Chapter 12 The end of a Witch for good (hopefully)

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We continue right where we left off with Ben having just summoned the ghost of Sara Ravencroft and Y/n left there stunned

Ben: In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined such an imposing creature.

Sarah: Thank thee. Thou canst not know what bondage hath been like. Who art thou?

Ben: Ben Ravencroft. Your descendent from the modern world.

Sarah: Modern?

Sarah looks around at the re-enactment before she spots Y/n, The Mayor and Mr. McKnight

Sarah: Not much seems to have changed.

Mayor: Please don't hurt us!

Sarah: The same pathetic peasants grovelling for their puny lives.

Ben Reaches toward her

Ben: But-

but she just swats him away

Ben: Sarah, I want to become more powerful. Like you.

Sarah just laughs at him

Sarah: Thou jest.

Ben: But it was I who released you. You should serve me.

Sarah: I serve no one! Leastwise a worm like thee. Aye, thou hast freed me so I can punish the world for my long imprisonment.

Y/n: Dam Mayor,  you weren't far off in your impression

Sarah shoots some magic at the trees making them start to decay

Sarah: I shall create an era of darkness over this land.

as the spell continues to move its gets closer to a trapped Shaggy and Scooby

Shaggy: Like we're goners, Scoob.

but before it can reach them Y/n uses a spell and moves them out of the way getting them un-trapped as well 

Shaggy: Thanks man

Ben: This isn't what I envisioned.

Y/n: What did you envision Ben? The evil witch from the 1600s would just do what you say and you would go on adventures together filled with high jinks and wacky antics 

Ben: No! But not this. We were supposed to rule the world together. Not destroy it.

Sarah: I care not for thy whims. Cross my path and I shall destroy thee along with thy world.

Ben: But I have the book! And I will return you back into the book. "Ancient evil get thee hence. Only good can recompense All that's good--"

But Sarah just Laughs at Ben

Sarah: Thinkest thou art aa Wiccan? Only a virtuous soul can imprison me.

she then puts him in a bubble and starts laughing

Ben: Let me out

Y/n: A Wiccan?

Y/n turns to his tied up love interest

Y/n: Of course  

he runs over to help get the Hex girls out

Thorn: What took yo--

Y/n: I need a Wiccan to put her back in the book

Thorn: Oh

Y/n: Yea. You Virtuous?

Thorn give's him a really look

Y/n: Have to be sure it's magic you know.

Dusk: She does?

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