Son of Raven: High Altitude H...

Par JoeyUpland

844 21 1

Jay Branwen ,the son of Raven, has a special assignment: Enter Beacon Academy as a student and learn importan... Plus

Bio on Jay
Chapter 1: Call of the Raven
Chapter 2: Trial of Emerald Forest

Chapter 3: Structural Cracks part 1

116 3 0
Par JoeyUpland

It had been a week after those who had made it to Beacon had been on a team, and to say there was tension in the room of Team JADE was an understatement. Delilah was particularly coldly adverse towards Evie for reasons unknown to the team aside from Delilah. Jay was not going to tolerate this. At first he thought it was a matter of everyone needing time to adjust to the dorms and being a part of a team. While Jay wasn't going to presume that this teammates would be as quickly adaptable as he, he would ensure that all problems with his team and within it would be resolved by him. He would figure this out quickly, for a house divided against itself could not stand. Jay decided to go straight to the source. He entered his dorm where Evie and Delilah were doing their own thing. Evie was writing lyrics for her next song and Delilah was sitting. Whether she was deep in thought or disassociating was unknown. Evie looked deep into her work so he wasn't going to disturb her right now. Jay calmly took his time to approach Delilah. She sensed movement towards her and shifted her head to its source. Her tension lessens at the sight of her leader and partner. She offers her usual smile.
Delilah: "Hello boss. Back early from your business?" He had told them he had important business to get to after classes. What he hadn't told them was it was scouting Ozpin's office. He noted there had been a few locked cabinets but he first thought it wiser to explore the building. He could then check the contents at his leisure. He nodded at her.
Jay: "It went well... How are you Delilah?" He noticed she was still tense but knew of a method that would more put her at ease. "How's about weapons training?" She relaxed a bit. Evie closed her notebook.
Delilah: "Are we hunting more Grimm?" He shook his head. She arched an eyebrow. "Then what?"
Jay: "Team weapons training. We'll wait for Angelo to return then we'll head to the cliff." They both looked at him with curiosity. While they waited, Jay thought about how the week went and how he almost had a confrontation with Yang...


Everyone entered Professor Port's class. He at first taught about the importance of the duty that was being a huntsmen before breaking off into stories of his youth. Jay and his team paid attention though his fellow classmates looked bored. Ruby tried entertaining her teammates with Yang approving, Blake offering a smile and Weiss had anger building in a vain attempt to ignore her leader. Jay found himself partially sympathizing with Weiss. Professor Port finally asked if any of the students exhibit any of the traits mentioned. Weiss quickly raises her hand.
Weiss: "I do sir!" Port looked pleased and invited her down to test her. She looked at the cage as did the rest of the class. He told Weiss to ready herself. Weiss assumed her stance waiting for whatever was in that cage. Team JADE and RBY watched with interest. The cage door opened. A Boarbatusk immediately came charging out. Weiss got into her fighting stance and waited for the grimm to come to her. After a few moments, it came at her rolling into a ball at fast speeds. Weiss was able to parry the attack.
Yang: "Way to go!"
Blake: "Represent team RWBY well!"
Ruby: "Go Weiss!" Jay noticed that Weiss looked irritable at Ruby's cheer but he himself said nothing. He heard the Schnees were a prideful lot so he wanted to see if they had the ability to back their boasting. Or if Weiss did at the very least. Weiss noticeably more distracted, got here sword Myrtenaster caught in the Boarbatusk's tusks. It quickly disarmed her.
Port: "Oho what will you do now without your weapon?" It charged her. She barely rolled out of the way. She grabbed her weapon and dodged once more. Weiss appeared frustrated from her current display.
Ruby: "Weiss its weak point is its stomach! Attack its stomach!" Weiss gritted her teeth almost enraged.
Weiss: "Ruby can you be quiet?! I'm trying to focus!" Ruby looked down to the floor, her feelings hurt. Jay noted that while she was distracted, she wasn't doing anything particularly impressive either. Weiss using her glyphs was able to flip the grimm on its back where she could finally deliver the last decisive blow. Weiss was victorious but she certainly didn't feel like it. Jay and Delilah were unimpressed, if anything Jay looked disappointed, while Evie and Angelo looked pleased with Weiss's victory. To Jay, Weiss's uses of glyphs should have given her a tactical advantage, especially against the grimm type she fought against. With the bell ringing signifying the end of class, Weiss hastily packed her papers and huffed out of class. Jay watched and saw opportunity. Maybe he could forge an alliance with Ruby and her teammates by playing advisor to the young inexperienced leader or use it as a basis for a potential bond with family. Jay turned to his teammates.
Jay: "I'll catch up with you guys in the next class." They all nodded or acknowledged his statement. As they headed to their next class, Jay decided to follow Ruby. He overheard part of Weiss's speech about how Ruby being named leader was a mistake. Ruby appeared to take it deeply personal. Jay walked up to Ruby with a look of concern.
Jay: "You alright Ruby?" She shook her head sadly.
Ruby: "Just.... Was it a mistake to name me leader?" Jay's gaze was blank. Ruby was waiting for a response. She grew worried after about thirty seconds of silence. Jay finally spoke.
Jay: "Truly it's too early to say. However it would be not only in your best interests, but in the best interests of your team to erase those doubts. As leaders, we don't have certain luxuries afforded those we lead. Right now, all you can do is demonstrate why you're named leader. If you're one to follow, Weiss will eventually fall in line. Just do your best." Ruby felt a fiery determination course through her. Jay felt a presence behind him. He locked eyes with Ozpin. They spoke without a single word and they understood.

As Jay walked to his next class, he reminded himself to be more mindful of his surroundings unless he wanted more unnecessary moments. He also reminded himself to be wary of Ozpin. He saw Jaune slowly making his way to the next class: combat class.
Jay: "What are you doing Jaune?" Jaune practically jumped. He turned around and noticed it was Jay.
Jaune: "Jeez you startled me!" He started calming down. "Just heading to and you?" He asked awkwardly. Jay smiled warmly putting him at ease.
Jay: "Relax. I'm doing the same." They both walked to class. "Jaune, is Winchester still picking on you?" Jaune didn't look at Jay.
Jaune: "C'mon...he's just messing around... Besides he's like that with everyone..." They walked the rest of the way in silence. Jaune feeling embarrassed and Jay in thought about whether or not to step in on Jaune's behalf. They took their seats as Jay noticed Ms. Goodwitch was instructing the class. Of the classes at Beacon, combat class would be his favorite. After all, what better way to know someone then on the field of battle.

Jay couldn't believe it but he was not enjoying the first day of combat class. Aside from the talk of aura gauges and knowing when to attack and when to defend, he felt second hand embarrassment from watching Jaune get absolutely defeated by Cardin. At first, he assumed Jaune was lulling Winchester to a false sense of security by flailing about and heavily relying on his shield, but it quickly became apparent that despite Winchester's terrible form and painfully slow offense that Jaune knew next to nothing about fighting. Ms. Goodwitch stopped the match much to Cardin's disappointment. Her advice, if one could call it such, wasn't useful. If anything it fueled Jaune's self-pity. The class ended shortly afterward. Jaune told his teammates he wanted to walk to lunch alone. Pyrrha looked saddened not knowing what to do. Jay put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She smiled gratefully at the gesture. Team JADE and Team JNPR sat next to each other during lunch. Team RWBY noticed the two groups and sat next to Team JNPR. Yang tried not to focus on the one who shared such a striking resemblance to her blood mother, but couldn't figure out who he was or why he was here. Obviously he formed some kind of bond with Team JNPR...

Meanwhile Jay was in thought. Evie was discussing notes she took with Angelo while Delilah looked at her leader. Ruby called to Jay who looked over in response.
Ruby: "Hey Jay! Good to see you again!" He couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. He waved to her. He sensed Yang eyeing him suspiciously. When it looked like they were about to speak to each other, Pyrrha asked Jaune how he was. Jaune gave a smile and a thumbs up to everyone. Everyone knew he was hiding his pain and bullying behind his smile. Everyone gave him looks of sympathy or in Jay and Delilah's case, a neutral expression. His friends listed some of the mean and cruel things Cardin did to Jaune, ranging from trapping him in the doorway by extending his sheath into its shield or locking him in his locker and sending it rocketing away from Beacon. Jaune still kept the facade up.
Jaune: "He's just messing around...besides he is a jerk to everyone..." Right as he finished that statement as if on cue they heard a girl crying out in pain. Cardin was pulling the ears of a rabbit eared girl.
Girl: "Please stop..."
Cardin: "See. Told ya guys they were real..."
Team RWBY and JNPR looked on with anger and disgust. Angelo looked on with stunned silence while Delilah cracked her knuckles a cold look in her eyes. Evie stood up and quickly marched over to Cardin.
Evie: "Let her go and leave now Cardin!" Cardin had a huge grin on his face. He turned to Evie without letting go of girl.
Cardin: "The freaks are coming out today. What are you gonna do to make me freak?" A blue blur appeared in front of Cardin as he felt pain in his arm. He let the girl's ear go. Jay had a grasp on his wrist and was applying pressure.
Jay: "We have a problem Winchester?" Before Cardin could give a snarky remark he cried out as Jay pressed harder. As his team stood up to defend their leader, they felt a weird feeling behind Jay. Delilah stepped from behind Jay releasing a feeling of bloodlust. Cardin's teammates took many steps back their faces fearful. Jay let him go.
Cardin: "You're all freaks! You'll pay for this!" He and his team quickly retreated out of the dining hall. Evie went to check on the rabbit faunus. Jay nodded approvingly at Delilah who gave him a slightly warm smile. She went to go sit down. Jay approached Evie and the girl.
Jay: "Are you okay?" The girl tentatively looked over at Jay and Evie. "Do you have a name?" She quietly muttered Velvet. Jay's gaze softened. "Are you alright, Velvet?" She spoke with an accent
Velvet: "Aside from ear pain I'm okay... Um..thank you both..."
Jay: "Would you like me to treat your ear?" Velvet hesitated before nodding.
Jay pulled out a small vial. The contents were a gold colored oil like substance. When he opened the vial it released a minty aroma. He poured it on his index, middle finger, and thumb and gently rubbed the area where Velvet said her ear was hurting her. Velvet's ear felt better fairly quickly. She smiled and blushed slightly.
Velvet: "Thank you both. What are your names?"
Evie: "My name is Evie Williams and he is Jay Branwen."
Velvet: "Well met Evie. Jay. Thank you both again. Truly."
Evie went back to their table but Jay stayed. Though his back was turned Velvet knew he was still speaking to her.
Jay: "You truly wish to thank us?" Velvet affirmed. "Then become stronger. You have the potential to do so. If not for us then for yourself and your team." He turned to face her. "Be someone that when the chips are down, you're someone your team can count on. Do that and we're good." Velvet hands subconsciously balled into fists. She gave Jay a determined look.
Velvet: "I will. I swear."
Jay smiled and walked back to his table. He wasn't prepared for the reactions everyone gave him. Weiss, Angelo, Ren, Pyrrha and Blake nodded in approval. Ruby and Nora were blabbering on about how cool he looked and how heroic. Delilah looked genuinely impressed at how Jay handled everything.
Evie: "Thank you Jay. Seriously that was so awesome. You too Delilah." Delilah didn't quite know how to take Evie's gratitude so she merely shrugged and turned away. Jay felt a little embarrassed at all the praise he was receiving. Though he tried to hide it, a small smile passed his lips. Yang gave him a thumbs up and a grin. Both of their smiles widened as he returned her thumbs up with one of his own.

Later that night

Jay and his team when to their team dorm. They all changed into their nightwear. Angelo wore a white colored silk made pajama set. He said his nightly prayer at the foot of his bed, put on a matching sleeping mask and said goodnight as everyone else finished their nightly rituals.
Jay/Evie/Delilah: "Goodnight Angelo./Sweet dreams partner/Sleep well..."
Jay wore a royal blue yukata. It had a small emblem of the Branwen tribe on the left side of the yukata. He wore matching blue bottoms. Evie's pajamas looked like sheet music. White button up top with white shorts and music notes all over. The notes looked like they were in 4/4. Delilah wore a black robe with an image of white and black nightshade plants with dark berries on the lower bottom half of it. It was a cotton polyester mix. Evie stretched lazily and went to her bed.
Evie: "Goodnight Jay. Goodnight Delilah."
Jay: "Goodnight Evie." Delilah said nothing. Jay and Delilah were the only ones awake.
Jay: "I didn't get the chance to say earlier but, thank you for stepping in when you did Delilah." She offers her usual smile.
Delilah: "Right boss..." As Jay was about to sleep for the night Delilah took a step towards him. "Not that I would usually question your decisions boss..." She stopped herself. Jay nodded signaling for her to continue with her train of thought. "Just curious about why you intervened earlier..."
Jay: "I can understand why you would ask. Well a few reasons actually. Evie probably would have been harassed by Winchester's team for one. I know she could take them but as her teammates we step in for each other. For another Velvet could be a great ally for us. I have a good sense of potential and I sense it on her..." Delilah listened intently though her eyes gave nothing away. "And of course I imagine I'd be bumping heads with Winchester eventually. But most of all..." He closed his eyes. Delilah noticed a change in the room as if it felt colder. "There are few things I can't stand more than deeply failed incompetence and egregious leadership." When Jay opened his eyes again, he appeared calmed down. Delilah looked into Jay's eyes thoughtfully.
Delilah: "I see. Thanks boss." She went to her bed.
Jay: "Delilah, if at any point you feel like an action or a statement made warrants a question or a statement of your own, please don't hesitate to speak. You are as much a part of this team as the rest of us." Delilah's usual smile turned slightly warmer. They wished each other a good night and allowed sleep to take them.

The next day they set out to their classes. The professor was an odd man. He spoke as quickly as he moved, so if one wasn't paying attention they would quickly be lost. He introduced himself a Dr. Oobleck with emphasis on "Dr.". While covering the topic of history, he asked if any students in particular had been discriminated against. Evie, Velvet, and a few others raised their hands.
Oobleck: "Awful...truly awful. Remember students, it's this kind of ignorance that breeds violence."
He continued on with his lecture moving around the room almost a quickly as he was speaking, which Jay found interesting. He thought of it as a test of focus and concentration. They then covered the Faunus uprisings, to which Jaune was sleeping through. Jay glared as Cardin flicked a paper ball to the back of Jaune's head waking him up. Oobleck approaches him excited.
After being asked a question on the the advantage faunus held during the Faunus War, he looked to the other side of the classroom where Pyrrha sat while stalling for an answer. She gestured with both hands around her eyes.
Jay: "He's going to think she's referring to..."
Jaune: "Binoculars!" He answered confidently. Pyrrha facepalmed as many of the other students laughed. He turned red feeling embarrassed. I think Pyrrha is more to blame for that... Jay thought to himself. Angelo and Evie looked on with sympathy. Delilah's eyes widened as if Jaune said one of the stupidest things she'd ever heard. Oobleck didn't see the humor and after Cardin's not thought out outburst, was ordered along with Jaune to stay behind after class for additional reading. The bell rang dismissing them for the day.
Jay began to walk before Ruby quickly sped up in front of him. He stopped abruptly after being temporarily startled.
Jay: "Ruby! You almost ran into me." Ruby looked apologetic.
Ruby: "Sorry Jay. Just wanted to thank you for that advice earlier. I'll show Weiss that Ozpin didn't make a mistake." Jay smiled, finding her enthusiasm a pleasant surprise from what he was used to. Ruby sped off to do whatever she had planned. Yang regarded Jay wearily.
Yang: "What were you and my sister talking about?" She asked in a tone that made it sound more like a demand than a question.
Jay: "Ideas between leaders." He answered vaguely causing Yang to shift uneasily.
Yang: "Look, Ruby is very important to me, so I hope YOU two are getting along..." Jay looked slightly bored.
Jay: "Word of advice Yang. Eventually you'll need to let her handle her business on her own. She's the leader of your team after all. Now if there's nothing else.." He walked away leaving Yang clenching her fists trying not to lose it.
The remainder of the week was rather lackluster aside from Evie being ignored by Delilah, which was grating on Evie's nerves.

End of flashback

Angelo entered the room with a large book in hand. He set his things down under his bed.
Jay: "Okay team it's time for training. Before you ask Angelo, no it's not hunting Grimm. Let's head near the cliffside where our initiation occurred." Angelo silently nodded. The three of them followed Jay to the cliff for training. Jay was certain this training would help bring to light whatever problems were going on between two members in particular. They finally made to their destination. They were far enough away from the cliff where they wouldn't need to worry about falling off.
Jay: "Alright then training will be a two on two matchup. It ends if one side has both members capitulate or if their aura level is too low. The teams will comprise of myself and Angelo versus Delilah and Evie..." Delilah looked irritated. Evie glanced at Delilah nervously. Jay continued on:
Jay: "If there's no questions then everyone assume combat stances."
They got their weapons ready and prepared to face off.

Author's notes: I apologize for how long this took. Work and several family matters mixed with writers block occurred. I'll do my best to ensure such hiatuses don't last this long. I hope you enjoy this dear reader as more chapters are on the way. Eventually you will have power to influence certain events in this story. Until then, enjoy and be safe out there dear reader!

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