Marauders & their Evans

By EmmaBarnes03

19.5K 530 47

Primrose Evans lived alongside her family and best friend in the simple town of Bakewell, England. She though... More

Before you read
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971-1972
First Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972-1973
Second Year 1973
Summer 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973-1974
Third Year 1974
Third Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Forth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
December 1975
December 1975
December 1975
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Summer 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976

Fourth Year 1974-1975

266 7 0
By EmmaBarnes03

Chapter Twenty Five

By Thursday next week Alice couldn't, or rather wouldn't talk about anything else other than the dates we had this weekend. Merlin that girl had enough excitement for the both of us.

Amos had come by yesterday morning at breakfast to ask at what time we should meet. Resulting in the four boys I call my best friends hammering the poor lad with tons of questions, and ending with full blown threats of pranks and worse if he ever dared try to hurt me. He looked amused at the four boys a year younger than him threatening him, but I think deep down he knew they were serious.

Saturday came faster than I expected. Alice woke up bright and cheerful, yanked open the drapes around my bed blinding me with the early morning sun rays. "Up and running my dear Prim, we have a big day ahead." I groaned and rolled over on my stomach. "Five more minutes." I didn't hear anything so I assumed she left. That was until I felt someone grabbing me by the ankles and pulling me out of bed. I landed on the floor with a loud thump and turned to look at Alice.

"Merlin Alice, did you have to do that?" "We both know that if I didn't you would stay there all day." "Who wouldn't on a Saturday morning." I muttered while standing up and picking up the blankets I had pulled in a poor attempt to stay on my bed. Alice looked up from her trunk to me. "Have you decided what you are going to wear?" "Yes?" I answered more like a question. She shook her head at me. "Why don't you take a shower first and then I'll help you choose something." "That my lady is a great idea." I turned on my heels and started walking towards the bathroom.

Stepping under the warm water I couldn't stop my thoughts from drifting. I had been avoiding thinking about this date for the whole week and now that it was happening I couldn't help but feel anxious. My stomach felt like it was in a twist and if I think too much about it I feel my heart beating ten times faster. I like Amos, he's a nice lad, but this whole thing makes me nervous.

It also didn't help that I couldn't shake the thought of Sirius out of my head. Merlin, why was I thinking about him when I was going on a date with someone else? Shaking my head I pushed the thought aside, and walked out of the bathroom.

Back at the dorm Alice was sitting in front of a small vanity, finishing her look. "So what should I wear?" I asked while walking over to my trunk. She turned around placing her hands on the back of the chair. "Well the weather's been rather cold lately, and it looks like it might snow." I turned to look at the window, thinks for a few seconds. "Right, let me see what I find." After a while of throwing clothes over my shoulder and looking for something nice enough but that will still keep me warm, I chose some red bottoms, with a white knitted sweater, and a pair of black boots. After getting ready, me and Alice made our way to the Great Hall for some breakfast.

Halfway through our eating, four loud boys sat down. "So Paws, excited for your first date?" Remus asked. "Just a little." "Don't worry about it, you're bloody amazing." James said while placing some toast on his plate. "And if at any second you want to run, do it, we'll make sure he doesn't bother you ever again." Sirius said. "Thank you Pads."

Once the clock struck 11:30 I stood up to meet Amos at the castle's front doors like we had agreed. "Well boys see you later." I put on my jacket, gloves, and beanie. "Wish me luck." I started walking away, I turned to look at them one last time to see all of them smiling and Peter giving me a thumbs up.

I arrived at the main entrance to see Amos already waiting. "Hi." He turned around and smiled. "Hello. You look lovely." I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Oh thank you." Neither of us said anything, until he offered his arm and asked. "Shall we?" I placed my hand in his arm. "We shall." And so we made our way to Hogsmeade.

I was having a really fun time. Thankfully he hadn't chosen Madam's Puddifoot cafe, that would have just been awkward. Instead we went to the Three Broomsticks. I thought I knew Hufflepuff's golden boy quite well, but I actually found out there is a lot I didn't know.

I already knew that he volunteered every week to help Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing, and he offers to tutor anyone who is in need. It would be no surprise if he ended up being Head boy. Not only is he helpful, but he is also very funny. He made me laugh so hard that butterbeer almost came out of my nose.

He told me about how he loved magical creatures and aspired to one day work in that department at the ministry, how he was an only child and always wanted siblings. In return I told him about my other sister, Petunia, and that I would like to work as a med witch after Hogwarts.

After hours of talking, and drinking a few butterbeers he offered to take a walk around the village before we had to go back.

Snow had been falling every night for the past week, but it didn't bother me at all. In fact it gave Hogsmeade an even more magical look. It looked like the little towns in the Christmas movies Lily and I used to watch. When we neared the edge of the village we slowed down our step until we completely stopped. I couldn't help but glance at the house at the top of the hill.

Amos looked at me, and then at the direction I was looking. "Are you sacred?" I turned to look at him. "What?" "The Shack." He said pointing at the house. "I've heard the rumours about it being haunted. No one has gone near that house for decades." "I can see why." He quietly laughed. "How about we start heading back to the castle, it's getting late." I said. "Sure." Somehow on the walk back to Hogwarts we ended up holding hands.

He walked me all the way over to Ravenclaw Tower. "Thank you for today Amos. I had a really nice time." I said smiling. "I did too. Maybe we can do it again?" I blushed and looked at the floor, thinking for a few seconds before answering. "Yeah, maybe." He grinned. "Goodbye Amos." "See you around Prim."

I walked into my common room and instantly made my way up to my dorm. I changed my clothes for some pj's, grabbed a book and started reading, waiting for Alice to come back. Half an hour later the door to my dorm burst opened and a dreamy looking Alice stepped in. "I'm in love." She sighed before plopping down on her bed.

"I take it that things with Frank went well." I laid my book down and went over to sit on her bed. "It was wonderful. He was such a gentleman, he carefully planned the whole day, and he even gave me his scarf when he noticed I forgot mine." She kept looking at the ceiling, mindlessly playing with the black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow scarf around her neck. "I had such a lovely time. I really hope he asks me out again." SheSheShe then turned on her belly and looked at me. "But enough about me. I want to know all about your date with Amos."

I couldn't stop the smile growing on my face. "It was nice. I can't make a big statement like yours, but I enjoyed it and would definitely do it again." She squealed, stood up from the bed, and tackled me into a hug making us fall onto the mattress again. I laughed. "Merlin! I'm so happy for you." The rest of the night we spent it laughing and talking about Alice's crush.

For the next few weeks I hung out with Amos a few more times before the Christmas break. Sirius would act all weird when I did, but after a few days it was like a switch flipped on him and everything was normal again.


Unfortunately for me, and therefore Petunia, me and Lily went back home for the holidays. Lily and I were still not talking to each other, which made our parents ask what was wrong. To which Lily said it was nothing, trying as always to act like little miss perfect, but for the sake of keeping things from getting worse I bit my tongue and agreed.

Most of the days I left early in the morning to spend my days with Remus. The only time it was inevitable to spend time with my sisters was Christmas Eve, and then Christmas morning. I felt bad when I opened a gift from Amos knowing I hadn't sent him anything, I would just have to buy him something before we head back.

"So you and Amos huh?" Remus and I were hanging at the place we met all those years back. "What do you mean?" "Oh come on Prim, he asked you out, you've been spending more time with him, AND he sent you a gift." "It doesn't mean anything." He didn't say anything and I looked up at him. "Does it?" He only shrugged before answering. "Who knows, but I do know a boy does not do that just for anyone."


Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think.

Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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