Chronos Rose | RWBY x EMIYA (...

By goodanakingoos

7.5K 121 13

After the attack on Beacon, Team RWBY and JNPR are left devastated at the loss of their friends and comrades... More

Old Habits Die Hard
Back From The Grave
Kotomine's Plan
Catching Up With Team RWBY
Back in Black
Little Puppet,
They Painted You Red
King of Heroes
Recovery & Bonding
Unexpected Saviour
Unlikely Friendship
Unknown to Death, Nor Known to Life
Assassin's Past
Welcome Back
Holy Grail War
Art of War
O Stars, Recount the Events of This Night

Tipping the Scales

1.8K 16 0
By goodanakingoos

This is the continuation of another story. Be sure to read that first before reading this one.

12:47 PM, Island of Patch, Taiyang Xiao Long's House

It had been a while since some of the survivors of the Grimm attack back at Vale had arrived at the mostly safe island of Patch. Some survivors had been far too brave for their own good. Glynda Goodwitch for example, had decided to return to the now destroyed Vale in hopes of restoring it to it's former glory.

The survivors that were at Taiyang's house were in terrible condition. Even if it wasn't physical, it was surely mental. Many had lost their friends, family, or even some of both back at Vale. Despite all of the power and numbers of Huntsmen and Huntresses, they were never enough to fight back all of the Grimm.

At this moment, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Taiyang Xiao Long and Qrow Branwen reside at the house, with the most notable being Yang who is currently recovering from Adam Taurus' attack, which had caused her to lose a limb, which is seemingly beyond the power of Avalon for the time being.

Ruby seems fine for the most part, having survived her encounter with Kirei Kotomine and a weakened Cinder Fall at the top of the Beacon tower. 

Qrow and Taiyang while both are sadder than usual, have coped with the horrible calamity far better than both Ruby and Yang. Team RWBY has disbanded at the moment. Weiss has retreated back to Atlas and Blake is in an unknown location after Yang had lost her arm for her sake. Team JNPR remains intact however, Pyrrha Nikos having survived this time with the help of a combination of King Artoria's Avalon and the late Kiritsugu Emiya interfering with her fight with Cinder.

Kiritsugu Emiya's body has been burned in fear of the unknown curse that had ravaged his well being throughout the years. Though, it was never contagious, better safe than sorry, right?

The household is silent for the most part. Sunlight comes through the window of Ruby's room, who seems to be in deep thought.

A "circle of purification", "The Holy Grail". Many interesting words Emiya had taught her back on the evacuation airships, though his vast knowledge of the unknown is now completely gone for good. It didn't matter, she had enough information to summon a Servant.

"Hey, Ruby! Lunch is ready!" Yelled out Taiyang. Rose got up from her bed, stretching.

"Coming!" She yelled out.

12:48 PM, Taiyang Xiao Long's House

Qrow, Taiyang and Ruby had gathered at the dining table. Yang was absent, still recovering. "Enjoy." Let out Taiyang as he put one plate of food in front of Ruby, one in front of Qrow, and the other for himself. He had 4 plates in total, with 3 of them on the table, he carried the fourth to Yang's room. Ruby looks at Yang's room from the outside, with a concerned expression on her face, before her uncle pat her on the shoulder.

"Relax, kid. She'll get better. It's just the matter of sooner or later." Qrow reassured.

"I hope..." Ruby wasn't exactly optimistic. 

Taiyang came out of Yang's room and sat down at the table. Qrow and Taiyang had both started to feast, but Ruby had no interest in it. She picked up her fork, playing around with the dish. "Hey, Ruby, do you not like it?" Let out Taiyang with concern.

"No, no. Just thinking about something."

"What's keeping you occupied, kid?"

"Well..." Ruby took a breath in. "I'm worried about the future, that's all. Cinder is still out there with the powers of the Fall Maiden."

"I understand. I'm sure if all the kingdoms come together, this will be over in no time." Taiyang was enjoying his own cooking, alright.

"You're right, but things aren't gonna go back to the way they were." Ruby looked sad. What had been at first a dream had now turned into a nightmare with Ozpin dead.

"It's a part of life. You would have moved on eventually, kid."

"I know, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon."

"No one did."

Ruby grips the fork in her hands. "Hey, dad, do you have markers around? Anything to draw with."

"That's an odd question, but of course Ruby. I still have some from back when you two were kids. I'll go get some." Taiyang stood up from the table, leaving Qrow and Ruby alone.

"So... markers? What for?" Qrow questioned as he dug into his food.

"One of my teachers taught me how to summon a Servant." Ruby didn't expect Qrow to know what that was, but said it nevertheless.

"A... Servant? To clean up, cook, and all that?" Qrow asked of Ruby. "Summoning one sounds like a load of bull, kid, let alone all of that." It did to anyone who wasn't in on the whole 'Holy Grail War' thing, but Avalon and Emiya's Time Alter, both of which were anything but Semblances, had given hope to Ruby and made her believe Emiya's instructions on summoning a Servant.

"No, uncle Qrow! They will fight for us. We really need the extra help right now." Qrow rubbed the back of his head, still struggling to wrap his mind around the concept.

"Here they are." Taiyang came back with a red marker. Ruby stood up, taking it out of his hands. "Thanks, dad!" She hugged him, backing away after not long. Taiyang sat back down at the table, while Ruby had dropped to her knees. She was drawing something on the ground, all based off her memory of what Emiya Kiritsugu had told her back on the evacuation airship.

"Hey, kid, careful. Maybe your teacher gave you instructions on how to summon a demon, no one really feels like dealing with one right now anyways." Qrow stared at her drawing. It was truly a demonic looking circle.

Servant Summoning Circle

"Relax!" Ruby let out with her optimism getting back up.

She then slightly backed away from the circle. Trying to remember the chant. Taking a breath in...

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation 

Let red be the colour I pay tribute to

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate." Ruby whispers.

The circle had started to glow. "Kid, what the hell are you doing?" Qrow stood up, looking at the glowing circle. He thought it was just a joke. Taiyang stands up and turns to face the circle.

Ruby took a moment to remember the rest of the chant. It was sure long and it took her a bit.

"I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason... Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"  

Heavy wind caused by the summoning blows back Ruby's hair. The cold breeze causes Taiyang and Qrow to get ready for battle. The glow of the circle gets brighter.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!"

And so, the light gets bright to the point it had completely filled the room, blinding everyone except for Yang who had her door closed. The bright light starts to die down. Ruby looks up to her summoned Servant with admiration.

"Uncle Qrow, dad! We've won... victory is ours!" She said cheerfully. Once Qrow and Taiyang had managed to get the light out of the way, they laid their eyes on a tall, armored man. His mouth area was bandaged. He had a hood which cast a shadow over his eyes, making him almost impossible to recognize.

Ruby Rose's Mysterious Servant

"I ask of you. Are you my master?" Said the mysterious Servant to Ruby. She nodded. "Our contract involves 3 Command Seals for you. What may I do right now?"

Ruby had no idea what a Command Seal was, she can figure it out later. "You can have a seat for now, sir!" She put a hand on his back, guiding him to the table where they had been eating lunch. He sat down, Ruby sitting down next to him. Qrow shook his head, sighing. He felt as if that this was a bad idea. He got comforted by Taiyang putting a hand on his shoulder. "What is your name? What are your abilities?"

"I'm of the Assassin class, so you can just call me Assassin if you'd like. As for my abilities, for that, you would have to take me to combat first."


"Are you looking for the Holy Grail?" He asked of her. The Servant's voice seems familiar to Ruby and rings a bell for Qrow, but they couldn't place it.

"Nope, but we do need your help."


"You need to help us take down this person named 'Cinder Fall'! She destroyed Vale!"

Counter Guardians are meant to be protectors of humanity, the Servant being one as well. "Fine. That's how it always is. I have no idea what a 'Vale' is, but I have no choice to help you as your Servant. I don't know your circumstances and I don't care to hear them. In any case, I'll fulfill my obligations as a Servant... that should be enough." He then stood up. "It's no time to be slacking. Let's go."

"Not so fast! You can rest for now." The Servant sighs, sitting back down. "So... are you a human? Under all of those disguises." 

"Yes." Taiyang and Qrow reluctantly sat back down at the table without any other word. "Do you know how Servants work?" He asked of her.

"I think I do." Ruby passed her food in front of Assassin. "It's cold out there, right now it's winter! You really need to keep your strength up."

The Servant put the food back in front of her. Ruby wasn't having any of it, putting back the dish in front of her Servant. Assassin put it back. The two went at it for a while, before he asked of her: "Stop. As a Servant, I don't have the needs of normal humans."

"Sorry." She rubs the back of her head. 

Qrow's eyes met with Assassin's. Though, his eyes weren't really visible considering the shadow cast by his hood, Qrow could still feel the sheer oppressiveness of them. He had lost the eye staring contest to the Servant, looking away first. Taiyang enjoyed his meal regardless.

The room had been made much more silent with the summoning of Ruby's Servant, and surely, a thousand times more awkward. One notable thing about her Servant was the ridiculous amount of weapons on his body. Looks like he didn't have much space to store them in.

"Soooo... now what?" Let out Ruby.

"That's what you should be asking of yourself. You are the master here after all."

"Hehe, right..." She said in a nervous tone. "Can we see what you look like under that hood?"

"No. Like you said, it's winter, this house is somewhat cold." Despite having the most bulky attire out of everyone sitting at the table, he felt cold.

"Well, okay."

9:46 PM, Taiyang Xiao Long's House

The two were resting in one of the many bedrooms of the house. Ruby had already gotten under her bed sheets, getting ready to sleep.

"When are we moving out? I'm unbelievably bored."

"Don't you worry! We're going out tomorrow! Just don't tell dad, okay?"

"The one with black hair?"

"No, that's my uncle."

"All right." The Servant said with the most monotonous voice ever. 

"You know, you can sleep on that bed over there. None is using it." She pointed at the bed next to hers in the room.

One of the many bedrooms in Taiyang's house

Assassin sat down on the bed. "This looks like it's meant for someone in specific."

"It is."

"Who?" He asked.

"My sister, but she is recovering from a major injury right now. She doesn't really wanna talk with any of us."

"I see." He jumped up and down a little on the bed.

"Are you having fun?"

"No. I'm testing it's sturdiness."

"Oh. Okay..." She couldn't read her Servant at all. He was like a closed book. "Good night, Assassin!"

"Good night, master." The Servant let out a sigh. It was gonna be a long time serving this kid, that was for sure. He was far more used to Holy Grail Wars than this.

7:32 AM, Taiyang Xiao Long's House

Knock knock. Looks like someone's at the door of the house. "Hey, Assassin, could you go open the door? I'm way too cozy to get up right now..." Ruby told to her Servant, still half-asleep. The Servant stood up, opening the door, only to be met by the sight of a fully intact Team JNPR. Without Pyrrha's death in this universe, they remain banded.

The sight of the hooded Servant made the team think twice on if they got the wrong or right house. "Hey, is there an uhm... Ruby Rose here?" Jaune asked nervously.

"What does she look like?" The Servant asked with his soulless voice.

"Young girl, short, black hair with some red streaks." Ren informed him. He points at the room in which he and Ruby were sleeping in, stepping out of the way for them to come in.

"Thanks, mysterious guy." Nora said to Assassin as she walked past him and into Ruby's room.

"Hey. Hey, Ruby." Jaune poked a cozy, yet sleeping Ruby.

"5 more minutes, dad..." She's snoring.

"It's me, Jaune." Upon hearing that, Ruby quickly woke up from her deep slumber and looked at the team, all of whom were standing above Ruby.

"Oh, sorry! I was really cozy back there..."

"Sorry about that." Pyrrha sighed.

"It's okay! What's up though?"

"We're going to go on a long journey to Haven, just wanted to see if you wanna come with or not." Jaune informed.

"For... her, right?" You know who she was referring to, alright.

"Yes." Pyrrha responded.

"I'm onboard." Ruby jumped up from her bed.

"Alright, tell us whenever you get ready." All the members of JNPR exit the room except for Jaune Arc.

"So... about that guy outside."

"Who?" Ruby said as she searches through her closet.

"Red hood, brooding looking guy."

"Oh, yeah! That's just my Servant." Ruby let out with joy.

"Your... what? I didn't know you had butlers around." He raised a brow in confusion.

"No, no. It's complicated."

"I mean, alright I guess. We'll be waiting outside." Jaune walked outside, waving goodbye.

Outside of the room, the Servant stood still without saying anything. "So... nice weather we're having today, right?" Said Pyrrha to the hooded man.

"No. It's too cold." He responded. What a joykill.

"Right..." Pyrrha squints her eyes.

Before the conversation could continue any further, Ruby came out of the room, dressed properly, carrying Crescent Rose. "Alright, Assassin, come with!" As a Servant, he had no choice but to follow. The group of 6 walked outside of the house and into the cold lands of Patch, with the Servant closing the door behind him.

9:32 AM, Taiyang Xiao Long's House

"Hey, Ruby! I brought you breakfast--" Taiyang opened the door to the room, only to see the room completely empty. "Ruby?" He asked, looking around for her in the house, before noticing a note set down on her bed. 

He set the breakfast aside, picking up the note and reading it. After he had finished reading, he crushed it in his hands.

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