The New Guy (Scooby-Doo Movie...

By Smad116

105K 1.8K 2K

Description: This story take place during the events of Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and has the Protagonist w... More

Meet the gang
Chapter 1 The return of Mystery inc.
Chapter 2 A Trip to Moonscar Island
Chapter 3 The Mystery of Moonscar Island
Chapter 4 The Mystery continues
Chapter 5 Ending the Mystery and a Curse
Chapter 6 Caper at the Museum of Natural History
Chapter 7: Oakhaven
Chapter 8 The New Guy's in Love?
Chapter 9 Eco-Goth's
Chapter 10 The Witch's Ghost?
Chapter 11 A Wizards Duel
Chapter 12 The end of a Witch for good (hopefully)
Chapter 13 Goodbye for now an In-between
Chapter 14 A Freaking Space Ship!
Chapter 15 Conspiracy
Chapter 16 Alien's
Chapter 17 SELF
Chapter 18 Well Mystery Solved
Chapter 19 Wrap up an In-between
Chapter 20 Sate University
Chapter 21 The Lab and The Laser
Chapter 22 Hunting the Phantom virus
Chapter 24 A Colosseum and Prehistoric times
Chapter 25 GAME OVER
The Road Map of the Four movies (not a chapter just an observation)
Word Count
Season 2 Confirmand

Chapter 23 In the Game

1.4K 36 17
By Smad116

We start this chapter not long after we left off with The Gang and Marcie just having being transported into Eric's game by Bill while Y/n, Eric, Professor K and Officer Wembley siting by a Screen with the digitalised gang on what looks like the moon with a hand cuffed Bill of to the side

Eric: there in Cyberspace

Wembley: So? Throw a switch or something and get them out.

Eric: The game doesn't work like that they have to play through all the levels to get out.

Wembley: You're Kidding me

Y/n: Wait but weren't you able to do that exact thing with the Scooby Snacks?

Eric: The difference was that was the demo this is the full game so the Gang and Marcie will have to play all 10 Levels

Y/n looks to the Screen and Sees the Gang hoping about on the moon

Y/n: There gonna need some help

The three look to Y/n

Y/n: give me a moment with the computer

They look to each other before letting him on the PC of which he enters something and Creates a power up to which he puts it in the game

Y/n: Alright hit me with the laser

The three look at him like he's crazy

Eric: That's insane you want to go in there?

Y/n: Please I put something in the game to help us against the Virus and some other things so hit me

the three look to each other before nodding to Y/n who goes and stands in front of the laser before Kaufman hits the button and sends him in causing him to go digital

Meanwhile a few moments before Y/n goes digital the Gang are on the Moon in the game all in space suits with a SD patch on there arms and Shaggy is seen jumping about due to the loss of gravity

Shaggy: Like check this out. I'm like a superhero!

Velma: Be careful. There's less gravity on the moon.

Shaggy picks up a bolder

Shaggy: Look! It's Super-Shag!

Marcie giggles as Shaggy tosses the bolder away

Daphne: Scooby, could you get Shaggy back here before he hurts himself?

Scooby: Rokay!

Scooby the begins jumping after Shaggy

Scooby: Scooby-dooby-doo!

Scooby jumps to Shaggy but he doges

Shaggy: Nice try, Scoob! Like, catch me if you ca-

Shaggy continues jumping not noticing a mound of rock which he jumps straight into making Fred, Daphne, Velma and Marcie grimaces before jumping over to him

Fred: Shaggy, Are you all right?

Shaggy: ow I think so. But I made an important discovery.

Daphne: What's that?

Shaggy: In this video game, you can get hurt.

Velma: Or worse. We'd better be careful.

Fred grabs Daphne's hand

Fred: Velma's right. Eric said the game has creatures and who knows what else.

Shaggy then sees something and Realises its the Virus

Shaggy: Zoinks! I know who!

and Shaggy points to the Virus and the Gang as see him just as a bright light appears

A/n: the suit has a Patch on it's arms like the Gang's

The stranger sees the gang and quickly turns to the Virus and fires a blast at it sending it away for the moment as the gang approach the stranger

Velma: Thanks, whoever you are?

??: You don't recognise me Velm?

The stranger the press the side of the helmet and its reviled to be Y/n Who smiles at the Gang

The Gang: Y/N!

Y/n: Sup

Fred: You got hit by the laser too?

Y/n: No but I did catch who's behind this

Velma: Who?

Y/n: Bill


V,M: I knew it

Velma and Marcie look at each other before giggling before Marcie notices his suit

Marcie: What's with the special suit

Y/n: the Author got lazy

A/n: Oi!

Y/n: I mean I made a magnet type suit that should help deal with the monsters of the game

Fred: We might need it looks like he wasn't alone

Fred points behind Y/n and they see some Monsters in Red and Black space suits

Y/n: okay you guys go find the Scooby Snacks I'll deal with them

Y/n begins firing more blasts from his gloves hitting and defeating the monsters as the Virus comes back with more

Virus: Let's play ball

Y/n looks back and sees the gang still standing there

Y/n: I guess go find the Scooby Snacks was a bit of a vague request was it?

The Gang just nod at him

Y/n: If you find the box of Scooby Snacks we can go to the next level, if we get through all 10 levels we can go back to the real world.

The Gang have an Oh moment before heading off and Y/n fires more blasts holding off the monsters and the Virus just giggles before firing a blast at Y/n and he doges it

Y/n: Gonna have to do better than that spark plug

Y/n deciding the Gang are far enough activates some thrusters and fly's after the Gang and Sees Marcie at the Back and press' a com on his helmet

Y/n: You guys ever have those monkey's in a barrel thing

The Gang minus Scoob, Velma and Marcie(over com): Yeah who didn't

V,M: I was more of a Chemistry set girl

the two giggle to each other

Y/n: Alright Marcie Hand up and Grab on tight I'm coming in hot

The gang stop and look confused before they hear A rocket blast Behind them and do as he asks as they do a grab as Y/n fly's past and grabs starting with Marcie then grabbing Velma then grabbing Fred then grabbing Daphne then grabbing Shaggy and Shaggy grabs onto Scooby's tail as Y/n fly's with them

The whole Gang including Marcie: Woooooooooo

as they continue Y/n spots the Box of Scooby Snacks up ahead

Y/n: Alright Gang I see the Snacks get ready to launch Scooby at them

The gang: What!?

Y/n: You heard, I'm gonna stop and when I do Shaggy will let go of Scooby and everyone will hold on tight. I'm not gonna lie this will hurt.

The Gang: Alright

Y/n Stops and the gang get launched forward as Y/n's arm slings forward with them and feels immense pain they all hold on as Shaggy let's go off Scoob launching him toward the snacks seeing the plan worked Marcie let's go of Y/n's arm as her and the gang go flying in the same direction as Scooby who gets the Snack's making the Gang go digital again and appear in what looks to be in a new level which appears to be a colosseum as there out of the Space suits in there regular cloths

Velma: What?

Daphne: Where are we now?

Marcie: And What is he wearing?

they look around and see Y/n in

Y/n: What?

And with that the Chapter Ends

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