Light In The Darkness(Superna...

By hopesparksembers1

399 22 4

Ella Winchester is the youngest of the Winchester siblings. She grows up surrounded by the supernatural. Rais... More

Author's Note/I'm Back!!!
The Beginning
Ella's Origins Part 1
Ella's Origins Part 2
Ella's Origins Part 3
Pilot Part 2
Pilot Part 3
Pilot Part 4
Pilot Part 5
Pilot Part 6

Pilot Part 1

42 2 0
By hopesparksembers1

This takes place during Season 1 the pilot episode.

September 2002

10 year old Ella's P.O.V Flashback

Dad and Sam had a huge argument about hunting and blah, blah, blah. I didn't have to listen to all the details to understand that Sammy just wanted to have a normal life beyond hunting. It's what he's always wanted and always brought up in every verbal fight he's had with Dad through the years. The only difference this time was that it was getting extremely worse with each horrific remark they threw at each other.

I didn't want to see them argue anymore, so I hid behind Dean and grabbed onto the safety of the back of his leather jacket. I anxiously bit my nails while hoping they'd stop soon. I mean, I've heard them argue before, but it's never been this loud. Dean glanced back at me. When his eyes met mine he put an arm around me while trying his best to reassure me, "Don't worry, it's gonna be okay and everything's gonna go back to business as usual."

"How do you know?"I glanced up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Cause I'm older I've witness this many times before it always follows the same pattern, first they yell, say things they'll regret later, but eventually the whole thing blows over once they've run out of steam."He explained while watching Sam and Dad's verbal battle rage on.

I hoped Dean was right, that this all would just blow over, but at the end of the argument that hope faded away when I heard Dad yell,"If you leave don't bother coming back!"

Sam was silent and quickly packed his bags. Then he walked out the door as tears streamed down my face. The idea of him leaving and never coming back was enough to make me run out the door after him.

I flinched when I heard my Dad's voice boom from behind me, "Isabella Mary Hope Winchester you come back here right now young lady!" I knew I was in big trouble since he used my full name. He never does that unless I've done something really bad.

I didn't dare look back to face his wrath and just kept moving forward. I knew I was gonna get grounded for not listening to him, but I just had to talk to Sammy. I needed to give him a proper goodbye. As much as it hurt to let him go I knew it was the right thing to do.

"Sammy wait!" I called out as I desperately tried to catch up to him, but my short legs could only move so fast. I guess heard me, because the next thing he did was stop in his tracks and turn around. I ran towards him and hugged him as tears continued to stream down my cheeks. He bent down and wiped away my tears away with his hand, "Don't cry Ella. It's going to be okay. I'll call you okay."

"Sammy, pinky promise you'll call me." I said while whipping away my tears with my sleeve.

Sam put out his pinky and I wrapped mine around his. A smile spread across my lips as I said, "Just remember Sammy, if you break your promise I'll punch you."

Sam chuckled as his eyes welled up with tears threatening to spill over. Then he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I know and I'll keep the promise Ella."I heard him whisper as he released me from our hug.

Then Dean stood next to me and pulled me into a side hug. I leaned on him and gripped on tight to his leather jacket as we watched Sammy walk further away from us. I sniffled as tears continued to go down my cheeks. I wiped my tears away with the back of my sleeve and looked up at Dean while mumbling, "I hope Sammy will be okay."

Dean kissed the top of my head as he whispered,"Me too Elle."

Then he glanced over at Sam and glared while clenching his jaw. I couldn't help noticing how Dean's expression slowly softened as he watched Sammy continue to walk further away in the distance. I could tell he was beyond pissed at him for leaving, but he also appeared to be worried about Sam being out there by himself. I bit my nails while internally praying that he would be kept safe no matter where he went and that he'd return to us in the future.

Sammy ended up studying at Stanford. I was proud of him, but I missed him so much and more than anything I just wanted my family to be back together again.

13 year old Ella's P.O.V

Dad had taken off on a hunt while Dean and I went on our own. Some voodoo thing, down in New Orleans. We finished the job and tried to contact Dad, but he never picked up. We eventually found out about the case Dad was working on before he M.I.A. He was checking out this two lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. There seemed to be a lot of disappearances along the Centennial Highway. All the victims that went missing had one thing in common they were all men.

Dean and I were beyond worried about Dad, because it had been a while since we heard from him. Then Dean received a strange voicemail from Dad on his phone. We analyzed the message and found an eerie E.V.P of a woman's voice saying, "I can never go home..."

I could barely keep my eyes open as I laid curled in a ball in the passenger seat of the Impala. I yawn as I pulled my warm fuzzy blanket tightly around me. It was so cold and too freaking early in the morning. I mean, it was still dark outside. The sun wasn't even up yet and I just wanted to sleep in for once, but no, because Dean had other plans.

I was already beyond exhausted and Dean chose to wake me up super early in the morning out of a weird dream I kept having for the past couple days.

These weird reoccurring dreams are of a blond haired blue eyed woman sitting on a bench in a beautiful park. She's always writing in her journal and every time I try to see what she's writing she closes her book. Then she walks away and I wake up shivering, because it literally feels like the AC's on full blast.

I desperately tried to go back to sleep this morning, but was interrupted by the most horrific wake up call I didn't' even ask for. All thanks to my annoying big brother Dean. Don't get me wrong I love him, but sometimes he can just get on my nerves like this morning at 4am. Dean shook me awake, but I was just so tired and groaned, "Just five more minutes."

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way..."He warned as he continued to shake me awake.

"I don't care, whatever gives me five more minutes."I yawned with my eyes closed. I curled further into the warmth of the blankets with no intention of getting up at all. Then I heard him mischievously laugh as he yanked the blankets off of me. I shivered uncontrollably as the cold air enveloped me.

"Hey, it's cold and I'm too tired for this."I grumbled as I tried to reach for the blankets with my eyes still closed.

"I warned you, Elle."He stated. I was beyond confused and wondered what he meant, but before I could ask what he was gonna do I felt icy cold water fall all over me completely drenching my clothes.

My eyes shot open as I screamed bloody murder while jumping up on the bed. As if that was gonna help me escape the cold water that was dripping down my soaking wet clothes. I seriously, looked like I'd been out in the pouring rain for hours without an umbrella. I glared at Dean as he laughed near the base of the bed while holding up an big empty ice bucket. I walked towards him and tripped on the blankets nearly falling off the bed. He quickly swooped in and managed to catch me before I could bust my head open like a pinata on the hardwood floor.

"Clumsy as ever little sis."Dean chuckled as he set me down on my feet. I was already cold why did he have to make it worse. I glared up at him as my entire body trembled from the freezing cold.

"What the hell was that for?"I hissed through chattering teeth.

"I did warn you Elle. Next time you'll remember to get up when I tell you to wake you up or you can relive this Kodak moment all over again."He smirked as he held up his phone and took a photo of me.

"Jeez, you're so annoying."I mumbled while shaking my head.

"I may be annoying, but at least I keep life interesting."He stated as his lips curved into a smirk. Then he threw a towel at me. I was too groggy to block it, so it ended up smacking me right in the face.

"Hey."I grumbled from under the towel that now covered my head. I couldn't see him, but I could still hear him, "We leave in fifteen."

"But Dee." I whined as I pulled the towel off my face.

"But Elle." He mimicked my whining as he zipped up his duffle bag and swung it over his shoulder. Then he turned around towards the door. I signed in frustration as I rolled my eyes.

"I saw that."He turned around and pointed his finger at me as if to accuse me of something. I had no idea what he was talking about so I asked,"Saw what?"

"You know what?"He fired back while staring me down. I furrowed my brow while staring at him as I wondered why in the world was he getting so bent out of shape for? What the hell did I miss?

"No, I really don't know, I'm tired, my brain's a friggin' puddle of mush, you're gonna have to help me out here, at least give me a hint please."I pleaded groggily in my half-asleep state.

"Okay, then I'm gonna go with an old classic, if you keep rolling your eyes they'll get stuck like that. I'd be a shame if that happen to you. "He replied with a slight smirk.

I wondered how in the heck did he manage to see me roll my eyes when his back was turned. It was getting extremely hard for me to concentrate on any thing other than the pure exhaustion that was quickly overtaking every part of my body. I didn't bother trying to figure out the mystery of how he managed to see me roll my eyes, because I was too busy focusing on keeping myself from passing out on the floor.

"You know what, It's way too early for this, too, too early."I yawned while using the towel to dry off.

"Alright, you just wasted another minute you got...fourteen minutes to get ready now."He said while looking down at his watch.

"That's not a lot of time, Dee."I weakly mumbled while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Which is why you should hurry, cause when your time runs out I'm gonna pick you up like a sack of potatoes and haul you out to the car in whatever outfit you're wearing, so unless you wanna go with this whole freezing, cold, moody teenager look, which by the way you're pulling off nicely."He stated sarcastically while gesturing to my drenched appearance. "I suggest you go march over to the bathroom and get ready now."He said while pointing towards the bathroom.

"Whatever, I'm too tired for this."I grumbled while closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Elle, I'll make you deal, if you go get ready right now, I promise to buy you something smothered in chocolate."He said with a hopeful smile. When I heard the word chocolate I immediately forced my eyes open while blurting out, "Really?"

"Yeah, do we have a deal or what?"He asked with his eyebrow raised as he attentively awaited my response.

"Okay deal."I mumbled sleepily with a nod.

"Alright, good. I'll load up the car while you go get ready, okay." He said as he walked towards the door with a couple of bags.

"Okay, sounds good."I yawned as I clumsily made my way over to my duffle bag. I grabbed some warm clothes out of my bag and walked towards the bathroom. I swayed on my feet and felt my eyes droop close as I blindly walked forward. I was so tired that I was falling asleep while walking.

Suddenly, I felt two firm hands on my shoulders and heard Dean's panicked voice in front of me,"Whoa! Hey! Open your eyes, Elle! Open your eyes!"

I groaned as I opened my eyes and came face to face with a very worried Dean. He snapped his fingers in front of my face a couple of times to get my attention. My head lulled to the side as my heavy eyelids started to close.

"No, keep your eyes open Elle, stay with me!"He used his hand to tilt my chin up so I could look him in the eyes. I focused on his face as I desperately fought to keep my eyes open.

He furrowed his brow while keeping his eyes locked on me, "You okay?"

"I'm, I'm fine, Where'd you come from?"I asked sounding as confused as I felt. I mean, seriously, where did he come from the last time I saw him he went out the door to load up the car. Did he teleport? Was this a dream? I brought out of my thoughts by the sound of his overly concerned voice, "Did you seriously fall asleep while walking?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know maybe..."

"I'm just really, really tired..."I yawned while desperately trying to keep my eyes open.

"I can see that, and you really freaked me out."Dean replied while keeping his hands on my shoulders to keep me from falling over.

"Why? What did I do?"I asked with my brow raised as I wondered what he was talking about.

"When I came back in the room I saw you walking towards the bathroom with your eyes closed, At first I thought it was funny, until you started falling, luckily I managed to get to you before you hit the ground, can you never scare me like that again?"He stared at me with a worried look.

"I'll try... and thanks for the save Dee."I weakly mumbled with a lopsided grin.

"Sure, no prob Elle."He smiled back, "Look, I know you're tired and wanna fall asleep, but you really need to get changed out of those wet clothes, and then you can pass out in the car, I promise."

I nodded my head,"Alright, but don't forget about our chocolate deal."

"Hey, I won't forget about our chocolate deal, and keep your eyes open this time, I'll be right outside the door if you need me okay." I heard him say from behind me as I walked towards the bathroom.

"Okay, Dee and it better be the good chocolate."I narrowed my eyes while glancing back at him.

"Don't worry it will be."He reassured with a smirk.

"Awesome."I smiled as I went into the bathroom and changed out of my ice, cold, damp pajamas. I made sure to keep my eyes open to prevent myself from crashing into things. Dean kept talking to me through the door to make sure I stayed awake. When I came out of the bathroom, Dean looked beyond relieved to see me make it out alive. Then he loaded up the rest of our bags and we piled into the Impala. I instantly fell asleep in the front seat, next to Dean, wrapped up in my warm, fuzzy blanket as we made the long drive to Sammy's apartment in Stanford, California.

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