The First Test

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"Are you excited for this first test of knowledge," I smile, looking up at Sooho as we make our way to the classroom.

"No, I would say I am feeling the exact opposite of that," Sooho sighs. "Looks like all your time reading is going to pay off."

"Finally," I almost start skipping, but control myself as I don't want to be teased. "It really makes all those rude comments about reading all the time seem so small. They were just steppingstones to get me to pass this test."

"You are too cute," he gently pinches my cheek. "How can you be so cute?"

"Sooho," I whine, slapping his hand. "I'm trying to be serious. Why must you only see how cute I am? I am more than my looks."

He chuckles, "I know, and I heard you. Whoever tried to push you down is stupid. You are strong enough to do whatever you put your mind to. I mean, there is no way you would be here right now without the mindset that you have."

"That's sweet, I think" I pat his arm. "I'm still not going to go on a date with you on our free day."

"Come on," he groans as we enter the classroom. "Why not?"

"You know why," I roll my eyes, looking around the room.

Boys are rushing around, taking seats in front of small desks on the floor. They seem to be doing whatever they can to ensure they have information to cheat on the test. I have no doubt that Master Wihwa will be able to catch a cheater with his eyes closed, but I would never try and deter these idiots from something we all know is stupid.

A laugh bubbles up out of my throat, causing some to give me a strange look because of the sudden happy outburst in a time of panic. I can't help it, though. These boys really think they'll get a passing grade if all they do is copy and paste.

I take a deep breath, walking over to an empty desk near Yeowool, Sooho, and Hansung. No one looks in my direction as I take my seat, busying myself by rearranging the writing utensil and paper smoothing tool to the other side so I can use my left hand. I am once again the odd one out by being left hand dominate, and another trait about myself that people use against me.

"Everyone is out of their mind thinking that they can just copy the answer right out of the book," Yeowool sighs. "Don't you think so, Ara?"

I look over at the pretty boy ready to answer but am cut off as Sooho sticks some paper to the boy's back.

Yeowool looks back at Sooho; a look of confusion mixed with agitation on his face. "What did you just do?"

"It's a cheat sheet," Sooho is smiling. "When someone gets flustered, it is hard to think of an answer," he taps his forehead with two fingers. "If I don't have a little help, my brain blanks out."

"And what were you doing not stopping him?" Yeowool looks over at Hansung.

I turn to face the boy sitting behind me. "He's guilty of something. I can just tell."

Hansung gives a closed mouthed grin, humming a few times instead of replying with words that will just dig him into a hole. It's the same guilty face he would give me when I caught him doing something against the rules as a kid. Now it seems like we are breaking the rules together.

"Hansung can just copy my paper since he is right next to me," Sooho turns to show the papers he has stuck to himself.

Hansung reaches over to make sure the papers are secure.

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