Some Things Never Change

By Undecided_Book

424 47 75

Sometimes when you're an information broker, you have to be ready to be anyone to get the information you're... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Future Chapter TEASER

23 3 1
By Undecided_Book


The soft glow of the pink LED lights illuminated the dim room, brushing its gentle gleam over the darkroom. The blasting music was faintly muffled, the walls barely acting as a barrier as the vibrations flooded past and could be felt from the flooring and walls. "Aw, come on, sweetheart." The woman's voice was smooth, her words leaving her as easily as the remnants of the misty, silver smoke that slithered out of her lips. Her index finger — nearly featherlike — grazed down her jaw, only stopping in its tracks to curl under her chin. The woman's thumb moved over her chin, allowing her to gently tilt Skye's head slightly up towards her. Her free hand reached up to her own mouth, placing the glass pipe's mouthpiece between her lips and taking a deep breath as the white crystals that were settled in the bubble of the pipe released more of its tantalizing smoke. 

Allowing the feeling to be entrapped in her lungs for a few seconds before pulling the pipe away from her lips, she slowly exhaled as the smoke drifted and wrapped itself around Skye's head. She couldn't help but breathe in the second-hand smoke, her eyes fluttering closed as the faint, but familiar sensation filled her. The smell left something to be desired, the scent akin to burnt plastic and ammonia. However, it was one she was used to and was no longer left with a desire to recoil and escape it. Instead, it pulled her towards the woman, nearly subconsciously as it seemed the smoke entangled itself around her body and chained her to the extravagant golden glass pipe where it was coming from. "I-I really shouldn't..." Skye mumbled out, her eyes slowly reopening as they fell towards the pipe in her hand, finding it hard to look back to the woman and rip her view from the substance she had.

"What's the worst that could happen, hm?" She insisted with a soft laugh that only disguised the drips of toxic venom that was laced in her voice, the smell of the smoked drug lingering in the air, swirling around them as the woman chuckled. "You're too tense, darling. One puff will loosen you up a bit. This is supposed to be a party, you should have some fun." She hummed tenderly, her hand that was lightly holding her chin trailed down to her neck, then her collarbone, her voice breaking through a near trance-like state Skye was in as her thoughts were fighting each other on what to do.

"Why don't you..." Her voice was just barely above that of a whisper now that they were closer,  just enough to be heard over the slightly muffled, but still roaring music in the other room. Her hand resumed sliding downwards, allowing it to fall down her figure — feeling the smoothness of her skin under the gentle touch of her fingertips that slowly transitioned to the soft material of her shirt — her hand falling further down to her bust for only a split second before continuing down her torso. Allowing her hand to rest for a moment over her waist before she curled her arm around her waist, pulling Skye closer to her body. It was just close enough to allow Skye to place her hands on the woman's upper chest for support as she was drawn towards her. "—concede and give in to your inner demons, hm? Why fight them when you could just..." The woman's free hand effortlessly flipped the lavish glass pipe around so the mouthpiece was faced towards Skye, gently bringing the now warm glass piece to her lips. "—sin..."

Skye swallowed thickly, her mind being swarmed with thoughts that rushed past her, overwhelming her with conflicting ideas. Her body felt warm, her face slightly flushed pink, her chest rapidly rising with each breath as she suddenly felt like she couldn't catch her breath. Her eyes flashed down towards the pipe, watching the smoke slowly drift up into the air, drawing her closer as it surrounded them—it felt as if she couldn't escape it, as if it had dug its claws into her, that it chained her to it. Every part of her was screaming to leave while she could, to pull away, to run. Until, through the chaos of her mind, she could feel that hidden urge that she had been narrowly escaping for the past two years. The memories of the beautifully addicting highs came flooding back, the hits that felt like heaven, that would leave her to feel like she was something. Every time the buzz ended, there was always another rush of the sweet poison she craved flooding into her, giving her another dose of pleasure that she desperately needed that resided by, and covered, the pain. She was dependent, she needed it. Without it, she felt helpless.

Every waking hour of the past two years only proved that, shoving it into her mind that she was nothing without it. She could barely function in the first year, and the second only left her with a disgusting feeling of vulnerability and weakness as everything went wrong, the feeling that there was nothing she could do to prevent anything. Even when she was clean, she was still an addict. Wandering thoughts being brought back to those perfect, dream-like situations she craved, wanting more and more. Her scrambled thoughts that struggled to even think of one cohesive sentence to respond with suddenly came to a screeching halt, the nearly suffocating smoke seeming to only enticed her more the longer she was there. 'What harm could one night do? If you don't do it, they might get suspicious. Why not just give in? Let yourself go. Fuck being sober. Don't you want to feel like that again?' A voice whispered in the back of her mind, searing its words into her, repeating and pulling her closer and closer to the edge of giving in.

Skye took a deep breath, allowing the enticing, familiar smell to envelope her lungs—one that would have disgusted or even brought some into a coughing fit instead only brought her comfort that was akin to what one may get from someone pulling them into an embrace. 'Calm down, Skye...' Skye thought to herself. 'If I don't do this, they might figure out I'm not who they think I am.' She attempted to reason with herself, trying desperately to pull herself together, only to find herself crumbling more and more. 'I have to do this.' The thought echoed in her mind as she dragged her bottom lip in to just barely bite it. Even as she stood there with her eyes locked onto the ever so tempting and alluring pipe, she could feel herself and her resolve slipping, trying desperately to convince herself that she didn't want this—that she shouldn't want this. However, the once screaming thoughts that told her to stop and leave while she could, to turn away and reject the offer while she had the will to, started to slow down and had steadily caved to the temptation. Quickly, her thoughts went from — 'I've tried so hard! I'm two years sober! This is what I wanted!' — to — 'Surely one more time can't hurt... It's been so long... God, wouldn't it feel just heavenly to get that hell of a high just one last time?'

Barely managing to drag her eyes away from the irresistible drug that felt like it was beckoning her towards it, begging her to use it, Skye looked back up towards the woman. 'I just have to keep my cover. ' She thought as she tried to calm herself down, bringing control back over her own body after the silver smoke that dragged itself all around and inside of her body was enough to nearly send her over the edge. In an attempt to stay in touch with what little reason was left in her, that this was all for the mission, Skye let her lip slip into a small smile at the woman's suggestions. "Sin, hm? That all depends, would you be willing to follow me to hell?" Skye hummed, allowing her free hand to reach up and lightly cup the woman's cheek, holding her close as her eyes had tried to glance down to her lips, keeping up the act. However, simply seeing the overwhelmingly tempting glass pipe out of the corner of her eye was enough for her gaze to be dragged away and focus on the thing she was becoming to crave more and more each second she was there.

The woman seemed to notice as an almost smug laugh passed her lips from seeing Skye's gaze and hearing her question, a pleased smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.  "Oh sweetheart, I've already been there. I left my soul to burn and I breathed it in. It's not a question of if I'll join you, I'm more curious about if you'll join me. Don't think I didn't see you eyeing it as if I'm going to take it away any second now. It's not an oasis in a desert, princess. If you want some, take it."



Hey ya'll! It's been a while, and for that, I deeply apologize for leaving you guys hanging. I had a lot of family and mental health issues last year, and I ended up taking a major break from not only writing this story, but writing anything. It was pretty rough, but I'm back now! I know this isn't chapter three, but I wanted to give you guys something till I can finish it. This lil teaser is something that I wrote as an idea for a future chapter and ended up really enjoying writing it, so I thought I would give you guys something to look forward to a bit! It gives a bit of a sneak-peek into Skye's character, so I hope you guys enjoy it! I've got an entire list of ideas I can't wait to write and show you guys! I know this update won't have anything near as many reads as the previous two chapters, but that's okay. For those of you who took the time out of your day to check this one out, thank you . It means the world to me to see familiar people still be interested in my story, and I can't wait to hear what you guys thought of this teaser! I'll try to stick to a schedule of updating a chapter a week for now, with new chapters coming out each Sunday. Depending on how things go since I'm still trying to get back into writing, I may increase it to two times a week later down the line! Anyways, I hope ya'll have a good week, and once again, thank you for reading! Any votes and comments would be greatly appreciated since it helps my story grow! Love ya'll

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