Get You Down

By PaleShadow-OfADragon

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Ophelia, or Opie as her friends call her, meets the band after a show in Nashville. The twins are smitten imm... More

Chapter 1-Warm Walk Home
Chapter 2-Wildflowers
Chapter 3-Will you ever win?
Chapter 4-Breakfast Tea
Chapter 5-Same difference
Chapter 6-Please
Chapter 7-Joshy
Chapter 8-Lying
Chapter 9-Nothing
Chapter 10-Cookies
Chapter 11-Lovebirds
Chapter 12-Lovebirds part 2
Chapter 13-To Be Happy
Chapter 14-Christmas
Chapter 15-Tour time
Chapter 16-Space
Chapter 17-Time
Chapter 18-Defeated
Chapter 19-I Am Yours
Chapter 20-Bajabule!
Chapter 21-Recording
Chapter 22-Actually
Chapter 23-Never
Chapter 24-Tonight
Chapter 25-Josh Girl
Chapter 26-Definitely
Chapter 27-Faithful
Chapter 28-Ice Cream
Chapter 29-Impossible
Chapter 30-Good
Chapter 31-Majestic
Chapter 32-Almost Always
Chapter 33-Redo
Chapter 34-He's Not Jake
Chapter 35-Perfect
Chapter 36-Confused
Chapter 37-Official
Chapter 38-Beloved
Chapter 39-Everywhere
Chapter 40-Baby
Chapter 41-Yet
Chapter 42-Poor Thing
Chapter 43-Truly
Chapter 44-Backstage
Chapter 45-Amsterdam Pt1
Chapter 46-Amsterdam Pt2
Chapter 47-Extraordinary
Chapter 48-California
Chapter 49-For You
Chapter 50-Electric
Chapter 51-All Mine
Chapter 52-Deal
Chapter 53-Honest
Chapter 54-Disgusting
Chapter 55-Girls' Day
Chapter 56-Happier
Chapter 57-First
Chapter 58-Track Record
Chapter 60-Secret
Chapter 61-More
Chapter 62-Our Year
Chapter 63-Kicking And Screaming
Chapter 64-SNL
Chapter 65-Forever and Ever
Chapter 66-What If?
Chapter 67-Little Princess
Chapter 68-Mr & Mrs
Epilogue-We Can Do This

Chapter 59-Heartbeat

118 4 0
By PaleShadow-OfADragon

Jake's POV
"I love you. Be good, and I'll be back in a few," Opie whispered before kissing my cheek.

I grinned at her and replied, "I love you, Opie girl." She beamed at me before walking out with Dylan trailing behind. The four of us jammed for a while but I caught myself watching the door. Sammy ran to the bathroom, and we could hear the puking from here. Danny shrugged and trotted after him to help.

Josh and I kept playing and singing songs for a while, but we were interrupted with a phone call. Josh paused, "It's Dylan.." He answered and put it on speakerphone in case they had questions about the beer or something. "Hey love! Danny and Sammy—"

"Josh, I love you. I'm fine, but you and've gotta come to the hospital," she said shakily. My heart started racing as I struggled to wrap my head around what she was saying. We both got up and began putting on shoes. I quickly realized we were far too drunk still to be driving, but I was sobering quickly from adrenaline and fear. I called for an Uber while Josh gathered more information.

"Dyl, what's going on?" He pleaded.

"I'm fine, but we lost control of the car on the way back, and-and we ended up in a ditch," She tried explaining but she was sobbing and couldn't calm down.

"Is Opie okay?" I yelled into the phone. Josh shot me a look that quickly softened when he realized she hadn't mentioned Opie, yet. I knew it was rude of me to yell at her, but I couldn't stand not knowing. The Uber was still a few minutes away, and I needed to know now.

"Pickles, take a deep breath..How is Opie?" He asked calmly.

"She's still unconscious, and she's in a different room than me..." she finally managed. "The last thing she said was "the baby".." Dylan added softly.

"Oh shit! The baby!" I panicked. Until then I had only thought about Opie and her well-being, and I felt awful for not thinking of the baby. I felt tears coming to my eyes. Josh looked over in surprise as Dylan rattled off room numbers right as the Uber pulled up.

"I love you, Pickles. We'll be there soon." Josh said softly before hanging up and hugging me.

"Josh, we gotta," I said sternly still holding in tears as much as I could. I wasn't ready to break down especially since I didn't know anything, yet. He nodded and we walked out to the car waiting.

We practically ran into the hospital doors and quickly found their respective rooms. I passed Dylan's on the way to Opie's, and I leaned in long enough to wave and thank her. When I found Opie's room, I walked in to see her sleeping.

I took the seat beside her bed and caressed her face gently. Tears were still threatening to fall, but she looked okay other than a cut near her left temple and a few bruises and cuts along her arms. I kissed her cheek and whispered, "I'm here, Opie. I love you." I foolishly hoped she would wake up, but she didn't. I sent Danny and Sammy a quick text explaining what happened.

"You must be Mr. Kiszka," a nurse said when she walked in after knocking softly. I nodded and stood to meet her. "Your fiancée has been in and out of consciousness, but she made sure that we knew you were her fiancé and that she wanted you here.." she said with a smile.

"How is she?" I asked nervously as I held her hand.

"Better now," Opie said breathily beside me. My eyes lit up as I turned and saw her smiling at me. "How is the baby?" She asked the nurse as she smiled and squeezed my hand.

"That's actually what I'm here to check on, so I'm glad you're both present," she said sweetly as she gathered the ultrasound equipment. After a few questions, she explained that the pregnancy probably wasn't far enough along for the ultrasounds you see in movies, and that she'd have to use the wand to get a closer look. I didn't understand until she lifted the blanket and Opie's feet and had her spread her legs and put them in the stirrups that lifted out of the bed frame. My eyes went wide and Opie giggled softly.

I held my eyes on her and took a few deep breaths as we waited. Both of us were too scared to look at the screen. "There it is!" The nurse said excitedly. We turned to see the little peanut on the screen, and the nurse turned up the volume allowing us to hear the heartbeat.

My heart felt like it stopped, my knees buckled, and I cracked as I leaned over holding Opie in my arms as I sobbed. The tears began to soak into her hospital gown, and she smoothed my hair as she kissed my temple. "Jakey, it's okay. The baby is fine, and I'm fine.." she whispered.

I looked up at her and smiled with tears still in my eyes. "I love you so fucking much...both of you," I added as I placed my hand on her flat tummy before kissing her lips.

"He's going to be a great dad. I'll get these printed out for you.." the nurse said as she wheeled away the machine.

"I know," Opie replied with loving eyes as she glanced up at me beaming. It looked like she was fighting back tears, too.

"Can you tell if it's a boy or girl yet? Or how far along she is?" I asked excitedly after wiping away my tears. Opie and the nurse both laughed, and I was confused about what was so funny.

"We won't find out the sex until I'm like 16 weeks or more, Jake," Opie said before kissing my cheek and smiling. "I would love to know how far along we are, though...I haven't had an initial OB visit, yet."

"Well, it's hard to say exactly, but I would guess somewhere around 8 weeks," she replied and Opie's eyes lit up and she looked over to me. 8 weeks. I grinned and knew that meant we were halfway to finding out if we're having a boy or girl. "Oh and the doctor will come by in the morning to evaluate your condition for release," The nurse explained as she left the room with a smile. We both nodded before turning back towards each other.

"I love you," Opie whispered before kissing me again. "8 weeks down, 32 to go...Now get in here," she said as she lifted the blanket and scooted over making room for me. "Sorry about your car," she hummed as she cuddled closer to me. I laughed as I hugged her tighter and kissed her cheek.

"I'm just so happy you're okay," I cooed before kissing her temple and softly singing our song. She hummed along until she fell asleep. "The sun shines brighter from above...and you're the woman that I love" I whispered before drifting off to sleep beside her.

Josh's POV
"Dylan, are you okay?" I asked as soon as I saw her lying in the hospital bed. She laughed and scooted over for me to sit beside her. She looked so small and fragile, and all I wanted was to scoop her up and take her home. She had a few bruises and scrapes, but other than that she looked fine.

"Josh, I'm okay..I think I hit my head because they did a scan, but I feel fine. How is Opie?" She replied and I noticed the worry on her face.

"Jake is with her now, but I'll let you know once I hear anything.." I kissed her forehead and smiled. I was actually worried sick over Opie and the baby, but the last thing Jake or Dylan needed was me freaking out. "I'm glad you're okay, pickles," I whispered before kissing her cheek. She caught my face in her hands and pulled me in to a kiss on the lips. We heard a knock on the door that indicated the doctor was here to see her.

"Would you mind to go get me a snack from the cafeteria or vending machine? I'm starving.." she said softly. I knew she was just finding an excuse to get me out of the room, but if she wanted the privacy I wasn't going to fight her on it. I nodded and kissed her gently before walking out past the doctor.

I stood in the hallway by myself for a moment just catching my breath. I felt like I had been on a roller coaster or ran a marathon. After a few deep breaths, I felt better, and began wandering down the hallway. I found Opie's room, and leaned in to see Jake and her sleeping in her bed. I was hoping to talk to him about her, but I could wait. I started back down the hallway and stopped when I heard Jake call my name.

"How's Dylan?" He asked sleepily as he stretched in the door of Opie's room. I turned and walked back towards him.

"She seems fine. She's talking to her doctor now, and I'm supposed to be getting her a snack," I said with a shrug. "How's Opie?" I asked nervously afraid to mention the baby in case they got bad news.

"Her and the baby are both good," he said with a smirk. I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a big hug. Jake had never seemed into the idea of marriage, or least not in the traditional sense, but he was different with her. He looked so happy, and I was thrilled at the idea of being an uncle.

"That's amazing, Jakey! Did they say if it's a boy or girl?" I asked excitedly. He laughed and shook his head.

"Apparently we have another 8 weeks before we find that out," he replied with a smile as he pushed his hair back out of his face. "Go get Dylan a snack, and tell her we're glad she's okay."

I hugged him again before wandering down to the vending machine. I grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of sprite for Dylan before heading back. I passed the doctor right outside her door, and he patted my shoulder. "Take good care of her," he said before walking off. I shook my head as I walked in to see Dylan almost in tears.

"Dyl, what's wrong?" I asked after hurrying to her side and putting my arm around her. She sniffed and looked up at me with glossy eyes.

"It's nothing, babe. I'm just really tired. They're discharging me...will you take me home?" She asked with a weak smile.

"Any time you'll let me," I replied with a wink and a toothy grin. She put her hands on either side of my face and pulled me into a kiss. "I love you so much, Dyl.."

"I love you too, Josh," she replied softly before throwing on her red dress from earlier and her white leather boots. The dress was torn and the white boots had a few drops of blood, but it wasn't too noticeable. I called an Uber while she got dressed.

"Wanna stop by and see Opie and Jake on our way out?" I asked as she stood up.

"Please!" She begged with a smile. I lead her down the hall to Opie's room. We peeked in to see Opie sleeping while Jake sat in the chair beside her watching tv. We walked in trying to stay quiet. Jake stood up and hugged Dylan carefully making sure he didn't hurt her.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on her before the ambulance got there," he whispered as he pulled away.

Dylan just nodded and said, "it was no big deal. How is she? How is the baby?"

Jake grinned and replied, "She's fine, just tired. The baby is fine, too." Dylan squealed with joy, and Jake shot her a look before laughing when she remembered Opie was sleeping. We all held our breath while we waited to see if she woke up, and sighed with relief when she kept sleeping.

"I'm busting this one out of here tonight, but we'll pick you guys up tomorrow or whenever she's discharged," I laughed before hugging Jake and whispering, "Tell Opie that I love her, and I'm glad she's okay. I love you too, Jakey." Jake nodded and told us bye.

Dylan and I walked out to the Uber hand in hand, and rode in relative silence as I just basked in the fact that she was okay. When we pulled up to the house, I scooped her up and carried her bridal style all the way up to my room. She giggled as we both stripped and cuddled under the blankets together. I held her close until she fell asleep in my arms.

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