical screams I can tell she's also hurt...

But I'm too mentally tired to even think about what could had possibly happened before the coliseum fight.... I heard kai'sa wake up...

Kai'sa: y/n?

Y/n: I need to stand up kai'sa plus your arm is hurting me

She softly removed her arm from my chest after cursing under her breath...

I have to remove the bandage from my eye to wash the area...and also the chest bandage... I tried standing up but fell to the floor... TaTir is going his best to cure me using all his energy so no wings for now...

Kai'sa rushed in to help me up....

Kai'sa: don't force yourself a lot y/n... Please just don't...

Y/n: I couldn't reach my crutch that's why I fell.

I Reached for my crutch and against my will kai'sa helped me out of my room

Y/n: y'know I handled a spear going right inside my stomach and almost getting my arm getting ripped apart. I can totally walk my way to a kitchen for a bowl of cereal.

Kai'sa: nonsense, I'll make you a proper breakfast!

She made me sit on the table while she cooked.... I took of the bandage I had over my eye and looked at myself in the mirror... My eye is still crushed... And if my eye is like this I don't want to imagine how horrible my chest looks....

Ahri soon walked inside the kitchen and sat besides me...

Ahri: so y/n I was think on maybe-WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR EYE?

Y/n: I need to replace the bandages for my wounds and apparently my eye is probably looking like if I have a Tumor.

Kai'sa saw the mess and left what she was doing inmediatly to hug me... Is she crying? I thought we where done with the crying phase.

Y/n: it's not a big deal. He wasn't going really serious and neither was I, so it makes you feel better it could had been worse.

If our battle had been an actual death fight possibly the whole coliseum would had been destroyed since we both have more destructive techniques and shit....

Ahri looked at me with concern as she grabbed my hand... I noticed the worry on her expression wait is the penthouse clean?

I decided not to ask how and soon enough kai'sa gave me an omelet... I grabbed the fork and even I'm my good hand had still some trauma from all the hits and slashes I received... My hands couldn't stop shaking and the omelet kept dropping from the fork...

Ahri: let me help you with that hun.

She made me sit on her lap and she began feeding me.... It really hurts my body to have so many trauma but ill be gone soon.

Sorry guys, I didn't want to let you without an update so there and guess what this mf hasn't finished the long ass homework I was given. Stupid 35 page minimum monography.

Anyways peace!

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