Second Life

By Celeswind

113K 4.2K 2.6K

Jonathan is an average college student who is an introvert. His classmates and professors don't notice him wh... More

Chapter 1 New Professor
Chapter 2 Cursed you, monkey!
Chapter 4 What are you planning...
Chapter 5 Bet & Deal
Chapter 6 All in the day work
Chapter 7 What a day
Chapter 8 Looking
Chapter 9 Camping
Update & Title Cover
Chapter 10 Banana Bus
Chapter 11 Name
Chapter 12 Party
Chapter 13 Morning after
A wonderful invitation
Chapter 14 Adventures much?
Chapter 15 Murphy's Law
Chapter 16 Why me
Facts about me
Chapter 17 Halloween
Chapter 18 Someone call me?
Chapter 19 Let's the chase begin
Chapter 20 I spy with my little eyes
Chapter 21 Is this a quest, really?

Chapter 3 You know what...I hate him.

6.5K 206 120
By Celeswind

Already have 161 views and 16 votes from both chapters! O.O Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my story and  thanks those who voted as well! This is next chapter, sorry for taking so long to write it. I was busy with school. I had been slowly editing, redo writing both chapters, I'm still am. I made the chapter a bit longer than usual as an apology and pass the milestone of 100 views.

I hope you enjoy it!

This chapter has violence, cursing, horrible description of fighting, and terrible grammar. It's a bit of a long read.

Still in Delirious POV:


Last chapter: "WAIT, WHAT?!" I shouted. I watch my avatar and me move toward each. Once both of us merged, everything turned black. Cursed you, monkey!


It was completely black, cold, possibly... wet? And I think I'm floating. I... AM... floating... Why? Wait.... WHY I can't breathe? My eyelids open to see myself surrounded by algae, fish, and...water. Immediately, I place hands over my mouth from the sudden realization where that brat sent me. I watch some of the bubbles escape from my hands and float upward to the surface. THAT SON OF B!TCH!

A clear screen appears showing something. Are you serious-you want me to do a tutorial right now? F*ck you, game! I need air. NOW. Immediately, I pressed the skip button on the tutorial moving my limbs taking broad strokes. I swim upward. My lungs started to burn and black spots appeared in my vision.

Just how big is this pond? My vision fades as my lungs and limbs burn while the light seems so far yet close. I swam faster reaching for the surface. I saw the light reflect the water become brighter and brighter, as light engulfs my vision, once I break the surface. YES! I gasp for fresh air coughing the water off my lungs. Just how long I was underwater? When I find that asshole monkey... I swim to the nearest shore to pull myself out of the water and fall down onto the ground. My clothes drip water onto the ground creating a big puddle where I laid. Slowly, I lift myself crawling a bit away from the pond while I cough out the rest of the water out of my system. I kept moving until I couldn't then fell onto the ground and blackout.

It was dark again. I could hear faint whispers around me and something pokes my foot. Ugh, did I drink? Wait a minute... The game! That fucking monkey. When I see him, I'm going to kill him. I bet that he was laughing at me somewhere. Something was still poking me. Stop poking me! I twitch my foot in response to the poking. Go away! Then the poking stops. I sigh in relief. I could still hear whispers and I focused on that.

"Is he dead?" A woman spoke. Of course, I'm alive.

"No, did you see his foot twitch?" Another woman responds. "And he is breathing still."

"If he died, he would teleport back to the city already. So he's still alive." I wonder what? The last woman replied and the poking resume.

I tried to move away from damn poking, but it didn't stop. They wanted me to get up. Fine, you crazy b!tches, I'll get up! Carefully, I lift myself up. One of the women, I guess the one who was poking me, gave me the end of her staff to help me. I struggled to get up and finally manage to lift myself out of the puddle of water to cough more water out. My limbs feel weird like I'm drunk just without drinking any alcohol. Slowly, I moved into a sitting position with my legs crossed and kept my head down. I see three different pairs of shoes by the puddle that surround me. Damn monkey place me in the damn pond."

Are you, ok?" A female voice questions me. Do I look fine? I awoke in a pond then in a puddle!

"Yea, you were lying in the puddle for a while now." Another female voice questions me too. It hasn't killed me yet.

"You don't need any help? The third girl asks as well. No, I don't. They kept questions about my well being. In less than a minute I'm surrounded by women. Some think it awesome, but not me! One accidental look, I'm most likely screwed! At least they haven't seen my face yet. That's all goods for now. I cover my face with one of my hands and use my other hand to support myself to the standing position. I noticed I was taller than them even if I stood up properly.

"I'm fine," I responded, still looking down. They look hesitant by their expressions. I'm lucky they didn't my face yet, just probably just one of my eyes. Cursed you, monkey! "Just point me to the nearest town?" I ask. One of the women pointed toward a direction. "Thanks" I nod and continue to head toward her pointed direction. One crisis averted so many lefts to deal with. Wonderful!

I'm still walking in the forest and come to a clearing with another body of water, but it's a lake. I decide to take a break here and try to open up my inventory. I noticed my mask was in my bag and nothing else. 

The game likes to screw with me by giving nothing else in my bag. I can work my way around that. I click it, and some stats appear. I don't understand growing and what-now, but whatever. I just need to cover my face and click it again. It appears on my hands. It looks kind of sturdy yet not too thin. I placed the mask on my face then connected the straps by using the water reflect as a mirror, and lifted my mask again to take a look closer at my face. I can see some familiar appearance toward myself and my avatar. My sister could tell it me if she looks at me closely or my voice then I place my mask back down. 

Well, one problem was fix. 

Now, I need a weapon. Suddenly, something bit my arm and I flinched. Quickly, I look for the threat. Some kind of blue slime was fucking chewing me. I notice negative numbers floating stated above us. I was getting hurt by this motherfucker!

"TAKE THIS, YOU MOTHERF!CKER!" I punch it. The system stated above me I was attacking and hurting it. I give the slime couple more punches before it goes poof and drop a small bag for me. I take the small bag and open it. I obtain a basic knife and equip it.

"Ooooh, yea! Look now! Delirious ain't defenseless no more." I waved my knife around testing its weight and how it felt. Name quite catchy though the water part... The bushes away from me trembled for a bit and more of those blue slime motherfuckers came out.

"Oh, you bought friends? Bring it b!tches!" I yelled and ran toward them. I think that name matches me pretty well.

Finally, it took a while to kill all those motherf!ckers. Man, I'm a bit beat. I actually grind a couple levels and gain a small amount of gold. A small pop-up to congratulate me and go find a class change. Sweet! I actually like using this knife. Maybe I can be a thief! I'm quite agile and have good ninja skill at dodging. I head toward another direction to find a town.


After I figured out how to use the map, I didn't know about the map until I was ranting and saying 'map' then the map actually appeared. It pinpoints my location, towns, and other places. Fuck you game! I arrived at the town. It was bustling with people though most of them were wary and some were pointing because of my mask, but who cares! I just want class change-stomach growl- and FOOD!

I ran toward the nearest food looking store hoping to get some food or something tasty to eat. The mechanics have to be the same on how you can eat in the real world. It got to be, "Hey, man. Do you have any food?" I yelled at him. The store flashed fear for a moment then angry frown at me. What is wrong with him?

"I don't sell food, you hooligan monster!" Storekeeper angrily yelled at me. WHAT?!

"How can you NOT sell FOOD? It's a store!" I yelled back, getting closer toward his face. "I'M not a HOOLIGAN!" I ignore the other part.

"I DON'T SELL FOOD!" He shouted back, increasing his volume. "IF YOU NOT GOING TO BUY ANYTHING THEN LEAVE!"

"B!TCH, THIS IS A STORE! HOW CAN YOU NOT SELL FOOD?!" I growl back at him, matching his volume. I hear some snicker behind me.

"Calm down, Jason." Some guy chuckles at me and places his hand on my shoulder "That guy isn't going to give you what you need if you go to the wrong store, especially wearing that kind of mask." I stop glaring at the storekeeper to begin to yell at the peacemaker guy who interrupts my quest for food, but I hesitate. Some taller buff guy with a red jack with white stripe and his shoulder with his jacket unzipped revealing his armor plates. Similar appearance to someone I know in class..., tan skin with a similar short black hair Mohawk, human ears, and that same idiotic expression smiling at me. H-HO-HOLY SSHHHIITTTT!! IT'S THE PROFESSOR!!! I'm glad that my mask was covering my face. I could feel my jaw drop and eyes widen.

Evan took my silence as something else "I know I'm good-looking but aren't you going to say something?" He chuckles at me. W-what?

"I'm NOT looking!" I yelled at him, and heard him mumble a 'Suure' at me and drop his hand off my shoulder "I just want some food and a class change." I glared and he just beams at me. I hate him.

"This is an item shop; you can buy some general items and potions. If you want to buy some food there is a restaurant down the block or pub. One of the buildings is literally actually across from this one. It depends on which class you want varying its location." He smiles and laughs at me. I REALLY hate him.

"I didn't notice it there!" I shouted I felt my cheeks were burning. I felt a bit embarrassed for not noticing it sooner. Thank god, my mask is covering my face.

"What class are you choosing?" Evan question, he looks curious at me. What? Why do you want to know?

"Thief." I responded and his smile widened and pointed to himself.

"Awesome! I'm a warrior. I heard you need some snake fangs to promote yourself to thief class." He answers. (Just making it up) Good to know.

"Thanks." I mumble at Evan and turn back to the storekeeper who continues to glare at me. Ok, round 2, bastard.

"I want to buy some potions," I grumbled at the storekeeper. Take that!

Suddenly his angry expression turned to a happy one. Bipolar really. "Of course, sir! How much do you need?" He smiles widely at me. I think I saw some sparkles around him. I blink a couple times. Yep, he's sparkling. I need to get out of here.

I bought some and walked out of the store and wandered back to the wildlife. I ignore the town folks and players who continue to be wary of me. Evan on the hand, he just frowns at them. I could see some female players want to flock at him, but my appearance must have scared them to stay at the sideline. People left me some space to walk through. I bet they're glad I'm leaving town. Evan continues to follow me to the forest.

"Stop following me!" I yelled at him. Can he take a hint and stop following me? He seems more mature and cooler in class. So wrong there.

"Do you know where the snakes are at?" Evan asked, he took my silence as my answer to continue. "Luckily, I KNOW where they are. I'll join you. Named Vanossgaming, calls me Vanoss" Vanoss reached his hand out for a handshake. Can't believe I'm doing this. But what other choices I had now. Really don't want to get lost finding those snakes...

"H2O Delirious calls me Delirious" I respond back and shake his hand then join his party. Why me?

It's going to be a long day...


I hate to say it, but I kinda enjoy being at his party. Our teamwork was actually... pretty good. Vanoss does the main attack and I assist with quick and support attacks. He was quite a good leader. He subtly guides me what I needed to do and help when he thought I truly needed it. I guess since Vanoss is human, he has higher strength than me. As an elf, I'm agiler than him even though I'm weaker than him. Just because he was stronger than me doesn't mean I'm weak! I'm just using all the help he has offered!

 That bastard kept making stupid jokes and pranks. The pranks mostly involve throwing rocks, venomous snakes, or anything he could grab. The most annoying part was the snake. Right before he throws them he would always say 'Hey Delirious, look!' I have to dodge all of it then yell at him and throw some back toward him. I couldn't help myself to laugh at his jokes and some of his pranks, and he was laughing as well. He said he understands now why I call Delirious now, by my insane laugh. 

Strangely enough, that time spent doing this quest I was surprisingly enjoying it. We become...buddy. Close...but not close enough to be a friend, I guess. I'm going to regret a bit when we say... goodbye. After this, we have gone our separate way and never see each other than in class except he just won't know it's me.

"That's all the fangs." I take the last fang from the dead snake I finish off. Finally finished. Vanoss wiped his blood off his sword and walked closer to me.

"Delirious, you're covered in blood." He chuckles "People going think you're a murder" I look off the distance then look back at him.

"Maybe I am." I answered Vanoss continued to laugh, but I wasn't laughing. Vanoss slowly stopped laughing and started to freak out when I continued to stay silent and twirl my knife as I look at him. Hook, line, and sinker! I tilt my head and walk toward him. What are you planning to do, Vanoss? In response, he walks backward from me. Scare, I bet. Vanoss raises his guard against me as I continue to walk toward him. He stopped, by a tree looking scared. I break the distance between us, he closes his eyes in resigning, and I stand on my toes. He was a head taller than me. Tall motherf!cker. I lean closer to his ears, my mask spreads some blood on his face and says in his ears.

"Gotha, b!tch!" I shouted at him, Vanoss flinched from the sound, and I laughed maniacally as I placed some distances between us. He faintly chuckles, then he relaxes. Revenge is a dish served cold, bastard.

"You bastard!" He shouted at me. He looks flutter for some reason. What's wrong with him?

"That's for the snakes, you asshole" I gave him the finger and he chuckles.

"Alright Delirious, let's head back." Vanoss started to head to town, "You have to go to the pub for your class change."

"Alright", I responded, standing beside him. I guess this is it. The goodbye, huh.

"What's nothing?" Vanoss question, he was looking at me now. I can see that careful yet intelligent look again. He may act stupid, with his idiotic expressions, acts, and jokes, but he hold a sharp mind and he's using on me. I need to leave, NOW.

"Nothing, wrong." I lie. I bet he knows. I hate him observing me like I'm sort kind of a puzzle.

"Really?" He was still looking at me. These weird feelings were bubbling up.

"Yep! Well...thanks for helping." I shrug and look for the party menu. Vanoss's eyes narrow a bit more.

"I see you later." Quickly, I remove myself from his party and run toward town. I would rather not say goodbye. Ugh, I hate these feelings. It would be better if he wasn't there with me. I know that players were already cautious of me, but I don't want him to get too close to me.

"Hey wa-" I heard Vanoss shouting at me trying to follow me. Being an elf still makes me faster than him, especially him as a human. Thank God!


I may realize heading back to town with my appearance, alone, may not be a good idea. The people inside of the pub were terrified of me. Walking in solo and covered in blood tends to leave people to their imagination to wonder what had happened. The whole pub was silent; at least the NPC was willing enough to change my class.

At least I'm a thief now! Woo! I get some items and a new bag of equipment.

Once, I left the pub and a mob surrounded me. The people were scared and tense, and some of their weapons rose against me.

"There he is!" A player shouted at me.

"Pker!" What?

"No, he's a monster!" Once, someone raises their staff, and casts a fireball at me, different people attack me as well. I block their attack as best as I ignore their words. Someone hit me with a couple arrows on my shoulder. My visions turn red and lower my head. I felt a rage that slowly consumed me. I felt laughter start to bubble up and my body was shaking. I could be the monster that everyone fears me. Yes, I could do that. Slowly, I raised my knife at the crowd; people reacted negatively from my sudden change. I could TASTE people's fears flowing to me like water.

"You WANTED a monster..." I said, raising my head, laughing, then I attacked them.

 I was slashing and beating anyone in my path. I felt the adrenaline rush from the fallen players, their blood spilling on me. Strangely I felt at peace, I didn't feel any pain and exhaustion. I smile within my mask as I continue to slash and stab many people as I could. I couldn't stand still in one spot too long. I have to keep moving.

 One of the players fell from my attacks and was bleeding. That player was almost dead, I watched him suffer as he struggled to stay alive and dragged himself away from me. I walked toward him and was about to descend my knife on him. For a moment, I thought I saw my sister in the crowd in the corner of my eyes; she was looking at me in disappointment. Immediate, I felt cold and ashamed. I couldn't stand the look of that. It's hurt too much. I already lost myself once like that. I stop my rampage against the crowd, lower my knife, and continue to dodge. It's hurt to keep dodging. I can't stay like this forever, on defense, or offensive either. I have to leave. Get away before I died or be enrage again.

A brave player raised their sword to slash me. At that moment I dodge, lift myself over his shoulder, then I run away from the crowd into the alley. People continue to follow me as they were shooting me. I took different turns in the alleyways to lose them; however, I turn a wrong turn and corner myself in an alley. Damn it! As players move in closer, I notice a shadow above me, and look up.

"Hey!" That voice sounded annoying and familiar to me, shouting at everyone. Everyone looked up at the building behind me. A person with a red monkey cloak did a front flip down from the building and stood in front of me. More like short of me reaching my stomach by height.

"That person, you attacking." He pointed his staff at the people.

"But, he-"

"HE didn't! All of you started the fight first and this player." He pointed his staff at me. "ONLY protected himself" I heard him mumbles "Though at the beginning, he was winning by the looks of it."

"I can report all of you to the GM for group killing one player!" Cloak guy deep voice says. People back off from this, yet some still stand.

"I agree with him." Another familiar voice answers back. People turn around to look to see who said that. Ugh, there he was, Vanoss, acting like some knight and shiny armor bastard. He glared at the players who still had their weapons raised against us."The only reason he attacks is because you did first!" Some look surprised, maybe they thought that I had killed him, he should hate me, and join them. He raised his sword, "I'll advise you to leave, now!"

People mumble and slowly walk away from the area. We watch waiting until they leave. Once they left I signed in relieved. Vanoss, Cloak person, and I walk out of the alley.

"Well, that was an interesting day," Cloak person says and pulls his hood off. A male who looks like a child or small teenager with hipster style hairstyle, semi-tan skin with that smirk. I look confused toward him. "Aaaaw, Delirious, you don't remember me?" He questions, his expressions shifted into a frown when I didn't say anything. Vanoss looks at him confused as well. "Don't get any cheerios for saving your life?" He childishly stated sadly and pout. My eyes widened behind my mask, I began to shake in angry. It's Lui! That son of B!TCH!

"You, Asshole!" I yelled at him and Lui just playful smiled at me "You spa-"Before I could finish Lui tugged me close to his level, his smile didn't change; however, it didn't reach his eyes, they were grim and he whispered in my ears.

"I would advise you, not to say that Delirious." He whispers seriously in his adult voice "I'm a hidden GM. Other players shouldn't know that." Once he finishes, Lui mischievous smirk and louder response in his kid voice. "Though your mom enjoys the spanking I gave her," he wiggled his eyebrows. I couldn't help myself to laugh and punch him in the shoulder. Vanoss continues to stand lost and laugh at our banter.

"You threw me in water!" I yelled at him. Asshole monkey!

"But, you just LOVE water!" Lui responded still in his kid voice, he was rubbing his shoulder from the punch I threw. Which of his voices is the true voice? How can he do that? Vanoss was continuing laughing in the background. Lui turned to look and wave at him. Vanoss walked closer to him.

"My name is Lui Calibre, but you call me Lui." Lui childishly says to Vanoss, and Vanoss just smirks.

"Vanossgaming, calls me Vanoss. You threw him in water? Awesome!" Vanoss leads in closer to Lui and whispers loud. "I heard Delirious is QUITE fond of snakes so must they practically THROW themselves at him." God, there's two of them! I thought it couldn't get any worse.

"I can hear you!" I glared at them then shifted my focus on Vanoss. "AND, you threw them at ME!" I thought I was somewhat fond of you, but you keep ruining it! You, bastard! They just smile and look at each other. I don't like...their partnership. I started to feel the burning of my shoulder and lightheaded. I tried to blink out my blurry vision, but I couldn't. The adrenaline rush must be gone so nothing is keeping back the weariness. I felt myself going down, I hear Lui and Vanoss shouting and running to me then I black out again. Ugh, need to work on that.

When I came to, I felt something gently touching my wounded spots. I open my eyes to see some strange creature using some kind of white magic. He was an ugly yet somehow in a strange way cute in a Bulldog yet Cavachon black-gray hair wolfman way. His green eyes blink at me, his snout slight open to show gentle fanged smiles. Not a sight you want to awake to. I could see Vanoss and Lui hovering above me worrying about my condition.

"Ah, you're alive." Wolf man says, "I'm surprised you haven't re-spawn from those kinds of wounds."

"Delirious, you son of b!tch" Vanoss looking at me "Why didn't you take your potions?"

"I forgot?" I question. I didn't feel it until too late. Slowly, I stood up with Vanoss and Lui helping me. Wolf man just stood there a bit off to give us some space. Wolf man stood taller than us. He was wearing white robes with stripes of green with certain parts. He was playing with a staff in his hands, and shaking like an overgrown puppy. Assuming he's a healer and look at the other two "How do you find him?

"Forgot?! How could you forget your own wounds?" Lui glared at me then with a sheepish smile. "I did. I was jumping on top of the different buildings, notice his robes, and well here we are." Damn monkey.

"I was too into of it I guess." I just shrug, both of them sigh at my response and the wolf man tilts his head. He is like a puppy! No, he IS one!

"What's your name?" I question the wolf man. His ears twitch and that puppy looks. I think I saw Lui looking at him or maybe his ears. I bet he wants to touch them.

"My full name is Daithi De Nogla." He laughs. It sounded Irish? Not really sure. "Just call me Nogla. Nice mask!" I shook hands with Nogla.

"H2O Delirious... Delirious. Well thanks, everyone I better go." I said. I notice all of them look at each other, nod, smirk, and gang up on me before I could do anything.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Delirious." Vanoss reply, he quickly took one of my arms.

"Aw, we just met." Nogla whined and took another arm. Both of them lift me off the ground. Lui stood in front of me as I struggled to free myself.

"We got so much to learn about each other." Lui playful spoke and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. All of them laugh at my misery and carry me eventually to a restaurant. At the end, I got my food, they wanted to talk and play for a while longer, then force me to accept three invitations for friends. They wouldn't let me go at all until they made sure that I had them as their friend and accepted them. I logged off with a few "see you later" and I was free from my...friends. It felt strangely nice. Shockingly, I have friends, actual real friends. I could hear Jennifer saying 'see that wasn't so hard, big brother?'

I open my eyes to the real world and remove the visor and place it on my bed. I stretch myself a bit before leaving my room. It's been a couple hours since I played yet it felt longer. All the game food made me hungry. I grab some leftover dinner in the refrigerator and place it on the table. My sister came in as well. She is probably hungry too.

"Did you have fun?" She questions while digging for food in the fridge.

"Yea...I did." I'm still astonished about that.

"Made any friend?" She takes some food, closes the fridge, and sits across from me.

"Oddly enough I did." Not sure what to do next with them. She smiles at me. "...I lost control for a bit." I mumble to her. Jennifer smiles, her emotions on her face dims until a frown left.

"You?" I could hear the hidden statement 'Will I be alright?' from her, I nod.

"Some f!ckers, insulting and attacking me." She relaxes at that. At least, she knows that happened because I protected myself to please my blood lust.

"You're friends, are they charming?"

"I guess." Strange bunch, I could see them smiling at me in joy. Few people who actually see and like me just the way I am. I felt... purely happy.

"You're smiling adorably!" Jennifer squeals then patting herself "Where my camera?! I need to capture this moment!" She rushes back to her room yelling "DON'T LOSE THAT SMILE!" I laugh at her silliness. She came later with a camera then pouted at me when I refused to smile. You lost that chance, b!tch.

"Fine." She huffs back to her chair and sticks her tongue at me "I'll get it next time." Immediately, Jennifer's eyes widened "Did you read chapter 2?" She questions me.

"No, I'll do it tomorrow morning." I confidently respond. It's the second chapter of the book so it shouldn't be long. Right?

"Jonathan, chapter 2 is over 40 pages long not even including the short stories." She says, her voice filled with worry. My eyes widen. THAT BASTARD!

"SHIT!" You know what... I hate him that friendly, cocky, son of b!tch.  

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