The Missing Pieces

By LaurenWhitley1

24.7K 1.2K 460

Something happens to Pentatonix that leaves the group with numerous injuries, Mitch's being the worst. What h... More

The Accident
Back at It!
Getting It Out
Making Changes?
Sorry Not a Chapter
Please Accept Me...
Talk It Out
Turn of Events
The Road to Recovery
Something Special
Hello and Goodbye?
On The Road Again...Again
It's Over
Touring Again
Free Day!
New Cover????
Q and S L A Y
The Confrontation.
The Last Chapter
Sequel is Up!

Who I Am.

437 28 12
By LaurenWhitley1

*Mitch's POV*

I wake up on the bus.

Have I been out-

I run to the bathroom and throw up.


That happened.

I groan at my splitting headache and go to find some Ibuprofen.

I find liquid Tylenol sitting on the counter with a note.

Can't trust you with pills. Go inside when you wake up.


I pour the liquid into the cup and drink it.


It's not even the orange kind.

I grab my phone and walk out the door, not bothering to change.

I look at the screen and noticed that it's cracked.


I hesitantly stagger towards the door.

I still have a splitting headache.

I open the door and walk down the long hallway towards the rehearsal room.

I stop in my tracks halfway down and dart to the bathroom to empty all of the contents of my stomach.

I finish throwing up and just sit on the floor and cry.

Why am I doing this to myself?

I throw up one last time and slowly stand up.

I exit the stall and shakily walk over to the sink.

I feel so weak.

Emotionally and physically.

I eventually just fall to the floor.

I need to stop.

I must be crying pretty loud because I hear someone enter the bathroom.


It's Scott. He's gonna yell at me.

"Mitch! Oh my god, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Scott kneels down next to me and starts checking for injuries.

"Are you hurt?"

I look into his eyes.

Yes, I'm hurt. You idiot.

"Mitch, are you feeling okay?"

I try to calm my breathing down and he pulls me into his arms.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

I nod.

I have a problem.

"What kind of problem?" He asks softly, playing with my hair.

I'm depressed. I need to get out of it.

He nods. "We can do that. Together."

Can I rest?

"Yeah but you need to come practice a new arrangement we're working on." He says and takes my hand.

I stand up and walk into the practice room.

Everyone's sitting around and working on arrangements.

I sit down and everyone greets me.

We decide to run FourFiveSeconds.

I sit next to Avi and we start singing.

Avi keeps singing the wrong note and it's making me mad.

You're singing the wrong notes.

"Am I?" He asks and gets corrected.

"No, you're not." Kevin says.

Scott gives me a look.

I grit my teeth.

I'm having mood swings again.

We start singing and stop again.

"Mitch, you're singing the wrong notes." Scott says softly.


"Can we take a break?" Kirstie asks.

We all agree and I go sit on a couch.

"So you just don't care?" Scott asks me.

I don't say anything.

Mainly because I can't talk.

"Answer me."

I purse my lips.

"Oh are you gonna cry again?"


"Mitch, you can't keep doing this to us. I understand that you're depressed and stuff, but you can work through it. You don't see me going around crying-"

I slap him across the face. Hard.

He holds his face.

That felt good.

"What was that-"

I slam him up against a wall.

"Mitch! Let go of me!"

I punch him in the face and punch his stomach.

He hunches over in pain.

Why isn't he hitting back?

I stop and step back.

He has a bruise on his forehead and his lip is bleeding.

He has tears brimming at his eyes.

I look at my hand.

Did I do that?

Is that what I look like inside?

Kevin runs in the room. "What h- Scott? Mitch..."

Just a second Kev.

Kevin walks back out of the room.

I'm sorry.

"Me too. I'm sorry for saying that you don't care. It hurts me to see my boyfriend so hurt."

I walk up and hug him. He winces.


"We need to go get ready. We got our own dressing room." Scott says.

I nod and we walk towards our dressing room.

"Um, Mitch? I might need to..." He points to his face.

Oh yeah. I brought makeup.

I close the door and start to get dressed.

I put on an Acne shirt and black jeans and Scott puts on a pastel pink button up and jeans.

I put some foundation on and fix my hair, then put some foundation on Scott.

I get a text saying to hurry up.

"Nobody knows about this." Scott points to his face.

I cross my heart.

"Good." He kisses my nose.

We go backstage and pray and then we get the go-ahead to go onstage.

We have a fun concert and then go out to eat.

Scott hugs me when we get offstage.

"That was the best you've ever performed. I'm proud of you."

"Th-thaaank y-you." I slurred out.

Scott smiles. "Mitch, that was awesome!"

I nod.

"I love you."

"I... l-love yo-you." I say and Scott gets tears in his eyes.

I kiss him deeply on the lips and wrap my arms around his waist.

He pulls away. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat."

I roll my eyes.

Ruin the moment, then.

"Okay, let's go." He says and goes to the dressing room.

I smile at my perfect boyfriend.

I follow behind him and go into our dressing room.

He's shirtless.

That's hot.

I pull off my clothes and change into something a little more comfortable.

Scott and I walk out to the bus and I go on Twitter.

I go to sit on the couch but stop in my tracks.


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