A Bright Future {Naruto x Rea...

By PikaJovi

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Book 2 of the Naruto x Reader story! They thought that the worst of things had passed, and they could go abou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 23

904 34 33
By PikaJovi

Kakashi's POV:

Naruto kept trying to attack the statue behind The Masked Man, but he was constantly stopped. "Nothing and no one will touch the statue." The Masked Man says as he yet again counters Naruto's attacks and sends him away from it.

"We have to work together; Naruto won't be able to defeat him on his own." I tell Guy, and we both join Naruto. Guy helps Naruto with attacking The Masked Man as a tag team, while I try to analyze his Jutsu and find the best way to get the upper hand.

I look back at the statue and decide that it is more important to get rid of it. If I can just get rid of its head, it should be enough to stop it from whatever plan he has. I activate my Kamui and aim it at the statue.

Just as I think it's working, suddenly, my Kamui is stopped. It was as if it was canceled all of a sudden. How? That has never happened before... There is nothing that could cancel my Kamui, unless...

Is that even possible?

"Damn it!" I hear Naruto scream out as he misses his attack again. The Masked Man is trying to separate him from us, to fight him on his own without Guy helping. There's no time to think about my Kamui; I have to deal with him first. "Killer B, a little help." I look behind me, and the giant octopus understands me.

I infuse my Kunai with lightning and get thrown right towards The Masked Man, cutting every boulder in my way with no effort. "Go, Kakashi!" I heard Guy screaming from behind me, but I wasn't going to make it in time. The Masked Man is going to connect with Naruto before I get there!

I throw my Kunai at him, and as usual, he dematerializes and lets it pass him. "Keep going, Naruto, don't worry about the Kunai." I scream at him as The Masked Man kicks the Kunai at Naruto. I use my Kamui and send the Kunai to the other dimension. 

With Naruto safe, we both get back to Guy. Another attack failed... How are we going to take this guy down? "He's too strong; what do we do?" Naruto asks. "None of our attacks are working." Guy comments. 

When The Masked Man turns towards us, his mask suddenly gets a crack in it. It cracked... An attack connected! "Naruto's punch worked! His mask is cracked." Guy cheers. "Eh? It is? Seriously? Where?" Naruto squints as he tries to see and then cheers.

It's great and all, but I doubt it was Naruto's punch that caused that. That sort of crack will not be caused by a punch; it will need something sharp to do that. Something like... my Kunai! That should have done it, but how? When? 

"It's time I do something too." Killer B or his Tailed Beast say as they attack the statue. The Masked Man shouts and surrounds it with a barrier hot to the touch right before the attack hits it. Killer B couldn't touch it or attack it anymore.

We need to stop The Masked Man first, and then we will be able to deal with the statue.

"Guys, I need your help with something." I tell the guys, and they turn to listen. "I think he's using one Jutsu instead of multiple." I start, and Guy is already confused. I explain my theory around his Jutsu and how it works. "I think we share the same dimension space." that on its own implied that we should technically have the same Sharingan... "Kakashi... Does he...?" Guy didn't need to finish his question.

"I don't know, but we need to test out my plan to get a better understanding of what he's using." They nod and get ready to attack again. The three of us attack simultaneously, Guy starting first, trying to get his attention. Once he is distracted enough, Naruto jumps from behind Guy and attacks him with a Rasengan. Of course, The Masked Man dematerializes before it can hit him. 

I use my Kamui on the Rasengan, though, and just as Naruto finishes passing through The Masked Man, his shoulder gets hit with an invisible attack, and he gets thrown off the boulder. 

"We did it! It worked!" Naruto cheers. The Masked Man looks at his ripped robe and analyses what happened to him. "I see; Naruto didn't cancel his Rasengan. You, Kakashi, used your Kamui." he got it right.

"Your theory was right, Kakashi-Sensei! That means we have a chance now to really beat him." Naruto tries to stay positive, but I have more important things to think about. If I'm right, which just proved that I am... His Sharingan should be... Or maybe... No, it can't be.

"Where did you get your eye from?" I cut everyone off as I ask him, my voice sounding harsher than intended. The Masked Man stands up and looks straight at us. "Ah, my Sharingan? I got it at the last war." he starts. "At the battle at the Kannabi Bridge. The place you were earned the nickname 'The Sharingan Hero.'" what... that means...

"Are you...?" I couldn't help but ask, but my brain was not catching up with me. "I told you not to flap your mouth so easily!" The Masked Man shouts. "You're all talk, anyway. Your words are worthless to me." he points his finger at me. "It's too late for regrets now, Kakashi Hatake." I can almost imagine the scowl he would have on.

He continues to talk about the hopelessness of this world and how his plan would bring on a better world. "The world I'll create will be a place where it won't be necessary for a hero to pathetically make stupid excuses in front of a grave." I'm directly reminded of myself standing over Obito's and Rin's graves.

This is all pointing to the impossible theory in my head... This shouldn't be possible. I feel my breath getting quicker. "Hey, Kakashi. Are you okay?" Guy puts his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back into reality.

"Are you still babbling about all that?" Naruto stands in front of us and grins at The Masked Man. "I thought I told you too; I'm never going to give up on my dream of becoming the greatest Hokage." but his words didn't affect him. "I wonder what your parents will think if you fail?" he tells him. "If you fail at the things they entrusted you with, I wonder what you will think of yourself, Naruto."

Suddenly, Kurama switches with Naruto and lectures The Masked Man. I never thought I'd see the day that fox would not only get along with Naruto but praise him and share with him his full power. Naruto's new Tailed Beast Mode was even more impressive than before. I didn't think they could have more power.

Naruto goes for another attack, but I couldn't join him just yet. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the theory that keeps buzzing all around. The identity of The Masked Man could very well be..., but that still shouldn't be possible. "Kakashi, we have to help Naruto." Guy shouts. 

If my theory is correct, that means what I've known has all been a lie? Is that even possible? "KAKASHI!" Guy snaps me out of my thoughts, "I know what you're thinking about; I feel the same way. But we have to leave it for now; Naruto already started fighting again." he says, and I look towards the fight. 

"You've got a winning streak against me now. Don't tell me this is your limit, Kakashi?" he smiles, trying to cheer me on. "Let's go, Guy!" we both run and join the fight with Naruto and Killer B. Naruto prepares a Tailed Beast Bomb and launches it at The Masked Man. As usual, he phases through it, but his entire body is gone this time.

A few moments later is when my theory got the answer it needed. I felt my heart stop just looking at his face... How? That question keeps sounding in my head as I stare at my previous best friend's face, the one I thought died all those years ago...

"Is that really you... Obito?" I ask as I lean on Guy. My chakra is practically almost drained. I continue to stare, and he switches from his Sharingan to his Mangekyō, and I'm sure just by that. "It's him. It's really Obito Uchiha..." I confirm. "That name means nothing to me anymore." he scowls. "But that day... " I remember that haunting day, the day everything got ruined and everything changed.

Obito, Rin, and I were almost out; we just had a bit more before we exited that damn cave. Obito had to go and sacrifice himself to save me... He was crushed by a massive boulder; there was nothing Rin, or I could do to help him. That's when he gave me his Sharingan...

"You're alive..." I finally say. I hear Naruto ask about his identity and Guy answering him, but I'm still in shock. Obito is alive! Obito Uchiha is alive; my old teammate is actually alive. He has been alive all these years! "If you were alive, why didn't you come back!? Why did you stay away?" I ask, and I'm not sure I saw right, but I think he flinched at my question? Does that mean he thought of coming back? Did he change his mind?

"It doesn't matter anymore; it won't change anything. But if you really want an answer? I guess it would be because..." he then gets a dark look in his eyes. "You let Rin die!" and my heart hurt all over again. I should have known; I should have seen that answer coming. 

"What's wrong, Kakashi? What's that face for?" he asks with an actually smirk on his face. "... You're not going to reprimand me?" I hesitate to ask. He closes his eyes and looks at the sky. "There's no need for that, not when this world won't exist for much longer." he simply says, and I look down... Of course, he would want to condemn me.

I blamed myself and still feel the guilt of not only failing him but also failing at keeping the one thing he asked me to do. I failed to keep Rin safe; I ended up killing her... So, of course, he would blame me as well.

"Kakashi-Sensei! I don't know what happened between the two of you, but we can discuss it later. Right now, we need to stop him! It's not the time to be depressed." I hear Naruto shout. "He's right, Kakashi. The fate of the world is in our hands now." Guy says.

"I have nothing more to talk to you about." Obito says. It's still weird to think and know that Obito is the one speaking. "Just stand there and die." he says and launches his attack. Guy and I don't have time to dodge it! Thankfully Naruto jumps in front of us and blasts the Jutsu away.

Out of nowhere, something big lands next to Obito, and we wait for the dust to settle to see who or what it is.

"What the-" Guy says as we get a glimpse of the person. "It looks like you're having fun over here, Obito." he says so casually to him. That's... Madara Uchiha. He has finally arrived. Things just got a lot harder.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Orochimaru takes the lead to where we need to go to do this Jutsu that will get Sasuke his answers. If I heard correctly, we would be technically going back to the village. I wonder how it is now with the war happening. I hope nothing has happened to it or the villagers inside.

"Is everything okay?" Sai asks me as we walk beside each other. I nod and look ahead, "Not going to lie, I'm worried." I admit to him. "Naruto is fine. Last I heard, he was actually more than okay." I couldn't help but chuckle at his answer; he always assumes I'm talking about Naruto. As if I can't talk about anything else. "I didn't mean Naruto. I meant Sasuke." I playfully roll my eyes at him. 

Sai looks at Sasuke, who is talking to Orochimaru about something. He might have been bad or tried to take his body or whatever, but Orochimaru still trained Sasuke for three years; he still looked after him and somehow, in a way, raised him. I doubt Sasuke actually hates him all that much.

"You think he will choose wrongly?" Said finally says. "I'm not sure? I guess I just have an image in my head of what I want our future to look like, and now it could all crumble at his choice." he looks at me and decides to rest his hand on my head. "I read in a book that some people feel comfort from being patted on the head." this time, I just had to laugh.

"Thank you, Sai. I do feel better." I tell him. "There's something else bothering you." he says again. I sigh and look ahead with a serious look. "Itachi almost died." he stops walking and looks at me carefully. "I'm okay. We managed to heal him on time." I shake my hand and give him a smile, but he wasn't buying it, so I drop the act. "It just hit me that as much as I like to be in control of things and make sure to get what I want. Sometimes fate has other plans."

"What do you mean?" he asks as he starts walking next to me again. "A lot of people are going to die in this war. Most of them will probably be people I don't know, but I guess it's the thought that it might be people I do know that is annoying. Makes me want to be everywhere all the time, to make sure everyone is okay." I explain, and he nods.

"I get that, but that's impossible. Death is part of life; we will all someday die." he simply says, and again, Sai just has a way of making me laugh. "I know, but I'd like to live a bit longer with people before I die. You know, fall in love, have a family, live my days with them." I tell him. "Ah, you want babies with Naruto." how...


"N-NO! I mean, yes... but like not now! I just meant I want to grow old with the people I care about. Like I want to see you fall in love and marry a beautiful girl and have little Sais running around the village." for the first time, I see a blushing Sai. *Cough* "I don't think that will happen." he simply says.

"I'll make sure it happens. You deserve to love and be loved; you deserve to be happy, Sai. I want that for you." I tell him seriously, and he smiles. "Thank you. But on a serious note, try to not think too deeply of death. I might not understand a lot of things, but I do know that you are scared of death."

"Scared of death? Like I'm scared to die?" I chuckle nervously. "No, you're scared death is going to take everyone from you and leave you alone." he says it so casually... He hit the nail on the head. "That's why you panic when someone you care about is dying. Jiraiya-Sama was traumatic enough without your fear, and now Itachi. You panicked again when you knew that you had the skills to heal him." has Sai always been this perceptive?

"So you think I should just not care?" I didn't realize my voice turned cold. "Of course, you should care." he stands in front of me and actually hugs me. Sai initiated a hug... "I'm saying you need to not let that fear control your mind in those moments. Try to stay calm, assess the situation, and see if you can help. If the time comes, you can grieve and mourn all you want." 

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense because it actually does. I just don't think it's that simple? To just ignore the growing fear when I see my people on the verge of death... I know death is part of life, but I'd take a death of old age any day over being killed.

"Thank you, Sai. I'll keep that in mind for next time." God, that sentence sounds so wrong... "Hopefully not any time soon." he pats my head again.

"Oi, we're here. Stay focused." Sasuke calls us, and we go down underground. I look around the place, and it actually looks cool in an ancient vibe kind of way. "So who are we talking to here? Are they running late?" I ask when I see no one else in the room but our team. "Step back, please." Orochimaru says as he summons a ghost!

I stand there shocked and a bit scared of that thing standing behind Orochimaru. Then, he slashes Orochimaru's stomach! "Oh my God!" I cover my mouth, and Sai holds my arm, so I don't move. Some floating things come out of the ghost and just stand there.

Orochimaru gives the order, and these stupid Zetsus come out of Sasuke. So that's how Tobi was spying on us! How could he do this to Sasuke! They continue to prepare whatever Orochimaru needs. Now we are all standing where Orochimaru was, facing the exit with four Zetsus tied up on the floor with snakes.

With a single hand motion, "Reanimation Jutsu!" Orochimaru says, and the bodies start screaming. "Wait! We are bringing people back from the dead!?" I look at Sasuke, but he has no time for me. I look back to the now four new people in the room. "These are the previous Hokage." Pervy Snake introduces.

Oh, God... This is going to be an intense questioning session, isn't it?




I always wanted a deeper look at how Kakashi really took knowing that Obito is alive and how he would have dealt with it if they weren't at war. So I just had to write the discovery scene with Kakashi. And just for clarification, when Obito flinches at Kakashi, asking him why he didn't come back? He did that because he remembered the conversation with you by the river, where you asked the same question.

The next chapter, which will probably be about the Hokage meeting, should be fun? I'll try to make it fun and serious. I want to write fun and cute and love moments, but I can't just yet since we are in the middle of a war... *Sigh* I hope I can end the war soon...

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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