Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X...

By rion_the_cat

120K 4.1K 1.9K

The power she possessed was a gift from Sukuna. She had the strength to finally eliminate all those who had h... More

Prologue - Starting Of The End
The Transfer
The Urge
The Introduction
The Entrance
I Choose to Live
First Target
The Plan
Execution Part I
Execution Part II
The Test
It's Your Fight
The Suspect
The Trap
The Hunt
The Trouble
The Accomplice
A New Beginning
The Mysterious Man
The Team
Half Truth
Welcome Back
The Temple
Mio's Adventure
The Calm before the Storm
Is That The End?
Epilogue - Without Her

The Past

2.7K 106 107
By rion_the_cat

At four in the morning, Yujji laid awake. 'How could she kill them all? When did she learn to protect herself? Has she killed more people? Doesn't she regret what she did? Why was she so relaxed? Is she a psychopath?' All the unanswered questions kept his mind busy and he couldn't sleep.

"No, it can't be true, Sukuna did that," poor boy didn't want to believe but Y/N's words were clear.

Sundays were generally free. Yujji went to Satoru's room at around 8 a.m. The man had black round sunglasses on. Yujji looked at him from top to bottom. A white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, black pants made him look like a bad ass.

"Sensei, you going somewhere?" Yujji asked.

"On a long drive."


"With Y/N."

"A date?"

"Huh? No, it's just a long drive."

"Can I join?"

"Of course."

"I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't leave without me." Yujji sprinted to his room, changed into a black t-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers, and sprayed his favourite fragrance.

"She will not be impressed," Sukuna said.

"Oh, what should I do then?"

"So, you're actually trying to impress her," Sukuna smirked.

"Shut up!" Yujji slapped his own cheek.

"Yujji-kun, are you ready?" Satoru opened the door.

"Yeah sensei, let's go."

Y/N stood in the parking lot and talked with Jane. Both the girls turned to see the red Lexus Lc stopping before them.

"He has a nice car," Jane commented.

"Hello ladies," Satoru said walking towards them.

"Hi," Jane waved with excitement.

"Wow, you're looking quite handsome today," Y/N complimented.

"Yeah, thanks and you're looking cute," Satoru responded.

"It was for Yujji."

"Oi, you can only compliment me and no one else," Satoru said pointing a finger at Y/N.

Yujji stared at Y/N without a word. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked him. He didn't respond.

Satoru nudged him and he spoke, "Ah... Yes... Y/N... Ice-cream... I'll buy."

They all laughed at him.

"Is Jane joining us?" Satoru asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," Jane jumped around.

"Let's go," Satoru said. "Y/N, do you want to drive?"

"Not right now."


Satoru and Y/N sat at front and, Jane and Yujji at the back. They chatted and laughed while Yujji kept looking at Y/N. 'How can she act so normal?' he thought. As soon as they exited the city and touched the highway, Y/N turned on the radio. "Four men were found dead in Old Street No. 42, early this morning. Wounds on their bodies indicated that they were brutally stabbed to death. No weapon or anything has been recovered from the site. Police does not suspect any specific person. Identities of the men have been confirmed as-" Y/N changed the frequency.

"What happened?" Satoru asked.

"We can watch news at home, we came out to enjoy," she said.

'That street is not far from her apartment, is it possible that she is involved in this?' Satoru thought but remembering how she proved him wrong the last time he suspected her, he pushed the thought away.

Yujji looked at her and read her calm expression. 'She is not even scared.'

Y/N finally found the perfect radio station. A song played and she sang along,
"Inshallah, that's what you say
You think I lost my faith
You won't speak my name
Forbidden, won't see you again
I choose a 'life of sin'
Wish you could forgive."

Besides Yujji, all three of them vibed with the melodies.

"What's wrong with you?" Jane asked nudging Yujji.

"N-nothing, I'm fine."

Y/N looked in the mirror and made eye contact with Yujji. He seemed to be scared, Y/N gave him a calm smile and he smiled back.

"That's not like you, Yujji-kun," Satoru said. "You should be the one talking the most. Is everything fine?"

"Yes, sensei. Just need some fresh air."

"Alright, let's find a good place to stop."

After twenty minutes, a gas station with an attached shop appeared. Satoru pulled the brakes. They all went inside the small shop to grab some snacks. Y/N couldn't decide what to eat, so she went outside and sat on green grass in an open ground. She gazed at the fascinating scenery of mountains.

"Here," Satoru joined her offering a can of Coke.


They sat in silence and enjoyed the breeze and the view. Some people roamed in a village at a distance. Y/N smiled looking at them. She could come to a place like this everyday. They sipped and talked about how they miss that environment in cities.

" Satoru, we were going to go on a date, remember?" Jane said and joined them.

"Not really."

"Oh, never mind."

"So, where do you want to go?"

"Are you serious?" Y/N shot a confusing look.

"Yeah, I mean I don't mind."

"Yay!" Jane reacted.

"Great, two crack heads going on a date," Y/N mocked.

"Y/N, ice-cr-," Yujji paused as he saw the can of Coke in her hand. "Oh," he turned around and walked away with two ice cream cones. Y/N followed him. He was about to throw the ice creams in the trash can but Y/N held his wrist and took one cone from him.

"There's always room for an ice cream," she smiled. He looked down and smiled. Taking a bite, she asked, "What's bothering you?"

"I-" he looked away and searched for the correct words. "Don't you feel bad about what happened yesterday?"

"Mmm... No."

"How are you not bothered at all?"

"Look kiddo, they deserved what they got. I'm sure they had done so many crimes in past. People like them, somehow, manage not to get caught. So, someone has to do what's right and show such people their place. I did nothing wrong and if I did, I'll receive my punishment soon enough."

"It's hard to..."

"To believe that a girl like me can take lives?"

Yujji looked at his own feet and nodded.

"Certain circumstances can turn a prey into a predator. Now stop worrying so much. Haven't slept a bit last night, have you?"

"No, I was thinking about you," he said and got surprised at his own words. "It's not like that." He nervously rubbed the back of his head.

She chuckled, "Relax, kiddo."

Yujji felt embarrassed.

"You really like strawberries, don't you?"


"I'll get more, just wait here." She bought two more ice creams and enjoyed. She cheered him up and Sukuna joined their conversation. He demanded to eat what they were eating. Y/N refuse and teased him making Yujji laugh.

"Y/N, what if you get in trouble?"

"There's no proof, so that's never happening."

"One last question," Yujji raised his finger.

Y/N nodded in approval and finished the ice cream.

"Have you ever killed anyone before?"

She looked him in the eyes and asked rasing an eyebrow, "What do you think?"

"N-no," he said without any clue.

"You're right, I've never done that before."

Yujji smiled.

Y/N ruffled his hair and said, "Stop stressing over it. I'm never doing that again." She threw the wrappers in the bin and began to go back to Satoru and Jane. Stopping in her track, she looked back at Yujji and spoke, "Black suits you." She walked away leaving Yujji with a faint pink glow on his cheeks.

"Sukuna," Yujji called.

"What is it brat?"

"She complimented me."

"I heard that. I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"Are you jealous?"

"Speak less," Sukuna was irritated.

Yujji laughed it off and joined the other three.

"If your useless discussions are over, can we head back?" Y/N asked Satoru and Jane. She looked at Jane's red face and asked, "What happened to her?"

Satoru whispered in Y/N's ear, "I told her that she looks prettier than you."

Y/N did a thumbs up. They all went to Satoru's car. "Let me drive," Y/N said and Satoru tossed the keys for her to catch.

Jane pulled Satoru's arm and made him sit at the back with herself. Yujji sat himself at the front.

"Why am I not able to touch you?" Jane said to Satoru.

"What happened?" Yujji asked.

"She wants to see my eyes."

"Jane, he's sensitive to day light," Y/N said.

"Oh, but why can't I touch him?"

No one answered.

Yujji played some Japanese music, Y/N didn't understand but enjoyed. They reached ladies' residence first. Satoru and Yujji waved them goodbye and rode back.

"Y/N is cute, right?" Satoru asked.

"Yes," Yujji smiled.

"Something's fishy," Satoru smirked. "Don't catch feelings for her. She's seven years older than you."

"I know sensei."

"And she's not normal."


"I'll tell you later."

"That winter felt colder than usual to the small boy sitting near the lake. Probably because he didn't have enough clothes on or probably because he spent previous winters in his mother's warm embrace. He shivered and stared at the people passing by, the kids of his age in warmer clothes and market selling all the hot things. Hunger and cold made him want to go home but he lost all the directions. He cried and hoped for his mother to come and give him the warmth of her embrace. Life isn't fair to everyone. He knew his mother was never coming back. Four days ago, his family was attacked and killed by some men possessing super powers. Somehow, his father made him escape. The boy ran from one village to another and was kicked out from everywhere. He stopped crying and went to the very first food shop. 'Hungry,' he said to the shopkeeper with innocence. The shopkeeper revealed the prices of all the edible items in the shop. The boy ran outside and cried. 'Mother, I'm hungry,' he said between his sobs. A woman of about twenty two years of age looked at him from a distance. She went to him and patted his head gently. 'Why are you crying?' she asked. The boy looked at her sobbing and shivering. She took the warm shrug off her shoulder and covered the boy. 'Want food?' she asked. He wrapped himself around her legs and cried loudly. 'So you are hungry, let's eat something.' The boy stepped back, she smiled at him and offered her finger, which he held with his tiny hand. She took him inside the shop and ordered some warm food and milk for him. He gobbled up all the food. She took him home and gave him a place to live. 'Don't worry, you're safe here,' she said ruffling his hair. After running cluelessly for four days, the boy finally ate and slept well. In a year, they learned to live like a family and enjoyed each other's company. She lived alone and the boy was orphaned, so she didn't hesitate to take him in. 'Kyouka, eat,' the boy said with a tray in his tiny hands. Small pieces of meat were overcooked but she ate them and appreciated the six years old boy. Kyouka was telling him some funny stories of her childhood when someone knocked at the door. 'Go to your room,' she said to the boy. He nodded and ran away. She opened the door and three muscular men revealed themselves. 'Where's the boy?' one of them asked. 'Which boy?' she asked back. They glared at her and she knew what was going to happen. One of them pointed a finger at her and whispered, 'BURN.' All of them were puzzled when they saw the woman stood unaffected before them. She smirked, 'You sorcerers are useless.' They tried several other moves but nothing happened. She started to close the door but they kicked it and she was thrown back with a jerk. She ran across the room and clasped her Katana. Since their cursed energy didn't work on her, they had an armed fight. The boy stood silent, worrying about what was happening outside. After around ten minutes, Kyouka knocked at his door and told him that he could come out. The boy looked at the dead bodies. 'How will I clean this mess?' Kyouka frowned. He noticed blood on her sky blue dress and asked, 'Are you hurt?' She noticed his worried expression and said, 'No, it's their blood.' 'Why do they keep coming?' he asked. 'They hate me,' she lied. A week later, some more men appeared. The word was spread that Kyouka could resist the cursed energy, so they came with axes and swords. She heard a knock on the door and was prepared with her Katana. 'Where's the boy?' they asked. 'Not here,' she answered. 'For how long are you going to protect that red-eyed demon?' the oldest man roared with rage. 'He's not a demon, he's a child.' They attacked her from all directions but she was stronger and faster than they expected. They succeeded in injuring her right arm but she won the fight and all of them laid dead on the floor. 'That was close,' she said with surprise. 'Come out,' she said to the boy. He opened the door and looked at her injured arm. He was moved to tears. She kneeled to face him and wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks. He hugged her tightly. 'What happened?' she asked. 'Will they kill you too?' he asked between quick sobs. 'No, we will go somewhere else.' Kyouka felt heartbroken with the thought of him running around and getting kicked by everyone. She could not die as the innocent soul she held in her arms needed her. 'I will protect you when I become a big boy,' he said. She kissed his forehead. 'Kyouka, why did they call me a demon?' he asked. 'They don't like kids, so they call all of them demons.' They left the village and found a new village where no one knew them. After two years, sorcerers found them again. Kyouka had been teaching him how to fight with knives but he was not big enough to fight a fully grown up man. One night, Kyouka heard some whispers around her house. She clasped her Katana and went to the boy's room. She woke him up and whispered, 'We need to go, they're here.' She opened the window at the back and helped the boy out. She jumped behind him and closed the window with least noise possible. She held his hand and ran towards the forest. Soon enough, they reached a cave. The boy was terrified to go inside but had no choice. She found some flint stones and dried leaves. It took her a while but the leaves finally caught fire. She sat down near the fire and boy sat in her lap. She wrapped her arms around him. 'Promise me,' she began, 'If they get me, you will run away and never look back.' Tears fell from his eyes. She wiped his face and said, 'You are very special and you have super powers, you are strong.' He listened with patience and surprise. 'So, promise me, you will run away and protect yourself.' He didn't want to say anything. 'I p-promise,' words escaped his lips. They heard the sorcerers coming nearer. Kyouka put out the fire but they smelled the smoke and invaded the cave. She hid the boy and killed some of them with stealth. The sun started to rise and the light filled the cave which made it difficult for her to attack. She killed two more before she was completely revealed. A total of thirteen sorcerers stood facing her. 'Give us the boy,' the chief spoke in a husky voice. 'Not today,' she smirked. 'Looks like you have forgotten your brother's death already,' the chief said and all of them laughed. She could feel the rage she had never felt before. Without a second thought, she pierced the chief's torso with her Katana. 'You filthy sorcerers killed my brother, I will never let you kill this boy until I'm alive,' she spoke with anger. Eleven of them attacked her at the same time and she fought as if it were her last fight. One of them went to find the boy. She was wounded but never gave up. The last man begged her to spare his life. Covered in blood, she laughed like a psychopath and did her final move separating his head from his body. 'Kyouka,' she heard the boy screaming her name. Injured and bleeding, she followed the voice farther into the cave. The man, carrying the boy on his shoulder, ran towards another exit of the cave. A sword went through him from behind. He screamed with pain and the boy fell on the rocky surface. He stood up and clung to her hand. 'We need to r-' she couldn't complete, a knife penetrated her thigh. She fell on the ground. More men appeared sorrounding them. She pulled out the knife and threw at one of the men wounding his eye. The boy hugged her waist and she stood holding him tighter. 'Give up already,' one of them spoke. She shook her head. 'How are you, little Sukuna?' the man asked stepping closer. The boy hid behind her. 'Don't forget your promise,' Kyouka whispered. 'Run.' With tears in his eyes, he turned around to run but two men blocked his way. Kyouka fell on her knees because of exhaustion and pain. 'Let him go, he's just a child,' she begged. 'He's a demon,' one of them said. 'No, he's inn-' the man kicked her. They began to take him away. 'Kyouka,' Sukuna screamed and cried. She looked at him and cried, 'Please let him go.' Sukuna saw her crying and struggling. Soon, she was out of his sight and he stopped screaming. He couldn't feel his throat. Sukuna woke up and found himself in a cold room with dark walls. All his clothes were gone. He curled up in a corner and cried. The hope of Kyouka coming to rescue him kept him alive. For next four years, he was sold by one clan to another and was kept as a slave. They ridiculed and raped him over and over again. Poor child kept hoping for Kyouka to show up. The sorcerers felt proud of keeping a demon as their slave. Bruises covered his body and he was beaten up every time he said something. One day, he heard sorcerers taking Kyouka's name. He ran to see her. She was not there, and they all laughed at him reacting to her name. 'She's never coming back,' the chief said. 'We burnt her alive the day we found you.' They killed her, Sukuna's only hope died. 'That's not true, you're lying,' he screamed. 'Kyoukaaa,' he screamed louder."

"They laug-," Sukuna's voice cracked.

Y/N's heart felt heavy hearing such a strong man breaking down. She hopped out of his lap and hugged him. She rubbed his back and he held back his tears.

"They laughed at me," he finished. "I felt something I had never felt before. Only emotions I knew were happiness, sadness and fear but that day I felt something burning inside me. They began to panic and surrounded me. Kyouka was right, I had super powers and those sorcerers were right too, I was a demon. I burned everything and everyone around me. I went on a rampage, killed millions and burnt villages after villages. I couldn't suppress the rage I felt. I lost the only person I could trust. I promised to protect her, I couldn't. I promised to protect myself, I couldn't. I failed her."

Y/N caressed his cheek, "It's over now and you avenged her. You found your power and no can hurt you anymore."

"Y/N," he looked at her. "I will protect you. No one will ever be able to touch you, I promise."

Y/N smiled.

He pulled her in her lap and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I don't want to lose you."

"You will not," she whispered.

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