Imagine Cartters


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This is a Cartters fanfic. Imagine Dragons has always been Butters favorite band and has helped through... Еще

Hear Me
Bleeding Out
30 Lives
America don't ya cry
Cha Ching
The River
Hopless Opus
The fall
Rise to the top of the world
Prequel and Sequel

Look how far we've come

1K 43 91

Butters pov

A lot of things happened over the past few weeks. Stan and Wendy came to visit from Fort Collins, and I got a special surprise. My father was sent to the hospital because of a sudden heart attack. He had a weak heart for a while but not as bad as this. My mother had called me and told me she was so worried. I knew she couldn't pay for all the medical bills herself, so I decided to pay for a lot of it.

Take me on a whim
It's not the sun that provides us
It's not the moon that divides us

I had also planned on telling Selene that I had no interest in dating her. I hoped she take it well, I didn't want to hurt her. I kept thinking over the words I was going to say. I was thinking about this a lot during the weekend and I got a call from Kyle.

"Hey Butters!" Kyle said

"Hey," I said

"Hey Butters , I'm sorry about your father but I have a good idea." He said very happily

"What's that?" I asked

"I'm going down to South Park with Stan and Kenny," Kyle said " And I was wondering if you and Cartman wanted to come too?"

"Well I don't know, I haven't been in South Park for awhile," I said

"Come on Butters, it will be like old times," Kyle implied

"I guess, I guess we could go I mean I wanna visit my father," I finally gave in

"Great we leave on Wednesday!" Kyle said hanging up.

I sighed, I was going to South Park. I looked at the phone and decided to make another phone call. I slowly typed in Selene ' s number and waited for her to answer.

"Hey Butters!" Selene answered

"Hey Sel, um I need to tell you something," I murmur

"What?" She asked

"I'm going to South Park for a few days," I said

"Oh I know Kyle told me," She said

"Oh cool, um I have something else to say..." I began

"What?" She asked again

"I don't think we should go out," I finally said

"Oh," She said all happiness leaving

"I still wanna be friends, I just don't think we should be dating," I said trying to make her feel better

"No its cool Butters I understand," She said before hanging up

I can barely swim
And the current's coming in
And the current's coming in again

I looked at the phone for several minutes and then heard Eric walk into the room. We smiled at eachother and he went to the fridge. For some reason I felt as if I was growing a crush on him, but I didn't know for sure.

"Eric we're going on vacation," I stated

"What?" He asked surprised "What are you talking about?"

"We are going to South Park along with the others," I answered

"Others?" Eric asked walking over to me

"Stan,Kyle and Kenny," I answered " Won't that be fun."

"I guess , was this the jew's idea?" Eric asked with a annoyed look on his face

"Yes this was Kyle's idea," I said enforcing Kyle's name

"Thought so," He murmured walking over to the table

Stand up when you hear your name
'Cus I think that we're the same
We've got the same old hands
We've made the same old plans

We got all our stuff packed by Monday and finished everything else by Tuesday. On Wensday we got up around 3:45 and Kyle came in a borrowed van to pick us up. It only took about four hours to get there. We were originally going to stay at our parents but instead went to a motel. It was small complex with three beds, a fridge and a bathroom.

"Guess we are going to have to share beds," Kyle said

"Yeah," Stan agreed "Okay, Kyle you share with me and Butters and Cartman share."

"What, what about me?" Kenny asked

"You get your own bed perv," Eric teased

"Fuck you fatass!" Kenny swore

We unpacked most of our stuff and decided to head out for breakfast. After breakfast we all went to visit our families. Except for Eric because his step dad was in Nebraska. I told Eric I'd meet up with him later and went to the hospital. When I got there, they told me to go to the fifth room upstairs.

When I entered, I saw an ugly sight. My dad was connected to a machine and he was breathing from a mask. He looked very pale and weak. I never loved my father, I doubt he loved me but I still couldn't help but feel sad seeing this. It seemed as if my father was barely living.

"Hey dad," I said quietly

My dad slowly turned his head and glared at me.

"Butters," He said

"How have you been," I asked

"Been great Butters, I love dying," He said sarcastically

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't," I began

"You should be sorry!" My dad said raising his voice " Not coming to see us for two years and finally coming just to see me die!"

"No dad that's not that's not true!" I said trying to defend myself

"Yeah right! Get out of here!" He yelled

"Dad please..," I pleaded

"Get the fuck out!" He yelled again

I slowly walked out the room. He was right. I didn't come to visit for two years and only decided to come when he was dying. I was the worst son ever. I couldn't help but cry a little. I needed to get out of that hospital, away from my father.

Bail out to the yellow raft
It's got a hole but we can last
We'll watch until it fades away

Cartman's pov

I was waiting for Butters to meet me at Starks pond for about an hour or so. I had no idea where he went and I was starting to get nervous. Of course Kenny had to come to ruin my mood even more.

"Hey fatass!" He said smiling

"Sup Kenny," I said

"Can we talk about something?" He said beckoning me over to the bench

I nodded and went over to the bench.

"What is it Kenny?" I asked

"You are in love with Butters right?" He said out of nowhere

I blushed extremely. How did he know that, was it that obvious?

"Yes fatass it is obvious," Kenny said as if reading my thoughts

"Well what about it?" I asked looking everywhere but at him

Kenny was silent for a minute. He was holding his hands together and looking down.

"You know how I asked him right?" Kenny said

"Yeah," I said wondering where he was going with this

"I've decided to drop it," He said after a few minutes

"Why?" I asked surprised this wasn't like Kenny

"I feel like you and Butters belong together," He began " I want Butters to be happy and he'd be so happy with you."

I looked at him. Kenny was being so honorable and selfless. He knew as well as I did, that he could have Butters if he wanted to. Kenny was highly attractive and not a complete loser. Though here he was just giving up Butters for me. For Eric Cartman, that didn't make any sense. For me giving up Butters was huge, even though he didn't seem like much to a lot of people he was my world. I had nothing to say to this, so I did the only thing I could think of. I gave Kenny the biggest hug I could muster.

"Thank you Kenny!" I said " I love you man!"

" You're welcome Eric," He said slowly returning the hug "Take care of Butters okay?"

I nodded and let go of him. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out. I forgot how much of a good friend Kenny was. He was a perverted bastard but he had his morals. Even though I was never a good kid, he's always been there and I was glad for that. Kenny was the first and really only person for a long time that I told I was gay. I always considered him one of my best friends.

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Everyone all came back at the motel at around 7:00. We were all really tired from our adventures. Kyle had gone to see his brother and parents. Stan had gone to see his family. Butters didn't tell me or anyone where he went. He didn't really say anything actually. Since we were so tired we just had dinner and then decided to go to bed.

Butters pov

We all got into our pajamas and hopped in our beds. Stan and Kyle fell asleep first. Though right after Kyle put a pillow wall between the two of them. Eric fell asleep just as quickly. Kenny was under his blanket with a flashlight, probably reading manga or something. I laid awake. I couldn't sleep after what happened that day. I didn't want to see my dad again but at the same time I did. I was in deep thought until suddenly I felt Eric put his arms around me. He was sleeping and probably thought I was his pilow. I felt myself blush extremely.

Eric was really warm so it was sort of comfortable. It didn't help matters that I was beginning to like Eric too. I was praying no one would wake up to see Eric hugging me but to my luck that wasn't so. Stan woke up and rolled over to look at me.

"Oh this is interesting," He said smiling a tired look was on his face

"Shut up!" I blushed

"What it's cute," Stan said smiling even more

"It's not cute, he's very heavy," I whispered

"You're enjoying it aren't you?" Stan said smiling smugly

I felt my face becoming even more red. Yes, I was enjoying it. Though like hell I was going to admit it. Eric had climbed into my head and I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was the real reason why I didn't say yes to Kenny or Selene. Because deep down inside I knew I was falling for someone else. Eric Cartman, had by accident stolen my heart.

"Stan I don't know what to do," I said making sure no one heard me but Stan

" With what?" He said doing the same

"I'm in love with Eric and I don't know what to do," I cried

Stan sighed and put a hand on my head.

"Butters, I swear to God, you are something different," He smiled and rubbed my hand, something he probably do to his kid

"I....I" I stuttered

"You have nothing to worry about Butters," Stan said reassuringly "Tell him how you feel and I'm sure he'll feel the same way."

I nodded and we both went back to sleep.

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

I've been painted gin
It's not the colour I came in
It's not the shirt that I stayin' in

Cartman's pov

The next morning we all headed off to South Park's beach. However it was kinda cold so we wore t shirts with our swimsuits. Everyone had a basic swimsuit on well except Butters. He had this full body swimsuit that was hidden under a t shirt. It looked retarded but he was adorable so I kept it to myself.

We spent the day just acting as if we were ten again. Making sand castles and surfing and even playing Marco polo. Maybe it was the stress from being an adult, but we thought of this as being heaven. Once we grew up we realized how much we missed being little. It certainly was a lot simpler back then. I watched Butters most of the time, I knew I seemed like a creepy stalker but he just made me happy.

At around noon we stopped for a lunch break. It wasn't a grand lunch, it was just food to fill us up. Butters got all of our attention so he could tell us something important.

"Most of you guys know this, but for those who don't I'll explain," He began "My dad isn't doing well. He's on life support and I don't know how long he'll make it."

We all stared at Butters. I knew his father was sick but I didn't know he was that sick. We were all silent trying to figure out what to say. I held Butters hand when I noticed his eyes began to tear up. Kyle put his hand on Butters's shoulder.

"We are here for you Butters," He said reassuringly "Always."

"Yeah and if you need any help financialy, we are for that too,"Stan agreed

Butters smiled and squeezed my hand. I knew this must've been very hard for him and nothing in his life was easy however.

"Thanks fellas," Butters began "I'm glad I have you and I'm also glad I'm close friends with Selene since she's the manager of our restaurant I'm sure she can help me if I asked."

Kyle gave a sudden angry look at that woman's name and so did I. She wasn't good news and I knew it and I had a feeling Kyle did too.

Hang me on a limb
And the current's coming in
And the current's coming in again

Stand up when you hear your name
'Cus I think that we're the same
We've got the same old hands
We've made the same old plans

Bail out to the yellow raft
It's got a hole but we can last
We'll watch until it fades away

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

We stayed in South Park for a few more days and then decided to pack up. On our way home I decided one thing, I was going to get Butters through this, I was going to make sure his suffering would end and I'd be with him forever.

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up
I won't be satisfied

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up
I won't be satisfied

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time to take it over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come around
Some were never meant to leave the ground

It's time to take it over
Step out into the sun

It's time to take it over
And look how far we've come

We've come...

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