The Neverending Hangover

Por EvelynRaineWhitmore

87 64 4

*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection w... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Five

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Por EvelynRaineWhitmore

The guys picked me up at the cottage in the rental car they had, and Clay drove us all to the airport, retuning the rented drum set on the way. The ride from my cottage to the store was dangerously packed and incredibly uncomfortable. I felt like we were in a clown car! They returned the rental car at the airport as we had a plan for Tommy, Clay, and Jake to drive Tommy's SUV back. That way Clay could bring his own drum set, and Tommy could bring his fiddle and some other equipment. Sam also had a second guitar he was bringing back, but he could bring it as a carry on.

They were going to drive back starting Thursday morning, and I told Sam I'd keep him updated on what happened with Brad so we could maybe fly back together Thursday night. If Brad didn't want me there, I would come back sooner.


Rev had been having an antsy feeling since Sunday afternoon. It was too quiet at Jay's house. When his replacement team arrived Sunday night, he slept in the front seat of the van instead of heading to the hotel.

He had been doing this work for long enough, and had this feeling enough times, that he didn't second guess himself. Something was going to happen, and he was going to be here when it did.

Sure enough, in the wee hours of Monday morning, every car on the property started heading out the gate. They were all identical black sedans with tinted windows. Rev was on the radio immediately. "Who's got eyes on this? I need confirmation on our subject".

He had his binoculars up to his eyes, as did the other two guys in his van.

Suddenly, over the radio, "Third car back seat". Rev whipped his binoculars there and scrutinized. He was wearing a hat and sunglasses, but that looked like Jay's profile, all right. He continued scanning all the other cars. Seven of them. No one else appeared to have a backseat passenger.

He started giving commands over the radio. He was keeping one van at the residence and the one he was in was following Jay.

"I'm gonna need backup!", he told the agent in the passenger seat. "I bet you anything they're gonna split!"

Boy Agent One whipped out a cell phone and made a call while the other agent kept binoculars on the third car.

"Splitting!", Rev snapped. Three of the cars were heading straight on the highway while the other four took the interstate.

"Interstate", said Boy Agent Two, and Rev followed those cars.

"You got someone on those other cars just in case?", Rev asked Boy Agent One, who nodded, still on the phone.

Rev continued his pursuit, heart pounding. "I bet you anything they're heading for the border", he said. "We can't let him get into Canada, but he's still in the state until he gets there, so he currently hasn't violated his bond orders, and we can't pull him over until he does".


Brad walked into work nearly skipping, with a permanent smile on his face. His love would be home by the time he got done, and then they were having a talk about their future. He didn't want to get too ahead of himself, but from the signals he was reading from her this weekend, they would be talking marriage.


Two hours later, Rev was still on the interstate tailing the pack of four cars from Jay's property. The other three had circled back to the property by then, so he knew he was with the right group. He had been on the phone with Clint and he had as much support as he needed from the FBI and Boarder Patrol to ensure Jay didn't leave the country. Rev simply needed to be there when he tried to do it.

Two hours after that, Rev was tired, crabby, hungry, and had to take a leak. They were nearing the Canadian border. Suddenly, two of the four cars split off. The other two kept going. Rev followed the two staying on the interstate. The guys with him confirmed the car Jay was in was still ahead of them.

"See if we can get a local to tail those other two", Rev instructed, and the agent in the passenger seat got on his phone.

They approached the border and Rev could see traffic slowing.

"Get ready, boys", he growled.


We were boarding the plane home. I was elated to see Gi but I had such mixed feelings about Brad my stomach was in knots. I also was feeling a ton of emotions about emptying Drew's room. It felt right, but it was still emotional. So, when we found our seats, and I realized I was between Sam and Clay, I nearly started crying. I felt like I needed to talk, and I didn't know that those two were going to do it for me.  Plus, I didn't like flying much because of how claustrophobic I was. I was used to it, and I could do it, but it still wasn't my favorite.

Sam sat first and I plunked down next to him, biting the inside of my bottom lip.  Sam pulled the shade down, put his headphones on, shut his eyes, and leaned against the window.

Great. Strike one.

I took a deep breath.

"You don't like flying?", Clay asked.

I met his gaze. He wasn't teasing nor concerned, just making an observation.

"Nope. I don't mind the being in the air part, it's the small metal container part I struggle with". I flipped over my hand to show him my palm, which was already dripping sweat.

"I don't care for it, either", he said, "but it's faster".


"Anything else?", he asked.

"Uh, yeah, there's a lot", I said. "Unfortunately, there always seems to be with me". I sighed.

"I'm a good listener", he said.

That surprised me. I checked his face. He was serious.

"You might regret it", I said, and started unloading on him.


They were finally close enough to the border station that Rev had Clint call the powers that be to notify the authorities on duty. Seatbelts were off and guns were ready. They had a plan and they were ready to execute it.

The car containing Jay pulled up to the booth with Rev right behind it. They jumped out, guns blazing, and stormed the car. U.S. Border patrol swarmed the other car. Rev yanked open the back door. A terrified looking young man had his hands up. He was wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses but he wasn't Jay.

FUCK!!!! That cocksucker tricked me!

"Search the trunks!  He's not here!", Rev shouted.

They searched. He wasn't there. They had been tricked. Boy Agent One was on the phone immediately, finding out about the other cars, but Rev had a gut check. He grabbed the other agent's arm.

"Call the guys at the house. Find out if any other cars have left".

Boy Agent Two called immediately, and after asking, met Rev's eyes and nodded.  "The maid left about an hour after we all took off. She was alone".

"The fuck she was!", Rev growled, dashing for his van.  His agents followed. "Find out where the fuck her car is NOW!", he shouted.


Shortly before lunch, Andy's assistant, Brenda, let him know he had a call.

"Andy speaking".

"It's Rev. Paige said to communicate through you. We don't know where Jay is".

"What does that-".

"Seven cars took off this morning, three circled back, and four went to the Canadian border, where we stopped two. We had visual on what we thought was Jay but it wasn't him. Apparently the maid left an hour after we did and no one thought to follow her. We were on a wild goose chase and now we're looking for her car instead. Where. Is. Paige?"

"She's on an airplane heading home".

"I'll keep you posted. Keep eyes on her until I know more. Guessing he was headed to Mexico but sent us on the goose chase north so he had a better chance at getting there".

"Okay, I'll let Brad know".

"Great", Rev growled. "Fucking perfect", then he hung up on him.

Andy called down to Brad's department.  "Send Brad Davis to my office immediately".


"Paige would have been safer in Tennessee", Brad growled. "What a bunch of fucking idiots. Why wouldn't they follow every car leaving that place?!?"  He was fuming and worried.

"They don't have the manpower, Brad", Andy said calmly. "They can't follow every single vehicle. There's other places they need to be, too".

"What do we do now?"

"Let Paige know and stick close to her until they know where Jay is again. What's her itinerary for today?"

"She's on the plane with the guys now. They should be landing about one. She'll be back here around two thirty or three, and Bre's meeting her at the house to pack up and take most of Drew's things".

"Really?"  Andy looked shocked.

"Yep. She says it's time. She'd rather Drew's sibling have it, and it's making her more sad by it sitting there not being used".

"How is she getting back from the airport?"

"Clay's sister is getting them".

"Have her text when she lands, when she's home, and when Bre's there", Andy commanded.

"Calm down, Andy", Brad said, quietly. "I'm the one who's supposed to be freaking out if anyone".

Brad called Paige, knowing she was still on the plane. He left a message explaining everything and then also texted her a condensed version of the information.

Then, on impulse, he texted Bre- Jay is missing. They thought they were following him to Canada but it was a decoy. They're pretty sure he was hiding in the maid's car and no one followed it. Rev thinks he's heading to Mexico. Paige is supposed to be checking in and laying low just to be on the safe side.

"I don't like this", Brad said, but at least Paige wouldn't be alone. He took some comfort in that.


While we were waiting for our luggage, we all checked our phones. I saw Brad's text, groaned, texted him we had landed, then listened to his voicemail.

"Fuck my life!", I wailed.

"What's the matter?", Jake asked.

"Fucking Jay! Rev thought he was following him to Canada, making a run for it, but it was a decoy. So now he's missing, I'm back to being on lock down, and how am I going to tell Brad what I need to tell him with all this going on?!??!? UGH!"

I whipped my phone at the ground, plunked down where I was, put my face in my hands, and started crying.

Tommy sat right down with me and wrapped his arms around me. I flung my arms around his narrow torso and rested my forehead on his bony shoulder.

"It's always him", I sniffed. "Every time I'm getting my shit together, making traction in life, there he is. Fucking me up, dragging me down. It never ends. His effect on me literally never stops".

"I'm so sorry, sweetie", Tommy said quietly. "So very sorry".

I got myself calm enough to let go and find my phone and luggage. As soon as I looked up, Sam handed me my phone, Jake took my hand and pulled me up, and Clay had my suitcase. They were all ready to go.

"You guys are the best", I said. "I'm sorry for being so dramatic".

"Better you than me", Jake said, making me smile.

We went to my house first, and Clay and Sam both helped me search the entire house while Tommy walked around outside and in the garage. Jake was standing outside with 911 ready to send on his phone. They were all seriously the best. I texted Brad that I was home and that they had searched the house.

He immediately replied- Love you. Tell me when Bre's there.

I looked at the time. Bre would be there within an hour but possibly as soon as twenty minutes.

"We can stay till she gets here", Clay offered.

"It will be under an hour", I assured him. "Please go. You all have things to do".

I had better get cracking if I wanted to have everything packed before she arrived. I left my suitcase in the living room for now and ran out to the garage to grab some flattened cardboard boxes and packing tape. I turned the music on my phone, stuck it in my back pocket, and started taping up the boxes. My feet were freezing on the garage floor because I had automatically slipped off my Converse when I came in. I happened to notice my motorcycle boots sitting by the garage door. I hadn't ridden for more than a month, but I hadn't been home to put things away, either. I quickly stepped into them and zipped the sides up. I taped up a couple more boxes and brought two of them in, running up to Drew's room.

I emptied his dresser quickly into one box, not lingering over anything, but handling it with care. He hadn't worn a single thing. I was sad, but I was doing okay. The next song that just started playing sure wasn't going to help my mood, though. I paused it and started searching for something else when I heard a sound. I'm not even sure what it was. A sound that didn't belong. A click of some kind, maybe? I peeked out Drew's window. Bre's car wasn't outside, nor was any other car nearby.

I felt goosebumps on my arms. Was I freaking out because of all the Jay talk? I looked at the time. Bre was already done with school and could possibly be on her way here. Suddenly my instincts were screaming at me to get my gun and I decided to listen. Even if I was overreacting, it wouldn't hurt to have my gun on me.

As quietly and quickly as I could, I crept from Drew's room into my room and pulled my pink pistol from the nightstand. I was listening so hard my ears hurt. I heard nothing.

Then I heard a distinct something. The tiniest creak, and I knew what it was. The floor between the kitchen and living room had a weak spot where it changed from vinyl to carpeting. Stepping directly on the juncture where the floors met made that noise. My heart stopped. I quickly thought. I hadn't locked the garage door or armed the security system because I was going to grab more boxes in a minute.

He's here.

I was suddenly calm. It wasn't shock, either. The knowledge that Jay was in my home didn't scare me. I was surprised to find clarity, relief almost, but it made sense. That mother fucking, life ruining, hangover from hell was IN MY HOUSE, and he was here for me.

Bring it, bitch, I thought, angrily. It's time for this to end.

I put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb', and tucked it into the inside of my boot. I took the safety off my gun, then started for the bedroom door. I still heard nothing. I was breathing normally and listening hard, gun in hand. I crept out my door and to the top of the stairs. I heard nothing and saw nothing. I held my gun in front of me, pointed down toward the living room, and started down, one step at a time.


Bre had wrapped up her day and was heading out of her room at two thirty on the dot so she could get to Paige right away, for multiple reasons. She had to pee really bad but didn't want to take the time.

Uggghhhh, I can't make it, she thought. I gotta go. She stopped in the bathroom then quickly started heading out again.

"Oh, Bre, can I get your help real quick?", another teacher called out as she went past her classroom.


"I'm meeting someone", she said. "Can you ask me tomorrow?"

"It's just that my computer is frozen", she answered, looking helpless. She was close to retiring and got frazzled easily with technology. Bre caved. It would probably be a simple solution anyway, so she stepped into the classroom.


As I got closer to the bottom of the stairs, I could see him. He was really there. Slightly to the left of the staircase, in the living room, toward the front door. He looked exactly the same. Gorgeous, evil, soulless fucking slime, immaculately dressed to perfection in a full suit and tie. He was smiling his oily, self-satisfied smile with his full lips as he watched me step into view. I felt instantly nauseous, and pushed it down to focus on what needed to be done.

Jay actually used to be a model in his teens and twenties. He was ten years older than me but didn't look it. He got botox for sure, but who knows what else he did now. His build was very similar to Brad's- chiseled and tall, but not broad or heavily muscled. He had olive toned skin, typically bronzed year round, either from spray tan or traveling to warm places. His hair was light brown, nearly blond, perfectly styled, and he had large dark brown eyes. His cheekbones were so cut and perfect, they belonged on a woman.

I kept the gun pointed at his head, and at the slightest movement, I was gonna pull the trigger. I was gonna pull it anyway but I needed to tell him to leave first so I would have a clear case of self defense.

"Get the fuck out of my house", I said. I was impressed at how calm I sounded.

His expression didn't change.

"Oh, dollface, don't you mean Bradley Davis' house? He's on the lease, not you. Don't you ever get sick of living off others?"

"Fuck you, scumfuck", I said, not wavering. "You have three seconds to move out the front door before I shoot you".

He smiled wider. "Too bad the pretty ones are always so crazy".

I pulled the trigger and wood pieces exploded from the door frame next to his head. He jumped and the smile fell off his face.

I didn't move. "That was a warning shot, bitch. One".

"You're quite the little badass now, huh?", he asked, his voice suddenly quiet and his face serious. He was moving into his dangerous mode. Good. I'd rather get him angry before killing him. That seemed more satisfying.


"And a whore, too. Two men at once. I would have never thought you had it in you. Detective Walker, really? You do know that man fucks prostitutes, don't you? Or are you one of those now, too?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Three".

But before I could pull the trigger, someone grabbed me from behind! He was holding my arms and pulling my aim away from Jay.

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!, I screamed in my head, but outwardly I focused on trying to shoot him while I still had the chance. I squeezed the trigger...and shot the TV. Then whoever had ahold of me wrenched my gun away and dropped my arms as soon as he had it. I took that tiny window of opportunity to bring my elbow up and back as hard as I could.

I was rewarded with a sickening crunch and a ton of pain in my elbow.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That fucking bitch broke my nose!"

Jay looked dangerously angry. Apparently his kidnap or murder plan wasn't going as neatly as planned. That thought pleased me immensely.

"Don't drip blood in here, you idiot!", Jay snapped. "Go take care of yourself and don't leave any blood in this house!"

I quickly considered my options. Jay was fast and stronger than me. He wouldn't take it easy. He never had before. He was standing next to the front door. There was zero chance of me getting out that door, any other door, or up the stairs, before he nabbed me.

I distinctly and very clearly heard Rev's voice inside my head.

What's your first goal?

Not get caught. I failed. It was happening.

Rev's voice spoke up in my head again, urgently, Then, if you do get caught, your second goal is to play weak and helpless until you're presented with an opportunity for escape.

I had already shown Jay I could shoot a gun and break a nose, and that was more than I could do when I was with him. I had to stop showing off my skills until we were outside and I could find a way to get away, run for help, or attract attention.

I felt like puking. I would have to let him touch me.

His oily smile came back on his face. "Didn't you miss me, doll?"

"Obviously, but I did it on purpose. Remember, I said it was a warning shot, dumbass?"

His face changed in a second and his hand moved just as quickly. I knew it was going to happen before I finished talking, and I didn't care. I was going to push each and every one of his maniac buttons. I would not show him my tricks yet, but I would refuse to be scared, compliant, or meek, and I knew that would infuriate him. I was bound and determined this scenario wasn't going to go as he had planned.

I saw stars, and my cheek and eye were throbbing. I was fine. I was used to that from him. I could handle it.

He glared at me. I glared back. Then I noticed his eyes move past me and an almost imperceptible nod. I instantly started to turn but was too late. I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head and was unconscious before I could form a thought.


I started coming to and was completely confused about what was happening. Then I heard Jay's voice and it all came rushing back.

"I can't believe she actually tried to shoot me", he was saying.

"Well, she did break my fucking nose", the other man whined, sounding stuffed.

"Stop fucking whining!", Jay snapped. "Did you make sure-".

"There's no blood in the bathroom. I checked".

I could feel that I was laying on the kitchen linoleum, and was about to open my eyes, when I heard Rev's voice speak urgently to me again, as loud and clear as if he was saying it directly in my ear.

Steady now, love! Stay still. They must believe you are unconscious. Believe you are. You must do this for me, love. Let them take you. If you're limp and unconscious, they won't be paying attention.

I obeyed the Rev voice but wondered briefly if I had suffered brain damage or was hallucinating. My head was pounding. I could also feel that my arms were behind my back and they were zip tied together. I could feel the plastic. It wasn't tight but it was snug.

Suddenly I remembered something.

Oh, God, please keep Bre away. I don't want her or the baby to get hurt, too. Please, urge these men to hurry so we're gone before she arrives.

As if an immediate reply to my prayer, Jay said, "We've been here too long already. Someone could have heard the gunshots. Help me get her in her car".

My car? Why were they taking my car?

I felt someone grab my upper body and someone grab my legs while I stayed limp and kept my eyes shut. I willed my body to pretend it was already dead. They sat me in what I knew to be the front passenger seat of the Durango. I knew it was Jay who had his hand on my shoulder as he pulled the seatbelt across me and buckled it.

I felt my stomach churn and willed myself not to puke or flinch. He let go and the door shut.

Slide down, Rev's voice told me, and I released my abdominal muscles, allowing myself to slowly slouch and creep lazily down the side of the seat and onto the door frame. I could hear them talking.

"Stick to the plan", Jay said. "Take the car and meet me at the cabin".

"But my nose...".

"For fuck's sake, fine! Stop and get it fixed. Do not use your real name. Do not fuck this up for me. I've been waiting a long time for her and my plans are not going to be ruined because you're incompetent!"

I knew exactly where we were going now and what he thought was going to happen. His parents had a cabin on Lake Superior. He was going to rape me, torture me, kill me, and drop my body in that massive lake in a manner in which no one would ever find it.

Or so he thought.

He got in and I heard the overhead door open. He actually took my head and shoved me down lower. I let my body slide. He probably didn't want anyone to see him driving an unconscious woman.

I started to formulate a plan. What was it Rev had said about my steel toes? If I kicked someone in the head with those, I could kill them?

I just so happened to have had cold toes, had noticed those exact boots, had put them on, and was still wearing them.

Thank you, God. Please help me to do what needs to be done.


Bre had finally gotten the computer working and literally sprinted out of the building. She felt like that took way too long and she felt a very pressing need to get to Paige quickly. She whipped out her phone and called as she put on her seatbelt. It went right to voicemail. She hung up and started to text as she was driving through the parking lot. It showed Paige was on 'Do Not Disturb' mode.

That's weird. A little nagging worry started in her stomach and she drove fast.


Rev's passengers were exhausted, stressed, hungry, and disgruntled with him.

He didn't give a fuck. They had lost Jay and they needed to get him back. They were about forty-five minutes from Paige's house, and he knew she would be there by now. The closer they got, the more agitated he felt. He wasn't sure if it was her presence making him agitated, or if she was in danger, or if he was overreacting because he loved her so much.

Boy Agent One's phone rang.

"Hey Rev, there was a sighting on the vehicle!"


The kid told him the address.

Son of a bitch.

Rev's heart nearly stopped. That was blocks from Paige's house.

"Get a unit to this address now!", he shouted at the kid, who relayed the information.

"The guy who called it in says the car was being driven by a large man, muscular, bloody toilet paper hanging out both of his nostrils. The toilet paper is what drew his attention".

Rev pulled his phone out of his pocket, switched on the siren, and picked up speed. "Seatbelts, boys", he growled, dialing Paige.


Bre pulled up to the curb outside Paige's house and ran up to the front door, knocking. No answer. She pounded, feeling her heart rate increase with continued silence from inside. She tried the doorknob. Locked. She held onto the doorknob for balance and leaned way over the hedge next to the cement stoop, trying to peer inside the front window. She could see the corner of Paige's suitcase on the floor. That meant she had been there. Then...she gasped.

Paige's pink pistol was sitting on the living room coffee table. There was no mistaking it. She also saw a hole in the TV screen! Shaking, she whipped out her phone and called Brad.


Brad and Andy were on a conference call with Japan, when Brad felt his phone vibrate. Due to the pending circumstances, he pulled it right out.

His heart flipped when he saw Bre's name. He didn't think she'd be calling for fun. He met Andy's eyes and answered on speaker.


"Brad, Paige isn't answering the door. I peeked inside and I see her gun on the floor and a bullet hole in the TV!"

Andy hung up on the conference call.

"Bre, is the Durango in the garage?"

He heard her footsteps.

"It's gone!", she said, her voice breaking. "And her phone is on 'Do Not Disturb'!

"Hold on", Brad said. He pulled up the GPS for Paige's phone. It was on and moving north.

"Bre, her phone is heading north on highway fifty-three. Hang up, call 911, and tell them everything you know".

Brad hung up on Bre and leaped up. "Call Rev!", he told Andy, taking off at a run.

"He's calling me right now!", Andy yelled at his back.

Brad ran faster than he had ever ran before, and it wasn't nearly as fast as he wanted to be. He jumped in his old brown truck and screamed his tires out of the parking lot before he even had his seatbelt on. At the first stoplight he hit, he pulled his gun out of the glovebox, checked it, and stuck it in his waistband. He ran the next red light and then he was on the highway.

Thank God I have a full tank.

He had filled up on his way in to work. His heart was pounding and he was trying hard not to think about what Jay might have already done to her, or any 'what if' scenarios. He had the GPS tracker up, and he kept glancing at it as he pushed the truck to ninety and savagely laid on the horn as he approached people in the fast lane only going seventy-five. He was being aggressive but not reckless. If he crashed, he wouldn't get to her, and that could not be an option.


I had been feigning unconsciousness for probably twenty minutes by my guess. Jay had turned on the radio. I assumed he was trying to listen for any searches on him. I had let my upper body fall way down so I was basically laying in my own lap but against the door. I needed to get my feet up on the seat in order for my plan to work.

I needed to act now and I needed it to be believable.

The Rev voice spoke again. You can do this, love. Believe in what you're doing.

I let out a moan and shifted.

"Wake up, doll", Jay sneered. "We're going for a little romantic getaway".

I groaned again and whimpered a little, bending my left knee and sliding my left leg up on the seat.

"Wake up, doll", he said again.

I moved my other leg up onto the seat and shuffled my body over more until my right shoulder was pressed against the door and both legs were bent and up on the seat.

"What the fuck are you doing?", he snapped.

"I feel sick", I mumbled, pressing my forehead against the window. I ventured to open the eye closest to the window. Yep, we were on the highway traveling North, all right. We were in the left lane. Perfect.

"Go ahead and puke", he snorted. "It's your vehicle and we're just gonna dump it in the lake anyway".

There were a couple cars coming up. I needed him to pass those and then there would be a gap in traffic. I didn't mind killing myself in the process of killing him, but I didn't want to hurt other people who had nothing to do with this.

"Why did you always have to have such a big fucking mouth, Paige?", he asked, sounding annoyed. "You were absolutely perfect other than your stubborn fucking attitude and your sassy fucking mouth. Absolutely perfect. You would have made a great first wife, but no. Now you're Rev's whore. You make me fucking sick".

I ignored him outwardly but inside I started getting angry. Really, really angry...and this time I didn't pull away from the anger. I had a deep pit of hellfire inside of me. Trapped rage from the injustice and abuse I had endured for twenty-two years. I tapped into that fire and let it burn through my veins. This is the person who beat me repeatedly, tried to kill me once, and who did kill my precious, innocent baby. He was going to experience my retribution on his way down to hell.

I opened my eye and checked. We were passing the last car now. I closed it again and prayed.

God, I know I can't ask you to help me kill him, but please help Brad to heal from losing me, please watch over Rev and help him to trust again, please let Andy, Kendra, Gi, Steve, and Bre know that I love them, and please, please, please don't let me hurt anyone other than Jay and myself. See you soon.

I'm so sorry, Brad. Please forgive me. I love you, I thought.

I opened my eyes, turned my head, and used every muscle in my body to draw my knees up to my chest and then propel both of my feet into Jay's face. It happened in a second. I did it so fast, he hadn't had time to look, and I didn't give him time to react. I held his face against the window with my right foot and continued kicking him in the head with the other, as hard as I could, all of my body weight pushed against my right shoulder, which was wedged against the door. The rage pouring through my veins made me strong. Thank God I was short or this never would have worked!

He had jerked the wheel slightly on the first kick and had tried to correct it, but when I continued kicking him, he let go and tried to move my leg off of him instead. I could feel the vehicle slanting off the road and I could see dark blood leaking from wounds in his head.

He still had ahold of my leg but his grip felt weak. I had not stopped kicking his head and had lost count by the time the Durango started to roll, but I didn't stop kicking him until I was jolted too badly to continue. Both airbags went off. I was all but smothered. I twisted my body to my left and rolled back into my seat. Then I hit my head on the door, and everything went dark, but I didn't black out fully.

When the Durango settled, it was mostly on it's side leaning into a hill in the median. The passenger side was higher than the driver side. Jay wasn't moving. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. I was suspended by my seatbelt and my hands were still ziptied. I brought my feet up to the console between the seats and used it to support my body. A lot hurt but I didn't think anything was broken. My head was killing me and I was surprised to be alive.

Then I saw Jay move a little. Just a twitch but he moved.

He's gotta die. He has to. I cannot let him live. I should have shot him the second I saw him rather than talking to him.

I dropped myself lower and kicked him in the head another five times as hard as I could, this time with my right foot.

There were no further movements.


Brad saw traffic slowing and started getting really frustrated. Then traffic stopped altogether and he got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He whipped onto the shoulder and continued driving as fast as he dared. Shortly he could see a vehicle in the median. It was a black SUV.


He knew it was her. He checked the phone GPS. Damn right. He was nearly on the dot. He pulled up to the accident and leaped out, bolting to the vehicle. He climbed up onto the passenger side and yanked open the dented door. He was looking right into Paige's face and she was alive.

"Duck", he said, immediately pulling out his gun. She pressed herself flat against the seat, and he shot the non-responsive bloody mess of Jay below her right in his evil fucking head. Then he tucked the gun into the back of his waistband, undid her seatbelt, and hauled her out. "I got you, baby", he said.

He couldn't understand why she wasn't helping him climb out at first, but as soon as he saw her wrists were zip tied, he understood, and got so angry, he almost shot the fucker a few more times. However, a crowd was starting to gather.

"Anyone have a knife?", he called to a couple men outside of their cars. One was on the phone, another ducked into his truck and ran over with a knife.

"Please tell me you're calling the police?", Brad asked.

"Yeah, what happened? Why is she cuffed?"

"He kidnapped me from my house", Paige spoke up, sounding stronger than he would have expected. "I kicked him in the head until we crashed and now he's dead".

Brad carefully cut the zip ties off of her.

"Are you okay, baby?", he asked, touching her face. There was a bruise and swelling on her cheek.

"My head hurts but otherwise just sore. He had another guy with him. He hit me from behind with something and then I hit my head again when we crashed".

When the Good Samaritan stepped away, Paige whispered fiercely to Brad, "You shouldn't have done that! He would have died from me kicking him. The shot wasn't self defense. Me kicking him was".

"I had to be sure, baby. I'm not going through this again". He heard himself choke up and he carefully wrapped his arms around her, kissing her temple.


When Paige didn't answer, Rev brought up the earring trackers. He had one of the agents plug the location into a map and get him the quickest route, then he called Andy's cell phone.

"Jay's got her!", Andy answered.

"How do you know?"

"Bre's at the house. Paige's gun is in the living room and there's a bullet hole in the TV. The Durango is missing and GPS has her north on fifty-three. Brad's heading that direction".

"That's what the earring trackers say, too. Don't worry, Andy. We'll get him".

"You better hope the authorities get there before Brad does or there's not going to be anything left of him to get", Andy said.

Rev felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. It was selfish, and stupid considering the situation, but he felt an immense amount of jealousy about not being the one to save her from Jay. He needed to try to get there first.

"Call in a dark gray Durango as the stolen vehicle", he commanded. "It's registered to Paige Miller".

Rev was laying on his horn and flying down the interstate until Boy Agent Two told him to take the next exit. They took off down a two lane backroad, whipping faster around corners than a van was made to do. Equipment was rattling around and falling in the back. Finally they connected with the highway and he already knew something had happened due to the slow traffic. He started to feel panic building. A call came in to Boy Agent One.

The kid had no idea who Paige was to him, or really anything about her involvement with Jay, but Rev was intimidating on a normal day, and he knew he was being extreme right now.

He saw the kid glance nervously at him.

"Tell me".

"It's up ahead in the median. Crashed. Local is on the scene. Girl banged up, suspect dead".

She's alive. He felt relief rush through his veins. 

He's dead. More relief. At least Brad didn't get the pleasure of killing him. Be willing to bet my girl caused that accident.

Rev felt a swelling of pride, and then immediately felt afraid again as he saw the Durango on it's side, crumpled in various areas. Equipment flew off the shelves as he bumped right down into the grassy median and pulled to a stop near enough to see her face.  Brad was there, with his arm around her.

He didn't care. He flung the door open and ran for her, snatching her right up from under Brad's arm, picking her up and holding her against him. He closed his eyes and felt her arms go around his neck as he breathed her in.

"I'm okay", she said quietly next to his ear. "He's dead. I kicked him in the head with my steel toes so many times he would have died for sure, but then Brad shot him in the head when he got here. I'm scared Brad's going to be in trouble and he won't lie".

Rev set her down but kept his hands on her shoulders and looked into her face.

"No, lying won't work", he said in a low voice. "It will be okay. Brad wanted to make sure he wasn't going to come after you again". Rev met Brad's eyes. He looked super pissed.


Speaking intentionally to Brad, Rev said, "Brad was reacting in panic and didn't even stop to check what Jay was doing. He shot before he noticed anything. This man had tried to kill you once and had just kidnapped you. That scenario will be fine".

Brad nodded slightly.

Rev smoothed his thumb across a bruise on her cheek.

"He backhanded me", she explained.

The detective on the scene had been clearing his throat and saying 'excuse me' several times, to which Rev had been ignoring.

Now he finally said, "Just who the fuck are you, buddy, before I arrest you?"

Rev whirled on him. "I have ran this case for four years, am in charge of this situation now, and the FBI has jurisdiction over that dead guy. Get the fuck out of my face and don't interrupt me again unless you want a sick day".

The detective took a step back.

Rev made eye contact with Boy Agent Two and motioned him over.

"Secure the scene. Get the body out of here in an ambulance, but not that one. She needs that one. Take the body to Clint".

"I'm okay", Paige started to protest.

"You're getting checked out", he said, putting a hand back on her shoulder. She winced. "Now, love, tell me everything".

Paige ran through the situation from start to finish, but he knew her, and he could tell she was skipping over details. Probably for Brad's sake, he guessed.

"Is there anything else we need to know right now?", Rev asked.


Rev turned to the rude detective. "Find out if that second man has been arrested", he said, and the detective pulled out his phone.

He motioned to Boy Agent One who immediately stepped to his side.

"Make sure the hick cops get prints from her house and find blood from the second kidnapper before they fuck up the crime scene", he instructed. "It will be there. They might need to look hard".

He put his palm against Paige's face. She looked tired, worried, and sore, but also much more calm than he would have ever imagined.

"I'm proud of you, love. You were fucking brilliant". He was rewarded with a beautiful smile. He looked at Brad. "Give me your gun and get her to the hospital", he instructed.

Brad handed it over and started to escort Paige away.

"Now hold on", the detective protested. "We need official statements from both of them, and he's going to need to be taken in!"

"She just told us everything we need", Rev said. He pointed at a cop standing nearby. "Send him with to collect statements at the hospital and he can bring Brad in after that. He won't resist".

The detective looked annoyed but did what Rev instructed.

Brad really did kill him. Fuck. That's going to bond him to her even more.

Clearly she hadn't had a chance to tell Brad about them yet, or Brad would have pulled that gun on him when he embraced her. Too bad. Rev would have relished a fight just now. He watched her petite figure climb into the ambulance with Brad's hands on her waist to guide her.

I need to get her alone to find out what she's holding back.


Brad's head was swirling with information, his emotions were all over the place, and he was incensed with Rev for more reason than one. Through it all, though, the prevailing thought was, she is safe, and the prevailing feeling was relief at that.

He had a hand on her at all times, regardless of what the EMTs were doing.

When one of them asked politely if he could move, Brad shot him a look so deadly the poor guy didn't ask again.

He called Andy and let him know what happened. Andy said he would let Bre know.

What was eating at Brad regarding Rev wasn't  only how he had strode into the situation and snatched Paige up like she belonged to him. He expected shit like that from him, and from Steve, too, for that matter. It was the look on Rev's face and the look on Paige's.

The relief on Rev's face was understandable, but he also looked choked up, like he might cry when he held her. When Paige was recanting her story, the two of them didn't break eye contact the entire time, and Brad saw something in both of their faces which rattled him to his core. He could have sworn he saw love in both of their eyes and faces, an intimate connection. In that moment, her face looked exactly like he had seen it look a million times when she was looking into his own eyes.


Bre had called Steve and left a message after she hung up with the 911 operator, then fervently started praying, and called her parents, asking them to pray and explaining what had happened.

When she was done answering questions for the police, supervising their evidence collecting at the house, and writing out a statement for them, Steve was already done with work and had tried calling.

Bre called him back and filled him in on most things as she was driving home, then hung up and continued talking as soon as she walked through the door.

"Honey, you need to sit", Steve said, steering her to the living room couch. He wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head on his sturdy shoulder.

"You're shaking", he said, sounding shocked and upset.

Bre started crying. "I stopped to help Jan with her computer. If I hadn't, what would have happened? Would they have even tried to take her if there were two of us, or would they have hurt me and possibly killed our baby?"

She felt Steve's arms tighten around her. "Let's not think about 'what ifs'", he said.

"I can't not do that", she said. "I keep flipping between guilt that I wasn't there for her, to relief that I didn't endanger our baby, to terror that I was so close to endangering our baby, to being ashamed for being glad that I wasn't there!"

Bre realized she was sounding hysterical and she felt it. She had never been this close to a life or death situation for herself before, and she realized she really wasn't even that close. Not as close as Paige had been...multiple times over. Not as close as Paige was right now! No wonder Paige was so dramatic if this is what her life felt like on a regular basis!

"What if she's dead?", Bre sobbed. "What if she's already dead because I wasn't there?"

"Breanna...", Steve said, but his own voice was wavering, "I need you to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick".

"I do feel sick", Bre said, and suddenly she felt very sick. She bolted to the downstairs bathroom and threw up for the first time in her pregnancy. She had felt nauseous in the mornings but had never actually thrown up. Until now.

Steve helped her up then laid her on the couch. He looked concerned about her, and she knew he was still terrified for Paige, as she was.

Bre's phone rang on the coffee table. Steve snatched it and answered with, "Is she okay?"

Bre sat up anxiously. Steve looked at her and nodded.

"Praise God!"

Bre listened to Steve's end of the conversation, and then he filled her in on details after he hung up.

Bre started crying with relief. "Oh thank God! Can you call my parents and let them know she's safe?"


At the hospital, I had to get a CT scan of my skull. I had a concussion and two lumps, one from the guy hitting me and one from the car door. Our best guess was that the lackey hit me with the butt of my own gun. My right shoulder had dislocated...again. The first near death experience with Jay had also done that to me. Other than those two injuries, everything else was only bruised and sore. My left ankle was swollen from stomping the life out of Jay, but the doctor said it wasn't broken. The officer collected my bloody boots as evidence.

When we were done writing out our statements, the poor officer nervously said he had to take Brad into custody and pulled out his cuffs.

Brad willingly offered his wrists to the handcuffs but I freaked out.

"No fucking way!", I shouted, leaping off the table and in front of Brad. "We are not the criminals here!"

"I understand that, ma'am, but this is how the law works. Don't worry. He will get bail as soon as a judge looks the reports over".

"And how long will that be?", I snapped, not moving.

"I'm not sure", he admitted.

"Take me instead", I said.

"You didn't kill him, ma'am. He did".

Suddenly Rev was there, larger than life, and in command of the situation.

"Cuffs aren't necessary", he said quietly to the officer, who slowly put them away.

"Love, he has to take him in. This is normal. Call Andy and have him get Scott on this right away".

He handed me my phone, which was cracked but still working. I had thought it was lost for good. He turned to the officer. "Where will you be taking him?"

The officer told him then Rev turned to Brad. "It might be a few days but they will get you bail soon. I drove your truck here for her to use. Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah. Get her to Andy or Steve", Brad said.  "They need to know about her injuries. She's got a concussion and a dislocated shoulder".

Brad turned to me. "Come here, babe", he said, and I went to him. He carefully kissed me then whispered in my ear, "I had to do it for you...for us, no matter the consequences. It was my choice. Remember that. You take care of yourself now for me".

He leaned back and looked me in the eyes. "Promise me".

"I will", I said, and Brad left with the officer.

I started silently crying and sat back down on the hospital bed. Rev sat next to me and put his arm around me.

"I don't like seeing you like this", he said in a low voice.  "I'm sorry I failed you, love".

"What the fuck are you talking about?", I snapped. "You didn't fail me. So you lost him. He wasn't lost for long, and now it's over. I'm so beyond thankful he's dead, I would celebrate if it weren't for Brad in custody. If anyone failed, it's me. I should have called the police or shot him immediately when I had the chance, and then Brad's freedom wouldn't be at risk".

"What's that now, love?", Rev asked, and I added in the conversation details I had left out in front of Brad, the specifics that Brad couldn't know yet.

"How did he know about us?", I asked.

"He must have been doing a better job stalking you than we realized", Rev growled. "I really did fail you, sweetheart".

"You didn't. Stop saying that". I sighed. "My head hurts. Can we go?"

"You been discharged yet?", he asked.

"Nope. Didn't think that mattered with you".

He grinned then pushed the call button on the bed.

"Why didn't you call the police, love?", he asked. "You said you had time to turn your phone off. Why didn't you make the call instead?"

"Because I didn't want him arrested. I wanted him dead and I wanted to do it".

Rev stared deeply into my eyes and nodded. He got me.

"They found the other guy", he finally said. "He was a big one, love, and you did a number on his nose. They sent me a picture. I was so proud of you. You crunched it good!"

"Yeah, I know. I felt it. Hurt my elbow".

He chuckled again. "They got Jay's prints, the other guy's prints, and a drop of his blood at your house. All good things, love".

"But Brad-".

"Scott will plead self defense for your life. That he didn't even stop to consider Jay's physical state.  That he was so terrified for your life that he shot before he checked if he was even coming at you again or not".

"But he will need to go to trial?"


I started crying again, and Rev wrapped his arms around me, but as soon as his closeness started feeling too appealing, I pulled away. His eyes looked sad that I had done that.

"I'm sorry, Rev. I can' can't touch me. It's too hard".

He looked away and swallowed, and then I remembered something.

"Rev?", I said quietly.

He met my eyes. His were filled with pain and it stabbed me right in the heart.

"You didn't fail me. You saved me. It was the craziest thing. Throughout the entire process from Jay being in my living room to kicking him in the head, you were talking to me".

His brow was furrowed and he looked confused but he let me explain.

"Your voice was in my head as clear as if you were speaking right in my ear. You told me what to do and I listened. You reminded me of everything you taught me.  I have never experienced anything like it. I don't think it was a hallucination because it started before the head injury, but I really don't know what that was".

I struggled to explain, staring into his eyes. "It's like you were there, even though you weren't, and I knew I could do whatever needed to be done because you believed in me and because I wasn't alone. It sounds crazy...but it saved me. You saved me".

Rev teared up and looked away, swallowing again. I saw his jaw clench and he put his hand on my knee without even looking. He nodded and turned his head even further away.

Was he crying? Fuck. My heart wrenched painfully in my chest.

I put my hand on top of his and squeezed.

The doctor walked in and gave instructions, we both vehemently refused the painkillers for me, and then we left, him carrying me because I was now barefoot.

"Andy's or Steve's?", Rev asked.

"I'm going home".

"Love, you just promised-".

"No, I did not. I promised Brad I would take care of myself, not that I would go to one of their houses. And I will take care of myself. At home".

"I'm not letting you stay alone. If you stay there, I will be there, also. They would have taken your gun for evidence so you don't have that there, either".

"I've got the semi-automatic in the garage", I pointed out, "and the threat is dead".

Rev sighed and opened the passenger door on the truck, setting me inside.

"You're not staying alone", he said. "Your options are your house with me, my house with me, Andy's, or Steve's. Pick one".

I considered the options carefully. I didn't trust myself with Rev under normal circumstances, but I didn't much feel like having sex with a head injury, so maybe it would be safe enough?

"My house with you", I finally decided. "I do have a bunch of clothes at your house I wouldn't mind getting sometime, but I need to be able to access my phone to find out what's happening with Brad, so that place won't work, and I don't want to bother the others".

As Rev started driving, I called Andy and then Bre. Both insisted I stay with them but I declined both, even though Andy yelled and said he was coming to my house to get me. It wasn't until Steve took the phone from Bre and scolded me so sternly that I started crying and caved.

Steve was angry. At ME.

"If you think Brad's going to forgive you and believe that you weren't doing anything inappropriate while he was in jail, then you cannot stay alone with that man! You said yourself you were committing to staying away from him, not even talking to him, and at the first opportunity you want to sleep in the same house with him ALONE? Are you hearing yourself right now?!?", he roared.

"Fine!", I snapped, tears leaking down my cheek. "I'm heading home to get packed and then I'll come over".

I hung up and looked at Rev.

"Steve's then?", he asked, staring at the road.

"I'm sorry, Rev. So very sorry. You're not the bad guy. I am".

He put his hand on my knee and squeezed it. "Don't say that. I love you, and you can go get your things anytime you want. Leave the lingerie, though. That's for my eyes only".

"I love you and I will", I said, feeling the familiar flutter in my stomach and heart as he squeezed my knee and then rubbed my leg.

Stop it!, I screamed at myself. Apparently a head injury wasn't enough to quell my desire for Rev. It was probably a good thing I gave in to Steve.

Rev brought my suitcase upstairs then cleaned up the messes left from the evidence crew while I carefully re-packed. About ten minutes later, Andy pulled up outside.

"Brother alert!", I called downstairs as I peeked out the window.

"Got it, love", Rev said calmly, and I heard him open the door.

"She is coming with me!", Andy said, sounding violent. "She's not going to continue to throw her life away with you!"

"I agree", Rev said, "and she's actually decided to go to Steve's already".

I walked down the stairs. "Stop being a dick", I told Andy.

"Why not my house?", Andy snapped.

"Because you have a newborn and already have enough to do", I said. "I'm not going to add to Kendra's day. I can't even hold Gi right now".

As I stepped fully into view, Andy's expression changed from furious to horrified.

"Oh, sweetheart", he said, tearing up. He carefully hugged me and started weeping into my hair.

"It's okay, big brother", I said quietly. "It's over. The threat is gone. The fucker's dead. I'm safe now. Just focus on getting Brad out of jail for me".

"I will", he said. "We're on it".

"Can you bring down my suitcase?", I asked Rev, and he moved out of my line of sight.

"Can you borrow him a vehicle?", I asked Andy. "Mine is smashed and he drove the truck back for me. I have no idea where his truck is. He was driving a surveillance van".

"Sure, no problem", Andy said. "Anything to keep you from being alone with him".

Rev came back down with my suitcase.

"Andy can borrow you a vehicle to get where you need to be", I said.

"That's great. Thank you", he said to Andy.

"You shouldn't be driving with a concussion", Rev told me, "so why don't we have Andy drop you at Steve's and I'll ride with him back to his house for the vehicle?"

"Excellent plan", Andy said, putting his arm around me and ushering me to the front door.

I grabbed my keys out of my purse, handed them to Andy, then picked up my purse and walked outside to freedom, while Brad was sitting in a cell.


When we got to the Larsens', Maggie, Bre and Steve all came rushing out the front door. I had barely gotten out of the backseat of Andy's red Gladiator when Bre had her arms around me. She was sobbing. I wrapped my good arm around her and put my forehead on her shoulder. She was so tall, it was like hugging Brad. Then I felt Steve wrap his arms around both of us. Some tears fell from my eyes.

They must have been so worried!

"I'm so sorry!", Bre sobbed.

"Stop it", I said, pulling away. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. I am so glad you weren't there or they would have hurt you, too. When I was laying on my kitchen floor, after I came to, I was pretending to still be unconscious, and I was actually praying that we got out of there before you showed up because I didn't want anything to happen to your baby".

This made her sob harder.

"Oh, Paigie", Steve said.  I turned to look at him and tears were running down his face. I leaned my head against his chest.

"Thank God you're alive", he said, putting his hand on my head in his comforting way. Except it wasn't comforting when I had a concussion.

"Ouch!", I gasped and cringed.

"She's got a concussion and a dislocated shoulder", Rev spoke up. "She shouldn't be driving for a few days and needs to take it easy.  She rolled the Durango. I'd be willing to bet every part of her body hurts but you know she's going to deny that".

"Paigie", Steve gasped.

"It's fine", I said. "Much better than being with Jay. Let's go in. I'm freezing".

Rev brought in my suitcase and Steve ran it upstairs. Andy embraced Bre and patted her face affectionately. "Anytime my sister almost dies, you are there to help her", he said seriously. "What would any of us do without you?"

Bre started getting me some food. Andy also hugged Steve when he came back down, and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you, sis. Awfully glad you're still here. I'll check on you tomorrow, okay?"

"Let me know the second you know anything about Brad", I said. "Can I go see him?" 

"I'll ask Scott", Andy said, and turned to leave.

Rev looked longingly into my eyes. I wondered if he was going to kiss my forehead, too, but Steve placed a hand on my good shoulder and said in a challenging tone, "She's in good hands here".

"I can see that", Rev agreed. "Take care, love. I'll call tomorrow".

"Bye, Rev", I said, my eyes filling with tears from hurting him and hurting myself. "Thanks for everything".

He turned and walked out. When the door shut behind him, my tears started falling.

Bre was warming something up in the microwave and set down a glass of water at the island. Steve gently steered me into the chair then got down a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. He poured two shots into two glasses each and added ice, then set one in front of me.

"Sorry, hun. I don't have your fire whiskey, but you need this. So does Bre but she can't drink".

Bre was silently crying as she set a plate of hamburger hotdish in front of me. She was already wearing her pajamas. Flannel pants and a thermal long sleeve shirt. She looked like she had been crying for hours.

I felt a pang. "Bre, please calm down. Everyone is safe now.  Please sit".

"Hun", Steve said, gently taking her shoulder. She leaned into him instead of sitting and he wrapped his arm around her and took a sip of his whiskey as she rested her head on his shoulder.

I took a sip, as well, then picked up my fork with my left hand and sighed. It seemed like my right arm was always incapacitated.

"Deja vu, Paigie?", Steve asked, watching me.

"Yeah", I admitted.  "I'm sorry to burden you guys, but Kendra has so much with Gi already, and I can't even help her right now".

"We wanted you here", Bre said fiercely. "I can't even explain to you how much better I feel being able to see you and get my arms around you".

"Seriously, hun", Steve said. "She's worried herself sick".

"Did she throw up?", I guessed.

He nodded.

"Crackers, ginger ale, and cheese", I recommended.

"That's exactly what I ate", she said with a little smile.

"How are you feeling now?", I asked.

"Still nauseous".

"It's because you're still upset", I said gently, feeling guilty. "Try toast now that I'm here".

She nodded.

I took another bite. "This is really good", I said.

"I like it, too", Steve said.

"Did you eat?", I asked him and he nodded.

Bre looked a little less pale and seemed calmer after she got toast and ginger ale in.

I glanced at her hesitantly. I really needed a shower and knew I would need some help getting undressed and dressed.

"What do you need, honey?", she asked with a little smile.

"I need help getting out of my clothes so I can shower. My arm is going to make it difficult. I'll probably need help getting dressed afterward, as well".

"Let's go", she said, standing.

"Paige", Steve said sternly. I met his eyes. "If you hadn't listened to me, Rev would be the one helping you do that, not Bre. Thank God you listened to me, but hun, I am really concerned that I had to yell at you to get you here. Did you even consider the situation you were putting yourself in or how Brad would see it?"

"Steve...", Bre started but he held up his palm for her to wait.

I felt guilt flood my chest. "No, not really", I said quietly. "I mean, I didn't think anything would happen between us because I'm injured, but I didn't think about how Brad would feel or about Rev needing to help me. I was just thinking how I didn't want to burden Kendra or you two".

"You're not a burden, honey", Steve said. "We love you and we're thankful you're here. Like Bre said, we feel better now that we actually have eyes on you.  You're always welcome here, okay?"

I teared up and one dripped down my cheek but I nodded.

"Now, don't get mad", he said. "but you need to call your therapist tomorrow. Not just about what happened today, either. You gotta talk to her about Rev. Please".

I looked at his honest, concerned face. "I will".

"Okay", he said, looking at his wife. "Go ahead", he said gently. We started to leave the kitchen then I stopped and turned back to him.

"You know, Steve, I've always thought you would be an excellent father. You give the best lectures and you do tough love really well. I didn't always appreciate that but I sure as fuck do now". I turned and walked out before I saw him cry.

I stayed in my old room with the bed and bedding that used to be in the spare room. It was now completely empty and unpainted. All of it was really strange, but I was exhausted enough that it didn't matter, and I fell right asleep.


* Ding dong, the asshole's dead!
Click vote and read on ahead! *

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