Revenge // Midnight Rose Tril...

By Finn_and_Kerian

80 7 1

All she craves is to be able to avenge her best friend's parents. Isadora Hearst, a teenage assassin, went fr... More

O N E // I S A D O R A
T W O // I S A D O R A
T H R E E // I S A D O R A
F O U R // K I E R A N
F I V E // I S A D O R A
S E V E N // I S A D O R A

S I X // I S A D O R A

6 1 0
By Finn_and_Kerian

         King Atticus Thindrel, is a cruel man. He made third-borns less desirable, leaving many of us to become orphans or end up in places in Midnight Rose. He's never been there to support the people of his kingdom either. He's a stuck up coward. All the King ever does is sit inside his castle walls and mourn the death of his late wife. I mean come on, death is normal, so just get over it already. I've probably seen bodies far more than he has - let alone poisoned bloody, purple puss covered corpses.

       And how does the saying go? "Like father, like son?" Whether I recited it right or not, that's the truth. Kieran is a spitting image of his wicked father, except maybe worse. I mean, Finn's parents wouldn't be six feet under if Kieran hadn't-

     "Morning Izzy! I've been expecting you." The coarse voice of Jason Alleyway interrupted. His wrinkly face and innocent expression hid his truths.

    "Sir." I give a half grin. "Whatever "training we need to do better get over quickly. I've got things to do and places to be."

    "This is not the sort of training you'll be able to rush. Besides, Nora volunteered to gather your basic belongings. The castle will be providing the rest.

     "What? Why would they be inviting an assassin to live within their walls?" I ask, puzzled. The second the words slipped, I cringe. I'm obviously going undercover for some reason.

     "You are no longer a killer. You are Princess Izadora Marie Birthright of Ashbourne. You'll be playing the part of royalty until the end of this week. With the grand annual ball approaching, the death of the Prince would leave everyone to believe one of the guests committed the crime. "

    "And I wouldn't be suspicious because I stayed with them all week?"

    "Precisley. The end goal here is simply to start a war."

    I choke back laughter. "You consider that simple?"

      "Well not exactly," he pauses, "but your kill should move things along quite quickly. Thats if your up for the challenge of course." He winks a twinkling old eye.

        Pretending to be a rich spoiled girly girl, who gets to live in the islands oldest stone structure, surrounded by knights and trying to find a way to commit murder for a whole week sounds like torture. Images of my lanky legs covered up by the puff of a ball gown and my pale, bony face doused in professionally done makeup flash through my mind. I am disgusted at it. Would the bitter sweet revenge be worth it? "What about my tournament ? I've been prepping for weeks!"

       "Don't lie, I know you'd rather impress Elaine with this mission than ruin your future because you chose a silly battle you would have placid first in anyways over it." He waits for me to argue back. I don't. "Shall we begin?"

        The desk is an antique - at least a hundred years old. The creme paint is chipping away, looking like dandruff. Jason Alleyway stacks rows and rows of books on top of the sturdy piece of furniture. Handing me an unopened case of parchment, ink, and a brand new quill, Jason smiles at his collection of ancient books.

     "Time for a history lesson!" He shouts.

       Ugh. history. Possibly the most boring longest subject there is, especially if it has to be done with this man.

       "So Eleanora Randalez of ....... Married Theodore Thindrel of ...... and together they united the land to become...?" Jason asks.

      I scratch my brain for answers. "Ermmm.... Queen Eleanora was fromTalyipica and King Theodore was the ruler of Essentia? Oh and they created Raveryn." I bounce my leg. Had I even gotten close to right?

      "Correct! Now, Matthias Thindrel married Azelea Springs and they had a baby, who was it? Who goes down the line from there?"

       Names? I'm supposed to remember specific names? This only gets harder. "Well... they had, uh, Arlo, who became king before his wife birthed twins, Azula and Gemmini." I pause. What peoples come next? "Then... erm... Gemini became king, but got the flu, so he stepped down, allowing Azula to rule. The heir to the crown was still Gemmini's son though, Xavier. Xavier never married, but produced two heirs, the oldest was Alexander, and the younger was, Atticus. The boys were very close in age, especially when Alex took the throne, but he was soon killed. Atticus became King" I exhale.

      "Yes... and next?"

     "Oh! Sorry i forgot... Atticus married..."


     "Right, right. Together, they had Prince Kieran Thindrel of Raveryn."

      "Spot on, Isadora! I always figured you would be a bright student, although your pronunciation of some things were a bit off." Jason Alleyway chuckles. I can't help but grin a bit, too. "Do you know why I'm teaching you the Thindrel family lineage?"

     "No sir." I quickly add on, not wanting to seem like a slacker, "but, my guess is that it's for safety just in case they ask me questions about their kingdom? Or maybe it's so I appear educated, since I very clearly am not."

      His head tosses side to side. I fear his little glasses may slide right off the top of his grey-haired head. "Close enough. You are right about it being for education reasons, but I'm disappointed you couldn't find the real answer. It's associated in every lesson I've ever taught you."

       Oh, right. How could I have forgotten the most crucial piece to aiding any mission? Have I really become that poor at my job? Or have I always been like this? "To defeat your opponent, you need to know your opponent."

     "Which means?" He urges me on.

       I quickly collect my thoughts. "The easiest way to take down your prey is by knowing their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing their physical and mental capabilities. And that ties into this lesson.... Because the best way to follow through with my mission is to catch Kieran off guard?" I pause. That still doesnt make any sense. "Are you suggesting I kill him with the boredom of reciting his family tree?"

       Under the serious expression, I know I can see a little twinkle in the man's eyes. "Although that would probably be quite efficient, no, thats not what I am suggesting. What the message is supposed to be is 'the Thindrels have a tragic family.' Atticus lost his brother and wife in his eatly adulthood. His son was just a boy when it all happened. As you know, the castle hasnt been open in a decade due to the King's grief, which means?"

      "That they are a broken family?" I ask, relating. I don't have any sympathy towards Kieran, nor will I ever, but at least I know there is another kid out there, dealing with family issues. Oh who am i kidding? He probably doesn't even notice or care that she's dead. It all just means a closer call to being the country dominator for him.

     "Presicly. The more damage a heart has taken, the easier it will become to break further."

      And with that, we begin "princess" life skills class.

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