Lucky - A Hwarang FanFic

By Buttercup-Rosie

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Ara Min has been told her whole life that she is lucky. Lucky to have been born, lucky to have been taken in... More

A Best Friend
A Small Adventure
Out Shopping
In Trouble
A Football Match
Becoming Hwarang
Too Many Drinks
The Rules
A Shocking Visit
A Big Fight
The First Test
A Music Lesson
Dance Practice
A Breakdown
The Princess
The Festival
A Day Off
A Bit of Trouble
A King Among Them
A Missing Boy
A Decision
Needing Distractions
A Rescue Operation
A Late Night Fight
Reason to Live
Sad-True Ending
Yeowool Ending
Sooho Ending
Jidwi Ending
Hansung Ending

Some Girl Talk

170 8 3
By Buttercup-Rosie


"How are you not out of breath?" Hansung pants as the group comes to a stop.

I smile, looking around at all the tired boys, and I know I can go for quite some more time before I'm reduced to their condition. As in Hwarang, I have tried to spend equal amounts outside as I have inside. A day in the classroom means the next day will be spent training our bodies.

"I am not a doll," I look around at the nature of the mountain side we are scaling. "You think I've never exercised in my life? I'm in some kind of good shape." I take a deep breath of the fresh air.

Our break to look at the scenery is cut short when a guard barks at us to get moving. All of us groan, but I know I'm just sad to be missing the beautiful nature.

As we start running again, I glance back to see Master Wihwa relaxing in his throne being carried by Sunwoo, Yeowool, Sooho, Jidwi, and BanRyu. I feel bad for all the boys except BanRyu.

From what I heard from talking with Sooho, Sunwoo was caught walking around when we were all supposed to be sleeping. It's a good thing that I had a little luck to keep me hidden when I was out looking at the stars.

Before I know it, we have made it to the top of the mountain, and the view is majestic. Nature will never cease to amaze me.

Master Wihwa takes a seat at the front, and all us Hwarang follow. We line up in rows, sitting cross legged on the ground. All my friends are close by, and I feel like I belong. This is where I am supposed to be right now in life.

"As the Hwarang in Silla, like the sun," Master Wihwa speaks up. "Reborn every day, strengthen yourself every day. Burn whatever pride and prejudice you have. Burn it and be reborn as a brand-new person."

I slightly smile, sitting up straighter. This is my destiny, and I will power through until the end. My white shirt feels better than any dress, and my pants and boots finally feel comfortable. No Hwarang symbolled clothing today.

"Understood?" Master Wihwa shouts.

"Yes!" All of us Hwarang shout back.

I feel the sun beating down on my face as we continue to sit and meditate. It is a lot different than what we usually do, but I enjoy it, nonetheless.

"You are released to go find yourself," Master Wihwa turns around to face the cliff. "I hope that you can burn all the negativity and become new."

In the blink of any eye, Hansung grabs my arm and is pulling me away from the group.

"Hansungie," I giggle as I struggle to keep up with the boy. "Where are we going?"

"Away from all those dumb boys," Hansung responds, stopping in the shade of a few trees.

"I could lump you with all those dumb boys," I pull my arm out of his grasp as I sit down with my back to the tree.

"Why?" He pouts, sitting down in front of me.

"Because you stole me away, and don't realize that I have other friends that I like to be with."

"No," he shakes his head, acting like a child. "I want to spend the most time with you. You like me the most out of anyone here."

"That's true," I reach out to gently grab his hand. "You are the reason I keep going. You are so important to me, and I want to spend a lot of time with you as well. I just don't want anyone to think that we went off to do something like, kissing or whatever else those dumb boys think that we do."

"You don't let me kiss you, or else that is what we would be doing in the shade of these pretty trees," he leans forward, a blush spreading over his cheeks. "One day, when we are out of here, we can come back here, and I can kiss you all I want."

"Hansungie," I feel my cheeks heating up as my eyes dart all around.

"Hey you two!" Sooho's voice bursts through the trees.

Hansung and I bolt away at the shock of someone finding us, and our cheeks redden even more.

"Sooho," I look over to where his voice came from, and see that Yeowool, Sunwoo, Jidwi, and Banryu are also with the boy. "What are you guys doing?"

"We didn't want Hansung to have all the fun with the princess," Yeowool grins, walking over and sitting down next to me.

Hansung lets out a huff as he picks at the grass.

"I came to make sure that these idiots don't get me in trouble again," Banryu glares at his roommates, staying away from us.

"You went out with us," Sooho leans up against a tree, sternly pointing at the boy. "We didn't force you to come with us, so you have no reason to complain."

"I can complain because I didn't go with you idiots," Jidwi gracefully sits down between Hansung and me. "Collective punishment, though."

"You did sneak out though," I speak up. "So, you aren't without fault."

"You were out after curfew too, Ara," Hansung throws grass at me. "You should have been helping those boys carry the master," he slyly grins.

"What were you doing out?" Sooho furrows his eyebrows together as he stares at me.

"I like to look at the stars, so I decided to do that last night," I brush the grass off my lap. "What did you guys do last night, hm?"

"I went to see my sister," Sunwoo responds to me as he stands on the outside of the group. "I've never been in the city for a festival, and I wanted to spend it with her."

"It's hard being locked up all the time," Sooho shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. "We only get out once every ten days or whatever, and I can't wait that long."

"You just can't stand not being able to see pretty girls whenever you want," I roll my eyes.

"The prettiest girl is right here anyways," Yeowool links our arms together. "How could you even think of other girls being in Ara's presence every single day."

"She will never give me a chance," Sooho teasingly smirks at me. "I have asked her out on dates for years now, and every time she says that she doesn't want to ruin our friendship."

"It's true," I sit up straighter, feeling like I have to defend myself. "I want to be friends with all of you boys, and if I were to date one of you and it not work out, then our friendship would be no more."

"She likes me the best, anyways," Hansung grins as he winks at me. "You guys don't have a chance."

"It is up to Ara in the end," Jidwi speaks up. "I think that it is clear that while we are Hwarang that she is not going to do anything that would complicate her being here. I think that it is best that we respect her wishes, as she has been crowned the Hwarang Princess," his mouth curls up into a smirk.

"You had me until the very end," I shove Jidwi's shoulder. "At this very moment I think that all of you are annoying me, and I wish that you would just drop any idea of getting with me," I unlink my arm from Yeowool. "We are meant to be finding ourselves out here, becoming more positive for the future, and right now I just want to slap all of you."

"That's because you are just angry," Banryu has walked closer to the group.

"Don't even make me get up, ass," I roll my eyes, looking up at the rude boy. "Out of all of us, you are the one that needs to change their attitude."

"I hate being here; I never wanted to be here unlike some of you. If I am angry about it than I have a good reason to be. If I am rude to others they deserve it."

"I wish we could all get along," Sunwoo sighs. His gaze darting to land on Jidwi for a split second. "We are going to be stuck together for who knows how long, we should just learn to deal with each other."

"It's not that easy," Jidwi sets his jaw in anger.

"You seem like you can get along with most of us, Ara," Yeowool pokes my cheek to lighten the mood. "How do you do it? Maybe you can help us."

I widely smile, "Well, I think that because I knew a few of you before Hwarang that helps, but also because I didn't force myself to become friends with the rest of you. I let each of you talk to me when you wanted, and we learned about each other like we were just meeting out in the marketplace. If we all just take time to get to know each other better than we can understand. We just have to talk to each other."

"You get us started than, your highness," Sooho giggles as I just shake my head.

"I did suggest it, so I guess I should start it," I take a deep breath. "Where do I even start?"


"It's nice to be able to walk around with you, Ahro," I smile as the two of us walk around the Hwarang residence.

"It must have been hard to tell Hansung to hang with someone else for a bit," Ahro chuckles.

"It wasn't hard for me," I giggle. "He was pouting, and whined a little bit, but he understands I need time away from him. He's been a lot better recently when we are out and about, but when we are sleeping that is a different story."

"Do you think once you graduate, or whatever will happen when you are all fully trained, that you two will become a couple?"

I sigh, fixing my headband for no real reason. "You sound like Hansungie. He won't stop talking of us being married, living together, and always being close. It makes me flustered, but I understand why he feels the need to keep it in my head. He doesn't want another boy to come in and steal me away."

"That's somewhat sweet. He sees a future with you, and can't wait until he can make it a reality."

"A future that can't happen. Did you forget? I am just a crazy half-breed girl."

"No, that's not the right way to describe you," Ahro gently slaps my upper arm. "The right way would be to call you an adventurer. A pretty adventurer, if you so care for labels."

"Thanks Unnie," I tease, poking her cheek.

"Gah, you never call me that. Don't start now for no reason. I'm not even that much older than you. I mean, I called Hansung orabeoni when I was stitching him up, but that was just to get him to let me stitch him."

I laugh at my friend, "Sorry, sorry. The thank you was genuine, though. Everyone is so formal here, so I just thought I'd mess around with the formal words."

"You're welcome, then," she smiles, bumping me with her hip. "I mean, if you were crazy, there's no way you'd still be here."

"Eh, I think me staying proves that I am crazy," I grin, gripping my hands behind my back. "Or maybe I made a mistake, and now I am paying the price."

"I can agree with that. That's what Sunwoo did. His mistake was more extreme than yours, but it all landed you in this place."

"At least he did something," I grumble. "All I was doing was watching the two groups fight. Also, I've only punched one person, and he had it coming. Some of the boys want to do anything to make me scared of them."

"Oh, yes, that was the day I came. The fight in the classroom where almost all the boys were hurt in some way that they needed a doctor."

"You bandaged up a lot of boys in just that one day. All you had to do for me was check on my feet. These boots finally feel comfortable enough with all the techniques that you have taught me."

"Speaking of that and all the fixing up I had to do. How is Hansung's stitches? How is his wound?"

"It's doing good, healing up nicely. He'll have a very manly scar that will always remind me of the times we spent here and how worried I was went I saw that open wound."

"Good. I hope you praised him for being so brave," she teases, poking my side.

"Actually, we were having a fight, or going through a rough patch that day."

"It didn't seem like it when you two were sitting with me. You two were as close as ever. It was very cute."

"Pain does things to a person's mind that makes them overlook issues with others. He had been ignoring me, and I was pushing past his walls because I was so scared of losing him."

"Ah, at least your boy problems are simple."

"I guess they are simple. Seeing as we are okay now," I give a tight-lipped smirk to myself. "All my new friends are boys, so that could lead to complications. What are your boy problems?"

"Ugh, it's over the top," she sighs. "I owe twenty silver coins to a Hwarang here. He saved my life before all this craziness started. Eh, when I looked back on it, I don't really see what he did as saving my life. Anyways, he's a pervert and kissed me last night."

"No," I stop us in the shade of a pavilion, pulling us to sit on a bench. "Who was it?"

"I don't know his name, or I forced myself to forget it because he's being a jerk. He seems mysterious."

"Jidwi," I blurt out. "He kissed me," I almost shout as a strange giddiness shoots through me.

"That jerk," she clenches her fists. "Doesn't he know you are basically taken? And he's flirting with me?"

"Everyone here knows that Hansung only has his eyes on me, but I always say that we are just the best of friends, so I can understand the boys that are still trying to sway my mind. He has my heart though," I let out a breath. "Jidwi didn't kiss me on the lips, if that makes you feel any better. It shouldn't matter if you don't feel anything towards him."

"I still hate him," she crosses her arms over her chest. "My other problem is with my brother."

"Well, that's understandable. He's been out of your life for years, and now he's just shown up out of nowhere. It must be very strange for you, and I am sure it will take more time to get comfortable around one another."

"No, it's not about how weird and awkward he is. This is about how I feel when I am around him, and not in the way that you are talking about."

"You like him?" I cautiously question.

"I know, it's wrong," she hides her face in her hands.

"Unless he's not your brother," I pull her hands away from her face. "You two look nothing alike."

"My father says he's my brother, so he must be," she shakes her head. "I'm just confused since I saw him before."

"I wish I could help."

"Being able to talk it out helps."

"At least a boy didn't walk in on you showering," I pat her shoulder, giving a small smile. "Not to downplay your not so great situation."

"Who was it?" Ahro is quite interested, cheering up in the blink of an eye. "Banryu would be dead if he did, so it's not him. Sooho would have your handprint across his face, so no to him as well."

"Hansung," I take a deep breath.

"Of course," she chuckles. "The only boy you wouldn't kill."

"But, he saw more than I ever wanted to show."

"He'll never forget that."

I groan, "I know. We got even, when he showered next to me."

"You saw his-"

"No!" I cut her off, drawing the attention of a few nearby boys. "No," I quiet my voice. "Just his arms, and back, and chest. Gah, Ahro, I'm in trouble."


"The feelings I have worked so hard to push as far down as possible, are bubbling up and there's nothing I can do."

"Just keep pushing," she grabs my hands. "You both know nothing can happen while you both are in here, so you keep on going about life as you have. I believe in you. Then, when you get out of here, you can do whatever you want."

"I needed this. Thank you for agreeing to go on a walk with me."

"It's been a while, and talking to boys all day can make a girl go crazy. I needed this just as much. I also trust you the most to protect me."

I widely smile, "That's my role now, Ara the Hwarang, protector of anyone that is weak."


Hope you enjoyed reading! I love Ara and Ahro's friendship even if we don't get to see it that much. Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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