By madsclinne

430K 11.4K 4.4K

π†πŽπŽπƒ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, 𝐁𝐀𝐃 π“π„πŒππ„π‘; ' 𝘡𝘸𝘰 𝘡𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦π˜₯ 𝘡𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘦𝘒𝘀𝘩 𝘰𝘡�... More



11.4K 328 68
By madsclinne

Rory spent 30-45 minutes covering her bruises. She thought about just not going to the dance, but she wanted to be there for her friends. Her bruises were still pretty noticeable, so she decided to go as something that wouldn't make people question her bruises.

Rory did her finishing touches to her zombie costume and grabbed her phone before leaving the house. She left a note just incase her dad came home before her.

Instead of going straight to the school, she met Miguel at the dojo because he wanted to be the first to see her costume, so she started her journey to the dojo.

Rory has been saving up for the past few years to get a car. Her dad is the one who pays all the bills and leaves money for groceries. Rory doesn't know where he gets all this money, but she doesn't care to ask. As long as she has water, electricity, and food, she's good.

The impressively dressed zombie walked into the dojo, but immediately stopped in her tracks.

"What the absolute hell are you wearing?" she questioned.

"Um.." Miguel voiced.

"He's not wearing this. Don't worry." Johnny tells her

"Thank God." she laughs.

"Come on. I got costume for you at my house." Johnny tells Miguel.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and go to the dance then." Rory says.

"No. Come with us." Miguel offers.

Rory looks at Johnny to see if that's okay and he nods his head. The three head out to Johnny's car and drive over to his place. Rory waits in the car while Miguel goes to get the costume. After a few minutes they come back out.

"Skeleton? Nice." Rory smiles.

Miguel smiles back and Johnny begins driving them to the school. After a while they get out and say their goodbye's.

"Hey. I've been meaning to say, your costume looks sick!" Miguel tells Rory as they walk up to the school.

"Yeah. Thanks." Rory smiles.

"The bruises and gore look so real." Miguel continues.

Rory didn't say anything, she just continued to walk with Miguel. They get inside and go into the gym. When they walk in they immediately spot Demetri and Eli.

Eli tenses up when he sees Rory and Miguel walk in together.

"I told you she didn't like me." Eli whispers to Demetri.

"They probably saw each other at the entrance and came in together. Don't overthink it." Demetri tells him.

Rory and Miguel reach them. It was awkward between Rory and Eli ever since she swerved his kiss.

"Oh, skeleton and zombie. Classic." Demetri says as the two approach.

"Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume." Miguel tells him.

"Sorcerer? Please. I'm a necromancer." Demetri corrects him.

Awkward silence fell over them for a bit.

"Uh, I see you went for the gender neutral hospital employee." Rory says to Eli.

"Yeah... I'm a plastic surgeon. I fix lips." Eli tells her.

"Cool..." Rory looks around the gym.

"Do you want to go dance?" Miguel asks Rory.

"Sure. Uh, Eli, Demetri?" Rory questions, but they both shake their head 'no'.

Rory and Miguel go to the dance floor. Miguel places his hands on her waist, while Rory places her arms on his neck as a slow song played.

"What is wrong with you? You're just gonna let him take your girl?" Demetri asks.

"She's not my girl. I told you, she backed away from the kiss." Eli says.

"C'mon. We both know Rory. She's an overthinker and you would've been her first kiss, Eli." Demetri tells him.

"Maybe she didn't want me to be her first kiss. Maybe she wants it to be Miguel." Eli looks over at the two dancing.

"Your dancing skills are... something." Rory laughs.

"Yours aren't any better!" Miguel tells her.

"True." Rory smiles.

"I'm glad I could do this with you." Miguel tells her.

"Do what?" Rory asks.

"Be your friend, go to the dance with you, actually dance. I would've been all alone without you, Eli, and Demetri." Miguel says.

"We are pretty amazing." Rory looks over at her friends and smiles, but focuses on Eli a bit more.

"Do you like Eli?" Miguel asks, a bit shocked.

"What?" Rory whipped her head back.

"Oh, God. You like Eli." Miguel laughs.

"Maybe... but I've ruined any chance between us." Rory looks at the floor as she continues to dance.

"I wouldn't say that." Miguel moves his hands.

"Where are you going?" Rory asks.

Miguel didn't answer, he just walked over to Eli and Demetri, leaving her alone on the dance floor. Rory watched as Miguel whispered something into Eli's ear, and the next thing she knew, Eli was walking towards her.

"Hey, Eli." Rory gives him a confused look.

"Hey... uh, dance?" Eli says.

Rory nods her head 'yes' and Eli places his hands on her waist, and Rory placed her hands the back of his neck.

"I like your costume." Eli tells his friend.

"Thanks." Rory smiles a bit.

The two danced for the rest of the slow song then walked back over to their friends. Rory was happy that the awkward tension between her and Eli was no longer there.

The boys went to the bathroom, leaving Rory in the gym alone. She swiped around on her phone so it wouldn't be so awkward while she stood there by herself.

Eli and Demetri running back into the gym caught her attention.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Rory asked.

"Kyler and his friends were in the bathroom. Pretty sure they're beating up Miguel right now." Demetri breathes out.

"And you left him?" Rory questions before running off.

When she got to the bathroom, Kyler and his friends were walking out.

"Johnny?" she questions.

He only looks at her before running into the bathroom. When they got in there they saw Miguel beaten up and covered in his own blood.

"Oh, my God. Miguel" Rory ran over to him, dropping to her knees.

She picked up his head, lying it in her lap. She didn't know why she was crying, she barely knew the guy, but it made her upset.

"Come on. Let's get him out of here." Johnny picks Miguel up.

Rory rode the whole way to Miguel's home, even though Johnny insisted on dropping her off. She wanted to make sure Miguel got home safely.

She sat in the backseat with him, his head lying in her lap as she continued to cry. She was lightly running her fingers through his hair.

"We're here. Stay in here while I give him to his mom." Johnny says.

Rory did as told and watched as Johnny lifted up Miguel's limp body, walking over to his apartment door. When the door opened, Miguel's mom practically screamed out bloody murder.

Rory felt bad even though this had nothing to do with her. It pained her to see a mother cry over her hurt child, especially someone like Miguel. He didn't deserve that.

Johnny returned and drove Rory home. They were silent the whole car ride. They didn't even glance up at each other.

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