The Stranger Things You Don't...

By Burch_99

27.8K 608 187

You Think Your own life story is strange huh? Well trust me When I say My Life is stranger, Nothing, Can be c... More

Welcome To My World
Clothes? What Clothes?
Another Day
Selling and Buying
"Woof" said the Freaken Human
Something Wrong
A New Home?
New Owners
Darkness that lurks below
Back at it
Here we go again
Whatever You Do, Don't Drown
A Storm Brewing
Another day Another Issue

Not Again

899 31 12
By Burch_99

I was led into the house.

The guards closed the doors behind us. Some guards stayed inside near the doors and windows. Shutting the window curtains to the front of the house. I was led to the living room where the big windows showed the river, pine trees, and mountains. Chen and Li sat on the couches, Li led me to stand infront of them. Nickson stood off to the side but close by.

"Nicoletta, that was dangerous!" Chen pronounced horribly from frustration. Li staying silent. A maid came into the room handing over an aid kit. Li took it. He took my injured arm as I stood there, really unsure what all was going on. He began silently addressing the wounds as he rolled up the sleeve. Chen was silent and watched him, she even began to help. After cleaning it with wipes and then putting ointment on it, they wrapped my arm from the elbow down to my wrist in a white thin silk wrap. It smelt like vanilla.

Li looked at me from where he sat on the couch. I shifted my weight uncomfortably. I couldn't read his face. I lowered my gaze. My toes scrunched up. I hated them looking at me like parents disappointed in a child.

"Nicoletta..." He said with a calm voice. "You need to shower. Nickson please take her to the bathroom. Dinner will be ready soon." He handed over the leash. Nickson took the leash silently. He wiggled it for me to follow. I stood at his heels as he led me away. I glanced back at Chen and Li. Both were staring out the windows, concerned looks in their eyes. I faced forward as I followed Nickson as we entered the bathroom. He took off my leash and turned on the bath to fill up. I stared at my feet thinking as he did so. What the hell is this feeling? My instincts said something bad was coming. But what?

I looked up at Nickson who had gotten done undressing me from my tight outfit and was waiting on me to step into the bath. He was careful to only look me in the eyes. Waiting. I stepped in the bath and looked back up at him as I got settled close to the side. He sat on the floor next to me. Raising an eyebrow.

"Yes little one?"

"Uh..." I swallowed trying to find my voice. Come on you moron, you've never had an issue speaking before! Don't start now!

"I feel like I started something more then a small fight." I admitted. I searched in his grey and blue eyes for confirmation. He only looked concerned. He looked at the water as he washed my dark brown hair that was getting longer past my shoulders.

"To be honest with you, that's exactly what you did." He sighed. Closing his eyes for a moment. "What were you thinking? Don't you realize the kinds of people who may have seen that?"

"What's the big deal? It was more a child's-."

"Nicoletta.." Nickson interrupted me, using my full name. This must be pretty serious. I stayed silent. I pricked my ears up. He sighed and shook his head.

"As much as Li and Chen work hard to secure their business and make it a safe place. It is still-"

"Filled with illegal activity with the kind of people who think it's ok stealing other humans rights and forcing-"

"Not all are as good natured and kind as your owners, little one." Nickson interrupted again. "No matter what background checks or protocols they have set up, those with bad intentions always seem to find their way in." He washed my hair clean and then stood up to grab a towel. As he had his back to me he scratched his bald head and looked at the counter.

"Nicoletta, what you did in their...wasn't the worst thing that has ever happened. But you definitely got the wrong kind of attention. One that could put your own life, and Li and Chen's at risk." Nickson hinted as he turned with the towel to dry me off, waiting for me to step out.
I froze for a second. Wait....the wrong kind of attention? Does that mean...a rescue of some sort? 911 call that would lead to the Police? The wrong kind of people to Li and Chen could mean....normal people who are undercover waiting to rescue people like me?? Could it be?! My hopes rose. My eyes widened. Nickson frowned. I blinked and looked away. Oh wait... he was waiting for me to get out...I awkwardly swam to the steps and got out. He dried me well and then grabbed a fresh black pair of tight sleeves and yogo pants. I fit into them perfectly. He allowed me to go to the restroom and brush my teeth.

Nickson got a text from Li. 'Put Nicoletta in her kennel. We need to talk.'
He sighed and put away his phone. He then attached the leash to my thin black choke collar once more. He wiggled the leash and led me out. I followed on my feet, feeling fresh and clean.

He led me to my room. He unclipped the leash and walked to my cage. I sighed. Knowing what to do. I got on my knees and hands. I crawled to my cage and curled up on my dog bed and blankets. Nickson knelt. He gave a small smile.

"Good night little one. Please...try to be extra good especially after today. They already have so much to worry about." He closed the cage and got up. He then walked to the room door and turned off the light. He glanced one last time at me and closed the door. I laid there in the dark. My stomach growling. I laid there sad and concerned. What did I do that was so bad? Stupid weird ass owners and their stupid owner rules. I huffed and curled up tightly. Memories of my old home began to arise. Bringing comfort and easing me to sleep.

....A month later....

Training became more private ever since that day. And ironically I had scratch marks scarring my arm. Chen and Li kept it wrapped with a special ointment in hopes it would fade away the scar. Since that fight, Nickson and I had the whole building to our selves 5 days each week, between 9am-12pm. I was no longer thin and just built for just running, I had become muscular. It was because of the jumps. The jumps took alot of effort to get over. Nickson worked me hard, since there was a competition coming up this week, Chen and Li we're already planning on winning. Telling me how proud they were. How excited. The reward money would cover the entire business expenses and more. I didn't care for the money, though the amount must be pretty impressive. I began caring for their...approval and affection. Though I spent most of my days training with Nickson, I had become emotionally close to Chen and Li. I could rely on them. They never hurt me. Though, the leash was getting annoying, but according to Li it was always necessary. I had not risen my voice against them in awhile, if anything I rarely spoke. I never needed to speak, I had a routine. And they never skipped a beat of it. Li and Chen took good care of me, giving me more freedom. Treating me fairly and kindly. Allowing me to actually, in a way, feel human again.

I heard the door handle giggle around, being unlocked. I had been napping all day since today was my day off from training, I yawned and watched the door open. A large manlike figure stood at the door entrance. I froze in fear for a second. Oh,

It was only Nickson. I was a bit surprised. I sat up as he turned on the lights and walked to my cage door. He wore a black Tshirt and jeans. He knelt, then he unlocked it and swung it open. He lifted the leash with sad eyes.

"Come, Little one." He said sadly. I frowned. But I crawled forward. He attached the leash to my collar and got to his feet stepping back. I crawled out of my cage and rose to my feet. He nodded and led me out of my room. We went into the long hallway and turned to the front of the house. Where the bathroom and living room were. He let me go to the restroom. After, he made sure I was bathed well, he had me changed into clean black tight sleeved shirt and yogo pants. He brushed my hair and made me brush my teeth. I looked up concerned. Usually Chen or Li would be doing this. Plus it was in the late afternoon...why would we be doing this now? Nickson wouldn't look me in the eyes. He attached the leash to my collar and led me out of the bathroom. We headed to the living room.

As we walked to the living room I saw Li and Chen sitting in the living room with a gentleman in a black business outfit and a yellow tie. The living room windows showed a storm was brewing out this late evening. The man looked like a red neck, but cleaned up. His long reddish brown hair gelled back. His thick brown and red beard trimmed. The guards of the house were close by. Two stood close to the stranger in the living room. I quietly growled and stood closer to Nickson. I didn't like this. They all heard my low growl and looked over at Nickson. The stranger red neck leaned to the side, to see me better, standing somewhat behind Nickson.

"She's quiet small for a fighter, but look at those muscles! Hot damn Li, you weren't kidding! Got to say, not what I thought she'd look like." He said with a southern accent. I curled my lip showing my sharp canines, my small growl got louder.

"She is our pet. Not fwighter." Chen's accent rose in her voice. She was annoyed. Li looked annoyed as well.

"Nicoletta, please come here." Li called. Nickson dropped the leash. I glanced at the stranger with caution and gave him an obvious wide birth as I walked to Li and Chen, on my feet. Li grabbed my hanging leash and unclipped it from my collar and rolled it up. I was so short they were about at my height just from sitting. Plus the height of the couch helped. I only had to glance slightly down at Li. He smiled sadly and looked to the stranger.

"This is Luke. Manager of the WPFA, World Pet Fighting Association." Li introduced the red neck. I glared at Luke. He grinned at Li. Then he caught me glaring. He lost the smile and pointed at me.

"Lose the look girl or you're gonna get it." He warned. I growled loudly baring my canines. I mean, at least he acknowledged me as a human being. I suddenly felt a sharp smack on my ass. I jumped and stepped away from Li. I stared at him surprised. He looked at me with sad eyes but an angered face.

"Nicoletta behave!"

I stared at Li. Then I felt anger. I glared at Li. And curled a lip.

"For what? Some rude stinky wanna be cowboy?" I growled. Li narrowed his dark eyes. Luke cleared his throat and straightened himself, getting really red with anger. Nickson had to cough to cover a laugh.

"Nicoletta!" Chen snapped. I looked to her going silent. "Heel!" She ordered. I felt half of me almost wanting to automatically obey. The other half wanted to refuse. I slowly blinked and heeled at her side from where she sat, on the side of the couch. I shifted my weight off my left foot that felt sore. Li turned to Luke,

"Apologies, she is still-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Li." Luke snapped. "You know my boss is gonna hear about her and that incident. You know what his demands will be. I'm giving you the chance to give her up now with a better offer, before ...complications arise."

"Your own demands are hard to..." Li thought carefully before trying to pronounce his English. "-Comply with. 3 untrained and abused girls from your fac-wity (facility) will hardly replace what we will loose from Nic-"

"That's the point dude!" Luke laughed. " You owe us! We're not giving hand outs! You pay up with me or you deal with my boss. With how much you lost last time, I highly suggest you take up my offer." Luke sat back shrugging.

"What we gain you also gain much better quality and repaid sooner!" Li rose angered. Luke stood and pointed a finger at me.

"What I'll pay for her right now, will cover nearly more then half of what you owe my boss, guys! Why would you pass that now?" Luke scoughed. Li sighed and sat down groaning with frustration. Chen was also frustrated. She closed her eyes and opened them with an angered look.

"Chee wood have made us miwions! Awl you do is take fwom us!" Chen's accent came out so badly, I had a hard time understanding.

"I'm trying to help you guys!" Luke snapped. "Li you know this is true." Luke turned to Li, who was rubbing his face.

"She has become part of the family, Luke. This is hard for us. But we understand your offer. Give us some time, to think on this." Li sighed.

"You don't have that kind of time, Li." Luke said softer. "And you know he will hear of it soon enough and be here to get her." Li and Chen looked at one another. Chen got up and left the room. I stayed put but frowned at Li. Was...I really gonna be given up this easily?

"Nicoletta, come." Li sighed. I slowly walked to him. With a worry look to my dark brown eyes, I stood to his side. Li stayed sitting as he turned and clipped the leash to my black choke collar. I glanced at Nickson. He stood alittle ways away now. Looking sad. If a buff bald man could look sad, he definitely looked the part.

"I recommend getting trust from her if you want no issues. She's trained to an extent." Li pronounced his words carefully with his accent. Luke grinned, as Li stood and handed over the leash to him. I pulled back, eyes wide. I looked to Li for help. My eyes were pleading. Li would not look me in the eyes. Luke stood and took the leash pulling me away slowly, as he sat back down on the couch. The collar pinched harshly, I grimaced and leaned away still looking to Li. Li turned and walked away. I pulled and tried to follow. Luke pulled me back closer to him. I faced Luke, leaning away as I braced myself. Growling, I looked him in the eyes. He looked me in the eyes. His own brown eyes meeting mine. He had a grin. I glanced back to see both Nickson and Li we're gone.

"Come here Nicoletta." He ordered. My ears pulled back as I curled my lips growling, glaring at Luke. His eyes gleamed at my growl. Fuck, I don't want him to like me! He pulled me closer and closer. He was much stronger. His hand was reaching over to me, all of a sudden. I could smell his body odor thru all the body spray and deodorant. He smelt like sex. Holy shit. That wasn't a good sign!
I bent my knees as I leaned back and held the leash from choking me. I was just about a foot and a half away from him. I felt my body shaking as it struggled. I felt my growling turn into whimpering. My butt tucked in. I felt fear similar to like my first day being kidnapped. Memories flashed in my thoughts. His hand was almost near my collar! Suddenly, I felt a wild feeling in me rise. Probably a wake up call of who I was. No fucking touch, you wanna be asshole! I gave a little hop in the air, bringing up my knee and snapping my foot out, kicking him square in the face. His head snapped back.

"AUHH!!" He let go of the leash and grabbed his bloody nose. I ran.

I ran out of the living room, to the front door. The guards did not try to stop me. No one did. I opened the door and ran out. My longish brown hair swayed behind me shiny and gleaming. The leash still attached to my collar. I quickly undid it while I ran and threw it to the ground. I went into a sprint. My bare feet barely touching the ground as I sprinted thru the front and onto the concrete drive way before the parking lot to the building. I halted and looked right then to the left. The forest! Yes! Go! I turned to the left and ran hard.

Yes freedom! My feet touched the wild grass and the fresh air hit my face like a cold bath. I was free!

Forgetting I had a wrapped arm, I ran thru the forest. My feet became torn and bleeding. My body and feet took scratches from branches, thorns and rocks. But the pain felt so free of human torture, it made me feel alive. I kept on running. I leaped up into the air leaning forward, over a giant log, my arms tucked in just like when I was jumping over the jumps in the gym. My legs slightly bent out behind. My head forward but high with pride. I leaned forward as I was going over and down. I rolled to my feet with the momentum. I kept on running not slowing one second.
Yes! After so long! I was free- a branch smacked me the the face. I tripped and stumbled hard. I coughed and shook my self sitting up. Covered in dirt, I stood up panting. I looked at the green forest and listened to the sounds of birds. I felt pain on my face. My hands felt my face gently. My face may have been scratched up but I was free! I grinned and took off into a jog. I had been jogging somewhat down hill for awhile now. I looked down hill more and saw a creek. Perfect! They'll loose my tracks. I slowly walked on the muddy river bed. My feet hit the cold water. Which soothed my wounds and cuts. I winced. I picked the thorns, even a small sharp rock, out of my feet. I sighed and began to walk with the current of the creek. It was alittle rocky but there was sand with smooth small rocks, that had been flattened over time. I continued down the creek tripping, or stumbling along the way, for hours. Thunder made my ears pricked up. I had forgotten that was why the forest was so dark. A storm was coming. I looked at my surroundings. It will be night soon enough. I needed shelter. The forest looked like anyone could be hiding in the dark trees and beyond. I felt the moment I left the creek I would be captured once more. I whined quietly and continued thru the cold creek.

Another hour or so passed and now their was thunder and lightning. The wind was picking up as well. I folded my arms and held myself. My black tight sleeved shirt was slightly torn from my run thru the forest. Alot of small tree items like leaves or broken tree branch pieces stuck to my clothes. I was glad to have something more natural around me. I left it on. I was getting tired as my eyes were getting heavy. My breathing becoming heavy, as well. I blinked up at the dark grey clouds above me. The wind above seemed harsh, blowing leaves above. I looked at the creek ahead. It was getting bigger. A lake was ahead. And a river attached to the lake. Oh I see, the small creek was actually a river just dried up...oh shit. I needed to leave the creek before the rain fell.

I exited the creek, careful to walk on rocks or stones. Also grass. Leaving no foot prints. Come on...find somewhere safe to rest!
I searched thru the forest to the left of the creek. It was getting much colder, the wind was louder, almost louder then the thunder. Lightening helped me see thru the dark forest. I felt rain. Hurry up moron! I didn't know what I was looking for. I was safe from the creek and overflow of the lake, as I was going up hill. But where do I shelter? There's no caves, no under a tree den thingy. Finally the hill flattening, I found a mossy area under a leaning tree. I sat on the soft moss, the leaning tree was thick to cover me from most of the rain. I laid and curled up to keep warm. The storm had begun. It was loud. It was scary. Lighting gave me a chance to see my surrounding to make sure I was safe. I didn't know what kind of predators were around, but I prayed they were in their cozy warm dens. I shivered harshly as some of the rain came thru the trees leaves since the wind was blowing like crazy. The rain began to sprinkle over me. The moss became more moist and less of a comfortable bedding. I got up shaking now water was dripping off of me. The wind made it hard to hear or see. I began jogging to find better shelter. A cave, a rocky edge.. anything to avoid the rain! I shivered as I did find a rocky cliff. It had a sunken in spot for me to sit up and curl into. But it was barely out of the rain. I took what I had. It did keep the wind off me, though. It was not deep enough to shelter me fully from drops of rain. I closed my eyes and leaned far back as I could. I kept my knees up and my arms tucked in. I whimpered and tried my best to rest. My shaking never stopped even as I began to fall asleep. I tried fighting the sleep. Unsure if it was sleep or death.

Finally I could care less. I was exhausted. I quickly passed out.

... The next morning ...

I woke to shivering so violently I woke myself. The morning was sunny but there was still a few grey clouds out. I got out of the little sunken rock spot from the cliff. I stretched and groaned. I glanced down, my black tight clothing had small tears here and there. Mainly my leggings had the most damage. Nothing like a hole or hanging off piece of clothing, yet. After pulling out thorns and splinters out of my feet and legs, I walked on. More like limped on. My feet were bruised and bloody. My injured arm felt sore. My body was sore, cold and wet. I shook myself of the wet feeling and continued. I did my best to stop in small sunny spots. My ears twitching to every noise. But I only heard the forest and birds. There was not many sunny spots in a thick wild forest, but I had finally found an open field. Long tall wild grass. I stepped out and enjoyed the sun that dried me and warmed me up. I nearly fell asleep. I stumbled and caught myself. I needed a resting place in the sun. So I searched. The ground was too wet. Maybe a rock? Yeah a rock will do!
So I searched. Soon there was a thin but long flattish rock in the field. I was lucky I found it quickly. It was low to hide in the grass yet had nothing near it. Like a bush or tree that tall enough to make shade, to hide it from the the sun. The rock seemed well dried from the sun. I felt it with my hands and sat. Oh yes. It was really warm. I smiled and laid flat on my stomach. Letting the sun warm my back. The warm rock heated the front of my body quickly. I moaned with happiness and pleasure. This was nice....really really nice...I sneezed. I froze, then I sniffled and went back to laying down . Resting my head on my hands, I slightly spread my feet apart. I closed my eyes.

This will do for now. Rest until I get some...more... energy............

I was waking to a swaying feeling. I groaned in pain and tried opening my eyes. I felt large hands gently cradling me against a muscular chest. I opened my eyes half way to see....

Oh was Gary.

BUT HOW?! My eyes opened a little more. I could barely see since it was night out. Shit and he's carrying where though? My movement made him look down as he carried me with an arm under my knees and his other arm behind my back. The side of my head heavily resting on his shoulder, close to his neck. I should be disgusted but I was too tired. I felt so weak. I breathed a bit harder. His cologne filling my nose.

"Take it easy girl. You're gonna be ok." He tried to reassure me. I closed my eyes. Shit. Do something! Move! I tried moving out of his arms, but I couldn't even find the energy to sit up. All I could do was move my head alittle. Even that was exhausting. I groaned. I half opened my eyes again. The moon was out.

"I know girl just hang in their. I gotcha." Gary looked concerned. He was walking faster. I turned my head. Oh. A helicopter. In the middle of the wild field. Of course. Of course he found me in the middle of a forest, in a large untouched field. Pft, of course. Silly me for thinking otherwise. I heard men yelling for Gary to hurry up. There was another couple of men wearing body guard protection standing in the helicopter waiting. They helped him into the helicopter. One of them gave me a needle in the arm. The other checked my heart rate as Gary continued to carry me as he settled in the seat. He buckled in. A blanket was put over my body. Gary wrapped me in it, all while holding me to his chest.

"Hang in their girl. We're going home."

I could barely hear him over the helicopter. My head was resting just so my face was almost under his chin. I closed my eyes. His scent filling my nose once more. Too tired to care, too much exhaustion to move. I seemed to find some comfort as he held me tighter to his chest.... I fell asleep.


***Hey y'all! So glad so many people enjoy my online story. Be sure to share this special on-going online book to others. Apologies for waiting so long for each chapter! I will try to continue updating more often. ***
***What do y'all think is gonna happen next? Put it in the comment section! ***

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