High School DxD: Choices (Ver...

By Ikimasu

129K 2.1K 751

Before Asia came to Japan he met A boy her age they met when she had nowhere to go offered her a place to sta... More

Our Protagonist and His Bio!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Executioner's Queen.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
The Executioner's Girls (1)
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
The Executioner's Bishop
The Executioner's Knight
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The Executioner's Pawn (1)
The Executioner's Pawn (2)
Chapter 16
The Executioner's Knight (2)
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.5
The Executioner's Rook
Side Chapter 1

Chapter 6

5.6K 113 76
By Ikimasu

Engagement, A Date and Talk of the Past

Location: Underworld

Y/n's Pov:

As I said the proposal to them I didn't expect Rias to Say.

Rias: I-I Accept!.

Y/n: Uhhhh (Did she really just say Yes without thinking about it *sweatdrops*).

Asia: *shocked* President!.

Akeno: *smiles* Ara Ara~ How Quick of you to Accept Rias~.

Koneko: Rad Congratulations President.

Kiba: *sweatdrop* That was quick alright.

Issei: *angry* (What?! No way! This can't be happening I refuse! Thats it!).

Issei: *angry* Oy! President are you serious?! You just got out of an Engagement and Your going into one again? And with Him no less!.

Y/n: *confused* What's up your butt? I told her I wouldn't Force this Engagement on her she obviously is free to Decline.

Y/n: *stern* If you have a Problem with it complain to the Devil King Himself *points to a Waving Sirzechs* alright then if your not convinced.......

Y/n: *Goes infront of Rias* *serious* Rias Do You Truly Accept my Engagement with you??.

Rias: *smiles* Yes!, Yes I do I will gladly become yours!.

Y/n: There You see now? Thats your answer Now if you don't mind *grabs rias's hand* Me and The Lady will Head back to my place this whole day has been tiring.

Y/n: Shall we Rias?.

She nods and we all decided to go home to our own homes/apartments with the goodbyes out of the way sirzechs came to us and asked if we would like to use the griffon he had prepared to which I looked at her and back to him and said Yes We reached My home back in the Human Realm and decided go to sleep.

Rias: You don't mind? Having me Here?.

Y/n: Of course we are engaged as well as Ravel but she still has to take care of her brother as well as handle Affairs before she comes here so it might take a while but i will visit her from time to time.

Rias: *smiles* then you dont mind me sleeping without clothes on?.

Y/n: *smiles* Heh if thats what you like then go ahead.

Rias Took her all of her clothes off so she could be comfortable when she sleeps she lays on my bed with me beside her hugging me and falling asleep.

Y/n: *Closes Eyes*Goodnight Rias~.

Rias: *Looks at me* Good night my Prince~ *whispers* I Love you very much~*kissed my cheek*.

I hear the last thing she said and smiled.

Y/n: (*smiles* I Love you too I'll tell you when Im ready I will treat you right as well as everyone else).

I waited for her to fall asleep and when she did I kissed her forehead and threw the covers onto us as I drift to sleep Happy with another Girl I will treat dearly.

*Timeskip couple of days*

Y/n's Pov:

The Days gone by Pretty normally without any major incidents I heard from sona two exorcist from the Vatican will be coming here soon to meet with the Devil's Presiding here probably to tell us not to interfere with any problem they have not like i need to care or anything welp might as well visit them in the ORC.

*Timeskip Afterclasses*
*Location: ORC*

3rd Person Pov:

Before Y/n could enter the ORC he could hear Issei still complaining to everyone how I'm won't be a Good Fiancé to Rias already annoyed Koneko decides to say something to make him shut up.

(Inside)Koneko: Perv you should quit while you're ahead President Rias has no problem with this New Engagement and So Do Us we are her servants and we serve the will of our Master.

(Inside)Kiba: She's Right Issei-kun President Rias accepted the Engagement Proposal of her Own Choice we shouldn't Interfere with that Unless Y/n-kun is what you say he is.

(Inside)Issei: How is anyone fine with all this?!, You saw his Power, You saw how he threatened that fried chicken without thinking about it, I'm telling you he is after something from President!.

(Inside)Issei: *Proud* Besides the ORC already has One Harem King and thats Me! I won't let him take any more of you Girls!.

Y/n just Laughs at Issei's attempt to defame him from the others and decides to enter the room.

Y/n: (I Love how you desperately try Issei I can show you your place when the time is right but not now........).

Y/n: *Kicks door* Harem King? Are you still on about that?, I thought you were already a King a King of Perverts besides who said they belonged to you *looks at Asia and Koneko* Do you guys belong to him???.

Koneko: *Disgusted* N to the O, No never in a Million Years if an alternate reality existed where I did fall for him I would slit my own throat.

Asia: *Confused* Issei-san Did save me before but Thats just it he saved me I don't recall being owned by anyone anyway.

Y/n: There's your answer Dummy (*looks at Asia and Koneko* I should ask them out i hope they say yes).

Issei was shocked as he was instantly rejected by the two but soon Hope filled his eye if he asked Akeno to be part of his "Future Harem" and decides to leave to think about how he is gonna ask akeno.

Y/n: Well I just came by to ask Asia and Koneko buuut I'll tell you in private don't wanna have issei get any ideas sooo meet me up in the roof don't worry I put an Anti-dragon/soundproof barrier up there.

Asia and Koneko both Nodded told Y/n to wait in 10 mins because they had to get their things and put them away Kiba said farewell for now and told us that Rias told him we would be having a Meeting soon and she will tell us the Venue herself tomorrow.

*Timeskip 10 mins*
*Location: Kuoh Academy Roof*

Y/n's Pov:

I waited there like they asked and on que they came with happy expressions Koneko i can tell even if she isn't smiling.

Koneko: So Y/n-senpai what did you want to tell us?.

Asia: Yes Im curious as well?.

Y/n: Well the Thing is I'd like to take you both out on a Date, Asia I'd like us to go Out now and Koneko-chan we can go out after the meeting is that cool with you guys??.

Koneko: *Smiles* Awesome we can definitely do that I'll be waiting Y/n-senpai Nya~

Now Koneko has something to look forward to and decided to go Home blushing saying Goodbye to the both of them leaving both Y/n and Asia.

Y/n: Sooooo uhhh wanna go to a Cafe? Or something?.

Asia: *Excited* The cafe sounds nice Y/n-san!.

We left the school and We decided to walk instead so I called and asked the driver to not pick us up as I called I casually held Asia's hand much to her surprise her reaction never fails to make me smile.

Asia: *shocked* Y-Y-Y/n-san?? (He's holding my hand! Calm down, Calm down!).

Y/n: Hmmm? Should I not hold your Hand? Someone might try and separate Us while we walk.

Asia: N-No it-its fine *smiles* I was actually wondering if you would Hold my hand I'm happy you did *leans to my shoulder*.

Y/n: Well then why dont I take it a Step further? *Lets go and puts arm around her shoulder* I think this is much better yeah??.

Asia: *Deep blush* Y-Yeah Its much better (*happy Asia noises* I want this to happen always!!).

As we walked to a Nearby cafe people were looking at us saying "what a cute couple" or "woaah she's pretty!" While some guys said "She should be with me", "Lucky Bastard" or "You think I have a chance if they break up?" To which I replied by looking at them with the intent to make them dissapear by tomorrow, We saw a Good one and decided to go in we sat down and placed our orders.

Server: Hello and Welcome to Cafe Le Blanc! May I take Your Order?.

Y/n: Yeah I'd like a Cappuccino and a slice of Red Velvet cake and How about you Asia?.

Asia: Umm I'd like a Cappuccino too and a Cinnamon Roll uh thank you.

Y/n: (Heh a Cinnamon Roll trying a Cinnamon Roll isn't that considered Cannibalism hahahaha).

Author:(aint that a corny joke).

Server: Great! I'll be right back with your orders!~.

While we were waiting some random jackass decided to casually walk up to our table and ruin our time together by uselessly flirting with Asia.

Jackass: Heeey Blondie why dont you ditch this loser and come with me~ I promise will have a *Looks at her up and down* "Good time".

Y/n: Why don't you Piss off? Don't make me say it Twice.

Jackass: *Ignores me* C'mon! *grabs her arm* I just wanna get to know ya.

Y/n: *Holds his shoulder* Let. Go. Now. Or Else.

Jackass: Or Else what tough guy *whistles* boys!.

Three guys decided to surround me to which I said.

Y/n: Why are people so Eager to die?? *Disclocates Jackass's shoulder*.

As he screamed I looked at the three Dumbasses and told them if they wanna go They were hesitant at first what I did next made them think twice before doing something.

Y/n: Heres what Gonna Happen you Limp dick motherfucker *kicks on his chest*.

Y/n: *steps on his throat* Either you And your Little Bitches Fuck off and never go near us or this town again Or *adds pressure to throat* You and Your Dogs are not gonna live past 30, So whats your pick prick?.

Before he could pick four police officers came in the store I let my foot off of the Idiot and Explained what happened.

Y/n: So Officer thats what happened when I told him to Back off he just continued to harassing my Girlfriend here and when he didn't take fuck off for an answer he decided to involve his little friends here.

Police Officer: Is that so Very well we will take things from here Thank you for assistance, Take them away!.

Y/n: Oh and Officer *Slips an Envelope onto the officer's hand* Make them examples for people in this town to not do shit like this again.

Police Officer: Sir I just can't take this.

Y/n: *Snaps fingers* think of it as a Bonus for your Fellow officers and your Family.

Police Officer: I see thank you we'll be off now.

I went back inside to my seat with Asia to find that what we ordered was here and the Owner of the Place who was there said it was on the house since those idiots caused trouble for them everyday and is glad they are gone for good I chuckle at this and we decided to dig in and enjoy ourselves as we finished The Manager came and told me something I very much liked to hear.

Manager: Sir as Thanks for dealing with the pest the Owner said you can take the VIP Room with your Girlfriend as thanks and we will bring you another set of your order.

Y/n: Ya hear that Asia looks like we can stay for a little while we should make the most of it afterall.

Asia: It would be rude not to Y/n-san, Im really enjoying my time with you.

We went to the VIP Room and Sat down on the couch next to each other I brought up the time when we were living together in Italy.

Y/n: I was very happy when you finally smiled again after you where excommunicated I always wanted to watch over you but if you knew what I was back then people would have used you to get to me.

Y/n: Though that still failed and decided to go on a Hunting spree silencing anyone who tried to harm you.

Y/n: So I altered your memories of me.

Asia: I see so thats why but Its okay now!, Your here to stay right??.

Y/n: *smiles* Of course I am, I will always be here for You and Everyone else.

Asia: *blush* hehe I remember the time when slept together during the A Thunderstorm and the time when we always went out together to just wander around or buy what we need.

Y/n: Those times were the best though this time we are spending together I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world although....

Y/n: *sighs* I know how you look at Issei He saved you where I was late if only I had known but theres no excuse for that *smiles* I'm just glad you enjoy your life as a Devil now.

Y/n: I won't hate you even if you fawn over him I understand I feel as though i have no place in your heart and thats okay I didn't rehash the past with you just so We could rekindle something we had but never developed.

I looked down as I said all that I know he saved Her, I know she likes him better than me, Even if she doesn't choose me I will always protect her no matter what thats her choice and this is Mine but what she said next made my eyes go wide.

Asia: Y/n-san your right I did Love Issei-san to the point of Fawning over him but the more I try the more he says he wants to have a Harem of girls with bigger breasts.

Asia: It made me sad but I didn't give up Hope then You showed up and gave me my memories back It made me Very happy.

Asia: I thought that I would forget you and that made me sad but when you did comeback I questioned myself.

Asia: Do I really Love Issei? Or Do I Love you? Y/n-san this should be My Answer to You.

I looked at Asia and she came closer to me and pressed her lips against mine I didn't refuse her I accepted her Wholeheartedly The Kiss was sweet full of Love not of Lust but Genuine Love from the very first girl you love as I kissed her I remember the day I met her.

*Flashback 2 years ago*
Location: A Town in Italy

Y/n's Pov:

Y/n: (This town I heard that a Devil was seen here and entered a Church to be healed by someone with twilight healing who could it be?).

As I walked around the Town I noticed a Girl being called a witch being yelled at to leave the church and town I noticed she was crying and decided to shadow her to where she is gonna go Then I noticed she didn't know where to go knowing this could be bad I decided to help her.

Y/n: Hey uhh Miss?.

Asia: O-oh Umm Its Asia, Asia Argento.

Y/n: Asia? So Your Saint Asia (the user of twilight healing), Y/n is my name so i noticed you dont have anywhere to go?.

Asia: *looks down* Y-yes I was and I was kicked out of the church because I healed a Devil.

Y/n: He-hey if you don't mind why dont you live with me? Until you get back up on your feet? I understand if you dont trust me I just couldn't stand to see you here alone something might happen to you.

Asia: *shocked* A-are you sure? I would only be a bother if you let me stay.

Y/n: It's okay I don't think you would be a bother if Anything I think you would be someone great to live with *sweatdrops* haha...

Y/n: what do you say?? *extends hand*.

Asia: *Tears up* Yes! I'll be in your care Y/n!.

I was happy she accepted right away I knew until the day she leaves we will have a Great time together.

*Flashback end back to present*
*Location: Vip Room Cafe Le Blanc*

3rd Person Pov:

We break off the kiss and look eachother in the eyes and realize what we just did She was apologizing because it was the heat of the moment and I told her it was fine I would want to do it again we both laugh and leave the cafe because it was night already with her clinging to my arm and resting her head on my shoulder I told her we should go back to my House so she can stay the night instead of going home in the dark to which we agreed I couldn't be more happier.

Asia: Y/n-san~ I Love You So Much~.

Y/n: I Love you too Asia~, My Blonde Cinnamon Roll~.

We kissed one last time before we headed inside to rest for the night much to rias's excitement on seeing Asia in the house we all went to my room to go to sleep to get ready for a club meeting tomorrow.

A/n: Thats the end of Chapter 6 Im sorry it took a while and I hope you enjoyed it!

As always Please Thank you for reading this Fanfic!.

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