bad romance

By Emgdif27

207 0 0

marinette is stuck in a toxic relationship with her 4 year lover or so she thought luka.. her bestfriends, al... More

Chapter 1.. toxic
chapter 2.. on the run
Chapter member
chapter 4...plans
Chapter 6 - The return
chapter 7 - The outcome
Chapter 8 - cat noir
Chapter nine - Adrien Agreste
Chapter ten - Luka
chapter 11 - first day of school.
Chapter 12 - cat noir or adrien?
chapter 13 - Study date
chapter 14 - L287
Chapter 15 - Caroline

chapter five -- Him

17 0 0
By Emgdif27

Maris Pov

I finished packing my tiny bag for the night and ended up taking a nice hot shower.

I went into the bathroom and gasped. This bathroom was beautiful. The wall was stainless steel, the floor was marble, and the shower was huge. When coming to live with the joker I don't expect anything less. I am so jealous of Harley. I hope one day I can find someone who is going to make me happy and take those years with Luka and turn them into dust.  

I finally finished my shower and walked back into my room. Harley came running through the door.

"Damn Harley you okay?"

Harley looked at me and smiled. "You bethca. Puddin wanted to give you this but, he is talking to his new men. So, he's in a meeting" Harley said with a little giggle at the end. 

I smiled and looked at my new phone. It had a beautiful case and had ladybug written. all over the back of the phone.  I looked at Harley and smiled.

"So about tomorrow, do I have to wear a costume for school or?" I side smiled.

Harley started laughing. I looked at her confused. Harley finally looked up at me. "No darlin, you can wear whatever you like! but, this school actually only has twenty people in it and joker knows every single one of them. The teachers are good friends of jokers, so we are in good hands, even two of joker's men have to go to school, they don't go everyday but 3 days of the week they are at school and 4 days in the warehouse."

I was in shocked but happy for this fresh start. I smiled at Harley and blushed. "Are joker's men available by chance" I said with a little giggle. 

Harleys eyes widen and shake her head. "Now, according to joker they are all married and only two of them are single, but they are not allowed to date because, one they joined too early in age, so they are stuck for years as joker's henchman, and they have rules to follow, and oblige the leader aka the joker. Second if they two were to date, they have to date someone the joker knows. I can't tell you their names, you have to find out for yourself. but you will never see them because they are always busy." Harley said very serious.

I nodded and turned towards the mirror in my room and saw my arms covered in bruises and my legs with scratches on them. Harley came up behind me in the mirror and smiled at me.

"Don't worry darlin, you will find your mate and you will be the happiest and you will never look at yourself like this again."

I smiled and hugged Harley. 

"Thank you, Harley, for saving me and being my best friend."

"Awe I love you Mari, I got a surprise for you!"

I looked at her confused. She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. We went down the long hallway of joker's mansion and ended up in a dark room. Harley let go of me and turned on the lights and I was in complete shocked. 

I looked around the room and it looked like a clothing store was in front of me. There were racks of shoes on the wall and racks of clothing all over the place. I walked forward and literally almost started crying. I was in awe of the room. I started smiling like crazy and Harley came up to me.

 "So puddin made his men build me this closet about a month ago and you can have access to anything in here, what's mine is yours."

"Thank you, Harley, so much" I smiled, and she smiled back at me.

Out of nowhere Harley's phone started ringing and she looked down at her phone, she answered with no hesitation. 

"hey baby"

I heard her say. She was most likely talking to the joker. I heard her giggle a couple of times and a couple of okays come from her. I heard her clicked off her phone. I looked up at her and she smiled.

"I have to go; joker wants me before we go and hang with the girls tonight." 

I nodded and thanked her again before she walked out of the room. 

I walked around and tried to find a new outfit to wear tonight. I finally came across a comfortable outfit but very attractive at the same time. I found a black and green hoodie with black and green tights and green heels. I put them on, and I immediately felt so much better. I began to walk out of the room but out of nowhere I heard sirens go off inside the mansion. A bunch of men ran pass me and I heard someone come up behind.

"Come with me miss" The mysterious man said to me.

He grabbed my hand and followed me into a room. It was only me and him inside and pulled out this device and i heard the joker talking through it.


I heard the device shut off and the man turned to me. I was in fear, and I was scared Luka found me. I began to shake uncontrollably and cry. The man rushed over to me and sat me down on the bed.

"I'm sorry you don't know me, my code name is chat noir but I have a real name, but I'm sorry I can't tell you to make you feel more comfortable, but everything is going to be okay. I will protect you with my life."

I looked up at this man and I instantly felt protected. I looked at him in awe, even though he did have his gear on. 

"Thank you catnoir, you are very sweet."

He nodded. 

"My name is Marinette. I live here so even though you can't tell me who you really are, I can tell you me". I blushed and looked down. 

Am i being too forward with him. I need to chill.

"You have a beautiful name Marinette."

I smiled and wanted to squeal like a schoolgirl. 

He looked back at me. "If you ever need anything just text me, my name is already in your ladybug device, Boss likes to make sure the guards are in everyone's contacts for emergency."

I nodded and smiled. 

All of the sudden his device started ringing and the joker spoke, "House clear, everyone to the basement. Frosty come get Harley and taker to my room, cat noir, take ladybug to her room and come to the basement."

I stood up and cat noir looked at me.

"It was nice meeting you Marinette, and just for a reminder, you are beautiful, and you will always be safe with me, I will protect you forever" He walked out the room and waited for me to follow behind him so I can head to my room. I ended up Infront of my door for my room and I turned around. I looked at his gear and directly to his face. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could see the color of his eyes through the glass part. They were a vibrant green and I instantly fell head over heels for the color and to be obsessed to see him again. And I hugged him. He kept his guard up and I let go of him and walked into my room and shut the door behind me. 

I heard him walk away and I looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time in years my face was glowing. It felt like I found the missing piece in my life. I have never felt truly connected through eye connection. I prayed to see him again. All I can see when I closed my eyes was green.  

My phone buzzing pulled me out of my thoughts. I saw Harley calling me.

"Hey Harley, what's up?"

"Are you okay? I shouldn't have left you alone!" Harley said freaking out. 

"Harley I'm okay, cat noir found me and stayed with me, i was safe." I said smiling at the same time. I thought about his eyes all over again.


I laughed and hung up. Harley ended up coming into my room and started helping me making sure my packed was backed for tonight. 

By the time we were done it was seven and Harley squealed knowing it was time to head to Elena's house. The joker came into the room and Harley ran up to him kissing him. I looked at them in awe and wishing that maybe me and cat noir could be that. Could we see each other again and fall in love? I wish. A girl can dream. The joker brought me out of my thoughts and looked at me. 

"So again, you need to be blind folded when leaving the mansion and returning tomorrow as well. Elena and Alya know Harley stays with me, but they know nothing about this place, as of right now. I have a meeting with their boyfriends tomorrow to get them onto my team and if it works out perfectly then they can move here as well. After your tour tomorrow at the school you will be brought back here and be put into a meeting of everything you should know and the dos and don'ts. I have to fair worn you right now. There are three rules that cannot be broken, if they are, I will have no choice to throw you out of here. Also, Luka will never find you again. I already have a word on him as we speak, if you feel that he has any trace on you, you need to report to frosty my right-hand man or myself. Things are about to change Mari and they will stay good if you follow everything."

I nodded and thanked joker. Harley came up behind me and put a red and black blind fold over my eyes and led me to the door. I ended up back in a car and I felt suffocated in a way, and all I wanted was cat noir. I heard Harley say bye to the joker and the car starting up and Harley driving away, leaving the mansion behind. Harley started talking to me about random things on the way there, but I only focused on the image in my head of cat noirs eyes. They filled me with peace, and I couldn't describe the feeling. I thought about Luka as well and was scared for what was about to come in my life. 

Omg, thank you guys so much for everything! It has been a while since I updated this story. I'm finally going to get back into my writing again. Please read this quick book in my log called Updates. I hope you enjoyed the story. I will be posting another later, hopefully. For right now start reading my other book, "Ur my life". 

Till next time! 

xoxo green.

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