The Bestest of Them

By Saki-gem

45.9K 804 280

A/N: Bestest- It's not a word. I meant for it to be a riff on "The Baddest" Y/N was a lonely child until he m... More

Lore Guide, Kinda (Revamped)
Hello...and Goodbye (Revamped)
Y/N's Present Day Life (Revised)
The Concert (Revamped)
The Reunion
The Mall
A Little Closer

The Barista and the Shock

2.3K 55 10
By Saki-gem

A/N: Another chapter in the same day?! Whaaaattttt????? Well, hope you guys enjoy!

After going to the mall, KDA and Y/N, and Vi all decided to head home. (Well, K/DA went to their hotel, but you probably get what I meant). They were all tired out after shopping, and both Y/N and Vi needed to do their homework for school. In all the excitement for the concert, both Y/N and Vi didn't do theirs. They had to write two pages, front and back, on pivotal turning points in the BGME War. The war between the non-magical and the empowered. They were positively, utterly fucked. Y'know that term, FUBAR? That's their situation right now. It was supposed to be a simple half-page assignment on a specific battle in the BGME War, before their professor in a drunken state changed it to a two-page assessment worth half their grade.

Now, you may be thinking, 'Hey? Why doesn't their professor change the assignment again? Surely, he could do that." But, you see, he couldn't because he doesn't know how he did it the first place.

Y/N was extremely worried. If he had done it on Saturday and today, he probably would be able to finish it. However, he only had one day to finish it before turning it in the next day in class.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." Y/N continued to mumble as he opened up his laptop and began to open up different sites on several separate tabs. As he started to slam down the keys to try to word vomit all over the document, his phone rang.

"Uuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh!" Y/N groaned while moving his hand to the phone.

"Hello?!" he said in a faux-cheery tone as he pulled the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, this is Akali..." Akali responded to Y/N. "You busy or something?"

Y/N slowly turned around to his project and winced. ", not particularly, why?"

"Oh! Cool, I was just wondering something. You're  going to school, right?"

"Yeah, Hextech Academy, why?"

"Oh cool, I was just wondering. Anyways, I got to go. Talk to ya later!"

"W-wait! What was this about? Why'd you- annnnnddddd she hung up."

Y/N sighed before putting his phone back on his desk and collapsing back into his desk chair.

"Welp, back to work, I guess."

Y/N tried, he did, but every time he opened another tab to research, he just couldn't read; his sight would blur, and his ears would ring. Y/N rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. His chair made a long squeak as he leaned back. A few seconds paused as Y/N contemplated if he should try to start it again.

Y/N looked at his watch. 12:30, it wasn't too late for coffee, was it?

'I mean, is there even such a thing as 'too late for coffee'?'

Y/N quickly shot out of his chair and made a beeline towards the door, beginning to jog as he exited the complex.

--Y/N POV--

(A/N: Whhhhhhhaaaaaatttttttttt?????)

"coffee" stood out from the other businesses with its (extremely) creative name and innovative coffee recipes. In which, it was exactly like other coffee shops, and I was spouting out complete bullshit. I don't even honestly know how it kept itself afloat. I guess it just shows that people will buy coffee from anywhere.

I opened one of the massive glass doors that led into the building and walked inside. The scent of freshly brewing coffee immediately filled my nose.

"Hi, welcome in!" a voice called out. I looked over to see an incredibly cu- colorful girl dressed in the plain black apron that all employees were forced to wear.

"Can I get you anything?" she asked. She had long bubblegum pink hair that slowly transitioned into purple. Her pink-ish blue eyes twinkled, accented by the star motif on her left cheekbone.

"Uhhhhhh...Hello?" A hand waving in front of my face brought me back to reality. I slightly shook my head before responding, trying to make some small talk.

"Oh, you must be that Seraphine girl that Ben was talking about earlier!"

She tilted her head at me, a little shocked.

"You know Ben?"

"Yeah," I respond. "I do kinda work here too. I've just been out for a week for school."

"Oh!" She paused for a bit. "Well, I'm Seraphine. I mean, you already knew that, but I don't know yours!"

I mentally facepalmed.

'How the hell could you have forgotten to introduce yourself? Who says someone's name without introducing themselves first?!'

"Oh, I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, but I should probably get back to work." She leaned towards me and tried to slyly whisper into my ear.

"Ben'll probably get mad if I just sit here talking to you. Anyways, you gonna order anything?" I tell her my order, before going to sit down. After a few minutes, she came over and brought me my drink. I thank her and leave.

--Seraphine POV--

I giggle to myself slightly as he walks away. He's a little cute, if not strange. I've seen him around before, in Hextech Academy. I just never approached him. But I guess I'll be seeing more of him if we're working together now. Hopefully, he's not an absolute ass at work. I begin to hum the beginnings of POP/STARS to myself.

'Hmmmmm...I wonder if I could do a cover of it?'

--The next day--

Y/n sighed before rolling out of bed. He honestly didn't want to get out of bed. But everything was trying to get him out. His alarm clock rang so hard that it jumped into the bed with him. His window shades were messed up in such a way that the only stream of light that was allowed in, streamed right across his eye.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen to his coffee machine. He quickly prepared it before slamming down on the power button.

The walk to school was quiet. Vi decided to head straight there without Y/N so that she could work on her project a bit before turning it in. The sound of squealing tires and the sound of burning rubber turned Y/N's attention behind him. A hot pink sportscar rushed towards him. However, before it could get near him, it slowed down and came to a stop beside him. The passenger side window slowly rolled down as Evelynn sat behind the wheel. She pulled down her shades a little as she looked at him.

"You, getting in, darling?" she proposed. Y/N, not one to pass up a prime opportunity to not walk to school and experience a high-class sports car ( and to spend more time with Evelynn) immediately, jumped in.

The ride to school was the shortest and most life-threatening thing that Y/N ever experienced. Either Evelynn was the worst or best driver in the world to pull off and get away with half the things she did. Y/N staggered slightly as he got out, bending over and holding his knees as he tried not to throw up.

"Thanks for driving me here Eve." Y/N gasped out.

"It's fine darling," she responded. "I mean, your house is on the way. I might as well pick you up since we're going to the same school now."

"Yeah yeah," Y/N responded. He got up to walk away before quickly turning around.

"Wait, what?!"

Oh, also, Y/N never did finish that project. Welp, whatever, guess it doesn't matter now.

A/N: Aaaannnnnddddd end! I'm actually kinda happy on how this chapter turned out. I kinda felt unhappy leaving you with u\just one extremely short chapter, so I wrote this one to make up for it, hope you like it! Also how where my POV's should I continue with it?

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