Woman of Intelligence (Book 2...

By Yaksha2000

175 63 3

Riya Moodley is a Police Officer in the Singaporean Defense Force. She and Samantha Lau, her partner, have be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Part 1)
Chapter 13 (Part 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Part 1)
Chapter 17 (Part 2)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Part 1)
Chapter 23 (Part 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Part 1)
Chapter 27 (Part 2)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part 1)
Chapter 30 (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Part 1)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Part 1)
Chapter 41 (Part 2)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Part 1)
Chapter 45 (Part 2)

Chapter 37 (Part 2)

2 1 0
By Yaksha2000

Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe had to leave the hotel because they had a feeling that the imposter had her people watching them. They were staying in Sebastian house because it was safer. Plus, his men were keeping an eye on this mansion. John and Benjamin were on their way. After Justine and Mrs Wright kicked them out of the house, the two gentlemen had no way to stay. Plus, Benjamin dropped out of his position in Justine's modelling company because of these issues. Riya, Samantha, Ying, Zoe, Sebastian and Antonio were in the lounge, sitting on the sofa. All of them were out of space because of the incidents. Riya was just waiting for Liang to try to hack into the surveillance cameras. He was their only hope right now. The snakes were roaming around, trying to get use to the new environment. At least, the FBI agents did not dismiss them from the investigation. In fact, they were sending a search party to find the murderers of the suppliers. 

Everyone was so quiet that the atmosphere became dull. The door opened by the hallway. Everyone looked at the entrance to the hallway to be cautious. Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe had their guns ready for protection. John and Benjamin entered the lounge with their huge bags in their hands.

"Sorry we are late. We just had a lot of packing to do and Dad had some paperwork to sign before leaving the company.", John explained why they were late.

Samantha made a loud sigh of relief. Benjamin walked further into the room. "What are you guys doing right now?", he asked, taking a seat next to Ying. 

"We are waiting for Liang to get back to us.", Zoe answered. "He has the right technology to help us out."

Thank god only Samantha knew that Riya was White Jaguar in this group. The others knew that Riya could hack because she did a lot of hacking when they were working dangerous cases in Singapore. Even when she working on Yanwu's case with them. Ying, Zoe, Ying and John knew that Riya had good basic hacking skills. Riya did not want to show them that she learnt advanced hacking. That would made them suspicious about her missions. Everyone was still sitting very quietly. Then Riya's phone started buzzing. She grabbed her phone from the table and answered the call. She pressed the speaker button so everyone could hear Liang.

"What do you have Wang?", she asked politely and placed the phone on the coffee table.

"I found the woman at your office with ten men. The woman was wearing a black cloth mask and the same outfit like the one of the footage.", Liang explained.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment. The woman was involved with this drug dealing. "Did you manage to take a look at the woman?", Samantha asked.

"Nope, I tried to remove her mask but required to update the software. There was no point. But she and her men did set your office on fire. While they were doing the damages, she sent more me to the suppliers' homes and shot them dead.", Liang explained.

"The woman was watching us the whole time. But who is this woman and why is she after us?", Sebastian asked. 

"No idea.", John answered.

"I just heard that ten more models committed suicide during the day but the police couldn't find the bodies. There was no letters to prove the suicide.", Zoe answered.

"I believe I have the explanation for you.", Liang said with some excitement. 

Everyone looked at the phone and they paid attention to Liang's explanation. "Go on Wang.", Riya said.

"Few days ago, the ten models resigned from the jobs because of the drugs. Plus, they told the management that they were going to file cases against the management. I found footages of the models getting dragged out of their apartments and houses. The models were dragged by the same men. I also found that once the men completely the mission, one man sends a message to police station that the models had committed suicide. The men use different phones so the officers would not track the woman and the men. I think these men throw their phones away that why it's very hard to find them.", he explained. 

Everyone looked at each other with their eyes widen open. John leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "The management must have called the woman and told about the resignation. The management were so scared about going to prison. Plus, the woman was the only one protecting them. So, she kidnapped the models because she wanted them to keep quiet about the drugs.", he explained.

"Hence why she was using Antonio's names so no one will be pointing fingers at her.", Zoe added to the conversation. 

"But will backfire soon.", Liang spoke.

Everyone moved their heads to the phone like predators trying to keep their eyes on their prey. "What do you mean?", Benjamin asked. 

"I already posted the footages on every social media. I'm already seen some shocking comments about the footages.", he answered and made a sigh of excitement. 

"Thank you Wang, you have been helpful like always.", Riya said.

"Anytime Moods.", he said then hung up the called.

Everyone was looking at Riya. "Moods?", John asked.

Riya looked at them with a slight confusion. "Moods is the short name for my surname Moodley.", she eased their confusion.

"Oooooohhhhh.", the rest of them said at once. 

Riya switched her phone off and looked at everyone else. "Now that we know that the models are still alive. The woman must hiding them in a special place, somewhere abandoned or in her residence.", she suggested. 

"The problem is we don't know who the woman is and where is lives. She is probably living somewhere out of Los Angeles.", Benjamin said with some frustration. 

"Don't get frustrated, the answer will come to us.", Samantha was being positive.   

Everyone listened to her. "Let's hit the sack because we had a tiring shocking day. Make sure that windows are lock and keep yourselves warm. It's getting cold.", Antonio suggested. 

They liked the suggestions so they got up together and went straight to their rooms. Riya and Sebastian was walking behind everyone. He grabbed her arm and bought her close to him. Her body did not slam on his. She looked at him with a blank expression. 

"Why did you do that?", she asked politely.

"There is something I need to show you. Wait here.", he said with excitement then ran into a room. 

She was very curious about what he wanted to show her. She looked around the room while she was waiting. Sebastian came with a black clothing bag in his hand. She heard his footsteps. She looked at the direction. He stopped in front of her. He unzipped the bag then a green and red fabric appeared in the bag. She took a good look at it. It was a Christmas dress. 

"I knew that you were going to buy a Christmas dress. But I called Wang Liang and asked him what type of dress you like. We both even found this dress. Well, Liang found the dress and we split the price equally. It's simple but you will love this dress.", he explained.

She looked at him with some joy. "It must have been quite expensive."

"It was but I know your life is busy. I ask Liang to help me to choose a dress for you. The woman who worked in the store thought that Liang and I were a couple. That made things awkward for us. But I hope you like the dress.", he passed the bag to her.

She took it from him. "Thank you.", she kissed him on his cheek then looked at the dress.

Sebastian was happy that she liked the dress despite not seeing the entire dress. She was looking at the dress while it was in the bag. They were standing in the same place for a while. Riya was admiring the dress while Sebastian was watching her.  

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