Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 35: Change of Plan

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By MarkyGalagate

"Where the hell are my men?" Tsuyoshi demanded loudly, glaring at one of the monitors that just only blacked out.

The room the Nayumi sisters were in was fine a moment ago until that grenade blasted inside, taking the camera down as it did. He also felt the ground shake a little even if he was in a farther area from where the room was within the mansion.

"I'm sorry boss, the men are outside securing the area. There are Wolves out there trying to get in" one of his men informed. "We're trying to call in back-up now"

Tsuyoshi growled. "It'd be pointless if Li gets out of here alive! Send some of them back in there!"

"Boss! Boss! We have a problem!"

"What now?" Tsuyoshi snapped, displeased as one of his members interrupted the already unpleasant scene that was going on inside the room.

"We just got word that a larger number of people on cars and bikes are headed this way, some just arrived and already stationed outside. They're all from Li's crew. They're starting to surround the area and-"

Tsuyoshi slammed his fist on the table. "How long 'til the rest of the Wolves get here?"


"That was rather easy" Aki whispered, seeing an unmoving body of a female on the ground by his feet. He bent down and checked her pulse. She was still alive.

"Get your fucking hands off my sister!" A female voice said from behind him.

Kimi held her gun firmly, aiming it at Aki's heart.

"Put the gun down" Mika said in a low voice behind her.

"Like hell I will" she spat as she took out another gun and pointed it to his heart as well.

"You heard him. Put the guns down" Syaoran's voice came up just as the smoke and dust started to subside, giving all of them a clear view.

Kimi whipped her head to the direction of the third man's voice.

"Now" Syaoran ordered more harshly all the while pulling onto her sister's hair with a gun pointed to the side of her head.

"I suggest you listen to him. He means business. So do I" Aki informed her, getting her attention as now too held his gun to Kyoumi's forehead. "If you don't want us to blow your…sister, is it?" Kimi glared hard at him. "Yes, if you don't want us to blow your sisters' brains out, do as we say"

"Don't think we'll go lightly on you just because you're a female. A kid no less" Mika put in.

Kimi glared even harder at him for this statement. She was no less a kid than their bitches locked up in the room across theirs. Looking back at Kyoumi's unconscious form and Katsumi's current state right now, she was pissed but very hesitantly complied. She dropped her guns and kicked it to the side.

"Good girl" Mika said, as he took both guns from the ground.

"Mika" Syaoran called as he threw the keys he took from the girl beside him in his direction.

Mika nodded and left the room.

"Don't even think about it" Syaoran warned as Kimi tried to make a move.


"Someone's coming in" Chiharu, who was closest to the door, informed the other girls.

A few more minutes of cursing and clinking of keys outside the doorway, and finally it opened.

"Chiharu!" Takashi said in surprise that it was his girlfriend whom he first saw.

"Takashi!" Chiharu exclaimed in happiness at seeing him, so happy that she jumped into his arms making him lose his balance. "I'm so sorry, I promise to never do anything this stupid again! I'm so happy to see you!"

Hugging her to him tightly, Takashi smiled at the girl on top of him. "It's okay love, we'll talk about this later, for now, we gotta get you girls out of here"

Chiharu nodded and helped him up as the other girls hurriedly filed out the wretched room.

"C'mon, in here" Sakura motioned for the girls to follow her into the room where Syaoran and Aki were. "We have to have you guys ready for our way out of here"

When the girls entered the room, Jay and Takashi stood outside, standing guard as the girls got themselves equipped inside the room.

"You guys better hurry in there, it's taking a damn long time for the Kins to come to those girls' aid but I'm pretty damn sure they're coming" Jay informed them.

"Got it" Mika said with a nod as he handed the two guns he got from Kimi to Tomoyo. Two more guns strapped to his ankles under his pants, he gave to Naoko.

Kimi watched in silence as her guns were handed to the girl she detested most of all in the group. And it didn't go unnoticed.

"Hmm…what's with the look? Couldn't believe the tables have turned?" Tomoyo asked her in a mocking sweet voice. Kimi just kept on looking at her guns in the girl's hands.

"Watch it Tomoyo, those guns belong to her, she's a rather feisty one too" Mika informed her.

"These are hers? Even better" she replied, glaring at Kimi. "And yes, I do know she's a feisty one. But…" Tomoyo aimed one of the guns just above Kimi's knee and fired without hesitation. "Not anymore"

"Shit! Fuck you, you bitch!" Kimi screamed as she fell to the floor, gripping the wound.

"That's for what you did earlier. Touch me again, and you'll get it much worse" she said menacingly.

"Cool it Tomoyo" Syaoran said in a calm voice, noticing the girl beside him stirring, as did the other girl who looked exactly like the one beside him but who was beside Aki.

Syaoran and Aki immediately took out every weapon both girls had hidden under their clothes.

Tomoyo did the same and took all the other weapons Kimi had on her, which included a gun hidden under the back of her shirt, secured with her pants and a couple of knives as well.

"I'll get you for this" Kimi hissed as Tomoyo was about to stand back up.

"You can try" she hissed back with a smirk. She really hated this girl. Already badly wounded, on the floor without a weapon on her and she still acted like the bitch that she was.

Mei Lin went over to Aki's side and took all the weapons he got from Kyoumi and told him to tend to giving Rika the weapons she needed.

Pointing the gun to the girl's heart as she started to come around, Mei Lin deliberated in her head as to what she should do to her.

Kyoumi's vision started to clear up and unfortunately for her, the first person she saw is the first person she also wants to beat up, but can't, seeing the gun held firmly onto her chest. Her gun.

"Don't move. I'm trying to think of a good way to kill you" Mei Lin warned in a dark voice.

Kyoumi glared at her, and her eyes wandered over to the people in the room. The Wolves got them, and to make matters worse as she only just saw, Kimi was badly wounded, as was Katsumi who was still unconscious.

"Shit" she cursed under her breath.

"Shit is right" Mei Lin said to her with a smile.


Eriol looked on at the equipment in front of him, monitoring Tomoyo, Syaoran and the rest of the gang. It really was hard not being able to communicate with them like how they usually do when on missions, and this mission was the most important of them all.

"Hiiragizawa-kun" Emi said, taking his attention away from the monitor.

All the colored dots were grouped in one room along with 3 white dots. Eriol wondered what the hell they were doing taking their time in there but luckily enough there weren't other white dots that were going their way. Most of them were spread out outside of the mansion and another group of white dots gathered in another area of the house, which Eriol guessed must be Tsuyoshi.

"What is it?"

"The rest of the Wolves have just arrived, they're surrounding the area right now, we're outnumbering the Kins 5 to 1" she informed him with a grin.

Eriol nodded at her and went back to the computer. Sure enough, more white dots are approaching and moving around the Kins' property, the trouble of it was that he couldn't identify which of the dots indicated a Kin or a Wolf.

Just then the monitors in front of him flickered until it suddenly blacked out, just as suddenly a new image greeted them.

"Shikou" Eriol hissed, seeing the face he wanted to punch the living day lights out of.

"Wolves" he greeted with a smirk. "Don't get too cocky yet. You might have us outnumbered in the outside, but don't forget, we have some very important people of yours within my mansion"

The camera then shifted to Tsuyoshi's side, showing the videos taken from their security cameras of the Syaoran and the rest of the guys just before it was destroyed each time.

"Now, if you don't want them dead, I advice you all to stop trying to break through my security and into my mansion. Don't think that this is a bluff. At this very moment, I have my men planting bombs around the mansion" the broadcast then showed Tsuyoshi's men who were, sure enough, hiding large packages around different areas inside the mansion.

Eriol stood up at this.

"Keep doing what you're doing and I might just blow everyone in here sky high. If I can't live to see Li die with my own hands, I very well don't care as long as I know he's dead, I'm still just as satisfied. You have been warned"

The monitor then flickered back.

"Emi, get me on the line with Syaoran! Now!"


"Are all of you ready?" Syaoran asked, eyeing everyone in front of him.

They all nodded, gripping two guns in each hand with several other weapons about in their clothes.

"Good. Now, we'll be making our way out of here. Eriol and the others are outside securing this place. The rest of the Wolves we called in should be outside by now as well. Guys, the girls are our first priority, after we get them out we'll be heading back in to-"

"What do you mean you'll be heading back in?" Sakura interrupted, looking at him with furrowed brows.

Syaoran looked at her, face void of expression. "We have to get back in here, we didn't plan to end all this until 3 days from now…" all the girls looked at Syaoran at this.

'3 days?' they all thought in unison. This piece of information brought some realization to all of them that they really did get the wrong information in the first place.

"…but since as this would be a good enough opportunity to do so since as we are here right now, we might as well end things today. We're still just as prepared for it" Syaoran finished. All the guys nodded at this.

"B-But, we're here. You don't have to go through the trouble of taking us out there, we may as well help you while we're in here and get the job done faster that way" she reasoned out though she already knew his and the rest of the guys' response to this proposal.

"Sakura, you and the girls have been through enough. And yes that includes you Mei Lin" he added seeing his cousin try and interrupt him as well. "You have been of great help but let us finish this. Please?"

"But we-"

The sound of someone's cell then broke off whatever Sakura wanted to say.

"Hai?" Syaoran said, after flipping open his phone.

"Syaoran, let me make this quick although I know Shikou would've tapped this call already by now. We got a message from him just now. He's planted bombs all over the mansion, you have to get out of there fast. We can't move in any more, if we do he's gonna blow the place up with no second thoughts. He doesn't care if he dies as long as you go down with him"

Syaoran glared at the ground, hard.

"I gave order to the rest of the Wolves to move back and just standby just in case. We won't try anything until you, Sak- Sae, Tomoyo and the rest get outta there safely" Eriol inwardly sighed, hoping Tsuyoshi didn't catch his almost-mistake. He almost said Sakura's name aloud when Tsuyoshi's supposed to think she's dead. Letting him find out that she was alive after all and in this position will really get things out of hand even more than it already was.

Syaoran let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Eriol almost let his tongue slip. "Alright, we'll finish everything by ourselves from here, just wait for our return"

"Got it. And, Syaoran?"


"Take care in there, keep an eye out for one another, especially the girls" he said in a worried tone, thinking about all of them, especially Tomoyo. At this point, he's really regretting why he didn't go in there with the rest of them.

"Sure" he said in goodbye. "And Shikou" he added, knowing full well he was listening. "I'm gonna find you and kill you with my own hands. And I won't even bother leaving this place until I'm sure that you're as good as dead without as much as a single breath of air left in you" he said in the most menacing voice any of them in the room has ever heard him use.

"Was that Tsuyoshi?" Sakura inquired in a soft voice, seeing the deadly look on Syaoran's face.

"No" he said shortly, trying to keep his temper under control. "That was Eriol, I just left that last note knowing Shikou would be listening"

"It'd be a miracle for you to get out of here alive. We'll all make sure of that" Kyoumi spat.

A gunshot then erupted within the room, followed by a string of curse words.


"Good" Tsuyoshi looked at the monitors that showed the scene taking place just outside his property. The Wolves outside were slowly backing away and just stood by just as his men started reentering the mansion. "Have some of the men ready the bazookas and the rest of the heavy artillery, attack the Wolves from within the property. They won't do anything knowing I have this" he ordered, looking down at the detonator in his hands.

"Hai" his men chorused.

"Sir! We just tapped into a phone call. It's from one of Wolves for Li" one of the Kins informed.

"Put them on speaker" he ordered curtly.

"…to get out of there fast. We can't move in any more, if we do he's gonna blow the place up with no second thoughts. He doesn't care if he dies as long as you go down with him. I gave order to the rest of the Wolves to move back and just standby just in case. We won't try anything until you, Sak- Sae, Tomoyo and the rest get outta there safely"

"Alright, we'll finish everything by ourselves from here, just wait for our return"

"Got it. And, Syaoran?"


"Take care in there, keep an eye out for one another, especially the girls"

"Sure…and Shikou"

Tsuyoshi raised a brow hearing Li address him.

"I'm gonna find you and kill you with my own hands. And I won't even bother leaving this place until I'm sure that you're as good as dead without as much as a single breath of air left in you"

"That's the end of it sir"

Tsuyoshi stared in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Call some of the men, tell them to head over to where Li and his crew are and have them lead him and the rest of them over here. I'll be taking care of the Little Wolf myself" he said darkly.


Kyoumi gripped her thigh in agony, looking at the new wound with the bullet under her skin. Seeing all the blood, she winced before turning to the cause of it.

Mei Lin held the gun still pointed at her. "Anything else you want to say?" she dared, glaring at Kyoumi.

When Kyoumi tried to say any more, Katsumi interrupted.

The gunshot was what made her fully awake, and good timing too.

"Kaye, shut it. You're not in the position to act superior" she hissed. She kept quiet all this time since it was the wisest choice at the moment. When she stirred from unconsciousness, she found herself without any weapons at all, even the knives she hid within her boots were gone. After seeing the number of Wolves in the room and just the three of them where two but in this case now the three of them were now badly injured, the situation didn't really look good at all for them at the moment. "Kim, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" Kimi looked at her sister and managed a smirk. Her wounds hurt like hell and she started to lose feeling to her leg but there was no way she would give the Wolves the satisfaction to see her suffering.

"Shut up" Syaoran cut in, glaring all three of them one by one. "Be glad the girls didn't kill you as of yet. I would do the pleasure myself but I don't stoop so low as to kill girls especially in this kind of situation"

"We don't need your pity" Kyoumi retorted.

Mei Lin raised her gun, pointing it in between her eyes. "Who says we pity you? The guys are just giving us the opportunity to kill you for ourselves"

Before Kyoumi could say anything else, Syaoran interrupted.

"Alright, stop. We have to get moving. Eriol and the rest of the Wolves are standing by outside. They can't come any further or else Shikou will blow the mansion up into pieces. Unfortunately, you girls have to come with us and get the job done, I hate risking you all here but we need to finish this up as quickly as possible. Taking you girls out and coming back might take more time than we can risk to waste"

The guys looked at their respective partners, uneasy by this new change of plan but the girls looked positively happy about it.

"Just, please stick to the plan, stick to the guys, keep safe and try to get out of this place as soon as you get the chance all right?"

Everyone nodded at this. Now, more determined than ever to do their job quickly and the best as they could so they could go home, together.

"What do we do with them though?" Rika asked, eyeing Katsumi and her sisters with a glare.

"You know what to do" Syaoran answered but directed it to Mei Lin.

Mei Lin has been in charge of all the missions the Wolves have had in the past that involved taking out women. She knew exactly what to do.

"You guys go on out ahead, we'll follow" Mei Lin said with a nod to the guys in the room.

The men nodded and left the room, understanding her meaning.


"Hai. We're heading there right now" he replied curtly.

"Keep them inside the mansion, the boss says just to lead them over to where we are. He wants to handle Li for himself"



Syaoran and the others gathered outside the door to the room where the girls were taking care of business with the three sisters.

"Syaoran, are we really taking the girls with us?" Mika asked apprehensively. He didn't like the idea at all.

The other guys looked at Syaoran at this, all feeling the same way.

"We don't have a choice. We don't know when the bastard might trigger the bomb if we do anything. I'll make sure to kill him before he even tries to blow this place up" he said in a sure voice, thinking about Sakura as well. "You guys just stay together with the girls, Sakura and Tomoyo will be with me"

All the guys nodded just as a round of gunshots erupted from within the room.

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