My Wildest Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

95.3K 1.8K 441

Josh and Katie have been best friends since he first moved nextdoor midway through freshman year. They were a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17


3.9K 86 19
By fhsgctcusbf

After we found out we wanted to surprise Emma.

"Hey love bug, can you sit on the couch for us?"

She smiled. "Ok mommy" She said making her way to help couch.

Josh grabs the bag and gives it to her and tells her to wait while we get our phones to record her reaction.

"Ok sweet pea, you can open it" He said.

She tears into the bag, tissue paper going everywhere.

"Can you read what's on the shirt out loud?"

"It says big sister" She said then gasps.

She figured it out.

She smiled so big. "Am I gonna be a big sister?" She asked.

Both Josh and I smile, shaking our heads yes, confirming her question.

"Yay! I always wanted to be a big sister" She grinned.

We used the video of Emma finding out she's a big sister as a way to tell our family and friends.

Everyone was so happy especially our moms.

A few weeks later it was our first scan and we were both excited and nervous.

Josh took off work so he could go with me to the scan, he said he wanted to be apart of everything.

When we got there we checked in and waited for my name to be called.

"Mrs. Parker?" The nurse called.

We both stand up and walk to the room.

"Ok here is your gown, and could you please empty your bladder if you already have? once you're done sit on the table and your doctor will be in soon." She said.

"Ok thank you."

After I come back from the bathroom and start to take off my leggings and underwear.

"Sweetheart... What are you doing?" My husband asked.

"They're doing a transvaginal ultrasound, so I have to be naked from the waist down."

I give him a few seconds to realize what I just said.

"Wait a minute... So they go into your pussy to check on you baby?" He asked wide eyed.

I laughed, I figured he'd say something like that. "Yes baby, I asked for it because it shows more than just a regular ultrasound."

"Ohhh... So if there's something wrong, heaven forbid, they'll be able to see it right away?" He asked.


There was a knock at the door and when we said come in, the doctor came in.

"Hi Mrs. Parker, I'm Dr. West, nice to meet you, and I'm assuming you're her husband" She said referring to Josh.

"Yes he is."

"Perfect, well it's nice to meet you too. So we're gonna take a look to see how the baby is looking?" She asked.


"Ok well let's have you lie back and we'll check everything out" She said.

I lie back and try to relax, Josh grabs ahold of my hand, comforting me.

"Ok, now I'm just gonna insert this and just a warning it'll be a little cold" She chuckled.

She inserts it and shy was right, it's fucking cold, but eventually I get used to it.

A few seconds later we hear a persistent thump.

"Is that?" Josh asked in disbelief.

"Yup, that's your baby, and it has a very healthy and strong heartbeat" She said.

We look up at the screen and see a tiny little blob on the screen.

Josh looks down at me and I can see he has tears welling up in his eyes just like mine. He comes down to peck my lips.

"I love you Katie girl" He whispered.

I pecked his lips back. "I love you too baby."

He wipes his eyes and turns back to the doctor. "Can you tell when the baby was conceived?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would ask that because he kept saying he was gonna get me pregnant first try and he wants to see if he was right.

"Yes, I can tell by the measurements. Let me check everything... You're a month along" She said.

Josh pumps his fist in the air. "Yes! I told you I got you pregnant first try" He exclaimed.

The doctor chuckles. "Well congratulations you guys. Your baby looks healthy and you can come back in 6 weeks for your next scan, here are your prenatal vitamins and do you guys have any other questions?" She asked.

"Yes... Actually I do" My husband said.

"Ok, what's your question?" She asked.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Is it safe to have sex?" He asked.

Typical guy, but I'm curious too because if I'm like I was when I was pregnant with Emma then I'll be horny during my third trimester.

She chuckled. "Yes, it's completely safe to have sex when pregnant unless there are complications, which I don't see, so you should be fine" She said.

He smiled. "Ok, thank you" He said.

"No problem, you guys have a good day and I'll see you in 6 weeks" She said.

I still can't believe he knocked me up first try, I'll never hear the end of that.


My pregnancy was going pretty good. I experienced morning sickness for the awhile, but luckily when I got to my third trimester it finally stopped.

One thing that I didn't experience when I was pregnant with Emma was weird food cravings, but I just craved peanut butter the whole pregnancy, but now I'm craving things like BBQ potato chips and dill pickles, peanut butter on Oreos, and Mac and cheese with ranch on it, sounds weird, but they're amazing combinations.

I'm basically eating what a teenage guy would eat, and sometimes Josh tries the cravings with me.

As I suspected, when I hit my third trimester, I was so fucking horny, anytime I saw Josh naked, I tried to jump him.

The one day we had sex so much that he had to leave the house to take a break and recharge since I overworked him, but my favorite thing is after we have sex we just cuddles me and caresses my belly making our son go crazy with kicking.

I've always had a feeling it's a boy, so I've been saying him, since then.

Josh thinks it's a girl, so we decided to have a gender reveal party instead of just finding out at my scan.

We're having the gender reveal party in our backyard and we rigged up our basketball hoop to explode the color when Josh made the shot, we thought it fits us so much.

Since I think I'm having a boy so I'm wearing a blue sundress and Josh is wearing a pink shirt since he thinks it's a girl.

Both our moms think it's a boy like me because of the position of my belly, I don't understand it, but they've had 2 babies each, so they know what they're doing.

Emma is wearing pink since she wants a sister.

We have blue and pink colored food and baby games. The party is also a baby shower.

When it's time I hand Josh the basketball and he goes to take the shot and of course he makes the basket, making a swish. The hoop explodes blue powder everywhere.

Everyone starts cheering and I'm being practically tackled by my husband, but he's careful of my belly.

"We're having a boy! Thank you so much for giving me a son. I love you so much Katie girl" He said kissing me.

"I'm so happy. I love you too."


As the weeks turned into months we got closer to my due date and baby Parker decided to make his appearance a few days early.

I was just dosing off when I started having contractions.

God this hurts, I did not miss this part.

"Josh wake up... It's time" I said trying to wake him.

After a few seconds he finally wakes up. "What's going on sweetheart?" He asked barely awake.

"It's time baby, I'm having contractions."

After hearing that he wakes right up. "Ok, wait here, I'll put everything in the car and get Emma over to the Thompson's house" He said.


He went to get our hospital bags and carrier for the baby.

Luckily my contractions were just starting, so we had time.

He came back 10 minutes later to come get me. "Ok Katie girl, let's go" He said coming over to help me out of the house.

Traffic wasn't too bad, but my contractions started to get worse, so I was not a happy camper.

"It's ok baby, we're almost there" He said rubbing my back with one hand and driving with the other.

When we get to the hospital we get into a room almost immediately.

A really tough contraction came on and I thought I would've passed out, but Josh was there to help me through it.

"Ok Katie girl you got this... Take a deep breath and hold, then let it out. It's almost over, you're doing great sweetheart" He said kissing my forehead.

If it wasn't for him I don't know what I would've done because our son's birth is way harder than what I went through with Emma's birth.

Josh called my parents right before we left, so they said they'd be here soon.

At around 6 centimeters I was finally given an epidural and that helped me. I was able to rest and Josh got to sleep for a few hours before I finally was dilated completely.

It was a grueling 9 hours, but on January 6th at 8am, Ace Christopher Parker made his way into the world at 8lbs and 6oz and he's a spiting imagine of his father.

Everyone came in and met Ace and Emma was definitely the most excited about her baby brother. After everyone left it was just Josh and I cuddling on the bed holding Ace.

"I love you both so much" He said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too and I want to thank you for loving me back."

"Loving you was not a choice, it was like breathing... easy. We're soulmates Katie girl and I thank God everyday for us reconnecting" He said tearing up.

"I do too baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was possible for us, but I'm so glad it did."

He leans in to kiss and and kiss Ace's head. I put Ace in the bassinet, climbing into bed cuddling Josh. He falls asleep before me and I look at him and look at Ace, thanking God for my family.

~~~ 3 years later~~~

I grab the rest of the food and bring it out to the backyard. Sarah see me struggling and grabs the food and brings it to the table.

After setting everything up, we sit down in our chairs. I look around and see my family and it brings a smile to my face. Emma and Ace are in the pool with Hunter, Addie, Nathan, and Melanie playing Marko polo and my husband is at the grill with Ryan and his brother.

I look around and see exactly who I'm looking for. Once she sees me, her whole face lights up, making grabby hands for me. My mom gets up and hands her to me.

Mom chuckled. "Alright sweetheart I'll give you back to mommy" My mom said.

Once she in my arms she squishes my cheeks like she does everytime, she thinks it's the funniest thing.

This little bundle of joy was definitely a surprise. Turns out my husband is horrible at pulling out and 9 months later out popped Charlotte Grace Parker. After Charlotte, I got my tubes tied and Josh got a vasectomy, we were happy with our family and decided we didn't want anymore.

Josh yells the food is done, so we all get our food and sit down to eat. I fixed the kids plate and finally make my plate.

"How are my girls doing?" Josh asked kissing me and taking Charlotte from me. She's such a daddy's girl.

We both sit down and he keeps Charlotte on his lap, eating some of his food, then feeding her.

After dinner the kids go back to swimming and Charlotte is asleep, so Sarah, Jess and I are lounging in the chairs, watching our husbands play with the kids in the pool.

I close my eyes for a few minutes and then I feel a tapping on my arm, I open my eyes and see Sarah with a big smirk on her face.

Oh god what's she up to now?

"Look" She said pointing to Emma and Hunter.

Those two are always attached to the hip, my girl definitely has a crush.

"They're so cute."

"Yeah they are. Wanna place bets how long it takes them to get together?" She asked.

I laugh at her question, but agree. "You're on."

I do know that not all friends to more relationships even happen, but Josh and I are a perfect example that it's worth the risk and maybe in Emma's wildest dreams it could happen for her and Hunter. Only time will tell, but I have a good feeling about those two.


Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter

Sorry it was a shorter chapter.

What did you think of the sneak peek into the lives as a married couple?

Emma's story In Your Dreams is out now, so if you're interested come check it out.

Don't forget to comment, see you in the next update!

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