The True Pain Of A Ninja (seq...

By annimefreakxx

74.3K 2.4K 722

Kasumi now has her loyality lying with the Akatsuki but Kiba still believes he can bring her back. Only time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

4K 297 255
By annimefreakxx


It's been 10 months since I completed my mission, 10 months since the Jubi had been destroyed and ten months since my father had died. 

I guess if I was being honest, I'd tell you that I haven't got over my father’s death. In fact, part of me still feels like this is all a dream. Even if I know it's not. 

After that fateful day, I guess you could say that a lot has happened. 

I've made my way around the countries to apologize to everyone and to all the villages. 

I literally got on my knees and begged for forgiveness. I felt like I had to. But for some reason, they all forgave me. They all told me that they owe me and thanked me. 

This is something I've never understood. I've killed their people, destroyed villages and yet, they forgave me. 

It's not that I'm not grateful, it's just... I don't believe I deserve it.

I mean after everything, I wasn't even the one to die... it was my dad. 

I let a tear slip down my face as I looked down at my new born son.

He was only a month old, he had my crystal blue eyes and blonde hair.

Yes blonde hair.

We had decided to name him Hikaru. 

I couldn't help but smile. 

He was so cute. He was my first born son and I love him. But I noticed Kiba had been acting weird lately. 

I knew why. It's because Hikaru's hair has begun growing and it's blonde. 

I don't have blonde hair. Kiba doesn't have blonde hair. So why would-

Knock knock.

I turned my head round to see Kiba standing in the door way. 

"Kasumi." he said without looking at me in the eyes. "Can we talk?"

I knew what that meant. 

"Sure." I said as I began making my way to the door.

"Akamaru can you watch Hikaru?" asked Kiba as I got outside the room.

He gave a quiet bark in reply since Hikaru was asleep and he walked into the room. 

"Let's talk somewhere more private." said Kiba as he disappeared into a poof of smoke. 

I took a deep breath and I too, disappeared into a poof of smoke.

I appeared in our spot. Kiba was standing a few meters away from me and he had a sad look on his face. 

I knew what was coming.

"Kasumi." he said as he looked up, causing us to lock eyes. 

I could see the fear in his eyes, the fear of finding out, that Hikau isn't his son. 

"Yeah, Kiba?" 

" you love me?"

I was shocked by his question. I thought he was going to ask me why the hell Hikaru had blonde hair.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, almost anger in my voice. "Of course I love you! Why do you think I went through all that!? Why do you think I went on that mission!? Why-"

"THEN WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!?" he yelled. I was frozen. I didn't know what t say. "YOU TOLD ME YOU FUCKEN DIDN'T SLEEP WITH DEIDARA!!"

"I DIDN'T!" I snapped back with tears in my eyes. 

"Don't lie to me Kasumi." he said looking right at me with tears in his eyes. 

"I'm not lying!"

"YES YOU ARE! WHY THE HELL IS HIKARU'S HAIR FUCKEN BLONDE!!?" I could feel tears now falling down my face. "I have dark brown hair! You have FUCKEN WHITE HAIR! HOW COULD OUR SON HAVE BLONDE HAIR!?" Kiba was now right yelling right in my face. I could see the anger and frustration written all over it.

Tears were now streaming down my face. I hate crying.

"B-beacuse...because..." I started but I couldn't speak, I was sobbing in between my words. 

"Because what!?" he yelled as some tears slipped out of his eyes. 

"Because... I originally had blonde hair.." I whispered. 

He looked taken back by response. 

"You...what?" he asked, still anger in his voice but he'd had calmed down a lot. 

"Be...before Kakashi meet me... I had blonde hair." I barely whispered.

A complete lie. 

"You...had blonde hair... how?" he asked confusion written all over his face.

"My mom did.. I was born with blonde hair.. but once I meet Kakashi and he hugged me... it turned white."

Total bullshit.

His expression was full of confusion. 

"..and once I left everyone.. it turned black.. and now it's white again... I don't know why it never went blonde..."

Lies. I thought. It was never blonde.

"But...why didn’t you tell me this before?" he asked now looking at me with soft eyes. 

I let a small, sad smile cross my face. 

"Because... I was afraid you'd think it was just a cover up and you'd think that I actually slept with Deidara...." I now let more tears flow. "I... I was afraid you'd leave me."

After I spoke those words, he immediately pulled me into a hug. 

I kept crying as I pulled on his shirt, just trying to get closer to him, to make sure he'd never let go.

"I'm sorry, Kiba." I whispered. "I should have told you but I was so scar-"

He cut me off by pushing his lips to mine. 

His lips were always so warm, so soft, so comforting... so perfect.

Once we pulled away, he wiped away the last of my tears with his thumb before speaking.

"You know I could never leave you." he whispered. "I love you. More then anything or anyone in the world. You are my world Kasumi. Always have been, always will be."

I let more tears fall as I nodded my head and he pulled me in again. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, pulling me in so close.

"I love you to Kiba." I whispered. "Please promise me you'll never leave me." I said through sobs. 

"I promise." he whispered.

10 Years later...


"Hurry up you three or you'll be late!" I yelled up the stairs.

"I'm here!" grinned Ayame as she ran down the stairs, jumping right past me and out the door.

Ayame was my beautiful and only daughter. She was the youngest of the three, only six years old. She had Kiba's dark brown hair which reached her waist and my crystal blue eyes. 

"Coming!" yelled Hikaru as he jumped down the stairs,

"Arff!" barked Kaoru who was Hikaru's partner.

You see, Hikaru was just like his father even with his short blonde hair which was flipped to the left, showing his also crystal blue eyes, he had a dog as his partner, who rode on his head just like Akamaru use to ride on Kiba's.

"Good now you can take Ayame and head off to the academy k? I'll wait for your brother," I smiled waving them off.

He gave me the thumbs up.

"You got it mom!" he said with a grin as he put on his shoes. "Hey Ayame! I'll race you!" he yelled as he took the lead, running ahead. 

"Hey no fair!" she whined as she tried running after him. "You have longer legs!" I watched with a smile as Hikaru picked up Ayame and threw her onto his back and carried on running.

"Yay! Faster faster!" she laughed as he ran off with her riding his back. 

I giggled and looked up the stairs to find my last son walking down at his own pace.

"Come on Kakashi," I said trying to hurry him up. 

Kakashi, he was a mere image of his grandfather. He had white, short spiked up hair, and Kiba's black eyes and he wore a mask that covered his whole face apart from his eyes. Plus, he was always late.

"Yeah I'm coming just relax mom." he said as walked past me. 

"I know that but come on! Your just gona be late and get into trouble again." I said with a small laugh as I shut the door behind us.

"You know dad's way more chilled then you." he said as we began walking to the academy. 

"Well your dad shouldn't be! I don't want you guys missing out on important stuff."

He sighed but we just kept walking. 

It was silent for a while but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was just easy.

"Hey mom," said Kakashi breaking the silence.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked looking at him. 

"Well.. I've never asked you before cause I thought that it might be to sensitive for you to answer.." he started and now I was confused. 

"Well just asked away Kakashi. You know you can ask me anything." I said. 

"Ok well.." he started. "Why did you quit being a ninja?"

I froze for a moment. I was shocked by his question but I knew that one of them was bound to ask me one day. 

"Well." I said as I started walking again, regaining myself. "You know how I had to go on that long mission?" 

He nodded and kept looking at me. 

"I guess it's because I was gone from home for so long... and I missed home. I missed your father and I missed my father. I guess after everything I had to do, I didn't want to anymore. I was always afraid I'd get another mission like that one and... I don't think I could kill anyone ever again..."

He went silent for a while. 

"Dad always tells us stories." he started. "He says how you were always the best ninja ever. And how you always protected him. And if it wasn't for you.. he would have been dead a long time ago. But he also said how you were always so kind and that he was the luckiest man alive to have you.."

I let a smile form on my lips.

"Kiba really said that?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said with what looked like a grin under that mask. "Anyway were here now so bye mom!" he yelled running off. "See you later!"

"Ok have a good day!" I said and watched as he ran through the doors of the academy. 

I gave a small sigh as I began walking off in the opposite direction.

It wasn't long before I arrived at Ino's flower shop.

"Hey Ino," I said flashing her a smile. 

"Oh hey Kasumi!" she said grinning. "What brings you here?"

"I just came to get some white roses," 

Her grin grew wider. 

"Not planning on doing anything with Kiba tonight? Perhaps another kid?"

I just laughed and punched her playfully in the arm. 

"No way! Hahah what about you and Sasuke? Hmm!?" I said with a wink.

She laughed.

"No I think the ones we have now are fine," she smiled.

Sasuke had come back to the Leaf Village about 2 years after I completed my mission, and as soon as he got back, Ino made her move, making sure not to let him leave again and he didn't.

"Well then just give me a bunch of white roses." I said.

"You got it!" she replied and got to picking the flowers. 

It was silent as she picked them. I guess it was kinda an awkward silence but it didn't last long. 

"It's been ten years now hasn't it?" she said with a sad tone to her voice as she began wrapping up the flowers. 

"Yeah." I answered with a sad smile.

"You’re not going to wait for Kiba to get back before you go?"

"No. I want to go on my own first, and then I'll take the family when Kiba gets back from his mission."

She nodded and handed me the flowers. 

"How much?" I asked getting out my money. 

"No cost," she smiled. 

I gave her a smile back. 

"Thanks Ino," I said with a wave as I walked out the door. 

Once I reached the KIA stone, I placed the flowers in front of it and I took a few steps back before sitting down and staring at one name. 

Kakashi Hatake.

I did this once a year, I would come here on the anniversary on his death, place some white roses at the stone and then leave. 

But this year was different. 

This time, I let everything that happened to me play over in my head.

Living alone at birth, having to have to steal to survive, having no one until Kakashi found me.... Getting a second chance and living my life to the fullest, falling in love but then being giving a mission that was going to cost me my life. Almost losing my dad before I left.. and then leaving my home, family, friends, the one I love... everything. 

Becoming a rogue ninja, destroying villages, killing innocent people and killing jinjurikis... extracting The Tailed beasts, having my loved ones try to bring me back to the village but only pushing them away again. Falling in love again with someone else.

Attacking my own village, losing my father only to have him come back to life once more. Being captured by my Village... being saved by my second love.. and then killing one of my old friends... taking control over the Jubi and attacking my home... saving my home and losing my father.  Quitting my life as a ninja, having to have to lie to Kiba about our first born child...lying to everyone about him...

All of this... everything I've been through... My whole life was a mess... But this is...

The True Pain Of A Ninja.



So what did you all think?? Cute ending eh??

Hehe XD

Anyways I just want to thank you all for reading, voting, commenting, adding this story to your reading list and fanning!! Honestly I would never have gotten this far, this fast if I didn't have you all commenting and voting!!


Btw this is dedicated to everyone who's reading this and commented and voted and fanned and yeah!!


But this is the last chapter so don't forget to...




Please? x

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