Element Restraint

Av Nikitaiswhatimcalled

170 42 3

The Realms. A place of beauty, and power. Acantha De Vries has lived in the Earth Realm her whole life and i... Mer

Chapter 1: Acantha
Chapter 2: Erik
Chapter 3: Acantha
Chapter 4: Erik
Chapter 5: Acantha
Chapter 6: Erik
Chapter 7: Acantha
Chapter 8: Erik
Chapter 10: Erik
Chapter 11: Acantha
Chapter 12: Acantha
Chapter 13: Erik
Chapter 14: Acantha
Chapter 15: Erik
Chapter 16: Acantha
Chapter 17: Erik
Chapter 18: Acantha
Chapter 19: Erik
Chapter 20: Acantha
Chapter 21: Erik
Chapter 22: Acantha
Chapter 23: Erik
Chapter 24: Acantha
Chapter 25: Acantha
Chapter 26: Erik
Chapter 27: Acantha
Chapter 28: Erik
Chapter 29: Acantha
Chapter 30: Erik
Chapter 31: Acantha
Chapter 32: Erik
Chapter 33: Acantha
Chapter 34: Erik
Chapter 35: Acantha
Chapter 36: Erik
Chapter 37: Acantha
Chapter 38: Erik
Name Pronunciation

Chapter 9: Acantha

4 1 0
Av Nikitaiswhatimcalled

I met the prince last night. Just as I thought I had escaped everyone, he appeared, as if he fell from the sky.

He was taller than I imagined. His voice was softer and kinder than I expected. But his eyes; his eyes were something familiar. The eyes were something recognizable.

All the days I walked past the painting of his father, with those very same dark silver eyes staring at me. Every time I saw Aella with the very same magnificent round silver eyes. Their eyes were something that took your breath away. It was hypnotizing to look into their dark eyes.

When prince Erik spoke to me, I felt the air shift around me. The clouds darkened, leaving a path of gloom behind him.

He did not walk over to me like he was god-like and higher than everyone. Like he is a stronger being that deserved to have my worship, as everyone had always explained.

He approached like a young man who was simply unhappy. A young man who was unsatisfied with his life. Unsatisfied with his luxury and riches.

How can a man who has everything be so unsatisfied? He has the kingdom almost in his reach. The perfect life with the perfect fiancé, but he is not content. Why?

I asked him if he was going to change anything as a king. Did he believe that the things happening were right?

When he responded it was as if he was programmed to say the right answer. He avoided eye contact with me when he told me that the system worked. He was ashamed! If he is so ashamed, why does the heir of the Air Realm not do something about it?


It has been two days since Valence and I have spoken. Sometimes I see him in the halls of the palace. He walks by me without even making eye contact. I guess he took my warning seriously, which is all right with me.

I slip my flashlight in between my teeth and use my thumbs to hold down the pages of my book. The summer night wind is persistent, as it blows my pages around. My hair despite being pulled back blows in my face making it impossible to read. I slam my book shut in frustration and slip the flashlight out of my mouth.

I look down at the flashlight still confused about how it works. How is it that with the flick of the switch, a light comes shining through the glass at the tip? No fire is needed at all. I recall Ms.Campbell speaking of the technology being more advanced here, but I am still surprised. I never thought it would be this different. I still have to adjust to the amount of electricity used here.

I pull the necklace tucked under my shirt. The gem feels warm under my skin. With that rebel staying in my room, I have spent the last two nights sleeplessly reading in the palace garden. I have learned to sit farther from the entrance to the palace after a few nights ago when the crowned prince found me.

I sit for a moment and stare off into the night. I look past the decorative garden benches, and vines wrapped around the fence, into the forest. The endless forest right in front of me. I could run away right now. I could leave without a trace. By the time they realize I am gone, it would be too late.

I shake my head, clearing my brain from my nonsense. I look down at my watch and see that it reads "03:26". I let out a small groan when I noticed how late it is. I have to start my day in a few hours. My agitation quickly turns to annoyance.

"What am I so afraid of?" I mumble to myself. I shake my head annoyed with myself. Why am I allowing those rebels to make me feel intimidated? I am not going to let them boss me around anymore!

I jump to my feet and stomp into the secret entrance to the palace. I am not afraid of this Valence guy anymore! I am done avoiding him. I am going to go up to my room and get some sleep because I deserve that!

I whip open my door ready to give Valence a piece of my mind, but to my disappointment, the room is dark and empty. I step farther into the room and close the door behind me. I whisper Valence's name but am answered by silence.

I stomp over to my study, but when I open it, it is empty. There is absolutely no trace of Valence or Caz anymore.

I stand in my darkroom feeling relieved they are gone, but strangely disappointed I did not get to give him a piece of my mind. At least I have my room back to myself. Now I can sleep peacefully without the presence of a wanted criminal in the other room.

I change out of my day dress, into my nightgown, and pull my hair back. Just as I am walking over to my bed to go to sleep I see a shadow move through the curtains of my balcony door.

I pause in my path, my heart pounding. Why do I keep having situations like this happen to me?

A small tap comes to the glass. I try to make out who is on the balcony, but all I see is the hand of the person.

I roll my eyes when I think of who else would be sneaking around like this at four in the morning.

I grab my robe and wrap it around myself. The knocking continues without pausing. I roll my eyes and move faster towards the balcony.

"Oh, my stars Val-" My voice trails off when I step outside my balcony. Even in the dark, I can recognize my brother standing before me.

"Who is Val?" Rawr asks, holding back a smile. I open my mouth to speak but nothing but sounds come out.

"Are you going to let me in?" Rawr chuckles after a moment of standing outside. My brain finally registers that he is standing in front of me and I wrap my arms around him.

"I...How are you...Rawr" I stumble over my words trying to speak.

"You are not crying are you?" He asks jokingly. I do not answer as I try to swallow my sobs.

"So can I come in?" He asks, waiting for me to release him. I finally let go of him and quickly turn away to hide, wiping my tears.

Rawr follows me into the room and closes the door behind him. I turn back to him and smile, bouncing on my heels.

"I am very happy you are here," I say, my voice cracking.

"Is this Realm that bad?" Rawr laughs as he jumps into the air landing hard on my bed. Rawr ignores my silence to his question and lays down. "Your bed is bigger and comfier than mine." He grabs one of my blankets and pulls it over him. I sit down on the floor next to the bed and lean on the nightstand. I look up at Rawr as he continues to speak.

"I share a room with three other guys, and we sleep on bunk beds, and my room is smaller than yours."

"Having roommates at the academy can't be that bad," I say, rolling my eyes at him.

"It isn't bad. It's horrible!" he exclaims. "They are all jerks, except for one guy. His name is Paxon, and he is probably the only one I do not mind talking to."

"That is great that you made a friend." I nag. He shoots up and yanks the pillow off the bed, whacking me in the head so hard I see stars.

"I am trying to be serious." he pouts. I roll my eyes at him once again. How I missed this.

For the next few hours, we joke around and laugh until we are lying on the floor clutching our stomachs gasping for air.

"How long are you going to be able to stay?" I ask later. We lay in the middle of the room on the hardwood floor. I turn to him wrapped in the blanket from my bed.

"I am going to have to leave soon," he says, avoiding eye contact with me. Rawr looks past me at the sun coming in through the window. "I have to make sure I am not seen."

I begin to wonder how he got into the palace. Ms.Campbell said no visitors.

"How did you get a jet here, and into the palace?" I ask him.

"Well, if I told you that," he says in a deep voice. "I would have to kill you."

He turns away from me and looks at the ceiling sinking further into the blanket wrapped around him.

"I just really wanted to come to see you."

There is a sadness in his voice that I can not decipher.

"Do you remember the last thing that mother said to us before she died?" He says. His voice comes out so quiet I am barely able to hear him. I sit up and look at Rawr, but he still refuses to make eye contact with me.

"She told us to look after each other," I whisper.

"We were so young," Rawr pauses, swallowing. "We were so young, but I still remember it all. I remember all of us were there. Even Ubel, holding you as you sobbed.

"Mom was so weak to speak, but I remember her whispering something to me. It was the last thing that she ever said to me." Rawr pulls the blanket farther over his shoulders and turns to me with tears in his eyes. "She said: 'Protect your sister at all costs.' she made me promise her." His voice gets firmer when he speaks to me. "Whatever happens in life, I am going to be there for you. No matter what decisions I make, I know you will be there for me too." Rawr wipes a tear that runs down his cheek. "Right?"

"Of course I will," I say without hesitation.

"Good." He nods his head. He then rises to his feet and drops the blanket to the floor.

I follow him to the balcony door and wait for him to slip on his boots. Before he steps out the door he pulls me into a hug. "I love you Canthy," He says.

"I love you too," I reply.

He releases me and opens the door.

"See you soon." He says, smiling at me, and leaves.


My maids arrive shortly after Rawr leaves. They all notice that my eyes are red and puffy from crying, but none of them mention it. They just help me get ready for the day without a word. An hour later, I head downstairs.

When I arrive in the garden I take my usual seat next to Raven. Through all of breakfast, I sit in silence deep in thought. Rawr's visit brought some emotions up that is hard to shake off. I think about my mother and my life all up to the age of nine. Before my mother died, life was happy and easy.

"Is everything okay?" Raven asks me later as we head to the music room.

"Yes," I reply. "I am just thinking about my family."

"I miss my family as well, so you are not alone." She says, giving me a sad smile.

Just as we are about to enter the music room, I am pulled aside by Ms.Campbell. She sends Raven into the room and tells the music teacher to begin the lesson without us.

"I am sorry Ms.De Vries ." She begins to say. Her expression and tone begin to make me nervous. Why is Ms.Campbell being so kind to me?

She puts an arm on my shoulder and speaks to me in a gently calm voice. "It seems your brother was in an accident at school," she begins to say. My heart begins to beat fast. "Ms. De Vries, I am afraid your brother is dead."

My brain is barely able to comprehend the words she says. I feel gravity crash down on me, pushing, shoving me to the ground. I feel waves of despair crash down, causing me to drown. As I sink to the ground, Ms.Campbell tries to catch me. Her words come out inaudible like I am underwater.

It cannot be true! It cannot be true! My brain repeats over and over again. I just saw him a few hours ago. Rawr is not dead. My best friend is not dead.

Everything around me becomes a blur as tears fill my eyes and flood down my cheeks. I feel arms pick me up and carry me. Flashes and blurs move past me.

"She is burning up!" A muffled voice says.

I try to move on my own but gravity continues to push me down, making it impossible.

My brain moves so fast, it makes it hard to keep up with. Just as everything moves fast, it all stops.


A loud ringing echo through my brain. A hallway falls around me. I swivel my head and notice I am back home.

The hallways are painted with silence, with a gray shadow cast over the walls. I slowly walk down the hallway. I haven't been to this wing of my home since...

My thoughts are disturbed when I hear muffled whispers coming from a room. I approach the door and look between the crack into my mother's room. I pause the moment when I realize what I am watching.

I slowly open the door and see 9-years-old me curled in my father's arms sobbing. My father looks at my dying mother with tears rolling down his cheeks. I turn to the bed and see 10-year-old Rawr kneeling at my mother's side grasping her hand in his. When I look at her, I do not see my mother, but what is left of her.

I reach out to her, but before I can reach her, the whole room blows away like sand. I look around for anyone, anything, but I am surrounded by nothing.

"Mama!" I desperately call out, but no one answers. I spin around in circles looking, searching in the empty abyss. My breathing sped up, echoing around me.

My name echoes around me. I turn around and see Rawr standing before me.

"Raleigh?" I gasp. I take a step closer to him, but stop when I get a closer look at him. His honey-brown skin is pale. When I look into his hazel eyes they are empty and lifeless.

"I am sorry Canthy." He echoes with tears running down his face. His voice is shaky and sad, but his eyes are dead. "I wish I could protect you."

I try to reach out to him but he backs away from me.

"I failed you Canthy." He continues to say, his voice cracking when he says my name. "I could not save you as I promised."

"Raleigh!" I cry to him. I reach for his wrist, but my hand goes through him. I try to grab onto him again but all I get is air. Why can I not reach him?

"I am dead Acantha." He wails as he blows away from me. Leaving me alone in my dark abyss.

I wake up in my palace bedroom. It takes a second until everything comes flooding back to me. Rawr is gone! I turn over to my side and curl into a ball feeling alone in this world.

I lay there, trying to find the will to move, but can not. I feel as if someone has been sitting on my chest, and punching my heart countless times. Everything hurts, and I am all alone in the world. I bring my knees to my chest and sink further under the covers. I close my eyes in the darkness of my blankets and cry. I keep crying until I feel like I can not cry anymore.

Days go by and all I do is cry. I try to sleep but all I see is Rawr. I picture him alone when he died. I was not there for him when he needed me.

My maids come in to set out food for me. I never move. I never eat. I stay under my covers in the dark. I do not speak to anyone. I do not care anymore. I do not want to care!

I begin to lose track of time. Based on the last time my maids came in it must be very late at night. I lay under the covers when I hear footsteps. Different footsteps. Lighter almost like feathers.

"Acantha," I hear a deep voice say. "I wanted to see how you were doing." Valence says. I lay there in silence. I hear him let out a sigh. "If you want to be alone I completely understand." He says.

I hear him move across the room and begin to turn the doorknob.

"Can you please stay?" I sniffle, tired of being alone. I hear him pause. He slowly makes his way back over to my bed. I hear him sit down on the floor and lean on the bed frame.

We both sit in dead silence. I listen to the sound of his breathing. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In.

"My parents died when I was seven." Valence says breaking the silence. "They got sick and one day they were there and the next they were gone." He mumbles. "I was all alone. Just a kid trying to survive after that."

I peak out of the covers and see the back of Valence's jet-black locks. He turns around and looks at me with his bright blue eyes.

"It hurts," I say. That is all I can say to describe how I feel. The best way to explain all the emotions in my body right now.

"It does hurt. It hurts every day,"


The next week was dreadful. Traveling back for Rawr's funeral was what hurt the most. To have to face my family on my own, without him by my side. He was always there when I came home from boarding school. I have never had to face my father without him to support me.

When I arrived home, it was darker and grimmer as I remembered it. When I walked through the door, my heels echoed through the empty quiet house. So much of this place reminded me of Rawr.

Near the entrance of the wall, I looked at a painting of a beautiful garden and a sad smile grew on my face. I recall what that painting represented for my brother and me.

It has hung there since I was 15 years old. I bashed Rawr's head in the wall leaving a massive hole. In a panic, Rawr came up with the brilliant idea to steal a painting from a hallway and hang it there. Somehow, to this day, no one knows about it.

"Acantha!" Rose comes running over to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"My darling. I missed you so much." She says kissing my forehead. I give her a sad smile in reply.

"I am so sorry my dear." She says sadly, pushing loose hair behind my shoulders. Tears once again well up in my eyes. Rose pulls me into a hug.

"I wish Rawr was here so I would not have to face him alone." I sob into her shoulder.

"I know." She whispers back. "I promise I will not leave your side through it all," Rose says to me. And through the visit, she kept her promise.

At my brother's funeral, I tried my best to hide my furry. The funeral was made for someone in the army. My father seemed to have invited all of his colleagues. My father also dressed in his uniform, medals and all.

I wanted to be angry about my father's behavior. Everyone I felt was putting on a show. Doing nothing to truly honor my brother. Nothing of what he loved was added, yet everything he despised.

My father's speech was the last straw for me. When he began talking about what a wonderful relationship they had had, and how he was proud of Rawr for wanting to follow in his father's footsteps, I left.

I ran into the forest outside of our house and sat under a tree. I did not cry though. How much I was so sick of crying. There was nothing I could do to truly honor the one person that I cared about.

I begin to recall the last words he said to me. All he wanted to do was help me to live a better life. I should never have ignored him. I should have listened to him when he asked me to leave the Realm with him. If I had done that, he would still be alive right now. I let my fear get in the way, and now my brother is dead. Raleigh is dead because of me.


I returned to the palace the very next day, not wanting to be around my family another second.

Someone has to bring the proper honor to my brother. I will do it by doing what he asked me to do.

I seek out Valence and finally find him in the palace kitchen. The room is empty due to the hour of the night. He is down on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor. He pauses and pushes his hair back before continuing to scrub.

I slowly approach him. As soon as he sees me walking over he stops what he is doing.

"Do you mind?" He says gesturing to my feet. I look behind me and see a trail of footprints I left behind on the wet floor.

"Sorry," I say.

He stands up and brings the bucket over to the footprints, drops it down, and gets back down on his hands and knees.

I slip out of my shoes and stand over him as he scrubs.

"What do you want, Acantha?" He grumbles.

"I want in," I say. He stops scrubbing and looks at me speechless.

"Are you going to say anything?" I blurt out. I know he wants to say something. He always has a sarcastic comment to make. He drops the sponge in the bucket and stands up.

"What changed your mind?" He asked me.

"You were right," I force myself to say. "I do not agree with any of this. People are dying, innocent people. That is not right and someone has to do something about it."

"Can you repeat that?" He says, hiding a smile. I roll my eyes at him and cross my arms.

"Valence, you were right," I say. He lets out a chuckle before turning serious again.

"Shake on it." He commands me by holding out his hand. I take his cold, wet hand and shake it.

I will honor my brother by doing the one thing he will never get the opportunity to do, change the Realms.

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