Woman of Intelligence (Book 2...

By Yaksha2000

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Riya Moodley is a Police Officer in the Singaporean Defense Force. She and Samantha Lau, her partner, have be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Part 1)
Chapter 13 (Part 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Part 1)
Chapter 17 (Part 2)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Part 1)
Chapter 23 (Part 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Part 1)
Chapter 27 (Part 2)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part 1)
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Part 1)
Chapter 37 (Part 2)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41 (Part 1)
Chapter 41 (Part 2)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Part 1)
Chapter 45 (Part 2)

Chapter 40

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By Yaksha2000

There were some guests in the dining room, having some snacks or avoiding Rowan's speech which had not started yet. None of them liked his speeches. They did not want to hear him only talking about himself. Riya, Samantha, Ying, Zoe, John, Sebastian, Antonio and Benjamin were standing by the food tables. They did not what to choose because there was so much food. Riya kept away from the beef tartar, sushi and sashimi because she did not like raw meat. No matter how beautifully they were plated, she was still not going to eat them. There was also so many canapes on the table. The team decided to have some sushi and sashimi. Riya was the only one looking for something else to eat. Plus, she was on a diet so she had to choose carefully. But Liang would not kill her because it was Christmas. He would let her go off the diet until New Year. Then she could go back to dieting. 

Riya went to the dessert table and chose some mini cakes. There was some savory pies on the other side of the table. Sebastian came by her with some canapes in his plate. He stopped next to her and watched her picking up some snacks. She finished choosing what she wanted to eat. She looked at the front and found Sebastian standing in front of her. He looked at her plate with wide eyes.

"So much you are eating.", he said. 

"This is the amount of food I eat.", she pointed at the snacks she was going to eat. "Plus, I share my food with Samantha, Ying, Zoe and John.", she corrected him and showed him her friends snacks. 

"Oh. For a moment I thought you were going to perform a eating show. I was worried because your stomach will explore.", he was still looking at her plate.

She shook her head while laughing in a low tone. She went to join the others. Sebastian followed behind her. Samantha saw Riya coming towards her. "I see you brought my favorite cheesecake.", she took the passion fruit cheesecake from the plate. 

Ying and Zoe looked at Riya's plate. "Eish Riya, you are the best.", Zoe took one piece of the mini red velvet cheesecake. 

John also came and found a chocolate mousse cake on Riya's plate. He knew it was his so he carefully took it from the plate. "You know us too well.", he said with a smile. 

Ying took his Opera raspberry cake and put it on his plate. "Thank you Riya.", he said in a cute way.

Sebastian looked at Riya's plate and found a rich chocolate cake and a triangular sliced mixed berry cake. 

"See.", she bit the chicken and mushroom tart.

Sebastian looked a bit dumbfounded. "Fine, you win.", he took a bite of the sushi canape. 

"Hey, you mixed berry cake.", she placed the slice on his plate.

He looked at her with a bag smile. "Thank you.", he appreciated it. 

Someone started speaking at the hall and it was Rowan. He was starting to say his two hour speech. The guests decided to stay here and enjoy themselves. The team also decided to stay in the dining room. 

"Thank god I came up with the idea.", Benjamin was proud about what he did. 

Everyone else looked at him. "You knew?", Antonio asked.

"I know that man. As soon as the party starts, the first item must always be his speech then the actually party will start.", he took a bite of the roast potato.

"Clever Dad.", John praised him and tapped his shoulder. 

The guests started clapping when Rowan introduced him to the audience. The team froze while hearing the clapping. After the guests finished clapping, the team continued eating. Rowan had a loud voice. They were hearing the speech from the dining room. So far, Rowan was talking about his qualifications which was the boring part. The team zoned out from the speech and carried on eating. The food was delicious. Samantha and Antonio went for more sushi. For some odd reason, Riya found the hall completely quiet. She could not hear Rowan speaking either. She looked at everyone else and they were busy eating. Something was not right and that was scaring her. 

Suddenly, there were gunshots from the hall. Everyone got a huge shock after hearing the gunshots. The team looked at each other in some fear for a minute. Then they dropped the plates on the floor and ran out of the room. The plates broke into pieces and landed everywhere. Even the food splattered on the floor. The team and the guests came out of the room. They entered the hall and saw the guests completely frozen. The team tried to see what was going but the guest were blocking them. Riya tried to look through the gaps in between the guests. She could see something. There were men started in the circle, pointing their guns at the guests. The men looked familiar to her. Samantha and Zoe looked behind them. More men were coming towards the guests. The team stuck together so they did not lose each other. Riya bought Antonio closer to her.

"What are you doing?", he asked out of confusion. 

"You are in danger. The woman is after you.", Riya answered the question then took out a device from her dress. 

Antonio was watching her. "Now what are you really doing?", he asked.

"Preparing myself.", she took out a device and pressed a button. 

"For what?"

"You will see.", she answered in confidence. 

Samantha came closer to her. "Make sure that you are well prepared.", she whispered.

Riya looked at her. "Don't worry.", she took out her blade. "I'm well prepared.", Riya was very confident. 

The guests were surrounded by men dressed up in black and red suits. Sebastian looked at the men and he was surprised. These was his men. He was highly confused about what was going on that his men were here. Sebastian turned around to see the woman. All the guests were looking at fifty people, standing with robes around the hands. The men were pointing the big guns at the guests to scare them. None of the guests dared to move. 

A woman was modelling towards the circle like she was doing a fashion show. Everyone looked at her when they heard that loud stamping noises. Their eyes widen with shock and disbelief. Some of them started becoming disorientated and fainted immediately. Maria stopped in the middle of the circle with a gun in her hand. She had an evil smile while looking at the victims. Some of the guests recognized the victims. It was the models that faked their suicide death. Maria looked around with joy.

"Finally, I got a chance to expose my identity everyone. Lucky, I planned to take the guns from the police officers before they entered the premises.", she spoke with deviousness in her words. 

Riya and Samantha were shocked that this party was a trap. They looked at each other. "Rowan is part of this.", they whispered. 

Rowan came towards Maria and stood next to her to support her. No one expected that he would be behind all of this. Riya was looking at Rowan's neck and found an anaconda tattoo on his neck. She had a feeling that he was the last gangster that needed to be eliminated in this case. Maria looked at everyone with an dark smile. 

"I heard that there are so many cases against me. I thought that I was able to use my ex-husband's name to get away from my dirty work. That backfired. Then I tried to burn evidence that was against me but that got expose really fast.", she was looking angry. 

Antonio looked at his ex-wife with extreme anger. Maria used his name to get away from murder. All those years including marriage, she was using his name. Riya's phone started buzzing. It was a message from Liang.

Maria Rossi is the one who killed Sebastian parents. I managed to get the conversation of his parents before they died. It will take me five minutes to expose it. 

Riya read the entire message. It was good that she was at the back so the guests did not noticed her movements. The problem was that Sebastian's betrayed men were behind her so she could not do anything. She had to be really careful. 

Maria was looking around for someone. "Where is my handsome ex-husband?", she asked.

Everyone did not answer her. They were too scared because she might shoot them for giving her the wrong answer. Maria looked around and found him standing at the back. Her snake smile grew bigger. 

"There you are my dear. Come to your beautiful ex-wife.", she said in a living tone.

Everyone including the captured models and Rowan were looking at the entrance. Antonio did not dare to move. Everyone made way for him because they were scared. Riya and Samantha stood beside him. Maria was looking at him with a smile. 

"Are you not coming to me?", she asked.

"Shameful woman!", he spat at her.

"Really? Since you say so, I'm going to kill one model if you don't come by me.", she was threatening him.

"Why are you doing this?", he asked.

"Because, I wanted to be rich and famous like you."

"I offered you to take classes to build up your skills to become rich."

"Yeah but would have taken very long. I wanted to get rich quickly. Lucky, I knew how to make drugs so I decided to make them. Then I started selling to modelling companies to make so much money. I managed to manipulate the owners into forcing the models to take the drugs...", she was interrupted.

"Drugs that was making the models sick and harming them. Don't you understand how many lives you putting almost to their graves.", Antonio spoke to express his anger. 

"I wasn't interested about them. I was interested about the money. I should had killed you when everything was starting to backfire. Everything was going so well. I lost two of my most reliable gangster. Lucky, Rowan and I are dating so he is the only one I have left."

Riya, Samantha, Ying, Zoe and John looked at each other. Rowan was part of this all along. The models were looking at him with fear. Rowan had a gun in his hand. He lifted it up and pointed at a female model. 

Maria looked at Antonio with a smile. "I didn't want to hurt you anyway. I didn't want you to get involved.", she said with love.

"Bullshit. You used my name so you won't go to prison. You almost made me lose my business and people were sending me death threats. You don't know what is like to put into that situation for something you haven't done. So, don't tell me that you didn't get me involved when you did in Day 1. Plus, you don't have a heart because someone who has a big heart won't do such horrible things. Plus, you didn't think about our nephew.", Antonio said in a rough tone.

"Well, Sebastian is not my problem because you took care of him the most while I was enjoying my life.", she said then she looked at Rowan. "Kill her.", she meant the model he was pointing his gun at. 

The other models started screaming for begging him to stop. The men gave them one slap each to keep them quiet. Instead the models started crying, trying to beg Rowan to stop. Rowan was still pointing the gun at the model. The model could see he was pulling the trigger. She closed her eyes, tears were dripping on her fair cheeks. She was hoping a miracle would happen now. Someone pulled the triggered and shot on Rowan's hand. The bullet went through his palm, forcing him to drop his gun. 

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!", he cried in pain, holding his hand to try to ease the pain. Maria ran towards her boyfriend to help him out. 

More men jumped from the ceilings and started shooting Sebastian's men. To Sebastian, his men were now traitors. All the guests started running out of the hall. Maria's men were coming to help her but the other men were shooting. Maria's men were unable to shoot the other men. Riya took Antonio and Sebastian's hands and ran with the guests. The others in the team went to help the other men. The gentlemen were looking at Riya.

"Where are you taking us?", Antonio asked.

"I'm making sure that you are safe.", she answered then they running to the main entrance.

"Stop right there!", a woman instructed them.

Riya, Sebastian and Antonio stopped immediately. Riya slowly turned around and saw Maria pointing her gun at them especially at Antonio. 

"Do realize what you have done?!", she shouted.

Riya showed her a smirk. "It's not our fault that you decided to do all the dirty work.", she snapped.

Maria looked frustrated. "You are so young yet you talk like a bitch."

Riya started laughing. "I normally don't swear in a hurry but you talk more like a bitch than me."

"I'm so surprised that you never bring your handsome housemate's men. I know he is a gangster."

"Oh no, they are here.", she corrected Maria.

Maria's smile faded immediately. "What do you mean?", she asked.

"Come on in fellows!", Riya called the men. 

Maria turned to the hallway entrance. Men were coming towards her with guns in their hands. Samantha, Ying, Zoe, John and Benjamin were walking in front of the man. All of them were walking with confidence. Maria was surprised to see the officers holding guns in their hands. 

"Poor Maria, you are going to go through a rough patch soon.", Riya was looking at her phone.

Maria turned around and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"You were using your ex-husband's name to get away with murder. Plus, you wanted to kill him once he got arrested so you can take the money from the Will and Testament. You were also planning on killing Sebastian because he was receiving more money than you. In addition to all you devious thoughts, you killed Sebastian's parents because they found out that you were the dangerous mafia they were after. So, you killed them and moved out of Italy to America. You destroyed all the evidences and pointed the fingers at Antonio. But the police knew that he didn't kill Sebastian's parents. Antonio was in Australia that day you killed your sister and brother-in-law. You also lied to Antonio and Sebastian that you were in Italy for those weeks. But your father is doing perfectly well in Italy. You used that excuse so Sebastian and Antonio didn't suspect you. Hence the divorce was filed.", Riya did the explanation.  

Antonio and Sebastian were shocked by the lies that was revealed. Riya took out her phone and showed the screen to Maria. She looked at the phone and saw a footage of the day Sebastian's parents were killed.

"This footage is going to all social media. My handsome housemate managed to removed the mask from the murderer's face and revealed your face. Now the entire world know it's you. Plus, your boyfriend's surveillance cameras are on so we are using them to reveal your true colors.", she explained then put her phone away. She walked towards Maria and stopped right by Maria's ear. "I know that you were the one who beaten up the women who worked in Crazy Rose. You were one of the fifty gangster. The only thing was that you were transformed into Antonio's physical appearance."

Maria's eyes widen when she heard that. She looked at Riya with shock. She even pointed her index finger at her. "No...you...I thought you were dead.", she struggled to say her words.

"Well, I'm very much alive. I hope you confess so that the models, Antonio, Sebastian and the women you beaten up in Crazy Rose will receive justice. Plus, all your money will be compensating equally to the models that you kidnapped and also forced many more models to take drugs. Maria Rossi, you are under arrest for a lot of crimes you committed. We will announce the list when we arrive at the police station because there is a long list.", she said.

Maria was looking unhappy that she was going to prison. Few FBI agents entered the building and walked towards Riya and Maria. One make agent took out a set of handcuffs. 

"Maria Rossi, you are under arrest for many crimes!", he announced. 

Riya moved away from Maria with a wicked smile. The FBI agent hand cuffed Maria's hands. Sebastian and Antonio were so disappointed with Maria. They never though that she was behind all of this. More FBI agents entered the building to arrest Maria's men. The agent pulled Maria to the door. Riya watched her walked to the door with a dirty look. That look was for the abuse Maria gave her for no reason. Antonio did not dare look at his ex-wife. Sebastian wrapped his arm around his uncle to comfort him. Everyone including Liang's men and the team were watching Maria going to the police vehicle with the agent. Some medical team entered the building with their equipment to assist the models. Riya only had her eyes on Maria. For six months, she abused Riya and those women physically and mentally. Now Maria got what she deserve. 

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