Revenge // Midnight Rose Tril...

By Finn_and_Kerian

80 7 1

All she craves is to be able to avenge her best friend's parents. Isadora Hearst, a teenage assassin, went fr... More

O N E // I S A D O R A
T H R E E // I S A D O R A
F O U R // K I E R A N
F I V E // I S A D O R A
S I X // I S A D O R A
S E V E N // I S A D O R A

T W O // I S A D O R A

10 1 1
By Finn_and_Kerian

           I whip around, my dagger's titanium blade pierces the heart of a worn down combat pad. The slim blade reflects the sun's bright rays, blinding my eyes for a hasty moment. I blink away purple splotches. With arms limp from hours of stressful over-training, I yank the golden handle of CrystalFang, releasing her. Shoving her back into the matching sheath, I glance around the training battlefield. Other students , all dressed in the same glossy black athletic suit embedded with a magenta rose on the belt, and for those who have hair long enough, wear a tightly braided running side braid, line up against the wall as Elaine instructs them. The rest of the students, myself included, sword fight, shoot arrows, or just chat while awaiting the next lesson. None of them care about this job the way I do.

         Cold sweat slips down my brow, saltiness lingering on my lips. With a deep exhale, I wipe it away and plunge my hand into the ice bucket. I pull out a fully submerged dingy rag, placing it around my neck. Dampness rests on my shaking right hand. I know my body needs a break, but I won't stop. There's too much on the table right now to just give up.

        The sun has set into a vibrant sky of coral and the night air chills through my spine. Illuminate lights dangle from the ceiling above my head. From across the vacant arena, with targets and weapons lining graphite grey concrete walls, I hear a familiar voice call out, "Isabella, you're going to pass out if you keep overworking yourself!"

        I shoot my gaze at the tall, blonde figure walking towards me. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Isabella!" I roll my eyes. "and thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine."

      Finn leans against the wall behind me. "Look, I'm just looking out for you okay? Besides, we have a tournament this weekend and you need to be at your best for it. You know how important it is for you to impress Elaine."

      "All the reasons for me to continue training. I won't disappoint her again. Not after last time."

       An uncomfortable silence lingers. Finn's loud breaths echo through the whole room. I know he's frustrated with me, but he doesn't understand the pain or memories. My last mission had left me stripped of all my titles, bullied, and treated like crap. I'm not going to let any of that happen again. I can't. Everyone must understand how worthy I am to be here and how dangerous I truly am. Heat rises in my head. My fists take control of my body, punching and jabbing at the red punching bag repetitively. I can't stop. Everything in me is falling apart. It's nearly impossible to think straight. The punching bag tears open, spilling its foam contents in front of me. My knuckles begin swelling, but I still continue.

       "Isadora! Quit this, please!" Finn tries to demand, but it comes out more as a pleed.

       I barely hear him over the rapid pounding in my head. I lean back, striking a right footed high kick on the upper punching path.

       A strong grip wraps around my wrist, forcing me away from the bag. I struggle against the brace, but it's impossible. Giving in isn't supposed to be an option, but there's nothing else I can do.

       "Izzy, this is unhealthy." Finn mutters to me, his forehead resting against mine. He continues to hold my wrists between his two calloused hands, ensuring I pay attention to every word. "You can't keep going on like this. I mean look at yourself."

       I glance down. He wasn't wrong, my hands are puffy and marked by dozens of small healing wounds, my legs are so tired I could collapse, and my mental health is failing by the day, but that doesn't mean I am willing to agree.

      " I thought I'd invite you to go on a hike through the woods with me in the morning." I guess that's one thing he's always been good at - easing tension. Finn's the friend that no matter what idiotic decision you make , he will always give you a second chance. Or in my case, you'll get a million second chances. His grip on me loosens as he fumbles his pale hands through his hair, revealing the top of his forehead. A green-eyed gaze follows my every movement.

      "No, I'm busy all day tomorrow. Maybe later in the week?" I decline the offer, even though it sounds relaxing to have the crisp morning breeze blow against my skin. Unfortunately there's still just too much at stake this weekend to waste a single minute.

     Attempting to hide obvious defeat, Finn sighs, " Go easy on yourself, alright? And please come inside soon." After searching my eyes one last time, he slowly heads back towards the dormitory buildings.

      "Right." I mutter understand my breath. Like I'll do that. I pivot back towards the punching bag. I can't believe what I've let myself do. Circles of thought spins. Why do I allow these emotions out so strongly without control? When did I get to where I am? How did I earn a friend so loyal and sweet as Finn? And most importantly; at what point in my life did being the most decorated killer become the most important thing on my to-do list?

        I blame it on my parents. I blame it on their self-obsession and cruelty. If it weren't for them neglecting me because I was accidentally born, I would've never gotten here. Especially if I hadn't been born ill, weak, and two months early. "Isadora Hearst, our sweet little accident", they'd tell everyone. But no, I was really "Isadora Hearst, our unwanted, sickly, devil child." They'd never ruin their reputation, even over me. I mean I guess I had Jaden and Edward to keep me balanced for some years, but even they weren't allowed to socialize with their "burdened '' little sister while Mom and Dad were around. The days we were allowed to hang out were always the most magical days of my childhood. I didn't have too many those before running away.

       Was running away what set me off? What would've happened if I had just sucked up their brutality for ten more years until I was a legal adult? Would I have become the monster that I am?

      I can't help but look upon my past. If I hadn't run away into the woods on that terrifying mid-night, would I have gotten where I am? I can't blame Finn for finding me. I owe him my life for finding me in that bush balling my eight year old eyes out. But, I'm not quite sure if bringing me to Midnight Rose Assassin Corporation was quite the best decision either.

       Even if I can't change my past, at least now I have a purpose. And I intend to fulfill that dream as well. Killing King Atticus Thindrel and his monstruos son, Kieran, would be the best opportunity this girl could ever be offered. I will get revenge on them one day. They'll receive karma like they never expected. So even if it crumples all my childhood dreams I had of becoming a dancer, at least now Midnight Rose will pave the way for me to avenge the death of Finn's parents. Being a trained killer has its perks, doesn't it?


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DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over this story. I only MTLed and polished it. Original novel: